Lei Shigui and his group were exhausted from running, and their speed gradually slowed down.

"Boss, I can't run anymore." One of his men sat down on the ground.

Lei Shigui cursed: "You useless thing, get up and keep running!"

At this moment, the voices of the secret guards came from a distance: "Lei Shigui, you can't run away!"

Lei Shigui's face turned pale, his eyes full of despair.

Xi Yu looked grim and shouted angrily: "Come here, catch them!"

The secret guard next to him immediately appeared like a ghost, moving quickly and firmly restraining Lei Shigui and others in a few moves.

Xi Yu glanced at the people under control with cold eyes, gritted his teeth and said: "Take them away and punish them severely!"

The secret guard took the order and escorted Lei Shigui and others away quickly.

Xi Yu frowned as he looked at the fire that was still burning. He turned to the secret guard and said, "Go and notify the local villagers to put out the fire!"

After the arrangements were made, Xi Yu looked at Tuobayu, his expression softened slightly, and said, "Let's go down the mountain."

Tuobayu nodded, and the two of them walked down the mountain together.

On the way down the mountain, Tuoba Yu frowned slightly and said worriedly: "Although we have captured them this time, I don't know if such a disaster will happen again."

Xi Yu's eyes were firm, he raised his head slightly and looked into the distance, and said solemnly: "As long as I am here, I will never let such evil things happen again."

Tuobayu looked at Xi Yu's resolute profile, feeling a hint of admiration in his heart. He raised the corners of his mouth and said, "With your words, I feel much more at ease."

Xi Yu turned to look at Tuobayu, with a hint of tenderness in his eyes, and said, "Don't worry, everything will be fine."

The two quickened their pace, and their figures drifted away on the mountain road.

People started to put out the fire at the foot of the mountain. Xi Yu stood in the crowd and said loudly: "Fellow folks, I am Prime Minister Xi Yu! Everyone who participated in putting out the fire this time will be rewarded!" As he said that, he raised the token in his hand. lift.

When the people heard this, they all looked at Xi Yu, their eyes full of surprise and awe.

An old man stepped forward and asked in disbelief: "Is this true?"

Xi Yu looked serious and nodded solemnly: "Of course I take it seriously! I will use the token as proof!"

When everyone saw the token, their confidence suddenly increased and they worked harder.

A young and strong young man wiped the sweat from his face and shouted: "Everyone, please work harder, don't let the Prime Minister down!"

Others also responded one after another. The atmosphere at the scene was warm, the people were greatly encouraged, and the fire-fighting work progressed even faster.

Soon, the fire was put out. The people gathered around Xi Yu, and Xi Yu said with a smile: "Thank you for your hard work, come on, let's register your names and go back to receive the reward." The people all smiled happily and went to register in an orderly manner.

After a while, the people left happily. At this time, the secret guard hurried over, knelt down on one knee and clasped his fists and said, "Prime Minister, Lei Shigui and others have been punished and have become disabled."

Xi Yu nodded with satisfaction and said, "Well done, this is the fate of their evil deeds."

Afterwards, Xi Yu handed the list of hundreds of names to one of the secret guards and said seriously: "Hurry up and hand this list to the local county government and ask them to issue the rewards quickly without any mistakes!"

The secret guard took the list with both hands and respectfully replied: "Yes, Prime Minister!" After saying that, he immediately turned around to handle the matter.

Under Xi Yu's arrangement, many people received their rewards happily.

Their faces were filled with uncontrollable excitement and gratitude, and they thanked Xiyu profusely.

An old man was so excited that tears filled his eyes. He took Xi Yu's hand and said, "Your Majesty, Prime Minister, you are really our great benefactor!"

Xi Yu smiled and responded: "You deserve this, live a good life in the future."

By this time, it was getting very late.

Xi Yu turned to look at Tuobayu and said, "It's getting late, let's leave here first."

Tuobayu nodded, and the two of them turned around to leave.

Xi Yu then ordered the secret guards beside him: "When you go to the top of the mountain to look for treasures, you must be careful and don't miss any clues."

The secret guards responded in unison: "Yes, Prime Minister!"

Xi Yu watched the secret guards rushing towards the top of the mountain, his eyes full of anticipation, and then left with Tuobayu.

Xi Yu and Tuo Bayu stayed in an inn.

