We agreed that you, a weak strategist, would fight against three heroes by yourself?

Chapter 93 Xi Yu: After fighting so many battles, can’t you let me rest?

The wind blowing from the south suddenly got stronger.

The wind seemed to want to blow away the smell of blood in the air.

However, the blood on the Chidao was already soaked into the ground, and the bright red color was rippled by the whistling of the wind.

Perhaps a heavy rain can wash away the bright red in front of you.

It’s just that in today’s world, there are so many red-stained floors like this.

Although the rain can wash the ground clean again, it cannot change what happened on this ground.

The supply camp was resting again, and Xi Yu didn't pay too much attention to Zhang Liao and others.

After instructing Zhao Yun to take Zhang Liao, Chen Gong and others back to Yanzhou, the soldiers in the transport camp, under the command of Xi Yu, dug holes and buried the corpses left over from the battle just now.

Summer was upon us, and corpses constantly exposed in the wilderness were too much a breeding ground for plague at this time.

For this era, the plague was almost fatal.

By the time it got dark, the remaining corpses had been disposed of.

Now that Chen Gong and others' troubles were solved, Xi Yu couldn't help but feel a lot more relieved.

Without Chen Gong, Zhang Miao and others, the remaining Yanzhou Incident would have no source.

Those Yanzhou nobles who only know how to shake the wall, Xi Yu doesn't take it to heart at all.

The remaining things will be easier to solve after Cao Cao returns from Xuzhou.

Without worries, Xi Yu's mood became particularly relaxed, and the entire supply camp seemed to be happier.

The night passed quietly.

Counting the speed of Zhao Yun and others, Xi Yu took the heavy supplies and started on the road to Xuzhou again.

On the evening of the second day, when Xi Yu and the rest of the transport camp were taking a break on the official road, the sound of galloping war horses suddenly came again from the official road in the direction of Xuzhou.

The sound was very loud.

It looked like they were marching in a hurry.

Such a big movement made the supply camp, which had just experienced the battle, react immediately.

A chilling atmosphere began to permeate the air.

Xi Yu also rearranged his clothes and walked out of the tent that had just been set up.

Dian Wei, who was beside him, had already held the two halberds in his hands, and the whole body was trembling slightly.

"Sir, the thief is probably here again!"

Dian Wei hummed. He was not tired at all about the battle.

On the contrary, Dian Wei was full of fighting spirit at this moment.

Xiyu was speechless.

How could there be so many changes in the transportation of grain and grass this time? First, Lu Bu led his people to plunder the grain and grass, followed closely by Chen Gong and others.

Now, who is it?

From Xuzhou?

Could it be that the soldiers in Xuzhou got the news that he was going to deliver grain and grass to Cao Ying?

It wasn't much of a surprise for Xi Yu to learn about the food transportation incident, but this kind of thing still made him quite bored.

The sunset has gradually become dark.

Xi Yu ordered people to reduce the number of torches around him a lot, but the sound of war horses in the distance still did not stop.

The scouts from the baggage camp immediately went over to inquire about the visitor's information.

The entire baggage camp has already begun to take precautions.

Under the hazy night, the surroundings seemed a little quiet.

The sound of insects in the distant fields was extremely obvious under such circumstances.

The atmosphere in the entire camp was depressing.

Until the sound of Tan Ma returning started to shout loudly.

"It's a friendly force, it's a friendly force!"

What Xi Yu didn't expect was that it was Cao Cao who personally led the people from Xuzhou.

When they saw Cao Cao again, both parties seemed a little surprised.

Across the treetops in the distance, the slightly rounder moon still hung.

Cao Cao's face looked a little tired, as if he hadn't had a good rest for several days.

It was simply more tiring than the supply camp that had experienced two battles.

Looking at Cao Cao in front of him, Xi Yu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

Under the moonlight, Cao Cao was wearing shining armor at this moment, holding the sword on his waist with one hand.


Cao Cao shouted towards Xi Yu, and his tiredness was evident in his voice.

