Boss Cao's eyes were full of resentment, and his face looked a bit angry, but the meaning was unclear.

The three people on the side look at their noses with their eyes, and their minds with their noses.

Don't you know whether Cao Cao is a benevolent and righteous person?

Compared to Liu Bei, Cao Cao is simply cruel.

Of course, it is said that Cao Cao was very good to his subordinates, but it is naturally impossible to say that the other party was a benevolent and righteous person.

Whether it is Cao Cao recorded in historical books or unofficial rumors.

Even Cao Cao in front of Xi Yu.

From beginning to end, he cannot be said to be a benevolent and righteous gentleman.

Without Xi Yu's involvement, the entire Xuzhou would have been littered with corpses.

Cao Cao will do whatever it takes for his own purposes.

This was the case when we first settled in Yanzhou.

It was precisely because of his personality that Chen Gong broke up with him.

Boss Cao is now in this state, and the three people around him have already seen it clearly.


"You guys!"

Seeing the three people ignoring him, Cao Cao opened his mouth and finally smiled helplessly.

Naturally, he himself doesn't know who he is.

The three of them did not speak out, but they did save him some face.

At this time, most of the things about Xuzhou have been discussed.

Seeing the sun rise at noon.

Xi Yu had no time to continue talking nonsense with the three of them.

If the three of them continue to talk about this, who knows when it will happen.

The attack on Xuzhou cannot be said to be a big trouble.

Without Yanzhou to worry about, it won't take long for Cao Cao to lead his troops to attack Xuzhou.

The internal situation in Xuzhou cannot last long.

Now, just waiting for Tao Qian to die, Xuzhou will almost come to a conclusion.

Now that Tao Qian is seriously ill and Cao Cao's army is pressing in, Xuzhou will be unable to sit still.

No matter what the purpose.

They will eventually choose to break the situation!

"Since you don't have any opinions on the situation in Xuzhou, I won't say anything more!"

Xi Yu spoke, making it clear that he no longer wanted to participate in what would happen next.

Hearing this, Xun Yu frowned at the side.

Cao Cao's mouth twitched: "What do Fengyi mean?"

As if he was pretending not to understand, he stood up immediately following the whole person.

"Xuzhou's affairs are the top priority, how can we neglect Fenyi!"

Cao Cao chuckled. He had already made up his mind to let Xi Yu follow him to Xuzhou.

Now, Xi Yu is leading the supply camp and has taken this first step.

As if he guessed what Cao Cao was thinking, Xi Yu waved his hand.

"My lord, Yanzhou is stable this time. I'd like to leave it to Dian Wei to escort the food and fodder in the future!"

Escorting food and grass is nothing more than running back and forth for a few days and sending some food and grass to the front line every once in a while.

As the commander of the baggage camp, he was doing well by following the escort once or twice at the beginning.

It is extremely normal to leave the rest of the time to subordinates.

Dian Wei is a good candidate.

"What's more, I have more important things to do!"

Xi Yu didn't say what he wanted to do, but after saying this, Cao Cao next to him couldn't say anything else.

Xun Yu glanced at Xi Yu subconsciously.

More important things!

Just for a moment, he thought of Lu Bu, who was still wandering in Yanzhou.

If Xi Yu had not followed Cao Cao to Xuzhou, then Lu Bu would have been suppressed by no one in Yanzhou.

It is indeed extremely necessary for Xi Yu to stay in Yanzhou.

When Xi Yu is around, Lu Bu himself will be afraid.

Thinking like this, Xun Yu didn't say anything to persuade them, while Cheng Yu beside him looked at the three of them indifferently without saying anything.

Cao Cao subconsciously looked at Xun Yu.

Aren't you the one who pulled me to urge me to be righteous?

Why don't you say anything at this time?

Cao Cao was a little helpless. Xun Yu didn't speak again. He must have had his own thoughts.

It seemed like there was nothing he could do about the current situation.

As for the important things Xi Yu said, he was still a little curious.

