We agreed that you, a weak strategist, would fight against three heroes by yourself?

Chapter 75 Zhang Miao: Can you return General Dian to me?

It's less than a month before the New Year's Eve, and the whole Yanzhou is singing and dancing.

This year Yanzhou had a good harvest and new policies were implemented. There was quite a prosperous scene in Yanzhou.

The news of Liu Yu's death did not cause too many waves.

Gongsun Zan's occupation of Youzhou was a relief for Cao Ying.

Boss Cao doesn't have to worry that Yuan Shao will take the opportunity to suppress Yanzhou. Under such circumstances, the time for Yanzhou to develop steadily has been lengthened.

As the new year is approaching, Xi Yu naturally begins to practice hughing.

Except for being disturbed once by Cao Cao because of Liu Yu's death, few people came to visit the actor during the rest of the time.

"Alang, what are you thinking about?"

In the theater courtyard, when Xi Yu was looking up at the snow on the eaves, Gan Mei behind him gently put the newly made cloak on Xi Yu's body.

Feeling the warmth coming from behind, Xi Yu turned his head and slumped down, reaching out to take the cloak from Gan Mei's hand.

"Don't you already have a big cloak? Why did you make another one?"

Looking at the brand new cloak in his hand, Xi Yu raised his brows and couldn't help but ask softly.

The beauty of Ganmei that caught my eye was more moving than before.

Hearing Xi Yu's question, Gan Mei smiled as expected.

"The old cloak needs to be replaced!"

The concern in Gan Mei's words made Xi Yu couldn't help but feel something in her heart.

In the blink of an eye, it has been more than twenty years since we came to this era.

At the beginning, Xiyu was also full of lofty ideals. For this reason, he traveled around the world a lot.

Unfortunately, with the erosion of time, his enthusiasm has gradually faded a lot.

It was not until the end that he chose to follow Xi Zhi and join Cao Ying.

In the blink of an eye, more than a year has passed.

In this year, the history he knew had not changed much.

However, these don't matter to him now.

Days like these are not bad at all.

Yanzhou, Chenliu!

In the prefect's mansion.

"Then Xiyu is really as brave as Lu Bu?"

The story of the Battle of Xuzhou has already spread throughout the Han Dynasty.

The battle between Cao Cao and Liu Bei was also widely spread.

Among them, the most dazzling thing is the presence of Xi Yu in the whole process.

With his own efforts, Liu Bei's generals had no one who could compete with him.

And Guan Yu, Liu Bei's subordinate, was a figure who became famous all over the world early on.

The three brothers were even equal to Lu Bu at Hulao Pass.

The appearance of Xi Yu was so unimaginable that all the princes in the world could not imagine it.

Such rumors naturally made Zhang Miao extremely worried when he was in Chenliu.

Xi Yu's strategic and political talents cannot be underestimated. If this person is as brave as Lu Bu, will their plan to capture Yanzhou still be effective?

Zhang Miao felt a little worried, and Chen Gong beside him also frowned slightly.

The fire in front of the two of them was burning brightly, and the temperature in the lobby was obviously a bit hot, but at this moment, their hearts felt a bit cold.

"There are very few people like Lu Bu in the world. This move may be that Cao Mengde wants to take the opportunity to make Xiyu famous!"

In Chen Gong's view, people like Lu Bu were too rare.

Leng Buding told him that besides Lu Bu, there was someone like Xi Yu who could compare with him.

How can this be?

As for the rumors about the Battle of Xuzhou?

I'm afraid it's not what the rumors say.

As for why Liu Bei and others did not deny it, after all, they had lost the bet, and they were afraid that they would be embarrassed?

"To make Xiyu famous?"

Zhang Miao was a little confused, did Cao Cao need to do this?

"I heard that Xi Yu was the one who saved Old Madam Cao. It's normal for Cao Cao to do this!"

As Chen Gong said, Zhang Miao beside him was still a little worried.

"Don't worry, Meng Zhuo. My plan is foolproof. Cao Cao doesn't doubt us now."

"This victory in the battle of Xuzhou, I predict that Cao Cao will definitely take advantage of the opportunity to attack Xuzhou again after the spring begins. By then, it will be the time for you and me to plot to capture Yanzhou!"

After saying this, Chen Gong looked at Zhang Miao again.

