The camps on both sides were separated by dozens of feet. When Dian Wei rode out, Lu Bu's eyes were not on the other side.

At this time, Dianwei noticed that Lu Bu had stopped with his cavalry, and he was not stupid enough to dive towards the opponent's camp alone.

As the two armies lined up, Lu Bu rode his horse closer to this side and his eyes fell on Xi Yu.

"You are Xiyu?"

With just one glance, Lu Bu had already guessed who Xi Yu was.

After all, the stature of the two sides is not much different, which is extremely obvious in each other's camp.

Xi Yu looked a little thin. He was wearing a Confucian robe and a lazy figure, which was the hallmark of a counselor.

"Lu Fengxian? Are you looking for me?"

Hearing Lu Bu ask him, Xi Yu was quite curious, and the other party called his name as soon as he came up.

This actually made him a little curious about what Lu Bu wanted to do.

As Xi Yu responded, a faint smile appeared on Lu Bu's lips.

"General, I heard that you are a talented person. Do you want to follow me?"

Lu Bu didn't mince words, he opened his mouth with a direct solicitation. Xi Yu's brows raised when he heard this.

He thought Lu Bu was looking for him for some reason. His feelings were just to attract him.

Regarding this situation, Xi Yu was somewhat complacent.

Even Lu Bu wants to recruit him. It seems that he is quite successful as a counselor!

But, Lu Bu?

Forget it!

Not to mention the other party's original ending in history, the other party's temperament still made him somewhat unhappy.

What's more, in the final analysis, Xi Yu himself didn't care at all about the only force Lu Bu relied on.

There was nothing about the other party that attracted him, so naturally there was nothing to say.

"You want to recruit me, but it's a pity that you are not qualified enough!"

Xi Yu responded with a slightly contemptuous tone.

Lu Bu seemed to pause when he heard this response.

The other party said that he was not qualified enough. How could he be unqualified? His tone simply looked down on him!

Just for a moment, Lu Bu's whole chest seemed to explode.

The anger in his heart was instantly aroused by Xi Yu's simple words.

The black Fangtian painted halberd drew a semicircle in the air. Lu Bu didn't say anything. His eyes changed and he suddenly clamped his legs over the red rabbit.

The next moment, the red rabbit raised its hooves and its red mane floated in the wind.

Seeing Lu Bu leading the cavalry and starting to swoop towards this side, Dian Wei, who had long been impatient, immediately rode his horse towards the opponent.

Xiyu sighed.

The baggage camp on the side has already set up a posture to resist the horses.

It's just that infantry is still slightly inferior to cavalry, although it can withstand the opponent's charge.

But after being surrounded by cavalry, if they were strangled slowly, it wouldn't take too long after all.

In just the blink of an eye, Dian Wei, holding both halberds, had already collided with Lu Bu head-on.

Lu Bu only glanced at Dian Wei in front of him, followed by Fang Tian's painted halberd and swept directly in the direction of Dian Wei.

Seeing this scene, Dian Wei held halberds in both hands and crossed the bars.

After the weapons collided, huge force was transmitted between them, and the sound of fighting suddenly began.

After the two huge forces rebounded, Lu Bu just rolled his eyes slightly, but Dian Wei beside him was already baring his teeth.

What an amazing strength!

I originally thought that Lu Bu's strength should be about the same as him, but I didn't expect that the opponent's strength was much stronger than him.

Dian Wei has only encountered such strength in one person.

That is my husband.

But when it comes to strength, Mr. Dian Wei's confidence should still be higher than Lu Bu's.

After all, Xi Yu's fight with him was just a casual discussion on weekdays.

Even some strolling around.

However, Lu Bu in front of him was actually fighting with him.

However, the huge strength did not allow Dian Wei to think in his mind. When the two halberds came up to meet him, Lu Bu's Fang Tianhua halberd struck him.


With this blow, Dian Wei couldn't help but want to complain.

In fact, on horseback, his strength was greatly restricted.

At this time, Lu Bu seemed to have no intention of fighting with him. After knocking Dian Wei away with one blow, Lu Bu directly rode his horse and rushed in the direction of Xi Yu.

