In early May, the breeze was blowing.

When the warm light illuminated Cao Ying from the sky, the entire camp grounds were filled with soldiers.

Xi Zhicai felt that his whole body began to tremble.

The movements that I had practiced for several years and had long been proficient in, suddenly became extremely jerky for some reason.

Even when he discovered that Cao Cao and Xun Yu appeared in the crowd of spectators, his whole body seemed to be stiff.

Damn it, why should I accompany Fengyi to do such a thing?

He couldn't help but wailed in his heart, and Xi Zhicai felt as if his head was blank.

When he saw Cao Cao and Xun Yu talking softly not far away, he felt that the eyes of those two people must be on him.

He waved his sleeves and left with intention, and subconsciously glanced at his brother.

At this time, Xiyu seemed to be fine.

The movements that should be done are still so standard, as if there is no one around.

How could he do such a thing in front of so many people without changing his expression.

Damn, damn it!

When there were crowds of people around, Xi Yu would naturally have noticed it.

Even when Cao Cao and Xun Yu came over, he nodded to them respectively.

Is there such a thing as morning exercise?

He had long been used to it during his nine-year obligation in later generations.

What's more, in an era like the Three Kingdoms' Troubled Times, Xi Yu naturally pays more attention to this.

Not to mention that a good body can survive longer in troubled times, but at least make sure that you don't get sick easily.

In this era, technology and a series of other things are underdeveloped.

In an era when minor pains and illnesses could kill someone, a healthy body was the most important thing to him.

As for Xi Zhicai, of course he forced him.

This guy in history died young, leaving only one name in the entire history books.

And Xi Yu, who is familiar with Xi Zhicai's abilities, naturally understands.

This cheap brother of mine is definitely not as capable as Guo Fengxiao.

The only pity is that he died early.

Xi Yu is clear.

At present, I just have a longer vision than the counselors of this era, plus some knowledge of the future.

In addition, he cannot compare with these guys in terms of subtle military and political abilities.

As for the importance of maintaining good health, he couldn't be more clear about it.

Why did Sima Yi have the chance to seize Cao Wei's world in the end? It was not because that guy lived longer than anyone else.

If possible, Xi Yu even wanted to persuade Cao Cao to pay attention to his health.

Of course, whether Boss Cao is willing to listen is another matter.

After finishing a set of Wu Qin Xi, Xi Yu felt as if his whole body felt much better.

At this time, he raised his eyes and glanced at Xi Zhicai beside him. The latter's expression was as if he was mourning for his heir.

This guy, in the words of later generations, probably felt that he was a bit social!

"Brother, your posture just now was a bit substandard!"

Xiyu said calmly.

Xi Zhi next to him was almost furious when he heard this.


"Zhicai, Fengyi!"

Just when Xi Zhi was about to say something to his brother, Cao Cao and Xun Yu, who had been watching from the side, saw the two of them finishing their morning exercises and walked over.

"I have met my lord!" The two brothers saluted Cao Cao.

Cao Cao had a smile on his lips: "There are not so many rules. You don't have to be so outspoken in the military camp from now on!"

Cao Cao was very enthusiastic, and he naturally noticed the expressions of the two actors and actresses in his eyes.

Seeing Xi Zhicai's resentful face, he already knew it in his heart.

This so-called morning exercise was probably forced by Xi Yu to drag Xi Zhicai along.

However, he was somewhat curious about this kind of thing.

Although Xun Yu explained it just now, he still couldn't help but look at Xi Yu.

"Fengyi, the morning exercises you brothers just did are quite different from the military exercises!"

Hearing this, Xi Zhicai's expression turned downward.

Xi Yu next to him laughed and said, "My lord, this morning exercise is called Wuqinxi. It was learned by a doctor that Yu had befriended in his early years. Its exercises can keep the body healthy and get rid of all kinds of diseases!"

"Oh, it has such an effect. Fengyi is really not an ordinary person!"

Cao Cao subconsciously replied.

Xi Zhicai saw that Cao Cao didn't have much to say about the morning exercises practiced by his brothers, and his discomfort suddenly subsided.

"Feng Yi can have such force, he is very self-disciplined in daily life!" Xun Yu praised from the side.

Cao Cao nodded.

I used to think that Xi Yu was not big in stature, but his strength was extremely extraordinary. After seeing this situation today, I realized that everything was not without reason.

"Five-animal play, no wonder someone looked at your form just now and felt like a tiger and a tiger were born."

"Lord, are you interested?" Xi Yu raised his eyes and glanced at Cao Cao.

The latter was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't expect Xi Yu to ask such a question, and nodded subconsciously.

See Cao Cao's reaction.

Xi Yu decisively followed up and explained: "The so-called Five-animal Opera's form is based on the postures of five animals: tiger, deer, bear, ape, and bird.

The intention is to achieve the majesty of the tiger, the comfort of the deer, the calmness of the bear, the dexterity of the ape, and the agility of the bird. If you practice it, you will be able to maintain your health. "

"Oh!" Cao Cao's eyes brightened slightly.

Xi Zhi next to him was a little confused.

What happened? The Lord actually listened to Xiyu's story so seriously.

To be honest, Xi Zhicai was quite satisfied with Cao Cao's behavior.

As a counselor, the lord's respect for them will naturally leave an impression on a counselor.

What's more, the person who gave Cao Cao such an attitude was his own brother.

This feeling is naturally extremely comfortable.

"Okay, okay, okay, after listening to what Fengyi said, this Five Animals Show is indeed extraordinary!"

Cao Cao had a smile on his face and subconsciously praised Xi Yu again.

As a lord, Cao Cao did a pretty good job in affirming his own advisers.

For example, running out barefoot to greet you, or sometimes covering you with a cloak when the weather is cold, he never fails to do this.

Moreover, Cao Cao likes a person's performance, that is, showing it nakedly in front of everyone, without hiding it at all.

When the second master Guan is in Cao Ying in the future, Boss Cao will pay such attention to the second master that even all the generals of Cao Ying will be jealous of them.

"It's almost time, my lord, don't forget that you still have business to do today!"

Xun Yu watched from the side as Cao Cao and Xi Yu chatted better and better. They were both ready to start teaching, so he couldn't help it.

You are the one who I have high hopes for in helping Hanshi Mansion. There are moths and thieves outside looking at you, so what are you going to do?


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