"I have to say, this floating spirit guard is really like a floating ghost, very creepy..."

Qin Feng pretended to scan the workers in the workshop.

His eyes swept across the floating and twisting "figures".

He couldn't help suffocating in his heart.

Although he knew that Mr. Lu Yunsong had quietly installed many invisible surveillance cameras in this dissection workshop, he never expected that there would be so many.

Almost filled the field of vision!

It was almost the same as the number of workers in the entire dissection workshop.

There were more than a hundred of them.

"Damn, more than a hundred primary floating spirit guards worth a minimum of 100,000 were installed here. Mr. Lu is really generous!"

"This is 10 million!"

"Ten million!"

"Just to monitor more than a hundred dissection workers in the workshop, is it necessary?"

Qin Feng was quite speechless and annoyed.

This really felt like using an anti-aircraft gun to hit a mosquito.

More than a hundred floating spirit guards.

This can almost form a company.

And it is still full of firepower and fearless.

Just to keep an eye on more than a hundred powerless, even "old, weak, sick and disabled" private factory workers in the lower city?

More importantly...

"In my quality director's office, there is an even more terrifying, mid-level floating spirit guard worth a million."

"Then Lu Yunsong really thinks highly of us."

Speaking of reason.

I'm not afraid of the enemy's strength.

I'm afraid that the enemy is smart and cautious, and his IQ is online all the time.

Although Lu Yunsong is a person from the upper city and a noble warrior, he is obviously not the kind of arrogant and arrogant guy. On the contrary, he is cautious and organized in his work. In addition to being meticulous, he is also cruel and ruthless, which is very troublesome.

Qin Feng only felt that the difficulty of his next slacking off and making money has reached a higher level.

"Alas, to prevent workers from stealing Titan Blood Crystal, is it necessary?"

Qin Feng complained in his heart.

But when he thought of the value of Titan Blood Crystal.

"Well, it really is necessary."

Put yourself in his shoes.

Qin Feng felt that if he were himself.

He will definitely do things more ruthlessly than Lu Yunsong.

After all, this is not just a matter of preventing workers from stealing Titan Blood Crystals. Once it is taken out and exposed to the market in the lower city, it will definitely cause a bloody storm.

If it goes wrong.

It will cause the subsequent plan of "mining" by using the corpse of the transformed six-winged strange boa tiger to be shelved or even bankrupt.

This is not just a matter of losing one or two Titan Blood Crystals.

But the entire "Titan Blood Crystal Mine" may collapse because of this.

Lu Yunsong must be cautious and cautious, and there must not be any mistakes.

Of course.

Qin Feng has also thought about leaking this news to attract the attention of other people in the upper city. When the snipe and the clam are fighting, he can cleverly take advantage of the fisherman and then get away in a chic way.


He quickly rejected this idea.

How can things be so beautiful?

Once the news is leaked, Lu Yunsong will definitely kill all people related to the Rising Sun Giant Beast Factory.

Even if he can escape for a while.

He will have to live in the pursuit in the future.

Qin Feng doesn't want to be like this.


Although we are under surveillance and crisis now, at least it is still a peaceful period, and the 50,000 modified six-winged strange anaconda tiger corpses... Qin Feng is also very greedy!

"If I have a whole pot of blood crystal rice porridge every night, in a month, I estimate that I can have a physical fitness and genetic level that is infinitely close to that of a warrior."

"However, the piece of Titan blood crystal in my hand now, if I cook blood crystal rice porridge every day, it can only last for a week at most."

"We still have to find a way to make as much money as possible."

Want to make money.

First, we have to avoid surveillance.

This is the most important and most critical step.

How to do it?

"Try to use the 'hide' skill."

The invisible "qi" flows in his eyes.

Qin Feng swept his eyes to the floating spirit guard closest to him.

His eyeballs turned.

Then he raised his feet.

Walked over.

As soon as he got close...


The floating spirit guard who was originally scanning the surroundings paused, turned his head 180 degrees, and stared at Qin Feng with a cold and gloomy gaze!

Qin Feng seemed unaware.

Still approaching.

In his field of vision, although he could not see the appearance of the floating spirit guard, he could see the outline of its human-like body, presenting a translucent form.

Although it was in human form.

But it had no feet.

Sticking to the ground were the tentacles that looked like octopuses, slender and dense, and numerous.

The head of this floating spirit guard was similar to the head of a jellyfish, in the shape of a lid, and a pair of huge eyes that "protruded" with long outlines like a camera, squirming out from the translucent head, like the sticky tentacles of a mollusk, looking very disgusting.

"I have to say, this floating spirit guard looks really abstract. It is said that it was made in imitation of the appearance of the 'Mirage' monster."

Qin Feng seemed leisurely.

But his heart was tense.

He used the "Hide" skill.


In an instant.

Qin Feng felt that he was pulled out of this space. He was originally in the "first perspective", but at this moment he inexplicably had a "third perspective" vision.

When you look at anything, you have an objective feeling.

Including yourself.

"It's amazing. I'm still in the same place, but I actually have the feeling of entering another dimension and looking at myself through the glass."

in this strange state.

Qin Feng's aura was suppressed to the lowest level.

The whole person instantly became very secretive and low-key.

Even when the light shines on him, it can't reflect the outline of his figure, which is blurry and twisted.

An anatomy worker passed by Qin Feng.

Mingming glanced at Qin Feng.

But he didn't notice Qin Feng's presence at all.

Walk straight through.

However, the floating spirit guard still fixed his gaze on Qin Feng, but the gloomy and cold feeling became weaker.

After a while, he looked away.

It seems that there is nothing unusual about the "object" Qin Feng.

Qin Feng did not pause.

Continue in the "hidden" state and approach another floating spirit guard not far away.

Compared with the former, when Qin Feng used the "hidden" skill, at the same distance, the opponent did not immediately notice Qin Feng.

As you continue to get closer.

After walking two or three meters, the floating spirit guard suddenly turned his head and stared at Qin Feng.

After a while.

It was confirmed that Qin Feng was normal.

Then he turned his attention elsewhere.

"The 'hiding' skill that I have just started cannot avoid the surveillance and detection of the floating spirit guard. However, it is more or less effective."

Qin Feng tried a few more times.

In my mind, I have a clear and comprehensive understanding of the effect of my "hidden" skill.

In general.

For ordinary people.

Entry-level "hiding" is completely adequate.

It can produce a psychological invisibility effect, that is, even if you stand in front of others, others will subconsciously ignore you unless there is contact with each other.

For the float guard.

The entry-level "hide" can weaken the other party's attention to you. As long as you act normally, basically no floating spirit guard will glance at Qin Feng again.


Once Qin Feng gets close and makes some weird moves, especially when he comes into contact with the body of the six-winged anaconda tiger, these floating spirit guards will still lock their eyes firmly on Qin Feng, even if they are in a "hidden" state.

"It seems that only by improving the proficiency of the 'hiding' skill to mastery or even perfection can we ensure that we can avoid the eyes and ears of these floating spirit guards."

"The next step is how to increase proficiency."


While Qin Feng was analyzing, he glanced at the panel of the Crimson Cheat Device and paused slightly.

Just look at the "hidden" skill column on the panel.

Something changed at this moment.

Hidden: Getting Started (10%)

"Not long ago, it was still at 1%. I just conducted a few experiments and tried the effect of this 'hidden' skill in front of the floating spirit guards. The proficiency level has directly increased to 10%?"

Qin Feng's eyes suddenly lit up.

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