Xi Yu and Tuo Bayu continued to explore, looking nervous and focused.

Xi Yu frowned slightly and glanced around sharply, trying to find any clues.

Tuobayu followed closely behind him, with a trace of anxiety and expectation on his face.

After a while, they came to a dead end. Xi Yu stopped, frowned even more, and cursed in a low voice: "Damn it, it's a dead end."

Tuobayu looked at him, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, and asked softly: "Did we go the wrong way?"

Xi Yu shook his head, sighed and said, "I don't know, maybe we overlooked something."

There was a flash of thought in his eyes, as if he was trying to remember the previous route.

Tuobayu gritted his teeth and said firmly: "It doesn't matter. If we keep looking, we will definitely find a way out."

Xi Yu nodded, a hint of appreciation flashed in his eyes, and said, "Okay, let's look for it again."

So, they began to carefully search for clues in the dead end, not missing any corner.

Xi Yu groped on the wall carefully while muttering to himself: "That shouldn't be the case. There must be something we haven't discovered."

His expression was serious and focused, and there were even beads of sweat on his forehead.

Tuobayu squatted down and looked carefully on the ground, not missing any suspicious traces.

"Is there any mechanism or something like that here?"

After a moment, Tuobayu's eyes suddenly lit up and he shouted excitedly: "Husband, come and take a look, there seems to be an inconspicuous mark here."

Hearing this, Xi Yu hurriedly came over and looked in the direction of Tuobayu's finger, and sure enough he found the vague mark.

The gloom on Xi Yu's face was swept away, replaced by full of expectation.

Tuoba Yu was also full of joy and couldn't wait to say: "Then let's study quickly and see if we can find a way to open something."

The two of them gathered around the mark and began to think about it carefully. Xiyu sometimes meditated, sometimes gestured gently with his hands, and Tuobayu put forward some ideas and suggestions from time to time. Their expressions were extremely serious, as if they had forgotten their surroundings. everything of.

Xi Yu stared at the mark, stroking it gently with his fingers, sometimes frowning, sometimes relaxing, and murmuring: "The shape of this mark seems a bit special, could it be a specific symbol?"

Tuobayu tilted his head, stared without blinking, and said thoughtfully: "Maybe, but we have to think carefully about what can be connected with it."

They were lost in thought, and as time passed by, the atmosphere became a little solemn.

Suddenly, Xi Yu's eyes lit up, he slapped his thigh suddenly, and shouted, "I thought of it! Could it be related to the patterns we saw at the entrance before?"

"It's very possible! Let's think about it quickly."

The two of them quickly searched for previous memories in their minds, with expressions on their faces sometimes nervous and sometimes excited.

After a while, Tuobayu said excitedly: "Yes, I think it is similar to that pattern. Maybe this is the key to unlocking it!"

Xi Yu nodded and said firmly: "Then give it a try!" They began to carefully fumble and try around the notches according to the shape of the pattern in their memory. Every movement was extremely cautious, and their eyes were full of Anticipation and eagerness.

Just as they were concentrating on studying the carvings, suddenly, there was a slight "crunching" sound above their heads.

Xi Yu was the first to notice something strange. He raised his head suddenly, his eyes widened in shock, and yelled, "Not good!"

Almost at the same moment, Tuobayu also realized the danger. His eyes instantly became extremely sharp, and without any hesitation, he shouted: "Get out of the way!"

After saying that, with lightning speed, she grabbed Xi Yu and used all her strength to pull him aside.

"Whoosh whoosh!" Countless arrows shot down from the holes in the ceiling like raindrops, with the sound of sharp wind.

Tuobayu tightly protected Xi Yu behind him, his face full of tension and solemnity, and he kept muttering: "It's okay, it's okay..."

Xi Yu was also in shock, his face was a little pale, and he said with lingering fear: "It's so dangerous, thanks to you, Tuobayu."

Tuobayu gasped and forced a smile.

"Fortunately, I reacted quickly, otherwise we would have been in a terrible situation."

The two of them watched the arrows that were still being shot warily, looking for a safe place to hide.

After a while, the arrows finally stopped shooting.

Tuobayu then let go of her hand protecting Xi Yu, breathed a long sigh of relief, and said, "Huh, it finally stopped." There was still a trace of nervousness on her face.

"But now we have to be careful. I'm afraid there are other traps here." His eyes became more cautious and he began to carefully observe the surrounding environment.

Xi Yu nodded and said in agreement: "Yes, we have to be more careful. It's just that we don't know who set up this mechanism to be so vicious." A trace of anger and confusion appeared on his face.

Tuobayu frowned and said thoughtfully: "No matter who it is, we must deal with it carefully. Let's see if we can find a way out first."

After saying that, he raised his feet and walked forward, and Xi Yu quickly followed him. The two of them continued to explore carefully in this dangerous place.

Suddenly, they finally heard the sound of slight footsteps. The two of them instantly became alert and stared at the direction of the sound.

A figure slowly walked out of the darkness. It was a man wearing a black mask. He was tall and exuded a mysterious and dangerous aura.

