Xiyu and Tuoba Yu settled down in this slightly shabby place. Xiyu looked at Tuoba Yu with a hint of apology in his eyes, and asked softly: "Yu'er, this accommodation environment is not good, are you still happy?"

Tuoba Yu smiled slightly, and that smile was as bright as the warm spring sun. She looked at Xiyu with a firm and gentle gaze, and said in a delicate voice: "Husband, I'm fine. As long as I can be with my husband, there is no suffering in this world that I can't bear."

Xiyu was deeply moved when he heard this. He stretched out his hand to embrace Tuoba Yu in his arms and said affectionately: "Yu'er, I am lucky to have you like this."

Tuoba Yu leaned his head on Xiyu's chest, his face was filled with happiness, and he said softly: "I have no regrets in my life to be with my husband."

Xiyu suddenly sneezed loudly without warning. He rubbed his nose and frowned and said: "It must be Ouyang Linlin who is complaining about me."

Tuoba Yu With a puzzled look and curiosity in her beautiful eyes, she asked quickly, "Husband, why do you say that?"

Xiyu smiled slightly and explained patiently, "Yu'er, people in the Central Plains have always said that sneezing means missing and complaining. I sneezed suddenly, and I think it must be that Ouyang Linlin is thinking about my faults."

Tuoba Yu nodded gently and said thoughtfully, "So that's how it is. These sayings in the Central Plains are quite interesting."

But then, Tuoba Yu raised his head slightly, raised the corners of his mouth, and said with a bit of pride, "Husband, even if it is complaining, it is Ouyang Linlin who is complaining about herself. She is alone in an empty room, how can I be with my husband all the time, I feel extremely happy."

After that, her face was filled with a sweet smile, her eyes were full of satisfaction and attachment, and her hands were tightly holding Xiyu's arm.

Then, the two hugged each other and fell asleep, with a faint smile on their faces.

After a while, several black shadows appeared near the house like ghosts.

One of them lowered his voice and said viciously: "Here, do it!" The others nodded and whispered.

"Be quick, don't make any mistakes!"

"Don't worry, we will benefit after the success."

Then, they began to light torches and prepared to burn the house.

At this moment, a group of well-trained secret guards rushed out like lightning.

"Who are you? How dare you be so presumptuous here!" The leader of the secret guards shouted angrily, his voice cold and majestic.

This sudden situation scared the few people, their faces were pale and terrified.

"No, run!" One of them shouted in panic, throwing down the torch and hurried away.

"Don't let them run! Chase!" The leader of the secret guards gave an order, and everyone quickly chased after them.

The secret guards finally caught up with the few people. They were all agile and quickly surrounded the people who tried to set fire.

Inside the house, Tuoba Yu finally woke up from her sleep. Her face was pale, her eyes were full of panic, and she asked Xi Yu in a trembling voice: "My husband, did you hear any noise? I always feel uneasy."

Xi Yu sat up, patted Tuoba Yu's hand gently, and said calmly: "Don't be afraid, Yu'er, don't worry, there are secret guards anyway, nothing big will happen."

Tuoba Yu tightly grasped Xi Yu's sleeve, frowned, and said worriedly: "But the noise is so big, I still feel uneasy."

Xi Yu took Tuoba Yu into his arms and comforted him softly: "Don't be afraid, the secret guards are well-trained people, they will definitely handle it."

Just then, outside the door

The leader of the secret guards came to report: "Your Excellency the Prime Minister, all the arsonists have been arrested."

Xi Yu nodded slightly and asked seriously: "Do you know who ordered it?"

The leader of the secret guards bowed his head and replied: "I am interrogating them, and I believe there will be results soon."

Tuoba Yu raised his head from Xi Yu's arms and said with lingering fear: "Husband, this matter is probably not simple, we must be careful."

Xi Yu's eyes were firm and he said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, I am here, I will protect you."

Xi Yu looked stern and said to the leader of the secret guards: "Be sure to interrogate them carefully, and be sure to find out the mastermind behind the scenes, and there must be no slackness."

