Several of Tuoba Lu's followers finally found some food and hurried to the temple.

As soon as they entered, they were stunned by the sight in front of them.

I saw Tian Chong's body lying twisted in the corner, his eyes wide open, and there was still fear in his eyes. He was obviously dead.

Tuoba Lu stood aside with a gloomy face and a hint of panic in his eyes.

He took a deep breath and pretended to be calm and said to his followers: "Tian Chong woke up just now and rushed towards me like crazy. I had no choice but to kick him to death."

The followers looked at each other with some doubts in their hearts, but they did not dare to ask more questions.

One of the followers walked forward cautiously, checked Tian Chong's body, then looked back at Tuoba Lu, and said softly: "Chief, what...what should we do?"

Tuoba Lu gritted his teeth and said harshly: "What else can we do? Don't worry about anything."

The followers sighed helplessly and began to dispose of Tian Chong's body.

They were busy in silence, secretly speculating in their hearts whether Tuoba Lu's words were true or false.

Tuoba Lu sat aside, looking into the distance with empty eyes, his heart full of regret and self-blame.

On the other side, Ganmei summoned several ladies.

Ganmei leaned lazily on the Taishi's chair, picked up a cup of tea and took a sip, then slowly put down the teacup, looked at the ladies in front of her, and smiled.

"Sisters, I have called you here today because I have something important to tell you."

The ladies looked at each other in confusion, not knowing what kind of medicine was sold in Ganmei Gourd, and they all waited quietly for her to continue.

Gan Mei glanced at everyone, and then said softly: "My husband is going to have a birthday party."

As soon as these words came out, the ladies were slightly startled.

"Next, we have to prepare. However, I want none of you to tell others. Just let everyone know." Gan Mei's eyes became serious and her tone became a little more serious.

Several ladies nodded quickly and expressed their understanding.

"Don't worry, Sister Ganmei, we won't tell anyone." Song Meijiao said softly, with a cute smile on her face.

"That's good, I believe everyone." Gan Mei nodded slightly, then waved his hand, indicating that the ladies could leave.

Several ladies stood up, bowed to Ganmei, then turned and left.

There on Tuoba Road.

Tuoba Lu breathed a long sigh of relief as he looked at the rain that finally stopped in the sky.

He turned his head and looked at the followers behind him, his face a little gloomy. Get ready to leave.

"Chief, what should I do with Tian Chong's body?" one of the followers asked cautiously, with a hint of fear in his eyes.

Tuoba Lu frowned, thought for a moment, and then said calmly: "Just leave him here, it will be too strenuous to carry him."

Several followers looked at each other and saw a hint of surprise in each other's eyes, but they did not dare to say anything and just lowered their heads silently.

Tuoba Lu looked at Tian Chong's body and felt a surge of complicated emotions in his heart.

He remembered what Tian Chong had done to him. Although the other party was crazy, he still couldn't let it go.

Several followers stood aside, watching Tuoba Lu quietly, not daring to make a sound.

They knew that Tuoba Lu was in a bad mood at this time, and it was best not to provoke him.

Tuoba Lu turned around, glanced at a few followers, and then said calmly: "Let's go, we still have things to do."

Several followers nodded quickly, followed Tuoba Lu, and left the place silently.

On this day, the blazing sun hung high in the sky, making the earth hot.

Qian Guoqiang and Xiaocui supported each other and approached Youzhou's territory step by step.

Their faces were full of exhaustion, their clothes were soaked with sweat, and both of them were panting from exhaustion.

Xiaocui stopped, holding her knees with her hands, her face full of worry, and her eyes showing a trace of uneasiness.

"Brother Qian, I suddenly feel a little worried. I came up with this idea. What if the Prime Minister doesn't care about our affairs at all? Maybe we won't be able to see the Prime Minister at all?"

As she spoke, she frowned tightly, bit her lip, and looked very nervous.

Qian Guoqiang took a deep breath and straightened up.

