Another man quickly echoed: "Yes, yes, we are blind, please let us go."

Tuobayu snorted coldly: "If I had known this, why did I do it in the first place! If there is a next time, I will definitely not take it lightly!"

Several men nodded repeatedly, their eyes full of fear and regret.

Tuobayu's face was gloomy, his eyes were like torches, he stared at the men in front of him, and asked sternly: "Did you deceive Father Chen?"

The men were intimidated by Tuobayu's aura, and they trembled. They nodded quickly and said in a trembling voice: "It's... it's us. We admit that it is indeed the case."

Chen Shou sneered from the side, his eyes full of disdain: "Huh! Are you afraid now? Don't even want this money!"

When the men heard this, they felt as if they had been granted amnesty and hurriedly said: "No, no, no, we're leaving now." With that, they turned around and left.

Just when they were about to leave, Xi Yu stepped forward and reached out to stop them.

Xi Yu's face was stern, with a chill in his eyes, and he warned loudly: "Listen carefully. If you do evil again in the future, be careful with your heads!"

The men turned pale with fright, nodded in agreement, and then ran away in despair.

After they left, Father Chen's face was filled with gratitude. He quickly stepped forward, bowed deeply to the Prime Minister, and said, "Thank you, Prime Minister, for making the decision for the people!"

Xi Yu quickly stretched out his hand to help Chen's father up and said gently: "Old man, you don't have to be so polite."

However, there was not much relief on Father Chen's face. He was still worried and not particularly happy.

Tuobayu looked at Chen's father's expression and understood in her heart, so she asked Chen Shou: "I see that your brows are furrowed. Are you worried that after they leave, those scoundrels will come to make trouble?"

Chen Shou sighed heavily and nodded, his face full of worry: "Oh, that's exactly what I'm worried about. These scoundrels are used to being arrogant. Even though they were driven away today, there's no guarantee they won't cause trouble again."

After listening to Chen Shou's words, Chen's father suddenly realized the problem. He was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. His face was panicked, his hands kept shaking, and he kept asking: "What can we do? What can we do? ah?"

Tuobayu also panicked, pulling Xi Yu's clothes tightly, his eyes full of anxiety and helplessness, and his voice trembling: "Husband, what should we do next?"

Xi Yu frowned, thought for a moment, looked at Chen Shou and asked, "Then are you considering moving? Maybe you can avoid these troubles."

Chen Shou shook his head repeatedly, with helplessness and bitterness written all over his face. He sighed and said, "I have never had such a plan. Besides, where can I move to?"

At this moment, Tuoba Yu's eyes lit up, and he came to Xi Yu's side and said, "Xi Yu, since Chen Shou is a talented person, why not let him go to Youzhou to be an official? Wouldn't that solve the problem? Take Father Chen with you by the way."

Xi Yu was stunned for a moment, then his eyes lit up and he said excitedly: "This is a good idea."

So, Xi Yu looked at Chen Shou and asked expectantly: "Chen Shou, I sincerely ask you, are you willing to work for me? With your talents, you can also do some clerical work, or even specialize in Go write a book.”

After hearing this, Chen Shou was startled at first, and then showed an expression of disbelief on his face. Then he was so excited that his hands were shaking, his eyes were shining with tears, and he said in a choked voice: "My lord, I, Chen Shou, have nothing more to ask for. I am willing to be your lord." Follow the work of a dog and a horse!”

Father Chen was also very excited. His hands were trembling, his eyes were filled with tears of joy, and his voice became trembling with excitement. He said, "Your Majesty, Prime Minister, my son has liked writing books since he was a child, but now in life Difficulty, I really don’t have time to do it. Now, Prime Minister, you have provided such a rare opportunity. It’s great!”

After saying that, Father Chen bowed deeply towards Xi Yu, his face filled with a mixture of gratitude and relief.

Xi Yu smiled and looked at Chen Shou and his son with gentle eyes, and said: "In that case, Chen Shou and his son will follow me. You guys pack up quickly and let's set off as soon as possible."

