Xi Yu frowned and said seriously: "Tuoba Yu, Ouyang Linlin, stop arguing!" His voice was low and powerful, as if carrying an irresistible majesty.

Tuoba Yu widened his eyes, his face full of dissatisfaction, his hands on his waist, and shouted: "Why don't you let me speak!"

Xi Yu snorted coldly, stared at Tuoba Yu with a torch-like gaze, and scolded: "Look at you, you have such a big habit of the rivers and lakes, and you have no rules at all! Learn more from Ouyang Linlin's gentleness!"

Ouyang Linlin stood aside, lowered her head slightly, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, showing her gentleness.

Tuoba Yu was so angry that his face turned red, his lips pouted high, and he stomped his feet fiercely, "Hmph!" Then he flicked his sleeves and turned around and left angrily.

Xi Yu began to pack up with a gloomy face. His movements were a little flustered, and he was obviously still angry about Tuoba Yu's departure.

After a while, Xiaohong ran over in a hurry, panting and said: "Xiyu, it's bad, Madam Tuoba is missing!" Her face was full of anxiety.

Xiyu's heart was "Ge Deng", and he quickly put down the things in his hands and hurried to Tuoba Yu's room.

Pushing the door open, Xiyu looked around, and sure enough, he didn't see Tuoba Yu. His brows frowned more tightly, and his worry and anger were intertwined.

In this process, Xiyu's expression became more anxious and worried, and Xiaohong was panicked.

Xiyu frowned and said: "I thought he was just angry, why did he just leave." There was a hint of surprise in his voice.

After a while, his face suddenly became gloomy, and he stamped his feet angrily.

"Well, she actually got angry with me!"

Ouyang Linlin saw this and comforted him softly: "Husband, don't be angry. Let's find a way to find him quickly." Her eyes revealed anxiety.

Xiyu bit his lip and nodded helplessly.

Xiyu's face became very solemn, and he asked the old man anxiously: "Old man, have you seen where my wife went?"

The old man scratched his head and replied: "That hot-tempered woman just left. Look at the direction, it seems to be going east."

Xiyu's eyes flashed with a trace of determination. He turned to Ouyang Linlin and others and said: "You wait here, I will go to find her."

His voice was steady and firm, revealing a sense of determination.

Ouyang Linlin opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but finally nodded, with a worried look in her eyes.

Xiyu hurriedly ran towards the east.

As he walked, he prayed in his heart: "I hope to find Tuoba Yu as soon as possible, and don't let anything happen."

His eyes searched everywhere, not missing any possible clues.

At this time, the sun gradually set, and the afterglow sprinkled on the ground, adding a touch of mystery to the whole scene.

Xi Yu became more and more anxious, and he quickened his pace.

After Tuoba Yu left, he stepped into a quiet grove.

She sat slowly under a big tree, looking up at the sky, her heart full of bitterness.

"Why can't he understand me?" She murmured to herself, tears rolling in her eyes.

Her eyes were full of pain and confusion, as if she had lost her direction.

In a grove, Tuoba Yu endured the pain in her heart alone.

Tuoba Yu was immersed in thinking, and suddenly, a faint cry came into her ears.

She was startled and immediately looked in the direction of the sound.

In the depths of the woods, she was surprised to find that an old man was standing on a tree, ready to hang himself.

Tuoba Yu's face turned pale in an instant, and she asked in a lost voice: "Old man, what's the matter with you? Why do you do such an extreme thing?" Her voice was full of concern and anxiety.

The old man's eyes were cloudy and full of tears. He said in a trembling voice: "My unfilial son, he ignored me. What's the point of living with my old bones?" His words were full of despair and helplessness.

A wave of sympathy surged in Tuoba Yu's heart. She stepped forward to support the old man and comforted him: "Old man, don't commit suicide like this. It's their fault that their children are unfilial. You still have a long life to live." Her eyes were full of concern.

The old man shook his head and smiled bitterly: "I have no way out. There is no place for me in this world."

Tuoba Yu held the old man's hand tightly, looked at him firmly, and said: "Old man, don't die. Those unfilial children will be punished, and I will definitely do justice for you."

Her voice was sonorous and powerful, which ignited a glimmer of hope in the old man's heart.

The old man raised his head, looked at Tuoba Yu with tears in his eyes, and said tremblingly: "Really? Are you really willing to help me?"

Tuoba Yu nodded vigorously.

"Don't worry, I'll do what I say. It's their fault that they don't respect you. You don't have to punish yourself with your life."

The old man showed a relieved smile on his face, and he said gratefully: "Thank you, girl. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I would have been on the road to death."

Tuoba Yu patted the old man's hand and comforted him: "This is what I should do. Don't worry, everything will be fine."

The old man took Tuoba Yu back home, and a man who looked similar to the old man stood in the yard.

The old man pointed at the man and said: "This is my son."

Tuoba Yu looked at the man with anger in her eyes. She walked straight to the man and said sternly: "Why don't you obey your father and make him almost hang himself!" Her voice was full of undisguised rebuke.