"Meng Zhuo, now that the new year is approaching, there are definitely not a few people visiting Cao Cao's house. You should be ready to set off this time!"

Zhang Miao nodded, Chen Gong was right.

At present, his relationship with Cao Cao is obviously very good. If he doesn't visit at the end of the year, what will Cao Cao think?

The next day, Zhang Miao headed for Juancheng with his entourage and congratulatory gifts.

The north wind was biting, and Xiyu, who had been staying at home with Ganmei for a long time, was finally forced out by Yu Rener.

Although these days the marrow tastes good, some people can't bear it.

Xiyu was helpless and had no choice but to put on his big cloak and pull Dianwei along and start wandering around Juancheng.

"Sir, Yanzhou is much more lively this year than before!"

Dian Weiweng commented with a happy face. Upon hearing this, Xiyu turned to look at him.

It's rare for a big-hearted guy like Dian Wei to notice the changes in Yanzhou.

With the implementation of the new policy, the situation in Yanzhou was naturally somewhat different from other states in the Han Dynasty.

On the entire street, you can see some small traders and hawkers everywhere, and there are not a few traders.

The bustling scene of Juancheng is visible to the naked eye.

The two of them didn't walk on the street for long. By coincidence, they bumped into Cao Cao and Xun Yu who were coming back from outside.

When he saw Xi Yu's figure, Cao Cao waved his hands in greeting.

"Fengyi, Fengyi!"

When he got closer, looking at Xi Yu in front of him, Cao Cao grinned and couldn't help but smile: "It's rare that Fengyi actually came out of the house?"

Xun Yu beside him also smiled.

The last time he went to the theater, Xi Yu's expression of resistance was still fresh in his memory.

Now that Cao Cao said this, the ridicule on his face was extremely obvious.

Xi Yu was too lazy to talk to Cao Cao, but just held his hand in front of him as a greeting.

"What are these two brothers?"

"Oh, this is not just idle time. Wen Ruo and I are just taking a look around the city and discussing things for the next year!"

"Fengyi, you came just in time. After the heavy snowfall this year, the spring plowing after the new year will be another important task!"

"Spring plowing is particularly important. I can't think of anyone who can replace Fengyi for such an important task!"

Upon hearing Xi Yu's inquiry, Cao Cao explained casually.

Looking at the scene in Juancheng now, Cao Cao was quite emotional.

More than a year ago, he never imagined that he would be in such a situation, but now, everything has become a reality.

"Spring plowing?"

Xiyu murmured at the corner of his mouth.

He didn't have any resistance. As long as Lao Cao didn't let him go into battle and take charge of spring plowing, it wouldn't be a big deal.

"Let's go, let's go. Wen Ruo and I are going to take a look at the city wall. Can we go with you?"

Seeing that Xi Yu had no objection to spring plowing, Cao Cao put a smile on his face and stepped forward to take Xi Yu's arm and invite him to go with him.

Xiyu didn't say anything about this.

He had nothing to do at the moment, so he went to the city wall to take a look, but it was nothing serious.

But as soon as everyone arrived at the city gate and before they climbed onto the city wall, a motorcade came outside the gate of Juancheng.

The leader, Cao Cao, knew him well, and when he saw the other party approaching, Cao Cao's face showed a bit of joy.

"It's Meng Zhuo!"

"I didn't expect him to come!"

Cao Cao explained to Xi Yu, and the next moment he stopped climbing on the wall, and took the initiative to lead the three of them to meet Zhang Miao.

At this time, Zhang Miao, who had just arrived, naturally saw Cao Cao.

Seeing Cao Cao waiting for him at the city gate, Zhang Miao couldn't help but feel a sudden feeling of guilt.


"Meng Zhuo, I haven't seen you for a long time, but you haven't changed much!"

Cao Cao greeted Zhang Miao warmly, and the latter also had a hint of joy on his face.

"Why did Meng Zhuo come to Juancheng this time?" Cao Cao asked Zhang Miao casually.

The latter grinned: "The new year is approaching, how can I not come?"

"This is a great victory in the battle of Xuzhou, and I haven't had time to congratulate Mengde yet!"

Zhang Miao, who had finished greeting Cao Cao at this time, first glanced at Xun Yu, and then fell on Xi Yu.

"Is this person Xi Yu and Xi Fengyi under Meng De?"

Zhang Miao's tone was very normal, but after careful examination, there was something wrong with his words.

