Cai Yan was brought back from Sili by Cao Cao years ago.

After she had just married Wei Zhongdao, the latter died of tuberculosis not long after, and she was also dismissed by the Wei family.

Originally, Cai Yan wanted to spend her life with her father, Cai Yong.

Unexpectedly, the situation in Chang'an changed in the blink of an eye. After Dong Zhuo died, Wang Yun couldn't stand his father and had him imprisoned and killed.

Since then, Cai Yan has been living in relatives' homes.

However, such days are a bit difficult after all. After the turmoil in Chang'an, even her relatives had a hard time.

Later, Cao Cao didn't know where he received the news.

Someone was sent to take her to Yanzhou.

Knowing that it was Cao Cao who came to visit, Cai Yan did not choose to refuse.

The Cai family and the Cao family were more or less family friends, and she even called Cao Cao her brother.

In order not to drag down his relatives, Cai Yan followed him to Yanzhou.

I originally thought that Yanzhou would be in a similar situation to Chang'an, but after arriving in Yanzhou, Cai Yan would realize that the Han Dynasty still had a prosperous place.

Immediately afterwards, she knew that, apart from Cao Cao, the one person who could not have such a scene in Yanzhou today was Xi Yu.

This was also the first time that Cai Yan heard the name Xi Yu.

After learning about the other party's policies, Cai Yan somewhat admired Xi Yu.

In this era, there are too few people who can still work wholeheartedly for the people.

Today is the first day of the Lunar New Year. Cai Yan, who is staying at Cao's house, is naturally accompanied by Mrs. Ding and others.

Until she heard that Xi Yu's wife was also coming.

Cai Yan, who was holding Jiao Weiqin, raised his head slightly when he heard the sound.

What caught his eye was a woman in a plain palace dress. She had a woman's bun on her head, and her eyes seemed to contain stars.

When Cai Yan looked at Gan Mei, Gan Mei was also looking at the woman in front of him.

The woman wears a light green skirt and has a woman's bun on her head.

"Meet my sister!"

Gan Mei took the initiative to say hello to the other party. This greeting made Cai Yan a little flustered.

"I, I'm not..."

"Sister, I misunderstood, Zhao Ji is a guest in my house!"

Mrs. Bian on the side saw that Gan Mei seemed to have misunderstood, and quickly stepped forward to explain Cai Yan's origins.

After hearing the reason, Gan Mei couldn't help but feel a little pity in her eyes.

I never thought that such a beautiful woman in front of me would have such a tortuous experience.

Cai Yan had already looked past his own experience. After explaining it, he took the initiative to play the piano music for everyone.

The sun sets in the west.

Xi Yu stayed with the old lady at Cao's house for a whole day. Even after Xun Yu and Xi Zhicai had taken the initiative to leave, the old lady still held Xi Yu back and refused to let the other party leave.

In desperation, Xi Yu could only stay at Cao's house for dinner to make up for not attending the dinner last night.

It was obviously a family dinner for the Cao family, but the old man valued Xi Yu, an outsider, more than anyone else.

"Fengyi, are you worried about your wife?"

Cao Cao looked at Xi Yu's frown and couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Cao Cao was very concerned about Xi Yu's emphasis on his wife.

When he learned that Xi Yu was never married, he had always been concerned about it.

Later, Cai Yan was brought back by Cao Cao. Part of the reason was because of Xi Yu.

But later Xi Yu valued Gan Mei, so Cao Cao put aside the matter about Cai Yan for the time being.

Seeing Xi Yu frowning from time to time, Cao Cao thought that Xi Yu was worried about his wife.

Beside, Cao Song also raised his head after hearing this.

"Feng Yi has a family-oriented temperament!"

Cao Song praised him again, and when Xi Yu heard the old man's praise, he was somewhat used to it.

By this time, everyone was full of wine and food, and Cao Cao patted Xi Yu on the shoulder.

"Fengyi, come with me to the backyard to pick up your wife!"

"By the way, I have arranged a guest room for you tonight, and you will stay at my house tonight!"

Hearing that Cao Cao had arranged everything, Xi Yu didn't refuse.