"Looking at my brother's face, he looks a little worried!"

Cao Cao appears here now, and it is obvious that the other party is worried about the situation in Yanzhou.

Xi Yu did not directly say that Yanzhou had no problems.

He did not remind Chen Gong and others about the matter. When Cao Cao returned to Yanzhou, the other party would naturally know about it.

If he said it now, Cao Cao might not return to Yanzhou this time.

In fact, this guy might even take him to Xuzhou with him.

Seeing Cao Cao now, Xi Yu actually planned to turn back and return to Yanzhou.

As for delivering food, say hello to Cao Cao and ask Dian Wei to escort him there, or someone behind Cao Cao to transport it back.

"How is Yanzhou?"

After seeing Xi Yu, Cao Cao's tired expression finally softened.

At this time, he looked at Xi Yu and asked without hesitation.

Seeing Cao Cao's hopeful look, Xi Yu immediately shook his head towards him.

"With temporary stability, those Yanzhou nobles are nothing!"

"My brother must already know about the rebellion of Zhang Miao, Chen Gong and others, right?"

Inside the temporary tent, Xi Yu and Cao Cao sat across from each other in front of a table. White smoke was slowly rising from the tea that had just been poured on the table.


Cao Cao sighed and looked at Xi Yu, feeling a little guilty.

He never expected that the friend he considered in his heart would choose to rebel at this time.

And it was precisely because of his relationship with Zhang Miao.

As a result, although Xi Yu had sensed something was wrong before, he upheld the relationship between the two and chose to hide it.

Until now, when things happen, everything depends on Xi Yu's previous arrangements.

If Xi Yu hadn't warned Xun Yu and others in advance, Cao Cao didn't dare to think what Yanzhou would be like now.

There is no such thing as Xiyu.

He is currently in Xuzhou, and by the time he realizes it, the entire Yanzhou may have become someone else's wedding dress.

And Yanzhou, which I believe has been working hard for more than a year, will have nothing left by then.

Perhaps, even he might not have a place to stay by then.

At that time, how to arrange the hundreds of thousands of soldiers under his command?

There is no supply, and coupled with the pincer attack from Xuzhou and Yanzhou, I'm afraid!

Cao Cao no longer dared to think that if it really came to that point, he would probably be like a lost dog.

And the reasons for all this are all due to him.

Fortunately, there was Xi Yu. Without Xi Yu, he couldn't imagine the result and how he should deal with it.

"Thank you Fengyi!"

"This time, I would like to thank you!"

Cao Cao saluted Xi Yu seriously.

For him to reach this point, Xi Yu is already indispensable to him.

And the other party's help to him cannot be ignored at all.

"Brother, there is no need to say thank you. There are some things that I should do!"

Xi Yu looked at the tea cup in front of him. The water was still warm and the tea was crystal clear.

The candlelight next to the two people was swaying, and the reflected figures were also swaying.

Cao Cao smiled.

"Fengyi, if something like this happens again in the future, no matter what, you must inform me in advance. No matter what happens, I will definitely believe you!"

This was said with great force.

Xi Yu didn't care much.

Boss Cao just expressed his state of mind, it didn't mean anything. If such a thing happened to anyone, he would express it.

"I have made arrangements before. Brother Wenruo and others are in Juancheng. The rear is fine. Brother, don't worry!"

"Seeing my brother in a hurry this time, I wonder what the situation in Xuzhou is like?"

Xi Yu explained to Cao Cao the arrangements in Yanzhou, and then asked him about the current situation in Xuzhou.

Knowing that Yanzhou was fine for the time being, Cao Cao began to talk about the situation in Xuzhou.

"As Fengyi said, our army cannot annex Xuzhou in one go!"

"Although Tao Qian is not worthy of attention, Liu Xuande cannot be underestimated!"

"What I didn't expect was that this person had only stayed in Xuzhou for less than a year, but he had already accumulated a lot of popularity!"

"Today, those Xuzhou nobles still regard it as a life-saving straw!"

"And Liu Xuande is also quite capable."