Lu Bu's goal was to play Yu from the beginning to the end.

In addition to the disdainful tone of the other party just now, what's more important is that Xi Yu's status in Cao Ying is not low.

If he could capture the opponent alive, it would be an extremely beneficial thing for Lu Bu.

Seeing Lu Bu rushing towards him, Xi Yu looked helpless.

He just wants to be a counselor honestly!

If Lu Bu was really allowed to charge in front of him, a hole would probably be ripped open in his entire supply camp.

Infantry versus cavalry is ultimately at a disadvantage!

If it was a one-on-one battle, or a horse battle between horse teams, Xi Yu still had some confidence in the supply camp.

However, resisting cavalry is ultimately a matter of arms type.

The soldiers in the transport camp on the side wanted to block Lu Bu for Xi Yu, but after all this effort, Xi Yu finally shook his head.

"Get out of the way!"

After giving instructions to the soldiers in the baggage camp, Xi Yu rode out from the queue slowly with a tiger-headed golden gun in his hand.

Seeing this scene, Lu Bu was a little surprised.

Even though Xi Yu was holding a spear, he didn't take him seriously.

Chen Gong said that the other party was just a weak counselor!

Even if there is some force, I think it is only second or third rate.

Lu Bu only felt that the other party came out just right.

Xi Yu, who was not far away in front of him, shook his head helplessly.

"I just want to be a civil servant honestly. Why do you guys force me to carry a gun?"

Xi Yu laughed at himself, and raised the tiger-headed golden gun.

The complaint was neither loud nor quiet, but Lu Bu, who was coming towards him, could hear it clearly.

Not far away, after seeing Lu Bu rushing towards Xi Yu, Dian Wei's mouth twitched.

What about Lu Bu? He who really knew Xi Yu's strength felt that the current Lu Bu was like what his husband often said, taking the initiative to deliver food.

Lu Bu is strong, Dian Wei admits, but the master is so strong that no one can match him.

As if realizing Lu Bu's fate, Dian Wei turned his head and took the initiative to kill the Xiliang cavalry.

Not everyone can compare with Lu Bu.

These ordinary Xiliang cavalry were no match for Shangdian Wei.

Except for Hao Meng, who came with Lu Bu this time, and Hou Cheng, who could barely resist Dian Wei, no one could restrain Dian Wei.

The generals under Lu Bu's command here barely blocked Dian Wei.

Lu Bu on the other side was already closer to Xi Yu.

When he saw Xi Yu's thoughts, Lu Bu didn't even listen to what he was saying.

Thinking that Xi Yu was dizzy at the sight of him, he actually dared to come up to him.

Everyone knows that Lu Bu's martial arts is unparalleled in the world. If Xi Yu comes to meet him this time, he will die!

"Well done!"

Lu Bu roared loudly, and struck the Fangtian painted halberd in the direction of Xi Yu head-on.

Xi Yu picked up the tiger-headed golden gun without haste, and the golden gun body faced the black Fang Tian painted halberd.

In an instant, the two collided.

The huge sound of fighting seemed to attract everyone's attention in an instant.

On the battlefield, when the two armies were fighting, countless pairs of eyes glanced in the direction of Lu Bu and Xi Yu from time to time.

Lu Bu was so confident that he thought he could knock Xi Yu off his horse with one blow.

Who would have thought that after the weapons in their hands collided, the picture they imagined did not appear.

Xi Yu was still sitting firmly on the black Jueying, but the red rabbit under his crotch snorted.

It's like unloading force.

How can it be?

The picture in his imagination did not appear. On the contrary, huge strength was transmitted to his body.

Lu Buhu's eyes widened, and he was slightly in a trance.

But between the battles, the trance only lasted for a moment.

Years of physical instinct drove his Fang Tian Hua Ji to unconsciously continue to attack Xi Yu.

Xi Yu's lips curled up.

Just relying on the previous fight, he already had an idea of ​​Lu Bu's force.

It is indeed an unparalleled combat power in this era!

Before they met, Xi Yu still had some imagination about the opponent's strength.

But after encountering it, this imagination has been limited.

Not as invincible as imagined, just almost!

Of course, Xiyu compares himself.