The leader of the secret guards respectfully clasped his fists and accepted the order: "Yes, sir!" Then he turned and left.

On the other side, Wang Xiaoer tossed and turned in bed and couldn't sleep. It turned out that in the evening, many relatives came to his house and crowded his yard.

A flattering relative approached Wang Xiaoer and said with a smile: "Xiaoer, I heard that you are now a village head. You are really promising!"

Another relative quickly took over and said anxiously: "Xiaoer, we all know that you are in charge of the money for bridge repair. Why don't you give us some of it for emergency. We will make up for it when we have money." As he said, he stared at Wang Xiaoer.

Wang Xiaoer widened his eyes and raised his voice and said: "The money for bridge repair cannot be touched! This is a major event related to everyone's travel. I can't do anything rash!"

Several relatives were also unhappy after hearing what Wang Xiaoer said. One of the relatives had a gloomy face and frowned, and said angrily: "Wang Xiaoer, we all helped the Wang family when they were in trouble. How can you cross the river and burn the bridge now?"

Another relative also echoed, with his hands on his hips and eyes wide open: "That's right, people should not forget their roots! We are in trouble now, can't you help us?"

Wang was on the side, with an embarrassed look on her face, pulling Wang Xiaoer's sleeve, and whispered: "Son, what the relatives said makes sense, why don't you listen to them."

Wang Xiaoer looked resolute, looked directly at his relatives, and said loudly: "Mom, you really can't touch the money to build the bridge! I have not forgotten the kindness of my relatives, but these are two different things."

The relatives immediately exploded and accused Wang Xiaoer.

At this time, an older relative came forward with a serious expression and said in a heavy tone: "Xiaoer, we are all real relatives. Is it possible that you are not willing to help with this little help? If you do this, your relatives will be hurt in the future. How can I move around?”

Wang Xiaoer's face turned red with anxiety, veins popped up on his forehead, and he argued loudly: "Dear relatives, it's not that I won't help, the money for building the bridge is public funds, and misappropriating public funds is a crime! I can't do anything illegal just because of a personal relationship It’s something!”

The relatives were speechless for a moment when they heard this, but they still had angry looks on their faces.

Mrs. Wang looked at her son and then at her relatives. She was in a dilemma, with tears welling up in her eyes. She choked and said, "What should I do? It's hard to offend both sides."

Wang Xiaoer took a deep breath, tried to calm himself down, and said in a slower tone: "Relatives, I, Wang Xiaoer, am not an ungrateful person. When I have the right opportunity in the future, I will definitely repay everyone's kindness. But this The money to repair the bridge is really untouchable.”

However, the relatives did not buy it and continued to complain.

The entire courtyard was filled with noises and arguments, and the atmosphere was extremely tense.

At this moment, Wang Xiaoer was lying on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.

He stared at the dark roof with his eyes open, and thought to himself: He must tell the prime minister tomorrow that he will not be honest, and he should take back the money. He really doesn't want to offend anyone.

The next morning, Wang Xiaoer got up early and saw his mother, Mrs. Wang, sitting in the main room in a daze.

He walked forward and called softly: "Mom."

Mrs. Wang slowly raised her head, with a hint of guilt in her eyes, and said: "Xiao Er, Mom was too excited last night. After thinking about it later, I really shouldn't advise you to embezzle public funds. This is a crime, Mom can't Pushing you down the wrong path.”

Wang Xiaoer looked at his mother with a hint of relief on his face and said, "Mom, it's good if you can understand. My son doesn't want to do anything against his conscience."

Mrs. Wang sighed, took Wang Xiaoer's hand and said, "Son, it's my mother who is confused. She only thinks about the friendship between relatives and almost hurts you."

Wang Xiaoer patted his mother's hand and comforted him: "Mom, it's okay. We have to think more about what we do in the future."

Mrs. Wang nodded, with still a trace of worry in her eyes, and said, "Then you are not doing something right here. What can you do in the future? Those relatives may have some gossip to say."

Wang Xiaoer's eyes were firm, and he straightened his back and said: "Mom, if we act and sit upright, we are not afraid of what they will say. If I don't act upright here, I can still live by my own ability, as long as I have a clear conscience."