After saying hello to the old lady, Xi Yu followed Cao Cao towards the back house.

After arriving at the back house, Xi Yu looked up and saw the Cao family's backyard was brightly lit.

As soon as I entered the yard, I heard the sound of warblers and swallows coming from the lit pavilion not far away.

Hearing this voice, Cao Cao had a smile on his face and his eyes narrowed.

"Fengyi, have you ever thought about marrying a few more?"

Cao Cao raised his eyes at Xi Yu and said that he had married several concubines so far, and his posture was a bit proud.

Xi Yu curled his lips and did not respond.

The movement of the two people entering the backyard was quickly noticed by Mrs. Ding and others.

"I've met all the ladies!"

When they got closer, Xi Yu took the initiative to salute Mrs. Ding and others, and the latter and others also returned the salute: "I've met Mr. Xi!"

"Ayu, has Fengyi's room been settled?"

Cao Cao asked Mrs. Bian, who nodded.

Xi Yu raised his eyes and glanced at Gan Mei.

At this time, Cao Cao's wives and Ganmei were sitting around the stone table in the pavilion, playing cards.

Noticing Xi Yu's gaze, Gan Mei couldn't help but blush a little. Just as she was about to get up, Mrs. Bian next to her pressed her down.

"The game Fengyi invented is really good. We are asking our sister to teach us. Fengyi won't mind, right?"

Mrs. Bian smiled and explained to Xi Yu.

Hearing this, Xi Yu also smiled: "Mrs. Sister-in-law, you are just kidding!"

Ganmei can get along well with Cao Cao's wives, which is good, Xi Yu will not be surprised.

At this time, Cao Cao saw several ladies enjoying playing cards around, and he seemed to have a little interest.

Perhaps it was because he wasn't very happy playing with the old lady before, so he took the initiative to play with the other two concubines.

Xi Yu stood a little weirdly on the side.

He couldn't blend in directly with such a group of people like Cao Cao.

After all, except for his own wife, everyone else is Cao Cao's concubine.

Seeing the smile on Gan Mei's face, Xi Yu pushed away.

He raised his head and looked at the sky. He didn't know when the crescent moon had risen.

"Mr. Xi?"

When Xi Yu was looking up at the moonlight alone, a soft voice sounded from the side.

Hearing the sound, Xi Yu, who came back to his senses, subconsciously looked in the direction of the sound.

Not far from here, a girl holding a guqin was staring at him with her eyes raised.


Xi Yu mistakenly thought that the other party was one of Cao Cao's concubines who was about to receive a gift, and the woman in front of him quickly waved her hand.

"I am not Brother Mengde's concubine. The little girl Cai Yan has met Mr. Xi!"

Cai Yan?

Cai Wenji?

No, to be precise at this time, it should be Cai Zhaoji!

This is a famous talented woman in history, and it was also a famous walking library in the late Han Dynasty.

A character like Cai Zhaoji, if placed in a martial arts novel, would be a perfect template for Wang Yuyan.

Even if the other party has been in exile for decades, after returning, he can still compile countless famous books based on his memory.


She, why is she in Cao Cao's house?

According to this time, the other party should still be in Chang'an. After the turmoil, the other party will be kidnapped by the barbarians.

Xiyu thought of a lot in his mind.

Although he was a little surprised that Cai Yan appeared in the Cao Mansion, he didn't think much about it immediately after.

Cai Yan can appear here now, but he has avoided a miserable life in the future.

In such a situation, Xiyu would still stand for the other party.

"I've met Miss Zhao Ji!"

Xi Yu saluted her again, and then couldn't help but praise her: "The girl is so famous that the man is so famous. Xi Yu is lucky to see the girl today!"


Cai Yan didn't expect that Xi Yu had heard of his reputation, and was obviously surprised when he heard the other party's praise.

Xi Yu didn't pay much attention and turned to look at the sky again.

The crescent moon in front of him made a few verses appear in his mind subconsciously, and he couldn't help but read them out casually.

"Po Yi is as small as a hook, fanning the Han army."

"The fine shadow will be round, and you can see it in several places in the world."

"What a poem!"

When Cai Yan heard the poem that Xi Yu recited casually, he subconsciously read it in his mouth, and then couldn't help but praise it.

