We agreed that you, a weak strategist, would fight against three heroes by yourself?

Chapter 95 Cao Cao: You go, your wife and daughter, don’t worry about it!

Looking at the wine cup in front of him.

The wine in the glass shimmered under the dim light.

Zhang Miao did not respond to Cao Cao's inquiry immediately. After a long time, he just picked up the cup.

The moment the liquor rolled into his throat, Zhang Miao's expression changed. After the liquor entered his stomach, he coughed twice.

"Ha ha!"

"There's no going back, nothing can go back!"

The Cao Cao in front of him still looked so familiar, but the beard at the corner of his mouth was a bit thicker than before.

Zhang Miao could clearly see the regret in his eyes.

It's just that everything can't return to the original scene.

"Mengde, ask me what I want to say to you!"

"I don't know what to say either!"

Zhang Miao smiled bitterly.

"I should be jealous of you, jealous of your family background, jealous of the fact that you have so many people helping you run around!"

"I'm jealous of how easily you can reach the position I strive for!"

As he said this, Zhang Miao's whole voice trembled.

Perhaps he and Cao Cao got to know each other back then just because Cao Cao was just a young official in Luoyang City.

At the beginning, they were all people who struggled to climb up in the Han Dynasty.

They all want to make a career of their own.

But he and Cao Cao are different after all.

Behind Cao Cao stood Cao Song. Although the Cao family's connections in the court were not as good as those of the Yuan family, they were not much different.

At that time, Cao Cao could scare the eunuchs with five-color sticks. It was such a simple thing there.

Without the support of the Cao family, how could Cao Cao just be dismissed from office?

Even if he is dismissed from office!

Not long after, the imperial court appointed Cao Cao as Lang Guan.

If it had been anyone else, they would have been in Luoyang Tingwei's prison.

And all this is because he has a good father, a good grandfather, and a good family background.

And he, Zhang Miao, was too far behind.

Although his family was wealthy, it was just like that. When he was young, he was only famous for making friends and being righteous.

Is being able to make friends with Yuan Shao and Cao Cao based on family background?


It's just because the way he handles things is just right.

Relying on his reputation from his early years of business, he was finally recruited by the imperial court and became a cavalry captain.

Finally, in the Yellow Turban War, he performed many meritorious services and was worthy of being appointed as the prefect of a county.

At that time, he was much more dazzling than Cao Cao.

He was no less generous than Yuan Shao.

However, everything happened too fast, catching him off guard.

When Cao Cao became the shepherd of Yanzhou, he originally thought that he should be happy for him.

He originally thought that the relationship between Cao Cao and himself would be the same as before.

But, that's when everything started to change.

Everything he took for granted was what he took for granted.

Zhang Miao's tone was full of grief and anger, unwillingness, and even more ferocious.

Cao Cao was a little stunned.

Didn't you think it was just because of this?

Because he became a Yanzhou shepherd, because everything about him caused Zhang Miao's inner imbalance!

However, this is not what he got after working hard.

He has a good family background, but no one can see what he has given.

At that time, a group of princes attacked Dong Zhuo, and Zhang Miao was among them.

At that time, Dong Zhuo was defeated and it was time to pursue him. Only Cao Cao and others pursued him, and because of this he was defeated.

What did Zhang Miao and others see at that time.

They are competing interests before their eyes.

Later he became the prefect of Dongjun and was at the same level as Zhang Miao.

Relatively speaking, it is easier for Zhang Miao, who is in Chenliu, to achieve the position of Yanzhou Mu.

However, Yanzhou Mu at that time was indeed a hot potato!

You, Zhang Miao, are unable to pacify the Yellow Turbans in Yanzhou, but you blame me?

Why don't they support you to become a herdsman in Yanzhou?

Why do you want to ask me to settle in Yanzhou instead of the near?

Don’t you know it yourself?

Since settling in Yanzhou, he has had sleepless nights, thinking about pacifying the Yellow Turbans in Yanzhou all the time.

After working hard to calm down, Zhang Miao's family background can replace everything he has paid.


When stereotypes are implemented into a person's heart, nothing is meaningful anymore.

Cao Cao knew that some things could not be undone.

He also understood Zhang Miao's thoughts and had nothing more to ask.