Chen Shou and Chen's father nodded quickly. Chen's father's voice was so excited that his voice trembled: "Thank you, Prime Minister. We will go and clean up now."

After saying that, he pulled Chen Shou and hurried into the house, his face full of longing and expectation for the future life.

Xi Yu's heart was full of longing for Ouyang Linlin. He looked anxious and kept pacing back and forth, saying, "I can't wait to see Ouyang Linlin, let's leave now!"

On the other side, Chen Shou and his son moved quickly and finished cleaning up in a short time.

Chen Shou was carrying a simple package, and Chen's father was holding an old cloth bag in his hand. The two hurriedly walked to Xi Yu.

Chen Shou looked determined and said, "Sir, we have packed up and are ready to go."

Father Chen, with a smile on his face and eyes full of expectations for the future, said, "It is really a blessing for us, father and son, to be able to follow you."

Xi Yu nodded and waved his hand: "Okay, let's go!"

On the other side, there was a heavy rain in Fang County. For the common people, this is a big deal.

There were many people standing in the yard of their homes, with joyful smiles on their faces and dancing.

An old man over fifty years old clasped his hands together, looked up at the sky, and his voice trembled with excitement: "Thank God! It finally rained!" His wrinkled face bloomed with a bright smile like a child, and his eyes twinkled. Tears.

A young and strong man next to him also shouted excitedly: "It's better now, the ground can be a little moist!"

However, some people also looked sad. A middle-aged farmer frowned and said worriedly: "The time for farming has passed. The rain came a little late." But then he sighed to comfort himself. , “But it’s better than nothing.”

Everyone cheered and sighed in the rain. The rain brought them mixed emotions, including joy and helplessness.

In the palace, Liu Bei stood in front of the window, looking at the rain outside the window, with a happy smile on his face.

He put his hands behind his back and raised his head slightly, his eyes full of joy and emotion.

"This rain came at the right time!" Liu Bei said softly, "Although we missed the busy farming season, it can at least alleviate the drought."

He turned his head and looked at the counselor beside him with a solemn expression: "I just hope that no more refugees will appear and the people can live a stable life."

The counselor bowed his hands and responded: "My lord cares about the people, which is a blessing to all people. I believe this rain will make the people's lives easier."

Liu Bei let out a long sigh, looked at the rain outside the window again, and murmured to himself: "I hope so, I hope so." His eyes were full of concern for the people and expectations for the future.

At this time, a general hurried over, clasped his fists and saluted: "My lord, although the rain is good, we must be careful to prevent floods. The general has arranged manpower to strengthen city defense inspections."

Liu Bei nodded slightly and praised: "Well done, don't take it lightly because of this rain."

The general was ordered to retreat, but Liu Bei still stood in front of the window, his brows slightly furrowed, as if he was thinking about the follow-up countermeasures.

After a while, he said to himself: "We still need to send some people to the countryside to see if the people need help."

The counselor beside him quickly responded: "My lord is kind, and the people will be grateful."

Liu Bei slowly turned around and said with a firm expression: "As the leader of a country, I should put the people first. If I can't let them live and work in peace and contentment, how can I face the common people in the world?"

After that, he strode towards the desk, ready to issue relevant instructions.

The rain was still falling, and Liu Bei was pacing back and forth in the study, sometimes stopping to look out the window, sometimes lowering his head in thought.

At this time, a clerk came to report: "My lord, I just got the news that several huts in the countryside were destroyed by the rain, but fortunately no one was injured or injured."

Liu Bei frowned and said quickly: "Quickly arrange manpower to build temporary shelters for the affected people and send food and clothing."

The clerk followed the order and left. Liu Bei said to the counselor worriedly: "I don't know how long this rain will continue to rain. We must prepare in advance to deal with more disasters."

The counselor nodded and said: "Don't worry, my lord, I will go and gather everyone to discuss countermeasures."

Liu Bei sat at the table and wrote down a few decrees. His face was full of determination: "No matter what, we must ensure that the people get through this disaster safely."

The rain outside the window was still pattering, but Liu Bei's heart of working for the people never stopped for a moment.