The man was stunned for a moment when he heard Tuoba Yu's accusation, and then smiled.

There was a hint of teasing in his smile, as if he didn't care about Tuoba Yu's accusation.

Seeing this, Tuoba Yu became even more angry.

"You, your father almost died, and you can still laugh!" Her voice rose eight degrees, and her tone was full of contempt.

However, when she saw the old man laughing, Tuoba Yu was confused.

She looked at the old man and the man in confusion, with a puzzled look on her face.

The old man smiled and patted his son's shoulder, saying, "Girl, you misunderstood. This guy is joking with you. He is usually very nice to me."

Tuoba Yu was shocked and stared at the old man, her tone full of questions: "What is going on?" Her hands unconsciously clenched, showing her inner anger.

The old man's face turned red, and he scratched his head awkwardly, hesitating and said, "That... Girl, in fact, I have noticed you a long time ago, so I pretended to hang myself to attract your attention."

His eyes were a little evasive, and he didn't dare to look at Tuoba Yu.

Tuoba Yu was furious after hearing what the old man said, and her voice rose eight degrees: "Why do you do this? How can you joke about such things!" Her chest was violently heaving because of anger.

At this time, the man let out a burst of wanton laughter, he squinted his eyes, looked at Tuoba Yu obscenely, and said slowly: "In that case, then you stay and be my daughter-in-law." There was a disgusting smile on the corner of his mouth.

Tuoba Yu was furious, pointing at the father and son and yelling: "You two are nothing!" Her face flushed red, her eyes full of anger and contempt.

The faces of the old man and the man became very ugly, the old man showed a guilty look, and the man looked like a rogue.

Tuoba Yu turned around and was about to leave. Seeing this, the man immediately reached out to stop her and said viciously: "I have a bad reputation in this village and I can't find a wife at all. Now I finally have someone like you, I can't let you go!" His eyes revealed greed and eagerness.

Tuoba Yu stared at the man and roared angrily: "Let me go! I will never marry someone like you!" Her body trembled slightly because of anger.

The corners of the man's mouth rose, revealing a sneer, and said viciously: "You must stay today, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!" There was a hint of ferocity and determination in his eyes.

Seeing this, the old man hurried to get the carrying pole to stop the man's behavior. His face was full of anxiety and worry.

Seeing this, Tuoba Yu also sneered, her eyes full of disdain and confidence, she said loudly: "You want to keep me?" After that, she showed her skills and started a fierce fight with the father and son.

In the fight, Tuoba Yu was agile and neat, and knocked the father and son to the ground in a few strokes.

The father and son lay on the ground with expressions of astonishment and disbelief on their faces. They realized that Tuoba Yu was not an ordinary person.

Tuoba Yu's eyes were cold and she said firmly: "I can't let you hurt people anymore, so you must be crippled!" Her face revealed a sense of determination and coldness.

After that, Tuoba Yu made a ruthless move and crippled the father and son in an instant.

The father and son screamed shrilly, and the sound resounded throughout the village, attracting many neighbors.

The old man was pale and terrified. He trembled his lips and groaned in pain.

The man rolled on the ground in pain, his face full of despair and regret.

The neighbors gathered around and gasped when they saw the scene in front of them.

Tuoba Yu had a serious face and told the neighbors about the various abominable behaviors of the father and son.

Her voice was clear and firm, and her eyes revealed anger and justice.

The neighbors listened to Tuoba Yu's narration and whispered to each other.

Their faces showed surprise, anger and contempt, because they were very familiar with the virtues of the father and son.

"This father and son have always been restless, and this time they have been punished!"

"That's right, they deserve it! They can't hurt people anymore in the future."

The neighbors' discussions came one after another, and the scene was very lively.

But a trace of helplessness flashed across Tuoba Yu's face, and she secretly thought of Xi Yu's reprimand for herself. She sighed softly, but still shook her head firmly, "I still don't want to go back." There was a hint of stubbornness in her eyes.

Then, Tuoba Yu started to clean up a room and prepare to live here.

The father and son lay on the ground, groaning in pain, their faces pale, looking at Tuoba Yu with pleading faces.

"Please, take us to see a doctor quickly!"

Tuoba Yu looked at them indifferently, with a slight smile on her lips.

"Just give up on this idea!" Her voice was cold and ruthless.

The afterglow of the sunset gradually dissipated, and Xi Yu still did not find Tuoba Yu's figure, and his face showed a frustrated expression.

He murmured to himself: "You are not a child anymore, why are you still playing with your temper, it's really annoying!" His brows were tightly frowned, and his eyes were full of dissatisfaction and helplessness.

As Xiyu walked, he kicked the pebbles on the roadside and kept muttering, "When I find her, I must teach her a lesson." His face became more and more gloomy, as if he could explode at any time.

He stopped and looked at the gradually darkening sky, feeling a sense of loss in his heart.

"Where did this girl run to?" He muttered to himself, with a hint of helplessness in his tone.