"Fengyi, what exactly is it that you said you were going to do?"

"Brother forgot!"

Xi Yu raised his head and glanced at Cao Cao.

Now we have passed Xiaoman, and it is not many days away from Mangzhong.

What Xi Yu has been worrying about seems to be coming into reality bit by bit.

There is going to be a severe drought!

It won't be long before droughts occur throughout the Han Dynasty.

There is still a long time before the autumn harvest. If a drought comes, the food will be affected and the entire autumn harvest will not be good.

Yanzhou will definitely be more difficult in the coming year.

Xi Yu had already told Cao Cao before that in a short time, victims from various places would continue to appear.

There are a lot of things happening next in Yanzhou.

And these things are not at all simpler than the attack on Xuzhou.

"You mean drought?"

Cao Cao understood in an instant that since Xi Yu mentioned this matter, he naturally took it to heart.

Speaking of which, the summer heat is over now. According to the time in previous years, it should have rained a lot during this period.

But now, there is not much rainfall in Yanzhou.

Cao Cao realized that the drought Xi Yu mentioned was very likely to happen, and suddenly he felt a chill rising all over his body.

Such things are naturally extremely worrying.

He didn't dare to show any slightness.

Cao Cao also let go of Xi Yu not following him to Xuzhou.


The words Cao Cao suddenly blurted out made Xun Yu's whole expression change.

Will there be a drought?

He is basically responsible for handling the entire political affairs of Yanzhou. If something like a drought really happens, it must be taken seriously.

Subconsciously, Xun Yu raised his head and glanced at Cao Cao.

Seeing Cao Cao's eyes falling on Xi Yu, Xun Yu quickly asked.

"Fengyi, you said there will be a drought?"


Xi Yu nodded. Regarding the weather and other subsequent situations, Xi Yu did not hide anything at the moment.

In the past few days since I came back from halfway with Cao Cao, there has been no rain in Yanzhou.

Just like the original historical records.

Starting from this summer, dry weather is about to occur in Dahan.

Xi Yu said what he had said to Cao Cao on the road before and then said it again to Xun Yu.

After the words fell, there was silence in the entire camp for a long time.

Xun Yu frowned.

Cheng Yu's face next to him also looked a little calm.

Natural disasters are no small matter. This matter has an extremely important impact on the situation in Yanzhou and even the entire world.

At this time, several people could not care less about discussing Xuzhou's affairs.

"This year's spring plowing went well, but the lack of rainfall is really a problem!"

Regarding things like drought, Xun Yu and Cheng Yu had no thoughts for a while.

However, after listening to Xi Yu's words just now, the other party seemed to have already taken good care of it.

The two of them looked at Xi Yu at the same time.

"What can Fengyi do?"

Xun Yu asked.

How can drought be solved?

With the capabilities of this era, there is no way to change the weather.

Artificial rainfall in later generations cannot be achieved even with human power in this era.

Ultimately, it is a technology issue.

However, there is plenty of water in Yanzhou and there is no shortage of rivers. The waterwheel he built before is of obvious use.

How much relief can be achieved?

Xi Yu only knew that a drought would happen next, and how serious this drought would be.

Although the words "chat" recorded in history books are conspicuous, they are far less obvious than what is seen in reality.

"Didn't I promote wild pig breeding in the military before?"

"Nowadays, there are quite a few wild pigs in the army. I plan to promote this to the entire Yanzhou, and even the entire Han Dynasty!"

"Feeding wild boars is not troublesome!"

"Although this won't help much with the drought, it still needs to be done!"

The development of animal husbandry is necessary, and Xiyu wants to do more than that.

There are still too many ideas in his mind. Now that the land of Yanzhou is stabilized, it is time to start developing some.

"Wild pig?"

When Xi Yu said this, the expressions of the three of them changed.

They had heard about Xi Yu's promotion of wild boar breeding in the military camp before, and this matter has been talked about in the military camp until now.

However, for an existence like Ye Zhi.