The tiger-headed golden gun in his hand continued to tangle with Lu Bu's Fangtian painted halberd.

The huge sound of the sword suddenly started, and the clanking sound made the surrounding soldiers tremble.

At this moment, Lu Bu's expression had changed.

The original look of contempt on that face was no longer there, and at this moment, he felt more and more shocked.

What did Chen Gong say before?

What are ordinary counselors? This is called an ordinary counselor.

The strength coming from his arms made Lu Bu already feel that something was wrong.

Originally, when he fought against enemies, he relied on his tyrannical strength to open and close.

But now, he was gradually forced to use the halberd technique.

Fang Tian's painting of the halberd became more and more weird from the beginning.

After a fight, Lu Bu also realized that Xiyu's marksmanship in front of him was not very good after all.

To be precise, it was much worse than his halberd technique.

But what's the use?

With his tyrannical strength, he rarely uses the halberd method to gain an advantage when fighting against enemies.

Who can use spear and halberd skills to fight the enemy at will if he can open and close at will?

The sounds of fighting made Lu Bu's heart feel numb.

At this moment, he had no idea of ​​taking down Xi Yu.

At this moment, he completely believed the other party's rumors.

With such strength, is it difficult to defeat Guan and Zhang?

Isn't that something you can do easily?

Lu Bu's heart felt cold, but Xi Yu, who was opposite him, was getting more and more comfortable.

Being able to fight against the best generals in the world will obviously improve one's own strength.

What's more, Lu Bu has now started to fight against him using the halberd technique.

There are some things that make sense between the halberd technique and the spear technique.

With Lu Bu using all his strength, Xi Yu slowly began to have a new understanding of Lu Bu's halberd technique.

The tricky crescent blade made him feel a little happy.

It had been a long time since Xiyu had experienced this kind of passion that was being mobilized all over his body.

The reason why he doesn't like to be a military commander is because there are too few people who can resist him due to his physical condition since he was a child.

But now, Lu Bu made him somewhat interested.

Yanzhou, Jun County.

After Lu Bu led his men to pursue Xi Yu, Chen Gong and Zhang Miao followed Zhang Liao, Gao Shun and others to attack the other counties and towns in Yanzhou.

With the cooperation of the Yanzhou nobles, Zhang Liao and others occupied some counties and towns in just one day.

Within Junxian County at this moment.

Chen Gong frowned and looked at Wei Xu and others who were discussing with Zhang Liao and Gao Shun.

"It's been a day since you went to war. It will take three or four days for you to get food and grass. But now our army can't wait that long for food and grass!"

Wei Xu looked at Zhang Liao and Gao Shun.

Zhang Liao frowned when he heard this, and Gao Shun beside him looked at Wei Xu subconsciously.

"Then what do you think we should do?"

The Wei Xu in front of him was Lu Bu's brother-in-law, and Lu Bu was closer to him than to him and Zhang Liao.

Now Lu Bu led the Xiliang cavalry to fight, leaving Wei Xu behind, and the latter had vague intentions of becoming their master.

"What should I do? Either forcefully confiscate it, or just let my subordinates get the food and grass by themselves!"

Wei Xu curled his lips and asked what he could do, counting on Chen Gong and Zhang Miao.

Although these two people have almost communicated with the Yanzhou nobles, who would have thought that those Yanzhou nobles are not in a hurry about matters related to food, grass and military supplies.

It was as if he was deliberately trying to tease them.

Now that Lu Bu is away, although Wei Xu and the others are angry, there is still nothing they can do against Chen Gong and others.

As Wei Xu spoke, Zhang Liao and Gao Shun looked at each other.

At present, their food, grass and military supplies are indeed extremely scarce, and Chen Gong, Zhang Miao and the Yanzhou nobles are only cooperating with them after all.

It is unrealistic to expect the other party to provide them with sufficient food and fodder.

"This is the only way we can do it!"

Whether it was forcibly confiscating it or letting his Xiliang soldiers get food and grass by themselves.

After all, it actually means the same thing.

That is, let them grab it themselves.

Arresting troops and plundering? This kind of thing has long been the norm in this era.

