"Is this a distortion caused by dysphagia?"

Qin Feng's eyes narrowed, and he instinctively felt a chill down his spine. He paused in his steps and hovered on the steps. For a moment, he felt an eerie feeling as if he was being targeted by something unknown.

If the pollution disease is severe, it will generally lead to physical distortion.

A strange disease like dysphasia is naturally even more so.


I've seen a lot of reports these days.

I have also seen from the news the deformed bodies of many patients who died due to dyslexia.

But none of them were as terrifying as the one in front of me.

"Could it be that he has reached the most terminally ill 'first-level deformation symptoms'?"

Qin Feng was shocked and confused.

Speculations abounded.

Abnormal symptoms of pollution diseases.

It's hierarchical.

From low to high, they are: fourth-level distortion symptoms, third-level distortion symptoms, second-level distortion symptoms, and first-level distortion symptoms.

Legend has it that it is above the first level.

There seems to be a "special distortion symptom".


Qin Feng only heard about it.

However, I have not seen it in the "Distortion Level Report" specially produced by the National "Pollution Disease Management Bureau". The first-level distortion symptoms are the highest, and they are extremely rare. The official said that this is a rare disease and only exists. As for theory, there is no need to panic about it.

Generally, if you are infected with a pollution disease and the symptoms of distortion reach level four, it can be said to be serious.

They have to face the painful suffering of amputating limbs, gouging out eyeballs, and even removing internal organs.

If symptoms of third-level distortion are reached...

To ordinary people.

It can basically be declared dead.

Not to mention level two and level one.

Qin Feng once saw a photo on the Internet showing symptoms of suspected secondary distortion.

Although it was a glimpse at the time.

The photo was quickly deleted.

Even the publisher’s account has been blocked.

But it still gave him nightmares at night, and even had a fever for several days, and he almost thought he was about to burp.


Even the secondary distortion symptoms that remain in the memory.

Compared to this weird scene in front of me.

It still doesn't look scary enough, and the level of weirdness is one level lower!


Qin Feng guessed that the strange and scary-looking patient with dyslexia in front of him might have reached the rare first-level abnormality.

This surprised him.

Also confused:

"Can anyone really survive after reaching the first level of aberration symptoms?"

"And the deformation symptoms are so severe that they should attract the attention of the Pollution Disease Management Bureau. Why does this patient with delirium appear here? In the raccoon apartment?"

"Could it be...that he's a tenant in the apartment?"

The so-called "Pollution Disease Management Bureau", like the "Yanxia Bank", is a national institution under the official control of the Yanxia Kingdom.

But it is different from Yanxia Bank.

The Pollution Disease Management Bureau in Canglang City is relatively corrupt, and has long been infiltrated and controlled by the goddess from the upper city.

Qin Feng's Adam's apple moved slightly.

Swallow lightly.

He did not know the other tenants in the apartment.

He is extremely busy at work and usually leaves home very early in the morning. When he comes back at night, most of the tenants have already fallen asleep, making it difficult for them to communicate with each other.

"Patients with dyslexia with this level of aberration symptoms instinctively make me feel extremely dangerous. There should be some unknown, unpredictable aggression, or even strong contamination."

"It's better not to get close easily."

Her footsteps clung to the stairs of the corridor.

Qin Feng thought about it.

Planning to turn around.

Change the direction.

Now that he has just started martial arts, his energy and blood have become extremely strong under the nourishment of Titan blood crystals. With the black holes running in the five acupoints around his body, not only does his body contain explosive power several times stronger than ordinary people, but his mind has also become extremely clear. , will not be easily affected by any mental pollution.


Although the strange delirium patient in front of him had a terrifying image and was more terrifying than the secondary deformity symptoms he had seen before, Qin Feng's spirit was not affected at all, and he did not suffer from nightmares and fever as before. sick.

But I still instinctively felt something was wrong, uncomfortable, and my stomach was churning.


He didn't hesitate at all.

Suddenly turned around.

Changed the direction of the corridor.

Quickly walked away.

Raccoon Apartment has more than one entrance to the corridor. Since this road is blocked, it doesn't matter if you change the direction.


But at the entrance of another corridor.

Qin Feng was about to step onto the downward stairs.

But on the stairs in front of him, there was also a patient with babble syndrome.

The other party's mind was extremely shriveled up. At first glance, it looked like only half of his head was left, and his whole body was naked. However, the skin on his body was dry and wrinkled, like the bark of an old tree, and his skin color was even more "teared". He had a strange and strange feeling like his skin was broken, and it was impossible to tell whether he was a man or a woman.



This patient with dyslexia is short and skinny, and his ears hanging on both sides of his head are extremely fat, like cattail fans.

Qin Feng came over.

The pair of fat ears of this patient with abnormal mumbling disorder suddenly stood upright.

Within the ear.

The cochlea keeps expanding and contracting.

Listen to the direction of Qin Feng.

at the same time.

The nails of a pair of hands were clawing at the dilapidated wall of the corridor, making harsh scratching sounds.

Blood dripped on the wall.

But this patient.

It seemed that he could not feel the pain.

"Can this still be considered a human being?"

The patient murmured incomprehensibly, scratching the wall of the corridor with his nails, and moving his ears, detecting Qin Feng's position like a radar, and walked slowly step by step.

Qin Feng frowned.

The patient with delirium in front of him was even more important than before.

He felt that such a patient with a first-level abnormal disease was no longer a human being to some extent.

It was simply a monster.

No wonder the "Pollution Disease Management Bureau" banned the relevant information.

After all.

If the information spreads.

The fear of pollution diseases among the people in the lower city will definitely increase greatly. When panic spreads on a large scale, it will definitely cause riots, which is not conducive to the rule of the upper city.

"The entire Raccoon Apartment has only two corridor entrances, one in front and one in the back. As for the elevator... The elevator in this broken apartment has been broken for a long time. What should I do next?"

Qin Feng looked out the corridor window.

It was a dark night.

There was almost no light.

The only source of light in the sky was the upper city high above.

And where he was…

was the 18th floor.

"If I jump from the 18th floor, I will definitely die… huh? Wait, it seems that I can jump."

A flash of inspiration flashed through Qin Feng's mind.

A bold and exciting idea.

It emerged in his mind.


It was not an extreme situation at the moment.

It was not urgent to do so.

Qin Feng's eyes turned, staring at the patient with delirium who followed him step by step, picked up the stairs, and slowly approached him. He looked like a monster.

For a moment.

A strange flashed in his eyes.

Occasionally, meeting a delirium patient with first-level distortion symptoms can be said to be a coincidence. Although first-level distortion symptoms are rare and not announced on the Internet, they still exist in theory.

But meeting two at once.

Qin Feng felt something was wrong.

Or rather…

The entire Raccoon Apartment was very wrong at this moment.

He looked back suddenly.

Look at the corridor on the other side.

There he is.

The man with delirium that he saw at the beginning is walking towards him step by step, swinging his crooked and twisted limbs.

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