Xi Yu widened his eyes, looked at the man in astonishment, and whispered: "Who... who is this person?"

Tuoba Yu frowned, tightly grasped the sword in his hand, and said in a deep voice: "No matter who he is, he is not a good person, be careful!"

The man wearing a black mask stopped and looked at them quietly, his eyes under the mask flashing an elusive light.

His voice was low and hoarse, and he said slowly: "You shouldn't come here."

Xi Yu gritted his teeth and asked loudly: "Who are you? Why set up a trap here?"

The masked man did not answer his question, but snorted coldly and said: "You only need to know that if you take another step forward, it will be a dead end."

Tuoba Yu snorted coldly and said fearlessly: "Since we are here, we will not retreat easily! No matter who you are, don't try to stop us!"

Tuoba Yu's eyes flashed with a fierce look, and he rushed towards the masked man with his sword tightly, shouting loudly: "Then let's see if you have the ability to stop me!"

The man was not to be outdone, and instantly met Tuoba Yu, and the two of them instantly entangled with each other.

Tuoba Yu was agile, and every move and every style carried a killing momentum.

Xi Yu watched anxiously from the side, clenching his fists tightly, but found that he could not intervene at all, and could only worry.

At this moment, a dark guard flashed out from the dark and joined the battle.

They cooperated tacitly and attacked the man together with Tuoba Yu.

The man gradually couldn't hold on, and under the joint attack of the two, he finally revealed a flaw.

Tuoba Yu seized the opportunity and hit his shoulder. The man felt pain and slowed down.

Seeing this, Xi Yu hurriedly shouted: "Leave him alive! Don't kill him!"

Tuoba Yu and the secret guards quickly restrained the man. Tuoba Yu panted, stared at the man and said: "Humph, let's see how arrogant you are!"

Xi Yu hurriedly stepped forward, looked at the restrained man, with a thoughtful light in his eyes, and said: "I want to see who you are and why you are here."

Although the masked man was restrained, he still straightened his back, just frowned slightly, as if enduring the pain.

He looked at Xi Yu coldly through the mask, without saying a word.

Xiyu walked around the man, staring at him closely, and said in a deep voice: "Tell me, who sent you? What is your purpose for guarding here?"

The man snorted coldly, turned his head away, and remained silent.

Tuoba Yu was a little angry, stepped forward, grabbed the man's collar, and shouted: "Hurry up and tell me! Don't refuse a toast and drink a forfeit!"

Xiyu raised his hand to stop Tuoba Yu, and said slowly: "Don't worry, I believe he will tell you." Xiyu's eyes revealed a kind of confidence and majesty.

After a moment of silence, the man finally spoke in a low and hoarse voice: "Hmph, want to know? It's not that easy."

Xiyu frowned, a hint of displeasure flashed in his eyes, but he still said patiently: "If you don't say it, you will only suffer more. As long as you tell the truth, I may let you go."

The man seemed a little shaken, his eyes under the mask turned a few times, but he still said stubbornly: "I will not betray my master."

Xiyu's eyes flashed with a trace of thought, then he sighed softly and said: "You are so loyal, but your master may not care about your life or death."

After speaking, he looked at the man quietly, waiting for his reaction.

Tuoba Yu and the secret guards began to use various means on the man. At first, the man gritted his teeth and held on, but as the torture intensified, he finally couldn't bear it.

He was panting, his face was pale, and he said intermittently: "Stop... stop, I... I'll tell you..."

Tuoba Yu and the secret guard stopped their actions, Tuoba Yu stared at him fiercely and said: "Hurry up and tell me!"

The man raised his head weakly and said weakly: "I... I was ordered to protect the Xianbei treasure here..."

Hearing this, Xiyu and Tuoba Yu both widened their eyes, their faces full of shock and disbelief.

Xiyu lost his voice and said: "What? The Xianbei treasure is here?"

Tuoba Yu was also shocked and murmured: "I didn't expect it to be here..."

The two looked at each other, and saw shock and excitement in each other's eyes, and at the same time they had deep doubts, after all, the appearance of this treasure was too sudden and unexpected. Xiyu took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. He stared at the man and asked, "Where is the treasure? If you tell us the truth, maybe we can spare your life."

The man's eyes flashed with hesitation, but under the fierce gaze of Tuoba Yu, he finally gritted his teeth and said, "There is a secret door deep in this secret room, and the treasure is behind it."

Tuoba Yu and Xiyu looked at each other, and both of them had a burning look in their eyes.

Tuoba Yu said, "Take us there. If you tell a lie, I will not forgive you!"

The man had no choice but to walk slowly towards the secret door he mentioned under the escort of Tuoba Yu and the secret guards. Along the way, Xiyu and Tuoba Yu were full of expectations and tension.

Not long after, they came to a seemingly ordinary wall, and the man pointed to the wall and said, "It's here."

Tuoba Yu went forward to take a closer look and indeed found some subtle traces of the mechanism. She turned to look at Xi Yu with a hint of excitement in her eyes: "It seems that there is really a secret door."

Xi Yu nodded and said with a serious expression: "Be careful, open it first and see."

