After a while, the princess frowned, a fierce look flashed in her eyes, and she thought to herself: It would be better to start with the grandma, after all, she is a person who has no power to restrain a chicken.

So, she pretended to be gentle and said: "Grandmother, I come to you to tell you something."

Grandmother did not doubt that he was there and immediately entered the house.

The princess's eyes flashed fiercely, and she stretched out her hands and quickly grabbed her grandma's neck.

Grandma was so frightened that her eyes widened and she screamed: "Help!"

Sun Haixu heard the noise and rushed into the house. When he saw this scene, he was shocked and angry, and shouted: "What are you doing! Let my mother go!"

The princess looked cold and said without emotion: "Don't come close, or I will kill this old lady immediately!"

The strength of her hand became a little more intense. Grandma's face turned red and she had difficulty breathing.

Sun Haixu was anxious, but he did not dare to act rashly. Veins popped up on his forehead and he gritted his teeth and said, "Come at me if you have any questions. Let go of my mother!"

The princess grabbed her grandma's neck and walked out step by step. Sun Haixu followed closely behind anxiously, but did not dare to step forward rashly.

Grandmother was choked so hard that she could hardly breathe, and said with difficulty: "Let me go, please."

The princess had no expression on her face and said coldly: "Shut up! As long as you obey me, nothing will happen."

Grandma's face was filled with fear, tears welled up in her eyes, and her voice trembled as she said, "I listen, I listen to you."

The princess snorted coldly, but the strength of her hand did not weaken at all, and she continued to hold her grandma forward.

Sun Haixu was anxious, but he did not dare to act rashly. He could only follow behind and said in a trembling voice: "Girl, if you have something to say, please let go of my mother first."

The princess didn't look back and said sternly: "Don't be nagging! If you follow her again, I can't guarantee her safety."

Sun Haixu's steps stagnated, his fists clenched, and his eyes fixed on the princess.

The princess took her grandma hostage and came to an open place. Then she stopped and said, "Old woman, tell your son not to play tricks and do as I say."

Grandmother gasped and said, "Girl, what do you want? As long as we can do it, we will definitely agree to it."

In this way, the woman held her grandma hostage and walked cautiously in the village.

She observed her surroundings vigilantly, choosing those lonely paths to avoid the sight of other people as much as possible.

Finally, they walked out of the village.

The woman stopped, took a breath and said, "It is impossible for me to marry Sun Haixu. So I must leave."

There was a look of helplessness on Sun Mu's face and she quickly said: "Girl, I understand. In fact, I didn't approve of this marriage at first. Now that you are determined to leave, please let me go. I promise not to stop you."

Grandmother's eyes were full of pleading, and her body was trembling slightly because of nervousness and fear.

The princess said: "Not yet, we have to walk a little further." Her voice was cold and firm, and the strength of her hands did not weaken at all.

The grandma's face was full of helplessness, and she sighed and said, "Oh, girl, where are you going to go before you give up?" But she could only let the princess hold her hostage and continue to move forward.

After a while, Sun's father went home humming a little tune. As soon as he entered the door, he found that the atmosphere was not right.

Sun Haixu's face was full of anxiety and anger, and he shouted to Sun's father: "Dad, something happened! The girl just ran away holding my mother hostage!"

The smile on Sun's father's face froze instantly, his eyes widened, and he asked in disbelief: "What? What, what's going on?"

Sun Haixu said angrily: "This girl must not like me, that's why she did this. It's all your fault. You insisted on getting this girl here, and now it can't end!" He frowned tightly. , eyes full of complaints.

Sun's father was so surprised that he opened his mouth wide and stammered: "This, how could I have imagined that it would turn out like this!"

Sun's father paced back and forth anxiously, rubbing his hands constantly, and said, "Son, what can we do? We can't let anything happen to your mother!"

Sun Haixu gritted his teeth, glared at his father fiercely, and said, "Dad, what's the use of talking about this now? Hurry up and find a way to save people!"