Regardless of whether it was Cao Cao, Xun Yu, or Cheng Yu, all three of them had the same view: Who would eat wild boar meat?

Xun Yu was born in the Xun family, the Cao family was not a small family, and the Cheng Yu family's status in the local area was not bad either.

Meat is indispensable for the three of them, and even beef and venison are not a problem.

Naturally, the three of them would not take the initiative to eat something like wild pig meat.

"You haven't eaten it, haven't you?"

Seeing the stunned expressions of the three of them, Xi Yu guessed that the three of them had heard about his promotion of pork in the military camp.

But until now, I’m afraid I have never eaten pork.

That's right, it's normal for nobles to despise pork.

"That's such a shame!"

As he spoke, Xi Yu shook his head towards the three of them, with a hint of pity in his eyes.

Cao Cao and the other three couldn't stand this look.

What's so great about wild pig meat?

I have never eaten this thing, and I still want you to pity me?

"To tell you the truth, if pork is properly processed, its taste is comparable to beef and venison!"

"What, you don't believe it?"

Seeing the disbelief in the three people's eyes, Xi Yu turned his head and gave instructions to the guards outside.

"It's noon. Today I'm going to show you what pork is!"

After the words fell, Xi Yu didn't say anything more to the three of them.

The arrival of the three people next to him didn't bother them too much. Since Xi Yu wanted to let them take the initiative to eat, they were happy to see it happen.

As for how delicious the pork Xi Yu said was.

Although the three of them didn't believe it, they still had to adopt the appropriate attitude.

Xi Yu gave instructions to Dian Wei who was beside him, and Dian Wei looked a little excited after learning that the pig was being killed today.

After eating pork, Dian Wei realized that pork tasted so delicious.

None of the meat he had eaten before seemed to be comparable to pork.

The process of killing pigs is very quick.

After a wailing sound was heard in the distance, not long after, a rich aroma began to float in the military camp.

This was the first time that Cao Cao and others smelled this aroma.

The three of them looked at each other subconsciously, all in disbelief.

Until the pork was placed in front of everyone's table, the three of them were a little stunned.

Inside the camp, the sound of throat rolling came from nowhere.

Cao Cao was the first to use his chopsticks. After the plump pork entered his mouth, he paused.

Soon, there was no unnecessary sound in the entire camp.

Until you are full of wine and food.

At this moment, Cao Cao strongly agreed with Xi Yu's promotion of pig farming.

To evaluate whether a region is prosperous or not, you only need to see whether the people there can eat meat.

No matter what kind of meat it is!

Of course, if something like a large-scale drought really occurs, it cannot be solved by just raising a few pigs in a family.

Those who can afford to raise pigs are naturally not considered disaster victims.

In the real disaster area, I am afraid that there is no trace of flesh and blood at all.

When a natural disaster occurs and you can’t afford food, how can you raise pigs?

But promoting things like pig raising is one of the most intuitive ways to improve people's lifestyle.

The drought has not happened yet, so this kind of thing can reduce losses to some extent.

The so-called greatest impact of drought is actually more due to the constant war in this era.

Drought is terrible.

However, the same is true of war. Under the wars of the princes, the people's houses were empty, and there were no people left, and the land began to be desolate.

After it was abandoned, coupled with the weather, the drought naturally became more serious.

Today's Yanzhou is peaceful.

There was a bumper harvest of food the year before.

Even if the food is damaged due to the weather, it is not a big loss to the people of Yanzhou right now.

After Xi Yu and Cao Cao and others finished discussing matters in Xuzhou, they each began to get busy.

After Cao Cao continued to stay in Yanzhou for a while, he hurriedly led his people back to Xuzhou.

Xun Yu began to pay more attention to things in the fields because of the drought mentioned by Xi Yu.

Xi Yu followed his own ideas and began to lead Zhao Yun and others to actively study the issue of promoting pork.

Yanzhou seems to have returned to its original calm days.

However, Lu Bu, who had been wandering around Yanzhou at this moment, was already a little unable to sit still.