Jealous of his family background?

What about the lintels of the fourth and third princes of Yuan Shao?

The other side, a Bohai governor, was able to occupy Jizhou for no reason, and was able to attract so many talents to join him one after another.

What to say?

In the final analysis, it’s just Zhang Miao’s inner prejudice!

The former friends have finally become a thing of the past.

Cao Cao casually raised the wine cup in his hand and took a sip down his throat. Cao Cao smiled bitterly.

"I have already helped you settle down with your family!"

"You go, your wife and daughter, don't worry about it!"

Cao Cao also thought about letting Zhang Miao go, but he couldn't do it!

Do you want to let each other go just because of their past relationship?

If this was done, how would the generals and subordinates who had been killed or injured due to the Yanzhou rebellion view Cao Cao?

"That's it, thank you!"

Zhang Miao laughed and felt completely relaxed.

With Cao Cao's words, he had nothing to worry about.

After leaving Zhang Miao's cell, Cao Cao walked to the cell where Chen Gong was.

He looked a little lonely, and when he was standing outside the cell, Chen Gong's voice could already be heard.

"Cao Mengde, your face is really ugly!"

Chen Gong's voice came out from the wooden cell door, and the two of them saw each other's expressions in the gap.

In Cao Cao's field of vision, Chen Gong was holding a wine cup and was extremely relaxed at this time.

He was leaning against the wall of the cell, his whole body spread out, without any celebrity posture.

This kind of behavior reminded Cao Cao of a person.

Play Zhicai!

That guy was so bold and unrestrained in front of him.

At this moment, Chen Gong seemed somewhat similar to the other party.

Cao Cao asked someone to open the cell door and stepped in.

Without any hesitation, he sat on the floor.

On the table in the cell, Chen Gong had almost eaten all the food and wine.

Cao Cao didn't dislike the other party, so he picked up a piece of chicken leg and put it in his mouth to chew on it.

"Gongtai, you and I have gotten along quite well before!"

"You traveled all the way to Yanzhou for me. I, Cao Cao, will always remember this in my heart!"

"I massacred those Yanzhou nobles, and I know that I did it to you, but I must do it!"

Cao Cao was talking to himself, without trying to defend himself too much.

When Chen Gong heard this, his expression straightened.

"Now that it's happened, there's no need to say more!"

"You and I have different styles of doing things, we are just not from the same place!"

Chen Gong just sighed.

Although he hated Cao Cao, he also knew that there was not much wrong with what Cao Cao did.

I just can’t stand it!

For people like Cao Cao, in the end, their blood will only get colder and colder!

He has seen through it!

It was precisely because he had seen through it that he was afraid and a little worried!

When such a person reaches the end, there will be countless dead bones buried in the world.

The ground of this big man was soaked in an unknown amount of blood.

That wailing sound can be heard every night!

From the day he left the cell, Cao Cao returned to his mansion and rested for several days.

No one bothered.

Zhang Miao committed suicide in prison, but Chen Gong was still alive.

Cao Cao did not let the other party die, he wanted Chen Gong to live to see the end of this world with his own eyes.

Watching him, Cao Cao walked to the end step by step.

Yanzhou returned with Cao Cao's army, and in just a few days, the towns and cities seemed to have returned to their previous appearance.

The so-called rebellion is as if it never happened.

Those Yanzhou nobles who had been swaying before were now in a turmoil, and they all hid like quails, not daring to make even the slightest movement.

Cao Cao wielded his butcher's knife against these people, punishing them with small punishments but with big warnings.

At the moment, he is not in a hurry to go to Xuzhou. With Cao Ren and Xi Zhicai at the front, there are not many problems in Xuzhou for the time being.

This day.

After Xun Yu arrived at the government office, Cao Cao was taking the initiative to deal with matters in Yanzhou.

Compared with his previous anxiety, Cao Cao was a little more stable at this time than before.

When Xun Yu saw Cao Cao's scene, he couldn't help but put a smile on his face.

However, after looking around the yamen office for a few times, when he couldn't see a certain figure, he couldn't help but frown again.

"Lord, Fengyi hasn't come yet?"

Xun Yu frowned and asked Cao Cao.

Upon hearing this, Cao Cao raised his head from the desk and shook his head helplessly.