Father Sun stopped, calmed down, and said, "Yes, yes, yes, let's go look for him quickly. Maybe we can catch up."

As Sun Haixu walked out, he said: "Dad, I hope it's not too late. If there's something wrong with my mother, I won't be done with you!"

Sun's father followed closely, his face full of remorse, and murmured to himself: "It's all my fault, it's all my fault for being confused!"

Xi Yu was in the inn and originally planned to leave today, but the weather was not kind and it rained heavily. In desperation, the four of them had to stay for the time being.

Chen Shou found a pen and paper, sat at the table, frowned, and wrote something seriously.

He sometimes stopped writing, thought for a moment, and then continued to write rapidly, with a focused and serious expression.

Xi Yu looked at the heavy rain outside the window, his brows furrowed, his anxiety written all over his face, and he murmured to himself: "I don't know when this rain will stop. It really delays the trip."

Lin Yue on the side also had a look of helplessness, pacing back and forth, muttering: "What can we do? Being trapped here is not an option."

But Chen Shou still focused on what he wrote, completely immersed in it, and turned a deaf ear to the complaints around him.

After a while, Chen Shou finally put down his pen, breathed a long sigh of relief, and showed a look of satisfaction on his face.

Xi Yu came over curiously and asked, "Chen Shou, what are you writing? You are so focused."

Chen Shou smiled and said, "I am recording what I have seen and heard along the way, so as not to forget it later."

Lin Yue also came over, looked at the handwriting on the paper, and said, "You still have the mind to write this now, let's think about how to deal with this trapped situation."

Chen Shou said slowly, "Since we are here, we should make the best of it. The rain will eventually stop, and we can take this opportunity to rest."

On the other side, in the temple. Ouyang Linlin sat by the window, holding her chin with her hand, silently counting the days.

It has been many days since Xi Yu left, and her eyes were filled with worry, thinking to herself: I don't know when he will come back.

At this time, Xiaohong suddenly came in, looked at Ouyang Linlin's appearance, and asked with a smile: "Miss, are you missing the prime minister again?"

Ouyang Linlin's face flushed a little, and she scolded: "You are so quick-witted, what nonsense are you talking about."

Xiaohong blinked her eyes and said mischievously: "Miss, don't deny it, your thoughts are written on your face."

Ouyang Linlin sighed lightly and said: "I don't know if he is doing well outside."

Sun's mother was tightly held by the princess, her face full of fear and helplessness.

"Miss, what are you doing, don't hold me." Sun's mother tried to break free from the woman's hand.

The princess' eyes were stubborn and anxious.

"Mother Sun, you must come with me."

Mother Sun shook her head repeatedly, "Miss, I have many things to do at home."

The princess pulled Mother Sun and was about to set off, but after a few steps, she seemed to have thought of something, stopped and asked: "Mother Sun, do you have money?"

Mother Sun's eyes widened, "Miss, I am an ordinary woman, where can I get the money? Besides, who are you, where are you going to take me?"

Suddenly, a carriage came from a distance, raising a cloud of dust.

The princess' eyes lit up, and she hurried forward to stop the carriage, and said to the driver: "Brother driver, take me to Youzhou. But I have no money."

The driver pulled the reins, stopped the carriage, looked up and down at the princess, and sneered: "Humph, you want to ride a car without money, get out of the way!" After that, he pretended to whip the horse and hurried on.

The princess hurriedly said, "Brother Coachman, please take us there first. I will find a way to give you money when the time comes. If I can't do it, I will offer my body." The princess's face flushed, and her eyes revealed a hint of helplessness and determination.

When the coachman heard this, a trace of greed flashed in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised, saying, "Hehe, since the girl said so, I will believe you this time. Get on!"

Sun's mother followed the princess into the carriage and couldn't help asking, "What are we going to Youzhou for?"

The princess's face sank and she shouted angrily, "Shut up! Don't ask too much." A hint of coldness flashed in her eyes, and Sun's mother shrank her neck and dared not speak again.

The carriage moved slowly forward and drove towards Youzhou.