Tuoba Yu responded and began to carefully fiddle with the mechanism. With a slight sound, the wall slowly opened, revealing a dark passage, and an ancient and mysterious atmosphere came to the face.

Xi Yu and Tuoba Yu stood at the entrance of the passage, feeling both excited and uneasy, not knowing what kind of Xianbei treasure would be waiting for them at the end of the passage.

Xi Yu and Tuoba Yu stepped into the passage carefully, holding their weapons tightly in their hands to prevent any accidents.

The man was escorted by the secret guards and walked behind, with a trace of unwillingness and helplessness on his face.

The passage was filled with an old atmosphere, and the walls flickered with a faint light, as if telling the vicissitudes of time.

Xiyu said softly: "This Xianbei treasure is hidden so deep, and I don't know how many precious things are inside."

Tuoba Yu nodded and responded in a low voice: "No matter how much there is, we must be careful and must not take it lightly."

They walked forward step by step, and every time they walked a distance, they would observe the surroundings with extra vigilance.

Suddenly, there was a slight noise in front of them. Tuoba Yu immediately stopped and shouted in a low voice: "Who is it?"

However, there was only silence in response to them.

Xiyu frowned and said: "Maybe we are too nervous and have an illusion."

Tuoba Yu hesitated for a moment, but continued to move forward.

Finally, they came to the end of the passage, and a huge stone chamber appeared in front of them.

The stone chamber was filled with all kinds of gold and silver jewelry, shining brightly under the light.

Xiyu and Tuoba Yu were stunned by the scene in front of them. They widened their eyes and were speechless for a while.

After a long while, Tuoba Yu murmured, "This... This is my Xianbei treasure... Let's take these treasures away!"

However, just as they were about to take action, a strange laugh suddenly came from the stone chamber...

The strange laugh echoed in the stone chamber, making everyone feel cold.

Xi Yu and Tuoba Yu became alert instantly, and their eyes scanned the stone chamber nervously.

"Who is it? Come out!" Tuoba Yu shouted loudly, with a hint of nervousness in his voice.

The laughter did not stop, but became more and more arrogant, as if laughing at their panic.

At this moment, a figure slowly walked out of the shadow of the stone chamber. It was a mysterious man in a black robe, with a hideous mask on his face, making it impossible to see his face clearly.

Xi Yu frowned and shouted, "Who are you? Why are you here?"

The mysterious man in black robe laughed and said slowly, "Humph, you greedy guys, you are really overestimating your abilities by trying to get your hands on the Xianbei treasure."

Tuoba Yu snorted coldly and said, "This treasure is originally ownerless, why can't we take it? I can take it and give it to the Xianbei people."

The mysterious man in black robe shook his head and sneered, "You ignorant boy, this treasure is not something you can take easily."

As he said, he waved his hand lightly, and a strong airflow suddenly surged in the stone chamber.

Xi Yu and Tuoba Yu's faces changed, and they hurriedly resisted, but the airflow was too strong, forcing them to retreat again and again.

"Not good, this person's strength is unfathomable!" Tuoba Yu exclaimed.

Xi Yu gritted his teeth and said, "No matter what, we can't just give up the treasure!"

They had a fierce fight with the mysterious man in black robe in the stone chamber, and the originally quiet treasure place became turbulent at this moment.

Tuoba Yu and the dark guards had stern faces, and their eyes revealed a firm determination.

The dark guards rushed towards the black-robed man like a ghost.

Although the black-robed man was very skilled in martial arts, he gradually lost the upper hand under the siege of Tuoba Yu and the dark guards.

After a fierce battle, Tuoba Yu finally found the flaw of the black-robed man and hit his vitals. The black-robed man fell to the ground, spitting blood.

Xi Yu walked up quickly, looked at the black-robed man on the ground, and asked coldly: "Did you steal something from the temple?"

The black-robed man was pale, and a trace of despair flashed in his eyes. He did not answer Xi Yu's question, but suddenly opened his mouth and bit off his tongue with force.

Xiyu was horrified and hurried forward to check, but the man in black robe had already died.

He frowned and thought to himself.

This person would rather commit suicide than tell the truth. It seems that there must be some unspeakable secrets behind this.

Tuoba Yu stepped forward.

"Forget it, husband, since he is dead, we can't get the truth from him. However, we still have to continue to investigate and must find the things lost in the temple."

Xiyu nodded, and a ray of determination flashed in his eyes. He knew that this matter was of great importance and they must find the truth as soon as possible, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Tuoba Yu looked at Xiyu, frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice: "It seems that this matter is not simple at all. There must be a bigger conspiracy behind this man in black robe."

Xiyu took a deep breath, stared at the body of the man in black robe, and said thoughtfully: "Yes, he would rather die than reveal a word, he must be afraid."

Xi Yu frowned, looked around and shook his head helplessly, and said to Tuoba Yu: "It seems that we have found nothing after searching for a long time. The things lost in the temple may be hard to find."

Tuoba Yu also looked solemn and sighed: "That's true, but we can't just let it go." (End of this chapter)

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