"Xiao Cui, don't worry too much. We have already come here, let's take a look and talk. Anyway, we have done our best to be here."

There was a hint of calmness on his face, trying to give Xiaocui some confidence.

Xiao Cui raised her head and looked at Qian Guoqiang, with tears in her eyes, and said with a slightly trembling voice: "But... I'm really scared."

Qian Guoqiang gently wiped away the tears from the corners of Xiaocui's eyes and said softly: "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Xiaocui nodded, took a deep breath, and tried to calm down.

"Okay, then I'll listen to you, Brother Qian."

Qian Guoqiang and Xiaocui ran all the way and soon arrived at the border crossing.

They stood there with confusion and bewilderment on their faces.

Xiaocui's eyes widened and she said anxiously: "Oh, why are there still procedures? We don't know these rules."

Her brows furrowed tightly, her eyes full of panic.

Qian Guoqiang also had a sad look on his face and said helplessly: "Yeah, what should I do? It would be really difficult to go back to our hometown to go through the procedures. My hometown is too far away."

Xiao Cui quickly pulled Qian Guoqiang and begged the soldiers: "Please, let us go in. We really have something very important. We want to see the Prime Minister."

However, the soldiers looked indifferent.

One of the soldiers said loudly: "Are you kidding? Any common people want to come to see the Prime Minister, how can such a good thing happen?" His eyes were full of disdain and impatience.

Qian Guoqiang said hurriedly: "We are really in a hurry, please be accommodating."

"No, walk quickly, don't get in the way here." The soldiers waved their hands impatiently and drove them away.

The faces of Xiaocui and Qian Guoqiang were full of despair and helplessness.

Xiao Cui's face was full of despair. She suddenly knelt down with a "plop", tears welling up in her eyes.

"Please, let us in."

She turned her head and looked at Qian Guoqiang eagerly, her eyes full of pleading.

"Brother Qian, please kneel down and beg these soldiers."

Qian Guoqiang gritted his teeth, hesitated, and finally knelt down.

Xiaocui choked and said, "My father is dead. I am so pitiful. Please let the Prime Minister make the decision for me." Her shoulders were shaking slightly, and her face was full of sadness and helplessness.

Qian Guoqiang also begged: "Yes, please, let the Prime Minister make the decision for Xiao Cui."

Xiao Cui then cried and shouted: "I hope the soldiers will report it as soon as possible. Even if I don't comply with the rules, I will just let the Prime Minister punish me when the time comes, but I hope the Prime Minister can make the decision for me."

The soldiers looked at each other with troubled expressions on their faces.

One of the soldiers looked at Xiao Cui's pitiful appearance and couldn't bear to say: "This... what should I do?"

Another soldier frowned, looking at a loss, "This... she is indeed quite pitiful."

They didn't know what to do for a while.

Xiaocui and Qian Guoqiang were still kneeling on the ground begging.

One of the soldiers looked at Xiao Cui's miserable look, and his heart softened. He gritted his teeth and said, "That's all, I decided to be more generous. I'll go and report a message to the Prime Minister."

When Xiaocui heard this, a look of surprise appeared on her face.

She was so excited that she burst into tears and kept saying, "Thank you, brother, thank you, brother!" She kept kowtowing to him.

Other soldiers quickly stepped forward to help Xiaocui up and said, "Get up quickly, stop knocking."

The soldier who decided to be open-minded nodded, and then walked quickly towards the Prime Minister's Mansion.

At this time, Xi Yu has been running to Gan Mei's room these days.

With a smile on his face and tenderness in his eyes, he was teasing the infant Xi Ping'an, trying to deepen his relationship with the child.

"Haha, Ping An, Ping An, you are so cute." Xi Yu said softly, with a happy smile on his face.

Suddenly, a servant came to report: "Sir, someone is coming at the border crossing."

Xi Yu was startled for a moment, then stood up and said, "I understand."

Then he turned and walked towards his room.

His brows furrowed slightly, and he secretly wondered who might be coming.