Xiyu frowned even more tightly, and he began to blame Tuoba Yu for her willfulness in his heart, but he couldn't help worrying about her safety.

Although Xiyu knew that Tuoba Yu was a martial arts expert and should not be in any danger, his face was still full of anger and worry.

After a while, he returned to the inn angrily.

Seeing this, Ouyang Linlin hurried over and asked anxiously: "What's going on? Have you found Tuoba Yu?"

Xiyu replied unhappily: "No! I don't know where this girl went. I looked for her for a long time but didn't see her figure." As he spoke, he sat down hard on the chair with a "bang".

Ouyang Linlin comforted: "Don't worry, Tuoba Yu is so powerful, she will definitely be fine. Maybe she just went out for a walk and will be back soon."

Xiyu frowned and muttered: "I hope so. Her temper is really a headache. We can't wait any longer. If Tuoba Yu doesn't come tomorrow morning, we will set off directly." His expression was firm, but there was a trace of reluctance in his eyes.

Ouyang Linlin nodded and said: "Okay, this is the only way. I hope Tuoba Yu can come back soon." There was a little worry on her face.

Xiyu frowned slightly, was silent for a while, and then said: "Don't worry, you are right, she is so good at martial arts, nothing will happen."

At night, Tuoba Yu lay in bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep. She frowned and said to herself: "Xiyu must have gone crazy looking for me, right?" There was a trace of guilt in her eyes.

She sat up, hugged her knees, and fell into deep thought. "Am I too willful?" Tuoba Yu murmured to herself, with a tangled expression on her face.

"But, it's too embarrassing to go back like this." She bit her lip and frowned more tightly.

Tuoba Yu kept tossing and turning in bed, feeling more and more uneasy.

"Will he be very angry?" She muttered softly, with a trace of worry in her eyes.

She clutched the quilt tightly, as if it was her only support.

"Or, should I go back?" Tuoba Yu's heart began to waver, and her face showed an indecisive look.

However, she flinched at the thought of going back to face Xiyu.

The next morning, the sun shone on the earth, and Tuoba Yu slowly opened her eyes. She had already made a decision in her heart, so she decided to go back.

She came to the yard and saw that the father and son were still lying there, their bodies had already become stiff, and they were obviously frozen to death.

Tuoba Yu's mouth corners slightly raised, revealing a sneer, "Humph, it's all your fault!" Her voice was cold and ruthless, and her eyes were full of contempt.

Then, Tuoba Yu left this place without looking back, as if everything here had nothing to do with her.

Xiyu frowned, slowly opened his eyes, and his face was full of pain.

He thought to himself: "What if Tuoba Yu doesn't come back today?" There was a trace of confusion and helplessness in his eyes.

Xiyu clenched his fists tightly and muttered to himself: "What should I do..." His voice was full of anxiety.

His brows frowned even tighter, and his lips trembled slightly, as if he was trying to restrain his inner uneasiness.

After a while, there was a gentle knock on the door. Xiyu slowly got up and dragged his heavy feet to open the door.

After the door opened, his face showed an extremely ugly expression, as if he had a heavy burden in his heart.

Xiaohong stood at the door with food and said with concern: "Prime Minister, please eat something."

Xiyu just glanced at her lightly and said softly: "I want to be quiet for a while, you go out first." His voice was low and weak.

Xiaohong hesitated for a moment, and finally turned around and left silently.

Xiaohong frowned and said to Ouyang Linlin with a worried look: "Linlin, Prime Minister doesn't want to eat, no matter how I persuade him, it's useless." Her eyes revealed helplessness and worry.

Ouyang Linlin frowned slightly, thought for a moment and said: "It doesn't matter, he may need some time to adjust his mood." Her tone was calm and firm.

Xiaohong asked anxiously, "Then should we continue to wait for him?"

Ouyang Linlin answered decisively, "In that case, then we won't wait for him."

Tuoba Yu stood at the door of the inn, her eyes flickering and hesitant. She bit her lips, clutched the corners of her clothes tightly with both hands, and looked a little nervous.

"Should I go in?" She whispered to herself, with a guilty look on her face.

She looked at the door of the inn from time to time, but she never had the courage to step in.

"It's obviously my fault, Xiyu must be very angry." Tuoba Yu muttered to herself, frowning, and her heart was full of uneasiness.

She wandered at the door for a long time, her steps seemed a little heavy, as if she was carrying a heavy burden.

After a while, Tuoba Yu quietly hid in the corner of the door of the inn and secretly looked inside.

She saw Ouyang Linlin, Xiaohong and Song Shuwen eating, but she didn't see Xiyu.

Tuoba Yu showed a puzzled look on her face. She frowned and thought to herself: "Where did Xi Yu go? Why can't I see him?"

Her eyes searched back and forth in the inn, trying to find Xi Yu's trace.

At this moment, Xi Yu in the room suddenly felt a special breath.

He had a feeling. Tuoba Yu must be around.

She must be here. (End of this chapter)

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