"not coming!"

Since Xi Yu returned to Juancheng, he has not been to the government office for nearly ten days.

Cao Cao was also a little helpless. This time in Yanzhou, Xi Yu took great credit.

He can't be so unkind!

Cheng Yu, who was busy on the other side, also raised his head and looked at Xun Yu.

He naturally knew Xun Yu's proposition, but it still depended on the person involved.

After spending this period of time together, Cheng Yu's impression of Xi Yu was pretty good.

However, Xi Yu sometimes looked at him strangely for some reason.

"My lord, please stop letting Xi Yu go on like this!"

Xun Yu was a little annoyed. Ever since he advocated Xi Yu to lead the army, he became increasingly disdainful of Xi Yu's miserable life.

"Then what do you think we should do?"

Cao Cao raised his head and smiled at Xun Yu.

Cheng Yu beside him also looked at Xun Yu with interest.

"Lord, there is nothing important today. Zhongde and I will accompany you to find Fengyi. We can't let him let it go like this!"

Xun Yu took the initiative to propose.

Naturally, Cao Cao had no reason to refuse. After the three of them cleaned up, they headed towards the actor's mansion together.

After a while, the three of them learned from the opera servants that Xi Yu had gone to the military camp today, and Xun Yu and the others were a little surprised.

"Fengyi went to the camp?"

"Does that kid know that we are coming to find him?"

Cao Cao was a little puzzled, but Xun Yu beside him didn't say much. He took Cao Cao and Cheng Yu and went straight to the supply camp where Xun Yu was in charge.

Not long after, the three of them arrived at the supply camp.

Knowing that Xi Yu was in the camp, the three of them soon appeared in front of Xi Yu.

However, what Cao Cao, Xun Yu and Cheng Yu did not expect at this moment.

Xi Yu did not lead the baggage camp for so-called training. On the contrary, Xi Yu, Dian Wei and Zhao Yun were sitting together in the camp.

On the low table, a unique deck of cards is spread all over the table.

"To three!"

"I can't afford it!"

As Xi Yu spoke out, Dian Wei's face turned as black as ink.

Cao Cao walked closer and saw that Dian Wei had only one card left in his hand.

However, at this moment, Xiyu kept making small moves, as if on purpose.

Dian Wei gritted his teeth and held a single card in his hand, which he couldn't put down.

Until Xiyu has played out all the cards in his hand.

Dian Wei could only accept the fact of losing with a dark face.

Seeing Xi Yu playing cards, Cao Cao didn't have much expression on his face, but Xun Yu's face next to him was not much different from Dian Wei's.

Somewhat black.

As if noticing the arrival of Cao Cao and Xun Yu, Xi Yu smiled at the three of them after putting down the cards.

"You three, why are you free to come here today?"

With the arrival of Cao Cao, it was naturally impossible for Zhao Yun and Dian Wei to continue playing cards with Xi Yu.

After the two looked at each other, they excused themselves and left the camp together.

At this time, Cao Cao and the other two people followed him and took their seats.

Cheng Yu first smiled: "Fengyi is a great talent. My family can't put it down the cards they invented. And your mahjong, even my wife can't let go of it now!"

Cheng Yu seemed a little helpless, but there was no intention of blaming Xi Yu in his tone.

After hearing this, Cao Cao felt the same.

Now in the backyard of his home, several ladies have already gathered together for a mahjong table.

Sometimes, there are even several tables of mahjong at home.

"Speaking of this, the situation in my family is similar. Even my father sometimes brings two or three juniors to play against Dong Zhuo!"

Cao Cao said with a smile.

Xun Yu's face turned dark.

I asked you two to come here just to talk about such a trivial matter?

Of course, his wife often went to Cao's house to play cards.

But Xun Yu was too lazy to say this.

He glanced at Xi Yu and couldn't help but snorted.

This cold snort made Xi Yu a little confused.

Xun Yu, who is so good, seems to have something wrong.

When did she offend this guy? Xiyu recalled subconsciously.

You know, if a humble gentleman like Xun Yu can make the other party angry, that is a big deal!

Xiyu thought about it secretly, and after much deliberation, he didn't think there was anything wrong.

Cao Cao and Cheng Yu looked at each other in silence and didn't say anything.