"The gentleman's literary talent is even better than that of the little girl!"

He was able to compose poems casually based on the situation, even without even a moment's effort. Cai Yan felt that he still lacked some skills.

Although the poems written by Xi Yu are not in the Yuefu format, they are also very rhythmic. If you read them carefully and combine them with the situation at this time, they are quite beautiful.

Listening to Cai Yan's extremely serious praise, Xi Yu couldn't help but feel a little proud.

He didn't mean to show off in front of Cai Yan just now, but this poem came to his mind subconsciously when he looked at the moon in front of him.

It was a bit unintentional, but he didn't expect to receive praise from a famous and talented woman, which naturally made him a little happy.

"I heard that many of Yanzhou's policies were advised by Mr. Mengde?"

Looking at Xi Yu standing not far away, Cai Yan couldn't help but asked curiously.

Hearing this, Xi Yu raised his eyebrows.

"You can't believe it. Most of the strategies are the result of joint discussions among Yanzhou's counselors!"

He was too playful to take all the credit directly to himself.

Although some policies were indeed proposed by him, officials from all over Yanzhou contributed a lot to improving them.

"Sir, Zhao Ji admires him for being able to do things for the people like this!"

Cai Yan laughed.

"I'm just doing what I can do!"

"The world has been in turmoil for too long. Not only me, but the people in the world probably want to restore peace to the world!"

Xi Yu sighed casually.

The troubled times of the Three Kingdoms were an era when heroes emerged in large numbers. Perhaps for those generals and counselors, this was the best era.

But for more people, troubled times mean it is harder to survive.

If the Han Dynasty is prosperous, what will happen to a woman like Cai Yan even if she withdraws from the Wei family?

This era was very tolerant of women, not to mention that with Cai Yong's status, there were not a few people who came to the house to get married.

"Yeah, no one wants to see troubled times!"

Cai Yan's tone was leisurely, as if he was thinking of his father's ending.

"Please express your condolences regarding Mr. Cai!"

The main reason for Cai Yong's death was that the other party missed his friendship with Dong Zhuo.

Speaking of Cai Yong, in fact, if he is placed in later generations, he should be a standard literati to be precise.

Cai Yong was not suitable for politics. Just because Dong Zhuo recalled him to Luoyang, Cai Yong remembered Dong Zhuo's kindness.

So much so that in the end, he died because of this kindness.

Outside the pavilion, the two of them were chatting.

What Xi Yu didn't notice was that at this moment, several pairs of eyes had already looked over at the stone table in the pavilion.

Ganmei naturally noticed the situation here. Seeing her husband talking and laughing with other women, she was not jealous at all.

Mrs. Ding and Mrs. Bian next to her looked uncertain. They both looked at Ganmei.

Noticing that there was no jealous look in the other person's eyes, everyone couldn't help but nodded.

On the other side, Cao Cao couldn't help but curl up the corners of his mouth.

He also looked at Xi Yu, who was chatting happily with Cai Yan.

Unexpectedly, there was a so-called unexpected surprise today.

After bringing Cai Yan back, Cao Cao was worried about how to settle Cai Yan. He couldn't just accept him by himself.

After all, he doesn't like Cai Yan's type, he likes someone more mature.

Although Cai Yan was married to Wei Zhongdao and was considered a married woman, Wei Zhongdao was a loser after all. He died before they formally came to the court to get married.

Because of this, Cao Cao had previously intended to bring Cai Yan back. He originally planned to bring Cai Yan and Xi Yu together.

Noticing that Gan Mei's eyes were always looking in Xi Yu's direction, Cao Cao raised his eyebrows.

"Okay, it's almost time!"

He glanced at his wife and others, and Mrs. Ding and others naturally understood that they were not pulling Gan Mei to continue playing Landlords.

Xi Yu naturally noticed the quiet movement in the pavilion.

He didn't think much, he said something to Cai Yan, and then took the initiative to walk towards Gan Mei and others.

"Fengyi, let Ayu take you and your wife to the guest room!"

Cao Cao said casually to Xi Yu, and when he heard this, Xi Yu nodded.