Today's Xiyu is the Taicang Order of the Han Dynasty. To be precise, he does not belong to Cao Cao.

Xi Yu didn't care. Regardless of whether Zhang Miao's words meant to sow discord, he didn't care.

What's more, he is indeed affiliated with Cao Cao at the moment. There is nothing wrong with Zhang Miao saying that he is under Cao Cao.

As for the first meeting Zhang Miao mentioned?

To be precise, it was not that he and Zhang Miao had never met before.

This time when he and the other party asked for Dian Wei, the two had already met.

At this time, Zhang Miao said that the two met for the first time. It was obvious that the other party probably did not take him to heart at all at that time!

Now that he was famous, Zhang Miao only noticed him at this time. It can only be said that in this era, reputation is too important.

At this time, Cao Cao heard this and took the initiative to explain.

"Meng Zhuo is wrong. Fengyi is not under my command. We are all colleagues of the Han Dynasty!"

Cao Cao only thought that Zhang Miao was outspoken. He valued this good friend very much. In Cao Cao's view, the other party could be trusted by his family.

Zhang Miao nodded, and then looked at Xi Yu again.

"I don't know why, but when I see Taicang Ling, I always feel familiar."

"The prefect forgot, at the beginning of spring plowing this year, I went to Chenliu to meet the prefect, and Dianwei was given to me by the prefect!"

Xi Yu explained calmly.

What looks familiar? Do you really not remember it, or are you trying to test it out?

Xi Yu didn't care. If it weren't for Cao Cao's face, he wouldn't bother to talk to Zhang Miao.

Unfortunately, what Cao Cao didn't know was that the friend in front of him was planning to seize Yanzhou from him!

If he knew, Boss Cao would be able to poke a few holes in the opponent's body if he turned around!


"Oh, so it turns out that I have met Taicang Ling before!"

"It's my fault!"

Zhang Miao apologized repeatedly, but his attitude didn't seem like he was being hypocritical. Xi Yu just smiled.

At this time, Zhang Miao's eyes immediately fell on Dian Wei.

Since the story of Xuzhou's fighting generals spread throughout the world, Dian Wei's reputation has also increased a lot.

What Zhang Miao never imagined was that there were warriors like Dian Wei under his account, which he had never paid much attention to before.

He can compete with the likes of Guan and Zhang, and is already a rare warrior in the world.

Seeing Dian Wei again this time, Zhang Miao already felt a little regretful in his heart.

Subconsciously, he turned his head and looked at Xi Yu in front of him.

"Taicang Order, I seconded General Dian Wei to you earlier. Can you please return General Dian to me now?"

As soon as Zhang Miao spoke these words, the atmosphere beside him couldn't help but become a bit colder for a moment.

Cao Cao was a little surprised. Why did Zhang Miao ask Xi Yu for Dian Wei at this time?

You know, even when he wanted to ask Xiyu for Dianwei, it was of no use.

It seemed unwise for Zhang Miao to ask for it at this time.

Cao Cao didn't speak, and just looked at the two people beside him quietly.

Xun Yu beside him also remained silent.

Xi Yu raised his eyes and glanced at Zhang Miao in surprise.

Ask for Dianwei?

Zhang Miao could actually say such a thing?

"Prefect Zhang's words are quite biased!"

"Dian Wei was under the command of the prefect before, but he was not subordinate to the prefect. What's more, Dian Wei at that time was just a small sergeant. To say that he was seconded is a bit exaggerated!"

Xiyu's tone was calm, but there was no hint of Dianwei's intention to return it.

Zhang Miao smiled: "Taicang Ling is joking. He is my subordinate. Naturally, he will be subordinate to me and return to me. It is in line with common sense!"

"Give it back your sister!"

? ? ?

Xi Yu stopped being polite to the other party, and the Chinese quintessence he casually revealed made a few people around him dumbfounded.

Even Cao Cao seemed to have misheard, and looked at Xi Yu with his eyes open.

Did he hear it right just now? Was he scolding someone for justice?

Xun Yu was also a little stunned. What he said here was good, but Xi Yu could say such a thing.

As for Dian Wei on the side, he was already dumbfounded.

When Zhang Miao talked about him, he became very energetic.

He was naturally unwilling to follow Zhang Miao.

Before he joined the army, he was under Zhang Miao's command. At that time, he was just a sergeant. Sima Zhao Chong valued him and had nothing to do with Zhang Miao.