Mrs. Wang saw her son being so determined, and a smile gradually appeared on her face, and she said, "Okay, okay, my son has such backbone, mother is relieved."

At this time, Wang Xiaoer turned around and prepared to go out, saying, "Mother, I will go find the Prime Minister and explain the matter clearly."

Wang warned: "Go back quickly, be careful on the road."

Wang Xiaoer responded and strode toward the door.

At the place where Xi Yu lived, the secret guard knelt down on one knee, clasped his fists and said, "Your Majesty, Prime Minister, the trial has been made clear."

Xi Yu sat on the chair, leaned forward slightly, and asked seriously: "Tell me, who instigated this?"

The secret guard raised his head and replied with a firm gaze: "Sir, these people who burned the house are from neighboring villages. They were instructed by a person from this village. This person has a nickname called Erluzi."

Xi Yu frowned, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, and asked, "Why do these second-rate idiots instruct them to do such evil things?"

The secret guard continued: "According to their account, the second-rate man seems to have had an affair with you, sir, but the specific details require further investigation."

Xi Yu snorted coldly, clenched the armrests with both hands, and said: "Continue to investigate, we must get to the bottom of the matter!"

The secret guard responded: "Yes, sir! I will do it now!" After saying that, the secret guard stood up and left in a hurry.

After a while, Wang Xiaoer hurried over. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Xi Yu's face was terrifyingly gloomy, and he couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart.

Wang Xiaoer asked cautiously: "Sir, your face is so ugly, what is going on?"

Xi Yu frowned and said with anger in his eyes: "Someone actually wanted to burn down my house last night. They were so audacious!"

Wang Xiaoer's eyes widened, his face full of shock, and his voice unconsciously raised a few points: "Ah? Such a thing could happen! Sir, who is so bold?"

Xi Yu took a deep breath, calmed down, and then said: "According to the secret guard's interrogation, it was done by a few people from a neighboring village, and the one who was behind it was a guy from this village who was nicknamed the Second-rater."

Wang Xiaoer frowned, with a look of confusion on his face: "Second-rate boy? Sir, do you know why this second-rate boy did such a crazy thing?"

Xi Yu narrowed his eyes slightly and said solemnly: "We have asked the secret guards to conduct an in-depth investigation. We must find out the reason behind this."

Wang Xiaoer's face turned red with anger, he clenched his fists and said loudly: "These people are too lawless, sir, you must punish them severely!"

Xi Yu looked at Wang Xiaoer's angry look, his face softened slightly, and asked: "Why did you come in such a hurry today?"

Wang Xiaoer looked helpless and said dejectedly: "Sir, yesterday a group of relatives came to me to borrow money, and they also had the idea of ​​using public funds to build a bridge. I really can't handle it. I don't want to do this here."

After hearing this, Xi Yu couldn't help but throw his head back and laugh, and said: "Haha, what do I think is such a big deal, is this trivial matter worthy of your resignation? Just go ahead and do it boldly, I will support you!"

Wang Xiaoer raised his head, his eyes full of hesitation, and said: "Sir, this..."

Xi Yu patted Wang Xiaoer on the shoulder and encouraged him with firm eyes: "Don't be afraid, as long as you behave upright and sit upright, ignore those unreasonable demands."

After hearing Xi Yu's words, Wang Xiaoer still had some hesitation on his face. He bit his lip and said, "Sir, those are all relatives. If I refuse, I'm afraid it will be difficult to see each other in the future."

Xi Yu suppressed his smile, looked at him seriously, and said, "Xiao Er, if they really thought about you, they wouldn't make such unreasonable demands. If you violate your principles because of their persecution, then that's the real thing. The gain outweighs the loss.”

Wang Xiaoer frowned. After thinking for a moment, he seemed to have made a great decision and said, "Sir, you are right, I cannot let them mess me up."

Xi Yu nodded with satisfaction and said, "That's right. Just relax and do things without having to worry too much."

Wang Xiaoer bowed his hands and said, "Thank you for your advice, sir. I will go back and deal with this matter now."