The soldier came to Xi Yu, knelt down on one knee, and told Xiao Cui's situation in detail.

As Xi Yu listened, his face became more and more ugly, his eyes full of shock and anger.

"Damn it! Such a thing could happen!" Xi Yu punched the table with a loud "bang" sound.

The soldier was so frightened that he lowered his head quickly and did not dare to speak.

Xi Yu took a deep breath, tried to calm down his emotions, then looked at the soldier and said, "You did a good job, get up."

The soldier raised his head and looked at Xi Yu with some surprise.

Xi Yu smiled slightly and said: "You have a kind heart, which is rare. Although there are rules that outsiders are not allowed to come in casually, I used to be indifferent."

The soldier was overjoyed and said quickly: "Thank you, sir!"

"I'll let you go now."

The soldier stood up and led the way, with Xi Yu following behind, and the two of them walked towards the border crossing together.

On the way, Xi Yu said to the soldier: "What is your name?"

The soldier replied: "Sir, my name is Li Si."

Xi Yu nodded and said, "Li Si, you are very good. If I have the opportunity in the future, I will promote you."

After hearing this, Li Si felt very grateful and said quickly: "Thank you, sir! I will definitely do my best to serve you!"

Xi Yu smiled and said nothing.

After a while, the two arrived at the border crossing.

Xi Yu saw Xiao Cui and Qian Guoqiang kneeling on the ground, and a trace of pity flashed in his eyes.

"This is the Prime Minister." A soldier said to the two men.

When Xiaocui and Qian Guoqiang saw Xi Yu, they quickly kowtowed.

Xi Yu stepped forward, helped the two of them up, and said, "You don't need to salute, just get up."

Xiao Cui and Qian Guoqiang stood up and looked at Xi Yu with tears in their eyes.

Xi Yu looked at Xiaocui and said, "Don't worry, if you are really wronged, I will definitely make the decision for you."

After hearing this, Xiaocui was moved to tears and said, "Thank you so much, sir! You are such a good man!"

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and tell us what happened."

Xiaocui looked at Qian Guoqiang, with a trace of dependence in her eyes, because Qian Guoqiang witnessed the whole process.

Qian Guoqiang swallowed and said nervously: "At that time... I was too timid. When the Xianbei man strangled the shopkeeper to death, I was so scared that I hid aside and didn't dare to speak out or stop him."

Xi Yu's face became even more ugly, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

Xiaocui continued: "And I...I was also ruined by another Xianbei person."

Xi Yu gritted his teeth and asked, "What else?"

Qian Guoqiang hesitated for a moment, then said: "More importantly... I once eavesdropped on a conversation between two people and learned that one of them was the leader of the Xianbei people."

Xi Yu's eyes became sharper, and anger surged in his heart.

Xiao Cui and Qian Guoqiang both lowered their heads, not daring to look into Xi Yu's eyes.

Xi Yu was silent for a moment, and then said: "Okay, I understand. You go down first, I will handle this matter."

Xiaocui and Qian Guoqiang quickly thanked them and then retreated.

Xi Yu sat on the chair, his face gloomy, his heart full of anger and worry.

Xiaocui said with some worry: "Your Excellency, Prime Minister, we came to you directly to file a complaint. It may not be in compliance with the procedures. We think the local officials may not be willing to provoke the Xianbei people..." Her voice was trembling, and there was a trace of uneasiness in her eyes.

Xi Yu smiled slightly, waved his hand and said: "It doesn't matter, maybe it was like this before, but now that the entire Central Plains has become stronger, those little ants dare not provoke the Central Plains people. Therefore, it is not impossible to find local officials."

Xiaocui and Qian Guoqiang looked at each other, a glimmer of hope flashing in their eyes.

Xi Yu nodded and said understandingly: "Your worries are reasonable. However, now that you have found me, I can't ignore you."

Xiaocui and Qian Guoqiang had expressions of gratitude on their faces after hearing this.