There was no kindness between him and Zhang Miao.

"What did Taicang Ling say?"

Zhang Miao stared, unable to react to Xi Yu's casual words just now.

At this time, after subconsciously asking another question, he saw that Xi Yu in front of him suddenly seemed to be a different person.

"I said give it back to your sister!"

Xi Yu looked at Zhang Miao quietly in front of him, and the words he spat out were a bit cold.

He has figured it out now.

He can give Boss Cao some face, but it also depends on what the matter is.

The Zhang Miao in front of him couldn't understand his own sense of propriety, so there was no need for him to look good on the other party.

What's more, he knew that Zhang Miao was going to plot with Chen Gong to seize Xuzhou sooner or later, so what if they broke up with each other now?

Of course, if Cao Cao changes because of Zhang Miao, he won't take it to heart.

"You, Mengde, here!"

Zhang Miao's face turned a little angry, and he raised his hand and pointed at Xi Yu, not knowing how to respond for a while.

Doesn't the other party claim to be a scholar? How could he say such vulgar words?

Cao Cao's face was a little stiff.

He didn't expect that it would be like this now. Zhang Miao was his good friend, and Xi Yu was his arm that he valued very much.

There was a conflict between the two sides, and he felt a little uncomfortable being caught in the middle.

Speaking of which, he also wants Dian Wei!

However, compared to Zhang Miao, Cao Cao still valued Xi Yu more.

Not to mention Xi Yu's help to him, more importantly, Dian Wei himself was willing to follow Xi Yu.

At this time, Dianwei was standing nearby, but the person involved didn't say a word!

"Meng Zhuo, Fengyi, Dian Wei is right next to you. Why don't you listen to what he has to say?"

As he spoke, Cao Cao looked at Dian Wei beside him.

"I listen to sir!"

As soon as Cao Cao finished speaking, Dian Wei beside him quickly responded.

As soon as he said this, Xiyu looked unharmed.

After all, over the past year, the relationship between him and Dian Wei has become much closer.

Next to him, Zhang Miao opened his mouth and directly chose to win over Dian Wei.

"General Dian, I can grant you the position of captain!"

Zhang Miao was anxious to promise a reward to Dian Wei, but Dian Wei didn't have much expression on his face, and Xi Yu just sneered.

Cao Cao next to him twitched the corner of his mouth.

If Dian Wei could be followed by just giving a reward casually, Dian Wei would have followed him long ago. Why do you, Zhang Miao, show up at this time?

Regarding Zhang Miao's actions, Cao Cao could only say that the other party was really unwise.

Seeing that Dian Wei was indifferent, Zhang Miao planned to make another promise.

However, at this moment, the soldiers guarding the city wall suddenly began to wave their command flags, and then someone informed them that unknown cavalry was approaching Juancheng not far outside the city.

After hearing this, everyone's expressions changed instantly.

Now that the New Year is approaching, there are cavalry appearing outside Juancheng. This is not good news.

Cao Cao no longer bothered to discuss the issue of Dian Wei's ownership. He glanced at Xun Yu and Xi Yu beside him and quickly climbed up the city wall.

At the same time, Xi Yu also frowned.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for cavalry to appear outside the city at this time, not to mention that Juancheng is still the hinterland of Yanzhou.

If there are really cavalry coming towards Juancheng, they should have received such news long ago.

Unless, these cavalry are not threatening.

Thinking like this, Xi Yu also climbed onto the city wall.

After climbing onto the city wall, Xi Yu raised his eyes in the direction outside the city wall and looked into the distance. Within his sight, there was indeed a black shadow of a galloping horse in the distance, which was especially obvious in the snow.

"The new year is approaching, who will come to my Juancheng?"

Cao Cao was a little confused, and Xun Yu beside him also frowned.

Xi Yu looked into the distance, then chuckled softly.

"Brother, don't panic, I think we are not enemies!"

A few people were talking, but within a quarter of an hour, the cavalry in the distance gradually appeared outside the city wall.

At this time, everyone looked towards the outside of the city.

From the first glance, these so-called cavalry look like ordinary country warriors, not soldiers.

After the leader arrived at the city, he quickly ordered the village heroes nearby to slow down.

At this time, Cao Cao stood on the city wall and asked questions.

"Who is coming?"


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