A few days ago.

Zhang Miao and others in Chenliu were still waiting for Xun Yu to take the initiative to help Lu Bu deliver food and grass!

However, Lu Bu and the others waited and waited, but could not wait for any news from Xun Yu to send food, grass and military supplies.

Even Zhang Miao wrote several letters to Xun Yu, but there was no reply.

It was only at this moment that Chen Gong realized that he and others might have been tricked by Xun Yu and others.

"Damn it, that Xun Yu pretended to be a humble gentleman, but he actually did this!"

Zhang Miao, who also realized something was wrong, couldn't help but cursed in the house.

At this time, Chen Gong's face turned a little dark.

"Meng Zhuo, I think Xun Yu realized something because he was afraid of trouble!"

He said that with Xun Yu's intelligence, how could he not realize this, not to mention that Xi Yu was also in Juancheng.

It's because he thought a little too simply!

"What should we do now?"

After realizing that he had been tricked, Zhang Miao felt helpless and could only look at Chen Gong unwillingly.

Lu Bu next to him also had a dark complexion.

Lu Bu seemed to realize that his plan to seize Yanzhou was not going well, and Lu Bu was obviously angry.

"For today's plan, we can only act according to the previous plan!"

"General Lu can lead his troops to attack directly this time!"

"Meng Zhuo and I will inform the Yanzhou nobles to respond to the general together!"

Chen Gong laid out the plan casually, and Lu Bu beside him could only nod his head.

Then the three of them started to act independently without any further words.

After leaving Chen Liu, the first thing Lu Bu did when he returned to the camp was to summon his generals.

A few days later, Lu Bu led Zhang Liao, Gao Shun and others all the way to Juancheng.

The first town Lu Bu visited was Puyang.

At that time, Xiahou Dun had been ordered to this place by Xun Yu.

At this moment, as Lu Bu led the cavalry, Xiahou Dun, who had originally planned to go out of the city to fight, immediately changed his attention.

"Lu Bu, why is it Lu Bu?"

Lu Bu's name had long spread throughout the world, and Xiahou Dun naturally knew how much he weighed.

Let him go to fight Lu Bu, what's the difference between that and sending him to death?

Only then did Xiahou Dun realize why Xun Yu ordered him to garrison here.

That Lu Bu actually appeared in Yanzhou.

It's approaching May.

The signs of warming weather are becoming more and more obvious.

Xi Yu and others naturally reacted to Chen Gong and Zhang Miao's traveling around Yanzhou.

However, now that most of the Yanzhou army has been led by Cao Cao, it is now impossible for the three of Xun Yu to completely control the entire Yanzhou.

Under such circumstances, Xun Yu could not stop Chen Gong's plan.

This is a conspiracy, and there is nothing you can do about it.

For the present plan, only Cao’s army returns.

But in the past few months, Cao Jun had reached a stalemate in the battle of Xuzhou ahead.

It will be impossible to withdraw the troops and return to Yanzhou for a period of time.

Xuzhou, Cao Jun camp.

Cao Cao was in a daze after receiving Xun Yu's letter.

Zhang Miao and Chen Gong welcomed Lu Bu into Yanzhou and committed a rebellion?

How can this be?

It was Chen Gong who planned for him and settled in Yanzhou. Why would he rebel now?

Is it because he has neglected Chen Gong now?

Zhang Miao, this person is his best friend who is worthy of being entrusted to his family and relatives, so how could he betray him.

Cao Cao, who received the news immediately, thought it was Xun Yu joking with him.

He even thought that the letters between the two of them had been changed.

However, when Xun Yu's second and third letters came, Cao Cao had to believe it.

Yanzhou, something is indeed happening!

Cao Cao felt like he was mourning his heir.

Nowadays, the war in Xuzhou is raging, and something like this happened in Yanzhou in the rear area. It is a huge blow to him.

Xi Zhicai beside him was quite emotional.

Sure enough, what my brother said was indeed right.

Zhang Miao and others indeed had different intentions, but now that this matter was verified, Xi Zhicai was not happy at all.

Logically speaking, my brother should be excited because he knows everything about things.

But, this is not a good thing!

"Lord, there is no need to worry, Fengyi had predicted it before!"

Seeing Cao Cao like this, Xi Zhicai felt that he still couldn't let Cao Cao lose like this.