Xi Yu turned his head towards Xun Yu and cupped his hands: "Brother Wen Ruo, what happened?"

"Nothing, I just can't bear to see you being so lazy!"

Xun Yu responded, and then suddenly became serious: "I am looking for you today because I want to discuss the current situation with you."

"Some time ago, the imperial court separated the four counties of Jincheng and Jiuquan in Hexi from Liangzhou. The prefectures were far away and were cut off by bandits from the Yellow River. Therefore, Yongzhou was set up to govern the four counties in Hexi. Handan merchants were appointed as the governor of Yongzhou to govern Wuwei."

When Xun Yu opened his mouth, it was a major event for the court.

Xi Yu frowned, and his originally casual expression became serious.

Cao Cao spoke next.

"A few days ago, Tao Qian's memorial to the imperial court came down. The imperial court is now ready to memorialize Liu Bei as the governor of Yuzhou!"

"There has been news from Xuzhou recently that Tao Qian seems to be on his deathbed!"

"I expect that Liu Bei will be elected as Xuzhou Mu before long!"

As Cao Cao said this, he couldn't help biting his teeth.

Liu Bei's luck was really good. He had to work hard to lead troops to attack Xuzhou.

Liu Bei took two to three thousand people, and Tao Qian turned around and gave Xuzhou to him directly.

Compared to this, it's not annoying.

He, Liu Bei, does not have a family like Yuan Shao, and he is not a descendant of the Fourth Generation and Three Dukes.

Tao Qian is not Han Fu either.

To say that Tao Qian was loyal to the Han Dynasty, it was finally the Liu family.


Although Liu Bei's surname is Liu, his status as a clan member is unknown.

How could this make Cao Cao angry?

After Cao Cao finished speaking, Cheng Yu beside him also spoke.

"I have found out clearly that Lu Bu is currently stationing troops in Dingtao and other places, and many of the Xiliang soldiers who were previously defeated have been taken in by the other side!"

"Now that I think about it, not long after Lu Bu was defeated by Fengyi, Lu Bu has recruited more than 10,000 people along the way!"

? ? ?

The three of them dropped a series of news one by one, and Xi Yu felt a little numb!

This is it?

Although I haven't been to the government office for more than ten days, I still won't chase him to the camp to discuss matters!

However, when it comes to business, Xiyu has no complaints!

Because of the Yellow River bandits, the imperial court decided to redefine the boundaries of Yongzhou, which was not an important matter.

As for Liu Bei's appointment as the governor of Yuzhou, it was just a title. This was Tao Qian's preparation for Liu Bei to take over as the governor of Xuzhou later.

Very normal.

In this era, there is still a process for officials to be appointed.

Although the Han Dynasty is nothing today, it doesn't hurt to have a superficial attitude.

Tao Qian's move was also to allow Liu Bei to successfully succeed Xuzhou Mu, which was a huge favor to Liu Bei.

And what Tao Qian did was probably to let Liu Bei remember his kindness so that he could benefit his descendants.

Naturally, Xi Yu would not be surprised at all when Liu Bei succeeded Xuzhou.

As for Lu Bu?

In half a month's effort, when they were running around in Yanzhou, they could still pull up a team of more than ten thousand people.

It's really a little surprising.

Probably because after Cao Cao returned, he wielded a butcher knife against some nobles in Yanzhou, which caused some chain reactions.

If you think about it carefully, this is normal.

After all, Lu Bu was just suffering from scabies, and Xi Yu didn't take it seriously.

A somewhat arrogant and arrogant guy, if he can defeat him once, he can win a second time.

Even at this time, Lu Bu no longer had Chen Gong's help.

It was a surprise to Xi Yu that the other party could reach this point.

But it can only stop here. If he wants to achieve greater achievements, Lu Bu can't do it alone!

"The Yongzhou incident has no impact on us for the time being!"

"As for Liu Bei, my brother is going to attack Xuzhou. It doesn't matter whether Liu Bei is the shepherd of Xuzhou or not!"

"Could it be that just because he will become the shepherd of Xuzhou in the future, my brother will not attack Xuzhou!"


Thanks to Qian Chensi for the 100 starting coin reward, thank you so much! ! !

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