They all knelt down and saluted Xi Yu.

Xiaocui said with a choked voice: "Master Prime Minister, you are really our great benefactor!"

Qian Guoqiang also said excitedly: "Thank you, Prime Minister! We cannot repay your kindness!"

Xi Yu quickly helped them up and said gently: "You don't have to be so polite. This is what I should do."

Xi Yu looked at them and secretly made up his mind to seek justice for them.

Xi Yu thought deeply for a while, and then said: "I plan to write a letter first and ask the soldiers to send it to Xianbei, and ask Tuoba Lu to come over quickly and explain what is going on. If he doesn't come over, the only choice is to start a war. ”

Xiaocui was startled when she heard this, and her face turned pale. She said anxiously: "Your Excellency, Prime Minister, if this is the case, if we start a war, wouldn't it hurt more innocent people? My sin would be great!"

"Girl, you are so kind. Just leave this matter to me and you don't have to worry about it. If the Xianbei people do this, it is really abominable and must be punished."

Xiaocui said worriedly: "But..."

Xi Yu interrupted her and said, "Don't worry, I will handle this matter well and won't let more people get hurt."

Xiao Cui looked at Xi Yu's firm eyes and felt a little relieved of her worries.

"Okay, Prime Minister, everything is at your discretion."

Xi Yu nodded, then turned around, walked to the desk, and started writing a letter.

After Xi Yu finished writing the letter, he handed it to the soldier and said seriously: "This letter is very important. You must hand it into Tuoba Lu's hands."

The soldier stood at attention, performed a military salute, and replied loudly: "Yes, Prime Minister! I will complete the mission successfully!"

Xi Yu looked at the soldier, nodded with satisfaction, and then said, "Go ahead and be careful on the road."

The soldier turned around and strode out of the room.

Xi Yu looked at the soldiers' leaving figures and thought to himself.

He hoped that Tuoba Lu could recognize the situation and come to explain clearly as soon as possible.

If Tuoba Lu doesn't come, then he doesn't mind using force to solve the problem.

Next, Xi Yu told Xiao Cui not to cry anymore, as people cannot be resurrected after death.

He said a lot of comforting words to her.

Xiaocui is only grateful now, and she keeps crying.

She felt like she was in a dream now. She actually met the legendary Prime Minister, but the Prime Minister did not drive her away and wanted to seek justice for herself.

Xi Yu said that he was originally a small person, so it was his responsibility to serve the small people and the common people. He asked them to stop being polite, otherwise he would feel bad.

Qian Guoqiang also sighed in his heart that they really met a good person.

On this day, Tuobayu came to Xiyu's room humming a ditty again, hoping that Xiyu would take him out to play, but he heard someone say that Xiyu went to the border crossing.

"Hey, it's so boring." Tuobayu muttered in a low voice while walking back boredly.

Halfway through the walk, several maids saw her and hurriedly saluted and said in unison: "Hello, madam!"

When Tuobayu heard this title, his mouth opened wide in shock, his eyes widened, and he didn't react for a long time.

There was a look of confusion on her face at first, then shock, and finally embarrassment.

Several maids bowed and left in a hurry, leaving Tuobayu standing there blankly.

A faint blush gradually appeared on her face, the corners of her mouth unconsciously raised, and a strange light shone in her eyes.

"Oh, it's true..." Tuobayu murmured in a low voice, unconsciously touching his cheeks with both hands, feeling a little hot.

A sweet feeling surged in her heart, as if she had eaten honey.

Tuoba Yu thought as she walked quickly to her room.

Her footsteps were brisk, as if she was stepping on clouds. After returning to her room, she fell on the bed, hugged the pillow, and her face was filled with a happy smile.

"Could it be... I will become a lady?"

Tuoba Yu said to herself.

At this time, a servant quickly came to Gan Mei's room.

"Madam, I have an important matter to report to you."

"Just tell me what you have to say."

"That Xianbei girl likes to be called a lady." (End of this chapter)

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