Guan Yu and others continued to walk. He was riding on the red rabbit horse, his brows were furrowed, his eyes were wide-eyed, and the anger on his face seemed to ignite the air around him.

Because he lost his treasure, Guan Yu felt particularly useless, and the hand holding the Qinglong Yanyue Sword trembled slightly with anger.

The soldiers beside him were all silent, not even daring to speak out.

A young soldier accidentally raised his eyes and glanced at Guan Yu's maroon face. He happened to be noticed by Guan Yu. Guan Yu shouted angrily: "What are you looking at!"

The soldier was so frightened that he quickly lowered his head, his legs became weak, and he almost collapsed to the ground.

Another soldier who was bolder murmured in a low voice: "The governor should calm down. This is not my fault."

When Guan Yu heard this, he turned around and glared at him fiercely, shouting: "Humph! You still dare to quibble!"

Everyone was so frightened that they didn't dare to say anything anymore, and just hurried on in silence, for fear of offending the angry general again.

That night, Guan Yu and others were about to arrive at Fangjun, but they found that it was raining heavily again.

Guan Yu looked at the pouring rain, gritted his teeth angrily, and once again cursed God angrily: "Damn God, it's going to rain at this time, ruining my trip!" His maroon face was filled with anger. It looked even redder, like a burning flame.

At this time, a soldier boldly said cautiously: "Provincial Governor, it's a good thing that it rained heavily in Fang County. Isn't it always very dry here?"

After speaking, the soldier looked at Guan Yu timidly, his eyes full of anxiety.

After hearing this, Guan Yu was stunned for a moment, then frowned and fell into deep thought.

After a moment, he slapped his thigh suddenly and said, "Huh! I was confused for a moment, that's really the case."

After saying that, his expression softened slightly.

They stayed in an inn.

Guan Yu sat at the table with a solemn expression, gritted his teeth and said, "Come here, prepare pens, ink, paper and inkstones for me!"

Soon, things were presented.

Guan Yu frowned and wrote rapidly. Sometimes he stopped to think, and sometimes he wrote heavily. His angry expression seemed to tear the paper.

After a while, Guan Yu finished writing the letter. He slammed the letter on the table and shouted loudly: "Come here!"

A soldier hurried over and saluted with clasped fists respectfully: "Provincial Governor!"

Guan Yu handed the letter to the soldier and said seriously: "Hurry up and ride your horse to deliver this letter to the palace of Fangjun and give it to the elder brother. Make sure there is no mistake!"

The soldier took the letter and responded: "Yes, Governor! I will definitely fulfill my mission!" After saying that, he turned around and ran out of the inn, riding a horse in the rain and galloping towards the palace of Fangjun.

Liu Bei was in the palace, discussing government affairs with his advisers. At this time, a young eunuch hurried over, bowed and said, "My lord, General Guan has sent someone to deliver a message."

When Liu Bei heard this, his face immediately showed a look of joy, his eyes lit up, and he said quickly: "Quick! Let him in quickly!"

The young eunuch responded, immediately turned around and ran out. After a while, he led the soldier who delivered the message in.

Liu Bei stood up eagerly, walked to the soldiers in a few steps, and said, "Send me the letter quickly!"

After a while, when Liu Bei read the letter, his expectant expression suddenly changed.

His brows were furrowed tightly, his eyes widened, his face full of disbelief and anger.

"How is this possible!" Liu Bei muttered to himself.

He knew very well that Yunchang could not lie, let alone take possession of the treasure privately.

His hand holding the letter trembled slightly with anger.

After a moment of silence, Liu Bei took a deep breath, tried to calm down his emotions, and then said to the people around him: "You guys should go out first. I want to be quiet in the room for a while."

Everyone did not dare to say anything and bowed and left.

Liu Bei sat alone on a chair, with a gloomy face, staring ahead, and fell into deep thought.

Then, Liu Bei became worried.

He paced back and forth in the room, rubbing his hands constantly, frowning into a deep "chuan", and kept mumbling: "It's not a trivial matter for this treasure to be lost. If Xiyu blames it, Come down, but what should I do?”