Late at night, a secret guard gently knocked on Xi Yu's door.

Xi Yu opened the door and saw the secret guard's face looking happy. Before he could speak, the secret guard said excitedly: "Prime Minister, the treasure has been found! Two large boxes have been sorted."

Xi Yu's eyes lit up, the corners of his mouth raised, and he said excitedly: "That's great!"

The secret guard stood respectfully, waiting for instructions. Xi Yu thought for a moment and said, "Select some people to transport the treasure back to Youzhou, so be careful."

The secret guard clasped his fists and responded: "Yes, Prime Minister! I will make arrangements right now."

Xi Yu patted the secret guard on the shoulder and said, "Thank you for your hard work, go and do it quickly."

The secret guard turned and left, Xi Yu closed the door, the smile on his face still difficult to hide.

At this moment, in Fang County.

Liu Bei couldn't sleep. It turned out that there was a drought somewhere.

Many people have been displaced and have become refugees.

Liu Bei was lying on the couch, his eyes wide open, full of worry, thinking to himself: "The drought is so severe and the people are suffering, how can I sleep peacefully?"

At this time, a young eunuch hurried in, saluted and said: "My lord, this disaster is urgent, so you must make plans in advance."

Liu Bei sat up, frowning, and said, "How can I not know, but this disaster relief plan still needs careful consideration."

The young eunuch lowered his head and replied cautiously: "My lord cares about the people and will definitely come up with a good plan."

Liu Bei sighed: "I hope so. If I can't save the people from the water and fire, how can I, Liu Bei, face the world."

After the young eunuch left, Liu Bei covered his face with his hands and cried alone.

His shoulders trembled slightly, tears slipped through his fingers, and his heart was full of sadness: "Poor people, suffering such a natural disaster, but I can't help them immediately."

After a while, Liu Bei slowly raised his head, although there were still tears in his eyes, his expression became firm.

He thought to himself: "This matter is serious, I should report it to the prime minister, maybe I can get support."

So Liu Bei walked to the table, spread out the paper, picked up the pen and dipped it in ink, and began to write a letter with a focused look.

As he wrote, he considered the words in his mind, fearing that he could not express the urgency of the disaster clearly.

After writing the letter, Liu Bei called his confidant, handed the letter to him solemnly, and told him: "You must hurry up and send this letter to Youzhou, without any mistakes!"

The confidant took the letter and immediately turned around to prepare to leave. Liu Bei looked at his receding back and prayed silently in his heart: "I hope the prime minister can lend a hand and save the people in this area."

After sending the letter, Liu Bei was still restless, pacing back and forth in the house, looking out the window from time to time, looking forward to good news as soon as possible.

A few days later, Liu Bei had no appetite and looked much more haggard.

He often muttered to himself: "I don't know if the letter has been delivered, and what decision the prime minister will make."

Finally, one day, there was a hurried sound of footsteps outside the door. Liu Bei's heart tightened and he hurried to meet him.

Liu Bei opened the door with expectation, but found that the messenger who came back was not the messenger who brought the prime minister's reply, but a subordinate who came to report other matters.

The light in Liu Bei's eyes dimmed instantly, and he waved his hand in disappointment, signaling his subordinates to leave first.

He returned to the house, feeling more and more depressed, thinking: "Has the Prime Minister not received my letter yet? Or is there something else difficult about this matter?"

A few days later, Liu Bei spent sleepless nights in anxiety.

Xiyu and Tuoba Yu continued on their journey, and they were getting closer and closer to Langzhong.

On this day, as soon as he entered the inn, a secret guard came to Xiyu's side quickly.

The secret guard knelt on one knee, clasped his fists and said, "Prime Minister, the treasure has been safely sent back to Youzhou."

Xi Yu nodded slightly, his expression eased a little, and said, "Well done."

However, before Xi Yu could breathe a sigh of relief, the secret guard continued, "However, the envoy from Fang County brought bad news. There was a drought in Fang County."

Xi Yu frowned instantly, his face full of worry, and asked anxiously, "How is the drought? Are the people safe?"

The secret guard bowed his head and replied, "The envoy is waiting outside for the specific situation. The Prime Minister will know it as soon as he asks."

Xi Yu didn't care about resting, and hurriedly said, "Quick, bring the envoy to see me."