"The people of Xuzhou praise him very much. What we have done before has made Liu Bei successful!"

Cao Cao felt a little emotional.

Because of Liu Bei's existence, today's Xuzhou has still become a hard nut to crack.

It cannot be captured overnight.

Cao Jun and Xuzhou Army were temporarily in a stalemate. Although they had some advantages, it was not something that could be accomplished in a short time to completely defeat Xuzhou and capture Xuzhou.

Of course, if he had to break his teeth and bite off the bone, it wouldn't be impossible.

However, if this happens, Cao's army will naturally suffer some losses, and I'm afraid there won't be any big war in a short time.

What's even worse is that just when Cao Cao was hesitant about it.

News of the Yanzhou rebellion came, which was a huge blow to Cao Ying.

On the contrary, for Xuzhou, it was like a shot in the arm.

Such changes made Cao Cao feel like he was in trouble.

I can't swallow this breath!

Zhang Miao, you really deserve to die!

"I have asked Zhicai to stay in Xuzhou this time. Cao Ren and others will listen to Hou Zhicai's orders!"

"Xuzhou is okay for the time being, but I'm more worried about Yanzhou!"

Yanzhou is considered his base, and there must be no problems in the rear.

Only when Yanzhou is stable and Cao Jun can deal with Xuzhou can he have no worries.

"Well, in that case, I will return to Yanzhou with my brother tomorrow. As for the food and grass, I will ask Dian Wei to send it to the front!"

Looking at Cao Cao, Xi Yu casually expressed his thoughts.

Hearing this, Cao Cao nodded.

He had no objection to this matter. Leaving Xi Yu to handle things like transporting grain was overkill.

The other party followed him back to Yanzhou to deal with the affairs in Yanzhou, which made Cao Cao feel more at ease.


Xi Yu looked at Cao Cao, his voice suddenly paused, he stood up and looked outside the opened tent.

The moon was very bright, and while outside, waves of cool wind blew in.

Now that summer has entered, Xi Yu thought of the disaster that would happen soon.

Under a severe drought, I am afraid there will be large-scale disaster victims everywhere.

Now is the time to think about such things.

"Brother, have you noticed that it hasn't rained for a long time?"


Cao Cao was a little surprised when he suddenly said it was raining. The two of them were talking about Yanzhou and Xuzhou just now.

At this moment, why did Fengyi suddenly get involved in the weather?

Could it be that the recent weather will affect the war?

Thinking like this, Cao Cao couldn't help but frown. He stood up and walked out of the tent with Xi Yu.

The two stood and looked towards the sky in unison.

The moonlight is very bright high in the sky, and you can see faint stars dotting the surroundings.

"It's true that it hasn't rained for a while. But Fengyi knows how to watch stars?"

"I guess I can!"

Xi Yu sighed, then turned back to look at Cao Cao.

"Brother, I predict that in the near future, a large-scale drought will occur in all major states, including Yanzhou!"

"Brother, prepare early!"

The Yellow Turban Rebellion occurred because at that time, the Han Dynasty suffered from drought year after year.

People everywhere can no longer survive, but the wealthy families do not pay any attention to the mood of these people.

It is precisely because of this that, under the leadership of Zhang Jiao and others, the entire Yellow Turban Rebellion was able to sweep the entire Han Dynasty in one go.

All the people under the drought want is to survive!

However, there are many weather changes in this era, but it is something that cannot be changed.

Xi Yu read some analyzes in later generations.

From ancient times to the present, the reasons for changes in weather have been very important in the last years of various dynasties and generations.

When the dynasty was at its peak, the population exploded.

At the end of the year, the population fell.

On the one hand, it was because of the war, but more importantly, in the last years, the dynasty at that time simply could not support so many people.

Weather changes are intensifying, and wars are a result of human beings' helpless consumption of each other.


Cao Cao was stunned for a moment. It had not rained for a while, but Xi Yu suddenly said that a large-scale drought might occur in the near future.

Moreover, this drought still extended to the entire Han Dynasty.