Then he told him what Xi Yu had reminded him earlier.

Hearing this, Cao Cao was a little shocked.

"Is what Zhicai said true?"

"Fengyi had anticipated this before it happened?"

This sounds really weird. Xi Yu had already predicted it before Zhang Miao and others rebelled?

How can it be?

"How dare you make such a joke, Zhong?"

Xi Zhicai laughed helplessly, and then told Cao Cao the whole process that Xi Yu and himself had said before.

After hearing the whole process, Cao Cao was slightly stunned.

Was it because Xi Yu didn't take the initiative to mention this to him because of his friendship with Zhang Miao?

That's right, if Xi Yu had told him such a thing before, he wouldn't have believed it based on his trust in Zhang Miao.

On the contrary, this matter may even cause a rift between him and Xi Yu.

Xiyu did the right thing.

However, knowing such a thing now still makes Cao Cao a little worried.

How could he trust Zhang Miao so much that he could do such a thing?

It’s really hateful!

"My lord, Fengyi has already predicted it before, and I think he already has a back-up plan, so we don't have to worry about it for the time being!"

Xi Zhicai thought about it and gave a sigh of relief to Cao Cao.

After hearing this, Cao Cao nodded.

To be honest, he felt a little uncomfortable if he was asked to withdraw to Yanzhou now.

Although the battle of Xuzhou is now in a stalemate, if the battle drags on, he is confident of annexing the entire Xuzhou.

However, Yanzhou is the place where he made his fortune, and it is absolutely impossible for him to give up.

However, if he withdraws to Yanzhou this time, he may not be able to control the towns in Xuzhou that he captured previously.

When the time comes, if Xuzhou can breathe again, the crusade against Xuzhou will probably be even more difficult than these two times.


Now that Xi Yu and Xun Yu were behind him, he felt more secure.

"Counting the days, our army's food and fodder can't last more than a month. It's time for the food and fodder for the supply camp to arrive, right?"

After heaving a sigh of relief, Cao Cao suddenly thought that it was time for the army to transport food and grass again.

Nowadays, Xi Yu is responsible for transporting grain and grass.

After some time, he might be able to ask Xi Yu in person.

Yanzhou, Juancheng!

The new supplies of grain and fodder have been loaded onto trucks by the supply battalion.

Xi Yu turned around and looked at Xun Yu and Cheng Yu in front of him.

"You two, Yanzhou will be entrusted to you this time!"

There was no room for delay in the matter of grain and fodder ahead. The collected grain and fodder had already been loaded onto the truck. As the commander of the baggage battalion, Xi Yu naturally had to set off with the baggage battalion.

Nowadays, Yanzhou is unstable, and food and grass matters are the top priority.

Although the situation in Yanzhou looks a bit unfavorable at the moment, what is unexpected is that Xiahou Dun of Puyang actually blocked Lu Bu.

"Be loyal and transport food with peace of mind. I guarantee that Juancheng and other places will be safe!"

Xun Yu nodded. At the moment, whether Xi Yu stays or not doesn't actually affect the overall situation.

The rebellions in various parts of Yanzhou could not be stopped by Xiyu alone.

At this moment, they only need to stick to the town they currently control, and wait for a while until Cao Cao takes action.

The dilemma can be solved!

"Be righteous and have peace of mind. As long as we are here, nothing will happen to Juancheng!"

Cheng Yu beside him also nodded.

Nowadays, the entire family members of Cao Ying basically live in Juancheng. Even if the entire Yanzhou falls, they must ensure that Juancheng is safe and sound.

Xi Yu naturally understood what the two of them meant.

Whether he stays or not, the effect he can have is minimal.

Even though he has outstanding military power, perhaps the only thing he can guarantee during the entire Yanzhou rebellion is that nothing will happen to his family!

And with Xun Yu and Cheng Yu there, it is not difficult to hold on to a few towns. In addition, there is also Xiahou Dun's garrison. At worst, we will just hold on to Juancheng in the end!

"That's good!"

Nodding towards the two of them, Xi Yu sent Dian Wei to lead the baggage battalion and set off slowly, then returned to Xi's house and gave Gan Mei a few words.

At sunset, he caught up with the baggage camp in front of them escorting grain and grass.

When Xi Yu led the baggage battalion to suppress the military supplies needed by Cao's army, he once again marched towards Xuzhou.