The carriage was bumpy all the way. The princess sat in the car, twisting the corners of her clothes tightly with both hands, and her eyes were sometimes firm and sometimes confused.

Sun's mother sat aside. Although she was scolded by the princess to shut up, her face was still full of worry and confusion.

After a while, Sun's mother couldn't hold it in any longer and whispered, "Princess, if I don't ask you what you're going to do, will we have a place to stay in Youzhou?"

The princess frowned and replied impatiently, "Let's talk about it when we get there, don't bother me now."

She turned her head to look out the window, her eyes revealing fear and expectation of the unknown.

The driver was driving the car in front, occasionally looking back at the two people in the car, with a malicious smile on his lips.

The sky gradually darkened, and the carriage finally stopped in front of a shabby inn.

The driver jumped off the car and said to the princess, "Rest here tonight and continue on the road tomorrow morning."

The princess got off the car, looked around, and nodded. Sun's mother followed behind, timidly not daring to speak.

After entering the inn, the princess found a corner to sit down, and the driver walked to the counter with a swagger and asked for a pot of wine and some food.

Mother Sun came to the princess and whispered, "Miss, this driver is not a good person. We have to be careful."

The princess snorted coldly.

"I know, you don't need to say anything."

At this time, the driver came over with wine and food, sat down opposite the princess, and said with a smile, "Miss, is the journey smooth? When you arrive in Youzhou, don't forget what you promised me."

The princess bit her lip and turned her head away from him.

At night, the princess lay in bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep, thinking about her plan after arriving in Youzhou...

In Fangjun, Guan Yu stood beside Liu Bei with a solemn expression. Liu Bei put his hands behind his back, paced back and forth, frowning.

"Yunchang, now that the treasure is lost, it is difficult to support the refugee problem relying only on the donations from the rich before." Liu Bei stopped and looked at Guan Yu and said.

Guan Yu stroked his long beard and said in a deep voice: "Brother, what you said is very true, but asking the rich to donate so frequently will probably make them dissatisfied."

Liu Bei sighed: "At this point, there is no other way, we can only let them continue to donate."

Soon, several rich people were summoned. They looked sad and whispered to each other.

A rich man in a gorgeous brocade robe stepped forward, bowed slightly and said: "Mr. Liu, we have donated a lot before, and now we have to donate again. It's really a bit beyond our ability." He squeezed a forced smile on his face, but his eyes revealed a little dissatisfaction.

Liu Bei clasped his hands together, his face showing sincerity: "Everyone, the situation is critical now. I hope you can lend a hand again. When the harvest is good in the future, I will double the return."

The rich people looked at each other. Although they had opinions in their hearts, they did not dare to disobey due to Liu Bei's prestige.

Another rich man said helplessly: "Since Mr. Liu has said so, we should obey. But I hope Mr. Liu will make our efforts worthwhile as soon as possible." After that, they went down to prepare for the donation with their heads down.

After the rich man left, Liu Bei sat down worriedly, his brows furrowed.

Guan Yu stood aside and said sternly: "Brother, forcing the rich to donate like this may not be a long-term solution, and it is easy to lose the people's hearts."

Liu Bei sighed, and his eyes revealed a trace of helplessness: "I also know that this is not appropriate, but there is no way."

On the other side.

Xi Yu stood in front of the window, looking at the continuous rain curtain outside the window, and the raindrops crackled on the window.

His brows were furrowed, and his eyes revealed worry and thought.

"The rain keeps falling." Xiyu muttered to himself, his hands unconsciously folded in front of his chest, "Fangjun is suffering from drought, but here it is flooding. Why can't God make the rain evenly?"

He thought of his previous life. Every summer, the north was always dry and cracked, while the south was often ravaged by floods.

Thinking of this, Xiyu shook his head helplessly, and a surge of grief and indignation surged in his heart: "God is always so unfair, and the people are always the ones who suffer."

At this time, Tuoba Yu came over, looked at Xiyu's expression, and said carefully: "Husband, don't worry too much, this may be God's arrangement."