There were beads of sweat on his forehead, and he looked anxious.

So he kept sighing and looked up at the roof with a sad look on his face: "Oh, I really don't know what to do!"

After a while, Liu Bei finally calmed down, sat down at the table again, picked up a pen and wrote a letter.

After writing, he folded the letter carefully, handed it to the soldier, and said solemnly: "Send this letter back to Guan Yu quickly and ask him to wait. I will find a way."

The soldier took the letter with both hands and responded: "Don't worry, Mr. Liu, I will deliver it as soon as possible!" After saying that, he turned around and left in a hurry.

Guan Yu was restless in the inn, like a tiger trapped in a cage.

Sometimes he walked back and forth in the room, sometimes he stopped and looked out the window, his maroon face full of anxiety and eagerness.

Finally, when the soldiers came back, Guan Yu couldn't wait to greet them and asked loudly: "Where is the letter?"

The soldier hurriedly handed over the letter. Guan Yu grabbed it and quickly opened the letter.

His eyes eagerly scanned the contents of the letter, and his face grew darker as he read.

After reading the letter, Guan Yu angrily slapped the letter on the table and shouted: "Brother said there is nothing we can do for the time being, so he asked me to wait? How can this be done?"

The soldier was so frightened by Guan Yu's anger that he shrank his neck and said cautiously: "The governor, please calm down. Master Liu must be thinking of a way."

Guan Yu snorted coldly: "Humph! When will this wait?" He crossed his arms, frowned, and fell into deep thought.

After a moment, Guan Yu suddenly came to his senses and realized his gaffe.

A trace of remorse flashed across his face, and he murmured to himself: "How could I be so impulsive, how could I blame my elder brother? This is the trouble I caused myself."

He took a deep breath and tried to calm down his emotions. Then he looked at the soldier and his tone softened a lot: "Just step back."

The soldiers, as if they had been pardoned, quickly bowed and left.

Guan Yu stood alone in the room for a long time, and he sighed: "Forget it, I'd better rest first. I have already thought about it. If Xi Yu is really blamed in the future, I will bear the full responsibility!"

His eyes were firm, revealing a sense of determination, and then he walked to the bed and lay down with his clothes on, but he tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep.

After a sleepless night, Guan Yu got up early the next morning, his eyes bloodshot, but his expression remained determined.

He walked out of the room, looked at the sky, and secretly swore in his heart: No matter what, he would resolve this matter and never cause any trouble to his elder brother.

At this time, his soldiers came to ask about their next plan. Guan Yu waved his hand and said: "Stay still for now and wait for news from your elder brother."

The soldiers looked at each other in shock. Guan Yu looked serious and did not dare to say anything. They all took orders and retreated.

Guan Yu paced back and forth in the courtyard of the inn, constantly thinking about how to deal with it.

Since Liu Bei already knew the address written in Guan Yu's letter, he decided to come to see Guan Yu quietly today.

Liu Bei looked solemn, and with a few trusted soldiers, he hurried towards the inn where Guan Yu was staying.

Not long after, Liu Bei arrived in front of the inn.

He got off his horse and hurried into the inn.

At this time, Guan Yu was pacing back and forth in the house when he suddenly heard a familiar sound of footsteps. He felt happy and turned around quickly.

The moment the door was pushed open, the two brothers' eyes met, and their eyes were full of excitement.

Guan Yu strode forward, Liu Bei quickly met him, and then the two hugged each other tightly.

Guan Yu's voice was slightly choked: "Brother, you are here!"

Liu Bei patted Guan Yu on the back, his eyes slightly red: "Yun Chang, I have made you suffer!"

The two released their embrace and looked at each other. Liu Bei looked at Guan Yu's tired face and said distressedly: "You must be worried these days."

Guan Yu said firmly: "Brother, this matter was caused by me, I will definitely take responsibility to the end!"

Liu Bei held Guan Yu's hand: "Don't say that, let's find a solution together."

However, Guan Yu suddenly burst into tears.

"It's all my fault. I caused trouble for you. I made you worry about me"!

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