Lu Bu, who could not capture Puyang on the other side, had no choice but to withdraw his troops.

At this moment, inside Lu Bu's camp.

Lu Bu looked at Chen Gong beside him with a dark face and said nothing.

Xiahou Dun was entrenched in the town and could not get out, while most of Lu Bu were Xiliang cavalry, not soldiers who were good at capturing towns.

It will not be easy to capture Xiahou Dun this time.

And Xiahou Dun seemed to have learned of his arrival, and had been huddled in the city for days without any intention of going to war.

"Your Majesty, for this plan, we will move to the other towns in Yanzhou!"

Chen Gong gave Lu Bu some advice. Now, he and Zhang Miao have communicated well with the Yanzhou nobles.

Once Lu Bu's important towns were here, all the places in Yanzhou would surrender to Lu Bu, but he never expected that Lu Bu would meet Xiahou Dun as soon as he came up.

If it had been another defender, the town might have been captured by now.

"Hmph, that person will only hide in the town. If he fights with me in the wild, I will behead him within three days!"

Lu Bu was a little disdainful.

Chen Gong and others on the side did not refute when they heard this. Lu Bu's military power was well known to the world.

Because of this, the other party would not be stupid enough to confront Lu Bu head-on.

Chen Gong was a little helpless. After all, his plan failed, and he was even tricked by Xun Yu.

If Lu Bu had launched a surprise attack earlier, Xun Yu would not have had time to arrange everything.

However, Cao Jun is currently in Xuzhou, and the weather is with me.

"By the way, I heard the spies came to report that Cao Jun's grain and grass are already on their way to Xuzhou?"

As if he thought of something, Lu Bu suddenly raised his head and asked Chen Gong.

Hearing this, Chen Gong frowned and nodded subconsciously.

"That's right, the grain and grass collected by Yanzhou a few days ago have been transported from Juancheng to Xuzhou, and they have just set off now!"


Lu Bu gritted his teeth and bit the two words very hard.

Now, he led his troops from Hanoi to Yanzhou, and the army was consuming a lot of food and grass every day.

Zhang Yang will no longer provide him with any food and grass.

As for Zhang Miao's Chenliu, it was only a mere place, and the time it could provide him could not last long.

"Your Majesty, the most urgent task is to capture a place, so that the worry of food and grass can be easily solved!"

Chen Gong spoke up.

Lu Bu only needs a few towns in Yanzhou, whether it is to collect grain and grass on the spot, or to ask for it from the Yanzhou nobles.

I don't think I will be short of food and grass.

Hearing this, Lu Bu just frowned.


"Hasn't all Cao Jun's food and grass been confiscated? Wouldn't it be easier for me to just seize Cao Jun's food and grass!"

Lu Bu curled his lips and chuckled.

Now they have received news that Cao Jun's army has just set off, and all his men are Xiliang cavalry, chasing them day and night.

It takes less than two days to catch up with Cao Jun's grain transport team.

With his ability, wouldn't it be easy to seize Cao's army's food and grass?

There is no need to capture any other towns.

For Lu Bu, what he is most in need of right now is food and grass.

It would be a waste of time to wait until the town is captured and then collect it locally or ask for it from the nobles.

Isn't it easier to directly seize the food and grass that Cao Jun has prepared?

This move can solve his current need for food and grass.

He was able to take this opportunity to hit Cao Jun on the Xuzhou front line hard.

This can be said to be a good thing that kills two birds with one stone.

Lu Bu felt that his thoughts suddenly became clear at this moment. After saying these words, he couldn't help but look at Chen Gong in front of him.

The latter was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect Lu Bu to have such an opinion.

"What the Lord said is true, this move is indeed a masterstroke!"

In just a moment, Chen Gong already figured out how much damage this move would cause to Cao Cao.

Without this food and grass, Cao Cao in Xuzhou would have no choice but to withdraw his troops, and Lu Bu had already occupied the entire Yanzhou by then.

By that time, Cao Cao would not be able to capture Xuzhou if he advanced, and he would be unable to protect Yanzhou if he retreated.

There is no way to advance or retreat.

Wonderful, really wonderful!

"Do you know which road Cao Jun's grain road is, and who is responsible for supervising the grain transport team?"

After deciding to seize the food and grass, Lu Bu asked Chen Gong casually.