At this time, after hearing the results of Zhang Liao and others' discussion, Chen Gong's face turned dark.

How could these Xiliang soldiers be allowed to plunder like that?

This was not the same as what he and Zhang Miao had originally imagined.

Although he was a little dissatisfied with Cao Cao's attitude towards him when he occupied Yanzhou, he talked about Cao Jun's strategy for governing Yanzhou.

Even Chen Gong and Zhang Miao themselves had nothing to say.

The entire Yanzhou is now so prosperous, and it is indispensable for Cao Jun's policy towards Yanzhou.

They are still thinking about continuing to implement Cao Cao's previous governance plan after capturing Yanzhou!

If these people are allowed to plunder and plunder, how will they control Yanzhou by then?

Isn't this just shooting yourself in the foot?

Naturally, Chen Gong could not let the other party do this kind of thing of drinking poison to quench thirst.

"Generals, you must never plunder food and grass!"

Chen Gong spoke up and began to persuade Zhang Liao and Gao Shun, and even mentioned Lu Bu right after.

"Your Majesty and I are planning to seize the land of Yanzhou, not just for a simple place of residence."

“But we must seek development and create a great cause together!”

"If you plunder like this, how will you control Yanzhou, and how will the people trust us?"

Chen Gong's words were sincere and well-founded.

Wei Xu and others in front of them just stared, a little unhappy with Chen Gong's sudden intervention in ordering them.

They are Lu Bu's subordinates, and they can obey Lu Bu's command.

But who are you, Chen Gong?

He's just a counselor, not even Lu Bu's military advisor, but he's worthy of giving orders to them?

Wei Xu was a little unhappy and was too lazy to talk to Chen Gong.

Zhang Liao and Gao Shun beside them didn't have a good attitude towards Chen Gong.

Seeing that these people had no intention of paying attention to him, Chen Gong couldn't help but curse in his heart!

Stupid, they are all a bunch of brainless fools.

Sure enough, there could be no one with brains following Lu Bu!

These people are used to following Lu Bu and wreaking havoc!

No wonder Lu Bu and these guys first attached themselves to Yuan Shu, and then to Yuan Shao.

You can't stay long wherever you go.

What big things can be accomplished with these people?

Chen Gong was annoyed, but now that the situation was like this, he could only suppress his unhappiness secretly.

"Your Majesty told me before going on the expedition that I should take good care of you. You don't want to ruin your important event!"

"If you act arbitrarily this time and anger the prince, who can bear it?"

In desperation, Chen Gong could only raise Lu Bu's name again.

Hearing this, Wei Xu and others looked at him: "How will we solve the problem of food and grass? Are we going to be hungry in two days?"

Wei Xu was a little unhappy.

Chen Gong was relieved, as long as he was willing to talk.

It was just a matter of some food and grass. He and Zhang Miao united with some Yanzhou nobles to get some food and grass.

As long as these guys don't let their men rob people at will, there will be no problem.

"Generals, please rest assured. Your Majesty has already gone to seize food and grass. Meng Zhuo and I can manage to get some food and grass!"

"Now we just need to wait for your victory and return, that's all!"

Palace Chief Chen breathed a sigh of relief. As long as he could temporarily appease these people, food and grass were nothing.

Hearing what Chen Gong said, he was worried that Lu Bu would really blame them when he came back.

Even Wei Xu could only curl his lips.

Zhang Liao and Gao Shun didn't have any objections.

As long as there is food and grass, the wait is only a few days.

They have extremely strong faith in Lu Bu. Wei Xu and others are full of confidence when Lu Bu goes to snatch food and grass.

After thinking about it, these people were not embarrassing Chen Gong and Zhang Miao.

However, at this moment, the messenger outside suddenly rushed in at a trot.

"It's not good, it's not good!"

The messenger looked panicked and shouted loudly as he ran.

After the other party ran in, Zhang Liao, Gao Shun, Wei Xu, Chen Gong and others all looked at the messenger subconsciously.

"What's the matter, so panicked?"

When Wei Xu opened his mouth, he already recognized the messenger in front of him as his general.

Chen Gong beside him opened his mouth and spoke slowly.

"What happened?"


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