Xiyu glared at her fiercely, "God's arrangement? Then God is too blind! Why are the people guilty of suffering so much?"

Tuoba Yu shrank his neck and dared not say anything more.

Xiyu took a deep breath and calmed down his emotions.

After a while, Xiyu seemed to have made up his mind. He turned to face Tuoba Yu, with a guilty look in his eyes. He walked in front of her, bowed slightly and said, "Yu'er, I'm sorry. I was wrong just now. I shouldn't have taken my anger out on you."

Tuoba Yu crossed his arms, turned his face away, snorted coldly, and there was still a trace of anger on his face. He did not respond to Xiyu's apology.

Seeing this, Xiyu scratched his head, showed a flattering smile, and coaxed softly, "Yu'er, don't be angry, it's my fault, don't get sick from anger, okay?"

Tuoba Yu still ignored him, but just pouted slightly.

Xiyu pulled Tuobayu's sleeve again, his eyes full of tenderness and patience, and said: "I promise there won't be a next time, don't be angry, smile."

After coaxing for a long time, Tuobayu's face gradually eased, and he rolled his eyes at Xiyu and said: "Humph, this won't happen again, if there is a next time, I won't forgive you easily."

Xiyu nodded repeatedly, smiling, "I will, I promise."

Seeing that Tuobayu finally calmed down, Xiyu breathed a sigh of relief. He gently pulled Tuobayu's hand, and said with a hint of playfulness in his eyes: "Don't be angry, to make amends, I will take you to eat delicious food, okay?"

Tuobayu pouted, but there was still a hint of expectation in his eyes, but he said: "It depends on whether the place you find is good."

Xiyu patted his chest and promised: "Don't worry, you will definitely be satisfied." After that, he took the umbrella, took Tuobayu's hand and walked out.

Along the way, Xiyu kept telling jokes, trying to make Tuobayu happier.

Tuoba Yu listened to his jokes and occasionally couldn't help laughing, saying angrily: "You are the only one who talks too much."

After a while, the two came to a busy restaurant. Xiyu found a seat by the window, pulled out a chair for Tuoba Yu, and said with a smile: "The dishes in this restaurant are excellent, try them."

Tuoba Yu sat down, watching Xiyu busy, with a slight smile on his face.

During the meal, Xiyu kept picking up dishes for Tuoba Yu, and said with a doting face: "Eat more, you have lost weight recently."

Tuoba Yu's cheeks flushed slightly, and he whispered: "You are the only one who can talk."

After a meal, the atmosphere between the two became more harmonious, and the previous unpleasantness disappeared.

Chen Shou sat at the desk, supporting his chin with one hand and holding a pen with the other, and was seriously thinking about what to write.

Sometimes he frowned and thought, and sometimes he wrote a few words.

At this time, Tuoba Yu and Xiyu walked into the inn from outside.

Xiyu shook off the rain on his body and said, "Oh, it rained hard, but it finally stopped." There was a trace of relief on his face.

Xiyu walked in, stretched his waist and said, "This rain delayed a lot of time, but now it's fine, we can take a good rest." There was a relaxed smile on his face.

Chen Shou heard the voice and came back to his senses from his contemplation. He looked up at them and said, "You are back. I am concentrating on my ideas." His eyes still had the concentration of thinking just now.

Xiyu walked quickly to Chen Shou's side, with a trace of apology on his face and concern in his eyes, and asked softly, "Did our return affect your ideas? I'm so sorry."

Chen Shou put down the pen in his hand, smiled and waved his hand, looked at Xiyu gently and said, "No, no, I'm almost done with my ideas, it's okay."

After a while, the dark clouds gradually dissipated, the sky gradually cleared up, and the golden sunlight shone through the clouds.

Xi Yu walked out of the house, looking at the sky, his eyes full of determination, he clenched his fists and said: "The sky is clearing up, let's set off quickly."

Chen Shou followed behind, asking in confusion: "So anxious? Why are you in such a hurry?" (End of this chapter)

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