On the rooftop, Lu Qingran's delicate body was twisting like a worm.

She howled miserably.

Cover your eyes with your hands.

Fluorescent blue juice oozed out from between her fingers and quickly overflowed, followed by blood, beautiful red blood!

For a flesh punk transformer, especially after severe flesh transformation, all the limbs and organs on the body, even the eyeballs, will be fine even if they are damaged.

Pain is felt for flesh and blood transformers.

Almost non-existent.

They rarely actually bleed.

Because the fluorescent blue juice flowing in their bodies has replaced most of the functions of blood to some extent.

This juice is called "ethereal fluid".

A mixture of animal blood, human blood, and the blood of various unknown creatures, elements, chemical reagents, and even mystical energy, etc...

"Special artificial blood" created with mysterious and taboo proportions and formulas.

The original creator.

He is the father of flesh and blood punk.

at the same time.

He is also Lu Qingran’s biological father——

Xia Qingchuan.

The only remaining "human pure blood" of the Flesh Transformer is hidden under the "ether fluid" and protected by the ether fluid layer containing a special energy barrier.

Once the real blood is flowing.

It means...

The reformer suffered extremely serious trauma!


Fatal trauma!

"Ah...eyes...my eyes..."

"Can't look directly...can't look directly..."

"Who is talking in my head..."

"Damn daddy...Damn daddy..."

"It's you……"

"it was all your fault……"

"Ah...Brother Yunsong...it's me...let me be your little pet..."

"Mr. Qin...Mr. Qin...give me a Titan Blood Crystal...just one...I will do anything for you..."

Lu Qingran was mentally abnormal.

Hit hard at the moment.

And looked directly at some kind of pollution.

It made her mental state more and more unstable.

Her face was distorted.

Sometimes he has seizures.

Occasionally cursed.

Laugh sometimes.

Sometimes flattering.

Those tiny tentacle fibers that crossed the edge of the rooftop and extended densely gradually engulfed the surrounding area of ​​the rooftop, and slowly spread toward Lu Qingran's location.

The super private flying car next to Lu Qingran activated its alarm on its own.

Intelligence inside.

Danger has been detected.

As long as Lu Qingran stood up.

Open the car door.


You can quickly leave the rooftop and escape danger.


She is crazy.

"Ka... ka chi..."

"Kachi... Kachi..."

The dense tentacles, like a bloody torrent, quickly submerged the super private flying car with the alarm constantly sounding.

next moment.

There was a sound like some kind of creature chewing flesh and bones.

The entire car was eaten up in an instant, and no scraps were left.

at the same time.

The tentacles continue to spread.

Like one bloody, hot, obscene palm after another, tightly grasping Lu Qingran's white and tender feet.

Then came the bony ankles.

Tight calves.

Long and straight thighs...

However, Lu Qingran was still distorting her facial features, making a crazy face, and talking to herself crazily, as if she didn't even notice that a foreign object was invading her.


Lu Qingran's twisted face froze.

The pupil of the intact right eye shrank.

In her sight.

She saw a palm suddenly stretched out among those twisted and squirming, densely packed bloody tentacles that wanted to invade her.

The palm was very pale and thin, with a sickly feeling of weakness.

But an inexplicable powerful force emerged from it.

Shocked away those bloody tentacles that wantonly invaded.


This pale but powerful palm.

He held Lu Qingran's hand.

A warm force came through.

Lu Qingran's crazy face suddenly cleared up!


Lu Qingran's voice was slightly trembling.

in front of her.

With the bright blue "ether liquid" flashing colorfully.


She didn't know if it was her delusion or an illusion, but... the outline of a man who was very familiar to her appeared.

The other person was wearing a solid black men's beret.

Under the brim of the hat.

It's a pair of black-framed glasses that look very plain and simple.

Thin beard, gray and black with a hint of paleness, spreads down from the temples and gathers around the chin and lips, outlining the face of a middle-aged man who looks a little decadent.

But although it is a bit decadent.

But judging from the bright and deep eyes, the tall bridge of the nose, and the various subtle contours of the face, the man must have been very handsome when he was young.

The middle-aged man wears a black coat.

There is a thick brown scarf around the neck, hand-knitted, full of warmth and warmth at first sight.

He seemed to be aware of Lu Qingran's gaze.

The middle-aged man smiled.

Grabbing Lu Qingran's hand.

It seems tighter.

"Damn dad..."

Tears suddenly overflowed from Lu Qingran's remaining right eye.

Turbid tears, mixed with blue crystal "ether liquid".

Dropping to the ground, blooming like a flower.

The figure in front of him seemed more solid and vivid.

"Damn dad..."

Lu Qingran murmured softly.

His voice was choked.

Talking and talking.

There were only two words left in her sobbing voice:

"Daddy daddy……"



There was hope, longing, and the joy of a little girl in her voice:

"Father, have you come to save me?"

The middle-aged man stared at Lu Qingran.

Look at the hope in her eyes.


He nodded slightly.

On the rooftop.

The hot air was filled with blood and stickiness, and countless bloody tentacles completely submerged the entire rooftop area, leaving not a single gap.

at the center.

Lu Qingran stood motionless.

The entire body was submerged by the tentacles, leaving only one head exposed.

Her face was peaceful.

Dried tears mixed with blood and blue were solidified on the cheeks.

No madness.

A happy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The empty right eye stared forward, as if staring at some figure.


There was clearly no figure in front of her.

Just endless night.

Countless blood ravens.

coiled above her head.


From her bloody left eye socket, five petals of flesh suddenly came out, like some kind of creature or some kind of mysterious flower with five petals.

In the center of this "flower", a pale golden thing that looked like a pupil flickered slightly, as if it was trying to struggle out of Lu Qingran's head.

But maybe too hard.

Lu Qingran's head shook.


Dropped from neck.

Being swallowed up in the flowing bloody tentacles, he was never seen again...

Inside the Raccoon Apartments.

Deep in Qin Feng's consciousness.

In that mysterious time and space, as if the soul had left the body, it was in the ritual scene.

As Qin Feng used his "hidden" skill at full power.


He felt as if he had entered a mysterious and mysterious state.

The "hidden" skill under normal circumstances would make his mind seem to have entered another time and space, giving him a third perspective similar to that of God.

And now...

This God’s perspective seems to have evolved.

Evolved into a...

Omniscient perspective!

That's right.

An omniscient and omnipotent perspective.

at the same time.

The deformed monsters who were all staring at him were suddenly stunned and tilted their heads, as if they were confused.

But he soon stopped caring.

Turn your head back.

Continue to worship and pray to the huge cocoon of flesh and blood.

At this moment, Qin Feng felt blessed in his heart. He turned his eyes and looked at his crimson cheating device panel:


Hidden: perfect

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