He took Ganmei and followed Mrs. Bian to the Cao family's guest room quickly.

"How are you doing today, madam?"

After lying on the bed and holding Ganmei in his arms, Xi Yu asked casually.

He was still a little worried that Gan Mei would barely blend in with Cao Cao's family members for his own sake.

Hearing Xi Yu's concerned question, Gan Mei shook her head decisively.

"Everything is fine, Sister Ding and the others are very nice to me!"

Lying on Xi Yu's chest, Gan Mei couldn't help but ask Xi Yu after a while.

"Alang had a good talk with Sister Zhaoji today?"


Hearing Gan Mei suddenly say Cai Yan, Xi Yu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Did Ganmei notice it before?

He thought that Nizi in his arms was a little jealous, so he couldn't help but chuckle.

"Cai Yan is a famous and talented woman in the Han Dynasty. I have heard of her reputation before, and I heard that she has memorized all the classics in her father's library. It is quite admirable!"

"Is it so powerful?"

Gan Mei couldn't help but be a little surprised, and then she seemed to have an idea.

He was so excited that he didn't think much about it, but immediately after Gan Mei's next words, his head suddenly became a little big.

"Does Alang like Sister Zhaoji? If so, I will ask you tomorrow!"

After saying this, the man in his arms laughed.

However, when Xi Yu heard this, his whole body stiffened.

what's the situation?

Is this girl really jealous, or does she really mean it?

Regarding Cai Yan, Xi Yu actually didn't have many thoughts in her heart.

In this era, the reason why the other party can be remembered in his heart is more because Cai Yan's subsequent life was somewhat miserable.

And the other party is a talented woman who has been passed down through the ages. Such a woman will be sympathized by countless people in later generations.

Xi Yu had thought before that if he had the chance, he would try to change the other person's fate.

Now that the other party is in the Cao Mansion, his originally miserable life fate has naturally changed.

However, Xi Yu never thought about marrying the other party.

Among the more famous beauties in the Three Kingdoms, besides Ganmei.

Later, there are Jiangdong Erqiao, Luoshui goddess Zhen Mi, Gongyao Ji Sun Shangxiang, etc...

Cai Yan is among them, and sometimes he is not ranked at all.

Of course, if he were to refuse a woman like Cai Zhaoji, it would be difficult for anyone to refuse her!

Talented woman!

The aura that surrounds you can add a lot of points to your appearance.

Xi Yu stretched out his hand to lift Ganmei in his arms.

"Ma'am, are you not kidding me?"

Xi Yu stared, the person in front of him blushed slightly, and his bright eyes blinked slightly.

"Alang really likes Sister Zhaoji!"

As if he could see through Xi Yu's inner thoughts at a glance, Gan Mei smiled softly.

She didn't have the slightest bit of jealousy, maybe most women of this era were like this.

What's more, after marrying Xi Yu, Gan Mei already felt that she was very lucky. However, after a few months of marriage, her stomach had not moved at all.

This made Gan Mei somewhat worried.

Today, when she saw Xi Yu and Cai Yan talking and laughing, Gan Mei couldn't help but have an idea in her mind.

Xi Yu had no idea what Gan Mei was thinking about this.

Seeing that the expression of the person in front of him didn't look fake, Xi Yu couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

I have to say that women in this era are so considerate.

In other future generations, some husbands would be in a state of panic every time they glanced at other women.

How can it be like this now, where the wife takes the initiative to help find a new wife for herself.

After feeling a warm feeling in his heart, Xi Yu hugged the person in his arms tighter.

"Madam, it's late at night. Listening to the noise outside, it seems like it's raining!"

A speechless night! In the pond outside the window, carp spit out beads and rain hits the banana trees!

The first rain after the new year came quietly in the middle of the night. The sound of rain was mixed with the faint sound of whispers and passed away quietly.

After the sky became bright the next day, the rain last night also stopped early.

The air after the rain became a little more comfortable. After Xi Yu got up, he took the initiative to say goodbye to Gan Mei and everyone in the Cao Mansion.

As for what Gan Mei said about taking the initiative to help him inquire about Zhao Ji, Xi Yu didn't take it to heart at all.

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