Soon, the envoy came to Xi Yu.

The envoy finished the ceremony respectfully, with beads of sweat hanging on his forehead, and his expression was anxious and tired.

Xi Yu looked serious, staring at the messenger, and said anxiously: "Don't be polite, tell me the situation in Fang County."

The messenger took a deep breath and said hurriedly: "Prime Minister, the drought in Fang County is extremely serious, the land is dry and cracked, and the crops are harvested. The people have no water to drink, many people have fallen ill, and there are displaced victims everywhere."

Xi Yu listened, frowning more and more, his eyes full of worry and anger, his hands unconsciously clenched into fists, and said: "It's so serious!"

Then, Xi Yu pondered for a moment and said: "You go back first and tell the people of Fang County that I will deal with it as soon as possible and will not let them suffer."

The messenger nodded repeatedly, a glimmer of hope in his eyes, and said: "Thank you, Prime Minister, then I will go back now."

After that, he turned around and left in a hurry.

Next, Xi Yu told the secret guard with a serious look: "You return to Youzhou as soon as possible and transport the treasure to Fangjun to relieve the drought."

His eyes were firm and resolute, revealing unquestionable majesty.

The secret guard clasped his fists and replied: "I obey your order!"

Xi Yu then said: "In addition, notify Zhuge Liang and ask him to help deal with the affairs of Fangjun."

The secret guard nodded and replied: "Yes, Prime Minister!"

Xi Yu waved his hand and said: "There is no time to lose, set off immediately!"

The secret guard did not dare to delay at all, turned around and rushed away like a gust of wind, and soon disappeared from sight.

Next, Xi Yu looked at Tuoba Yu with a smile on his face, and said with emotion: "Yu'er, you see, God's arrangement is really wonderful. I just got that batch of treasures, and now I can use it to help the people out of trouble. I feel very happy in my heart."

His eyes flashed with relief and satisfaction, and his expression was relaxed and happy.

Tuoba Yu nodded gently and replied: "Yes, this may be the will of God, giving you the ability to save these suffering people."

Xi Yu put his hands behind his back, looked up at the sky, and said: "I hope this wealth can help the people of Fang County overcome difficulties and live a stable life again."

Tuoba Yu looked at Xi Yu with admiration in his eyes and said: "You have such a compassionate heart, the people will definitely be grateful to you."

Xi Yu shook his head and said seriously: "I am not grateful to them, but as the lord of the Central Plains, I should seek the welfare of the people."

At this time, a breeze blew by, and Xi Yu's clothes fluttered gently. He continued: "I just hope that this drought will pass soon and Fang County can regain its former vitality."

Tuobayu said firmly: "With your intention and hard work, it will definitely come true."

Xi Yu took a deep breath and said, "Well, let's speed up our trip and arrive at Fang County as soon as possible to see the specific situation."

Tuobayu responded: "Okay, everything is up to you."

In Youzhou, Guan Yu was meditating when a secret guard hurried over.

After the secret guard cupped his fists and saluted, he said: "General Guan, there is a drought in Fang County, and the Prime Minister has ordered you to bring the treasure to support."

When Guan Yu heard this, he raised his thick eyebrows, with a look of joy on his face, and said, "Okay! I am worried about this matter, and the Prime Minister's order is very much in line with my wishes."

He stood up, paced back and forth, his eyes twinkling, and said to himself excitedly: "It's a blessing to be able to see my eldest brother again during this trip."

Guan Yu waved his hand and said loudly: "Prepare quickly and make sure there are no mistakes! The treasure must be sent to Fangjun as soon as possible to relieve the people's plight."

Guan Yu immediately summoned his generals to arrange various matters. His eyes were bright and he said in a loud voice: "Brothers, the people of Fang County are suffering, and the Prime Minister has ordered us to go to support with treasures. This is an important task and a righteous act. We must act with caution and not be negligent!"

All the generals responded in unison: "I will obey the governor's order!"

Guan Yu personally ordered troops, selected generals, inspected supplies and equipment, and was extremely busy, but his face was always filled with anticipation and excitement.

A general asked: "Provincial Governor, it's a long way to go, do you want to bring more food and grass?"

Guan Yu waved his hand and said, "It doesn't hurt to bring more. Don't let our brothers starve on the road."