After hearing that Xi Yu captured Chen Gonglian, Zhang Liao and others in one go.

Lu Bu was obviously in a daze at first.

Although he took advantage of this time, he had already brought his family and others back from Zhang Yang.

But without Zhang Liao, Gao Shun and others under his command, he was already a little confused at this moment.

Yanzhou could not let him stay any longer.

Lu Bu knew clearly that although Cao Cao did not set his sights on him at the moment, it was because Cao Cao was eyeing Xuzhou's territory.

But this time, he has become enemies with Cao Cao.

If Cao Cao really solves the problem in Xuzhou, he may turn around and deal with him.

Before, Lu Bu didn't care at all about Cao Cao.

But after seeing Xi Yu's tyranny, Lu Bu no longer dared to underestimate Cao Cao and others.

With Xi Yu around, he couldn't deal with Cao Cao at all.

Continuing to stay in Yanzhou will lead to death.

Although he has attracted tens of thousands of soldiers now, these people are still a drop in the bucket for the entire Yanzhou.

"Your Majesty, Cao Cao has taken people to Xuzhou!"

Seeing Lu Bu frowning, Hao Meng beside him couldn't help but make a remonstrance.

He was also a little surprised when he learned that Zhang Liao, Gao Shun and others were captured.

The original escape route was gone now, and they had to find a new one.

"Is there any way to save Wenyuan, Boda and others?"

Zhang Liao and Gao Shun are subordinates who cannot be ignored by Lu Bu. Their help to Lu Bu is extremely obvious.

Now that Gao Shun and others were missing, Lu Bu felt that he was even more tired than before.


Hou Cheng sighed.

Zhang Liao, Gao Shun and others heard that they were all imprisoned in Juancheng's Tingwei. If they wanted to save them, they planned to capture the entire Juancheng.

But Juancheng was the base of the entire Cao army, so it was so easy to capture.

The more important point is that that person is in Juancheng.

Before, Lu Bu was invincible, but now, it's different!

Lu Bu clenched his fist, and the tips of his teeth seemed to be bleeding.

During this time, he was running around, and there was no way back.

He also knew that he could not save Zhang Liao, Gao Shun and others, but now he missed having Chen Gong by his side.

Under such circumstances, the other party would definitely point out a way for him.

"What should I do?"

Lu Bu was a little frustrated. He didn't know why, why he was in this situation!

When he followed Dong Zhuo, he was so majestic.

Could it be that Dong Zhuo really killed the wrong person?


If he didn't kill Dong Zhuo, the other party would kill him sooner or later, and he had no other choice.

Lu Bu's condition also caused the morale of Hao Meng, Hou Cheng and others to become somewhat low.

"Your Majesty, we have offended Cao Cao now, and Cao Cao's army is attacking Xuzhou this time!"

"As the saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend!"

"I can't wait to go to Xuzhou. I heard that Tao Qian is seriously ill now. What if you lead us to Xuzhou!"

"I think the whole of Xuzhou will not reject us!"

Seeing Lu Bu's current state, Hou Cheng, who was standing next to him, thought for a while and suddenly had an idea and said something.

If Liu Bei could run over to help Tao Qian, they could of course do the same. Didn't Tao Qian invite the world before?

It’s not too late to go now!

In short, they can no longer stay in Yanzhou, this place is too dangerous!

As Hou Cheng spoke up, Lu Bu, who was originally a little frustrated, suddenly raised his head and glanced at him.

Hou Cheng is right!

Xuzhou, he can still go to Xuzhou.

Since he has offended Cao Cao, there is no other way now. He can't go to Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao now.

Hanoi Zhangyang's attitude towards him is also very obvious.

But this time, it seems that the only place he can go to is Xuzhou.

Lu Bu thought that if he led tens of thousands of soldiers and stationed in Xuzhou, Xuzhou would not reject him.

Tao Qian probably wouldn't refuse him either.

"Okay, let's go to Xuzhou!"


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