For just a moment, Cao Cao thought of the droughts in various places in the years before the Yellow Turbans.

Refugees are everywhere, exchanging children for food.

Unable to bear it, Cao Cao couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"Fengyi, are you sure?"

"Brother, it's better to make plans in advance. The current situation in Yanzhou is that there are irrigation tools such as water trucks!"

"Although this drought is serious, I think the losses to Yanzhou will not be too serious!"

"But, because of this, there were probably not a few refugees from various places at that time!"

"Brother, this is also an opportunity!"

After a drought occurs, refugees will instinctively migrate in the direction where they can survive.

And by that time, places like Yanzhou will naturally attract more refugees.

Although these refugees will increase the burden on Yanzhou, they will also bring a population explosion to Yanzhou.

As long as it can bear these populations.

In a few years, Yanzhou's millions of soldiers will not be any problem.

Following Xi Yu's prompt, Cao Cao quickly understood what the other party meant, and in just a moment, his eyes lit up.

"It's true as Fengyi said, we should nip it in the bud!"

The two of them didn't say much, and the night gradually began to get darker.

The full moon moved quietly, and in the distant sky, there were several calls of elegant sparrows in the middle of the night.

Xi Yu slept peacefully with the crows singing.

A night of silence.

The next day, light rose from the ground, and a fish-belly white color appeared on the sky.

Xi Yu got up early as usual, and Cao Cao also got up early this time.

At this time, Cao Cao's complexion had recovered a lot, probably because some of the worries in his heart had dissipated.

Xi Yu casually ordered Dian Wei to continue to Xuzhou with the baggage battalion, while he planned to return to Yanzhou with Cao Cao and his guard battalion.

The two sides separated soon after.

Cao Cao was in a hurry to return to Yanzhou, and his speed back was much faster than that of Xi Yu before.

Xi Yu didn't have any objections to this. Being able to return to Juancheng early was a good thing for him.

Once Cao Cao returns to Yanzhou, Cao Cao can handle all the remaining matters in Yanzhou himself, and there is no need for him to worry about it.

He can finally rest for a while.

The return journey takes less than a day.

In the afternoon of the second day, Cao Cao and Xi Yu had arrived outside Juancheng.

And as the news of Cao Cao's return with his troops came back, the situation in Yanzhou seemed to have begun to change in an instant.

One day before Cao Cao and Xi Yu returned, Zhao Yun had already escorted Chen Gong, Zhang Miao and others back to Juancheng.

At that time, Xun Yu was worried that Chen Gong and others would take the initiative to attack Juancheng.

He was planning with Cheng Yu what kind of defense to adopt.

At the same time, Xun Yu was always paying attention to the news in towns across Yanzhou.

When he learned that Chen Gong and others led the Xiliang army to gather in the towns of Yanzhou, Xun Yu's heart was still hanging.

When Zhao Yun appeared outside Juancheng with Chen Gong and others, Xun Yu closed the city gate tightly and prepared to counterattack.

However, this was ultimately a misunderstanding.

Even Xun Yu and Cheng Yu found it difficult to accept the result.

Chen Gong and others were defeated in one fell swoop by Xi Yu with his heavy supply camp.

This is the Xiliang Iron Cavalry. All the princes in the world are afraid of the Xiliang Iron Cavalry.

In addition to this news, Lu Bu seemed to have been repelled by Xi Yu, and now Lu Bu has also fled.

This kind of news is really incredible.

But, I have to say, this is great news.

I was originally worried about when the Xiliang army would attack the city, but now I have completely stopped worrying about it.

While Xun Yufang and Cheng Yufang sighed, they couldn't help but admire Xi Yu.

Being able to detect such a thing in advance, they even arranged for Zhao Yun and others to take precautions when they were here.

Xi Yu delivered food and grass and solved the source of Yanzhou's rebellion.

This sounds like people don't know what to say.

It was like suddenly having a dream.

Not true! -

Thank you Mr. Kitatsuka for the big reward of 5,000 starting coins. Thank you very much! ! !

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