When everything was ready, Guan Yu got on his horse, holding the Qinglong Yanyue Sword, and shouted loudly: "Let's go!"

The team marched in the direction of Fangjun in a mighty manner.

In Fangjun, the envoy finally came back and came to the palace after a long and dusty journey.

When he saw Liu Bei, he quickly knelt down and saluted.

Liu Bei stepped forward eagerly, helped the envoy up, and said, "Tell me quickly, how is the situation?"

The messenger gasped and said: "My lord, after I went to Youzhou, the secret guard took me to another place to meet Prime Minister Xi Yu. When the prime minister heard about the drought in Fang County, his face was solemn and he said on the spot that he would make arrangements. ”

Liu Bei's frown relaxed slightly, he breathed a long sigh of relief, and said: "It's so good, so good! As long as the Prime Minister takes action, the people of Fang County will be saved."

The messenger added: "The Prime Minister seems to be confident, and he will definitely take action soon."

Liu Bei nodded, and the light of hope rekindled in his eyes, and he said: "I hope the drought can be alleviated soon and the people can return to peace."

Liu Bei paced back and forth in the palace, still seeming a little worried, and murmured: "I don't know when this help will arrive. The people can't afford to wait."

The messenger comforted him: "My lord, please don't worry too much. The prime minister has always acted vigorously and resolutely, so he will not keep us waiting for too long."

Liu Bei stopped, looked at the envoy, and said firmly: "You have been working hard all the way, so go down and rest first. But you must always pay attention to the news. If there is any trouble, report it immediately."

The envoy bowed his hands and said, "Yes, my lord, I will take my leave."

After the envoy left, Liu Bei stood at the door of the palace, looked at the dry land in the distance, and prayed silently: "May God bless you and let this disaster pass soon."

Liu Bei waited anxiously in the palace, asking the envoys every day if there was any new news.

On this day, he was sitting in his study, meditating, when he suddenly heard a rush of footsteps outside.

A guard hurried in, knelt down and reported: "Lord, there is a new situation."

Liu Bei stood up suddenly and asked eagerly: "Tell me, is there any news about assistance?"

The guard replied: "Back to my lord, I just received news that General Guan Yu has led his team to set off with the treasure and will arrive in Fangjun soon."

Liu Bei showed a pleased smile on his face and said: "Great, Yun Chang has always acted decisively. With him coming, the people of Fang County can be saved."

Later, Liu Bei ordered: "Get ready quickly to welcome Yun Chang and the aid team."

The guards took the order and left. Liu Bei stood in front of the window, silently looking forward to their early arrival.

On this day, Xi Yu and Tuo Bayu came to Langzhong and approached Chen Shou's hometown.

Xi Yu is full of expectations and wants to find Chen Shou, the author of "Three Kingdoms".

However, Tuobayu suddenly turned pale, felt weak all over, and kept coughing.

Seeing this, Xi Yu frowned and said with worry: "Yu'er, you have a cold. Go to the inn to rest."

Tuobayu nodded weakly and said, "I'm fine, don't delay your business."

Xi Yu quickly supported her and said, "Nothing important is as important as your body. Be obedient and go get some rest."

After settling Tuobayu down in the inn room, Xi Yu said: "You have a good rest, I will go and ask the doctor to come over."

As he spoke, he said regretfully to himself: "It's all my fault. I regret not letting Song Shuwen come with me so that I could take care of him."

After saying that, he hurried out to see the doctor.

Xi Yu quickly invited the doctor. He anxiously stood by Tuobayu's bedside and watched the doctor diagnose and treat Tuobayu.

After the doctor took the pulse, his expression eased a little, and he said: "Fortunately, the condition is not serious. Take a few doses of medicine and rest for a few days and you will recover."

Xi Yu was relieved and thanked him repeatedly: "Thank you, doctor, please prescribe the medicine quickly."

After the doctor wrote the prescription and left, Xi Yu went to get the medicine and boil it himself.

Tuoba Yu looked at his busy figure, and his heart was full of emotion. He said softly: "Husband, I'm sorry for your trouble."

Xi Yu walked to the bed with the medicine and said gently: "What nonsense are you talking about? Take good care of yourself. When you get better, we will go to find Chen Shou again." (End of this chapter)

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