Upon hearing this, Chen Gong immediately called the spies in.

After some questioning, Lu Bu and others soon knew the location of Cao's army's grain road, and even more so that the person in charge of supervising the grain and fodder was Xi Yu.


It seems that Lu Bu has heard of this name before, and it sounds familiar.

He subconsciously opened his mouth and muttered a few words. At this moment, Zhang Liao couldn't help but remind him aloud.

"Your Majesty, this person is the Taicang Order who was previously rewarded by the imperial court!"

Zhang Liao reminded him, and then thought of the rumors about Xi Yu some time ago, and he subconsciously glanced at Lu Bu.

It is rumored that when Cao Cao was campaigning in Xuzhou, Cao and Liu made a bet before the battle.

The key figure among them is Xi Yu.

I heard that this man defeated Liu Bei in one fell swoop when he was fighting against generals.

After that, Xi Yu's reputation began to spread throughout the Han Dynasty.

"Taicang Order?"

Lu Bu frowned, in charge of the granary?

"Your Majesty, this is the person who became famous when Cao and Liu fought against each other!"

"It is rumored that this person's force is strong enough to suppress Guan Zhang, and he is not inferior to you!"

Zhang Liao said something brilliant.

Zhang Liao couldn't imagine such rumors. He knew very well how tyrannical Lu Bu's force was.

It was precisely because he knew Lu Bu's tyranny that Zhang Liao knew that a strong general like this was extremely rare.

It is extremely difficult to have a figure like Lu Bu in the world.

How is it possible that another one will come out?


"That's him!"

There were a lot of rumors outside some time ago, and Lu Bu naturally heard about it, but he didn't take it to heart at all.

He has never met anyone in the world who can match his in terms of military strength.

The strength of Guan and Zhang can be regarded as somewhat recognized by him. Their ability is superior to that of Guan and Zhang, and they are somewhat powerful!

However, I want to be on par with him, haha!

"I am somewhat interested in him. Since he happens to be escorting grain and fodder, it is a perfect fit!"

Lu Bu chuckled lightly, and when his eyebrows rose, there was obviously a hint of interest in his eyes.

For a person who was rumored to be as powerful as him, this really inspired his fighting spirit!

If they were just robbing for food and grass, it would seem a bit boring.

But it would not be a pleasure to compete with a general who is rumored to be on par with him.

"Your Majesty, Meng Zhuo, this person from Xiyu, has met him before!"

"I heard he is just a counselor, not a peerless general at all!"

"That's just a false reputation that Cao Cao used to spread!"

Speaking of Xi Yu, Chen Gong made a casual comment.

In his opinion, Xi Yu's reputation was just something Cao Cao took the opportunity to promote, and it was in name only.

Zhang Miao on the side also nodded at this time.

He had met Xi Yu, and seeing that Lu Bu seemed to be interested in him, he immediately added.

"What Gongtai said is true. I have met Xi Yu!"

"Although his body shape is similar to that of Junhou, his figure is not as majestic as Junhou. Instead, he looks a bit frail!"

Zhang Miao looked at Lu Bu in front of him.

The person in front of him has a majestic physique, and he is vaguely powerful just standing in front of him.

His waist is like a pillar and his arms are like beams.

But that Xiyu, when he first saw him, was just a talkative person!

Although he is tall, his figure is not that of Lu Bu.

Thinking that Xi Yu would meet such a fierce person as Lu Bu, Zhang Miao couldn't help but feel a little relieved.

His impression of that drama was not a good one.

If he could be killed by Lu Bu or humiliated by Lu Bu, it would make him happy.


"Just a counselor?"

Lu Bu frowned slightly.

He was somewhat interested just now. If he was really capable of defeating Guan Zhang and his ilk, he would be interested in fighting with them.

However, if he is just a penniless counselor, then he will not be interested at all.

A literary advisor can be easily crushed by him.

Zhang Liao next to him didn't have much opinion.

They have absolute confidence in Lu Bu.

As for the rumored drama, maybe it is just a rumor.

And rumors are the most untrustworthy.

After putting aside his impression of Xi Yu, Lu Bu laughed.

He followed without any hesitation and immediately ordered his generals.

In the afternoon of that day, Lu Bu led a thousand Xiliang cavalry under his command and began to pursue Xuzhou that day.


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