Xi Yu waved his hand and said, "Go ahead, remember, don't lose your true heart."

Wang Xiaoer responded, turned around and left, his pace much firmer than when he came.

After a while, the secret guard arrived with the second-rate man.

The second-rate man's face was pale, his eyes were full of fear and panic, and his whole body was trembling, looking like he was out of his mind.

The secret guard looked indifferent and threw the second-rate man to the ground in disgust, scolding: "Be honest!"

The second-rate boy said "Ouch" and fell into the mud. He lay on the ground in a state of embarrassment, raised his head and looked at Xi Yu, and said in a trembling voice: "Sir, please spare my life! I know I was wrong!"

Xi Yu stared at the second-rate man with burning eyes and said sternly: "Say! Why did you instruct others to burn my house down?"

The second-rate man was so frightened that he trembled and stuttered back: "Sir... sir, I was confused for a moment and lost my mind!"

Xi Yu's face was gloomy and he shouted angrily: "Do it!"

The secret guard received the order and immediately punched and kicked the second-rate man.

The second-rate man was rolling on the ground holding his head, screaming repeatedly, "Oh, stop fighting, stop fighting!"

After beating the second-rate man until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, Xi Yu said coldly: "Tell me! Why?"

The second-rate son gasped, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, and said with a sad face: "Sir, I say, I say! I am complaining about Li Zheng. Although the whole village hates Li Zheng, I like Li Zheng. Because Li Zheng helps I have a lot!”

Xi Yu frowned and asked doubtfully: "How did Li Zheng help you? Let's do it honestly!"

The second-rate son endured the pain and said intermittently: "I... I committed a crime before, and Li Zheng helped me plead for mercy in front of the village chief, and also lent me money to tide me over. So I... I want to vent for him. "

After saying that, the second-rate man looked at Xi Yu pitifully, his eyes full of pleading.

Xi Yu sneered, his eyes full of disdain, and mocked: "Huh, just because of this, is it worth burning down my house? That's ridiculous!"

At this moment, a woman ran in frantically. Her hair was messy and her face was full of tears. She knelt down to Xi Yu with a plop, and begged with a tearful voice: "Sir, please forgive my brother. He was confused for a moment. You made a big mistake, I kowtow to you!”

As he spoke, he kept kowtowing his head, and his forehead soon became red and swollen.

Xi Yu frowned, looked at her coldly and said, "Get up and speak. He has committed such a crime. How can you just ask for mercy and get rid of him?"

The woman raised her head, looked at Xi Yu with tearful eyes, and said with a choked sob: "Sir, my brother has been reckless and impulsive since he was a child, and he does things without thinking, but he is not bad at heart. Please be kind and give him a chance to change his ways. "

The second-rate son looked at his sister with wide eyes and said with surprise, "Sister, why are you here?"

The woman's face was full of anger, and she glared at the second-rate man fiercely, and said: "You ungrateful thing, you shouldn't be working for there, he is not a good person at all!"

The second-rate man became even more puzzled. He frowned and said, "Sister, you always told me to be fawning and upright before. Why do you say that now?"

The woman cried, her body shaking, her voice full of despair and grief.

"Zheng Zheng often violated me in the past. He is not a good person at all! If it weren't for our family, how could I let you fawn over him!"

The second-rate man was shocked. His eyes were wide open and he couldn't believe his ears.

"What? Sister, are you telling the truth?"

The woman nodded, tears falling down her cheeks.

"It's true. He has been threatening me. If I don't obey him, he will do harm to our family. In order to protect you and our family, I can only endure his violation."

The second-rate man's face became very ugly. He clenched his fists tightly and said angrily: "This bastard, I must make him pay the price."

The second-rate man had a look of remorse, his eyes were bloodshot, and he said loudly: "If I had known this, I would never have done anything for that beast! Sir, I was wrong, I was really wrong!"

As he spoke, he kowtowed to Xi Yu desperately, his forehead hitting the ground with a "bang bang" sound, and each time he kowtowed, it seemed that he had used up all his strength. (End of this chapter)

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