"Speaking of which, the ritual scene I am seeing now should be located in... the 'Star Spirit Layer', right?"

Although the mystical knowledge absorbed in the brain is still shallow.

But it has improved Qin Feng's vision to some extent.

He looked around.

He could see the surroundings and the depths of the ritual site.

There were faint numbers, secret patterns, electromagnetic waves, information entropy, etc. floating and flickering... mysterious and buried deep in the fog of chaos.

Qin Feng couldn't understand it.

But he was shocked.

The reason why he could recognize it.

It was still due to the mystical knowledge in his mind.

Just like a primary school student holding a book for comparison, he can point out what it is, but he has no idea about the specific connotation and mystery.

"The 'Star Spirit Layer' contains a lot of information, knowledge, rules, etc. If you can read and understand it, it will definitely be of great benefit, but this requires enough strength."

"Otherwise, this knowledge is a curse and pollution. If you want to understand it, your brain will be distorted."

Qin Feng only observed it carefully for a few times.

Then he felt his brain swell.

There was a strange feeling that his brain was about to be distorted into a monster, and then his skull was opened and he drilled out to ascend to heaven.

He quickly moved his eyes away.

At the same time.

Observing the huge cocoon of flesh and blood.

"This mysterious ritual site can actually be built in the 'Star Spirit Layer'. Although it seems to be just a projection, it is definitely extraordinary."

"I don't know..."

"Who is the existence that this ritual communicates with?"

"What exactly is this huge cocoon of flesh and blood?"

The Star Spirit Layer is extremely mysterious. Although it hides the deepest danger, it also contains many treasures.


This Star Spirit Layer.

It is not so easy to enter.

Originally, Qin Feng's "hidden" skill, when it was not perfected, could actually only allow him to enter the edge and surface of the etheric layer, and even the depths of the etheric layer could not go deep.

He now understands.

The key to the perfection of the "hidden" skill.

It is to contact the depths of the etheric layer, even in the Star Spirit Layer, and have a certain fusion resonance with it.

The Star Spirit Layer contains endless knowledge and information.

It represents "omniscience".

Hiding means making oneself "unknown".

When "omniscience" and "unknown" collide, stimulate, and blend, like yin and yang, they can finally reach perfection.

Of course.

Skill perfection is just the initial step into the threshold.

To truly analyze the concepts of "omniscience" and "unknown", it is necessary to involve the realm of skills close to Tao.

Because Qin Feng communicated with the ritual site of the huge flesh and blood cocoon when dissecting the purple light, his "hiding" skill was able to resonate with the ritual.

It is equivalent to opening a convenient channel.

In this way.

Only then can he enter the Star Spirit Layer directly.

Otherwise, under normal circumstances, if you want to enter the Star Spirit Layer, you must pay a huge price.

Or spend a huge amount of time to endure.

Qin Feng is equivalent to taking advantage of a loophole.

While his thoughts are scattered.


Qin Feng felt that his consciousness was hazy.

It seemed that a mysterious force was squeezing him, trying to squeeze him out and force him to leave this place.

"It seems that if my spiritual consciousness is not strong enough, even if I want to stay in the 'Star Spirit Layer' for a longer time, I will be gradually excluded."

"And if I want to stay here by force, I am afraid I will encounter some unimaginable dangers."

Qin Feng did not resist.

He closed his eyes and opened them.

In an instant.

The familiar scene of the corridor of the Raccoon Apartment came into view.

The body of the delirious patient, which was deformed into the appearance of a spider monster, lay quietly in front of him.

A faint purple light floated above the body, and as it floated, it gradually dissipated and faded.


Before he could recover.

Suddenly, Qin Feng's eyes moved.

He saw a bright and dazzling light flash in the gradually dissipating and fading purple light.

The next moment.

In this bright and dazzling light.

The outline of an object that looked like a bead emerged.

"Oh? Could it be that... this is the effect of 'dissecting things to find hidden treasures'? Did I get extra good things from dissecting things?"

Qin Feng's eyes lit up.

The ability of "dissecting things to find hidden treasures" includes the special function of "dissecting things to find hidden treasures".

"Virtual things" are not like "real things".

The probability of dissecting out extra good things is low.

Qin Feng didn't expect it at first.

But he never expected it.

Suddenly, there was a big surprise.

"I don't know what the good things dissected out are?"

The outline in the light gradually became clear.

You can see it.

It was a crystal-clear, bright and shining round bead, like a pearl, and like a gem, but it was not pure and transparent without any other things inside.

Qin Feng raised his hand.

Grabbed the bead the size of a night pearl in his hand.

Looked carefully inside.

"Huh? This is..."

After seeing what was hidden in the bead.

Qin Feng's eyes widened immediately.

There was a bit of incredible color in his eyes.

Suddenly, I saw...

Inside this transparent round bead, there was actually a very tiny cocoon of flesh and blood!

That's right.

It was the cocoon of flesh and blood that I had seen at the mysterious ceremony on the Star Spirit Layer before!

The cocoon seemed to sense Qin Feng's gaze and squirmed slightly inside the bead, exuding a majestic and mysterious aura.


You can even see that around this cocoon of flesh and blood, there are twisted shadows emerging one after another, distorted into monsters, and they keep making incomprehensible murmurs in their mouths, praying and worshiping the high cocoon of flesh and blood.

The whole scene…

It’s like a miniature mysterious ceremony!

"What kind of bead is this, and why is there a ritual scene hidden in it?"

While Qin Feng was wondering.

There is a message.

From inside this bead comes:

【Star Spirit Pearl】

[Contains a ‘Demon God Ritual Slice’]

[The ‘Demon God Ritual Slice’ is a conceptual object of nothingness. After use, it can briefly open the projection of the astral world, making the ritual concrete and forming a special field]

[In the field, you can transform into the cocoon of the demon god and summon deformed whisperers]

[Slicing consumes energy, but it can be replenished with eggs of the demon god]

After the bead conveyed the message, it seemed to suddenly possess the characteristics of "living". With a swipe, it slipped out of Qin Feng's palm, flew in the air, and circled half a circle around Qin Feng's head.


Floating on Qin Feng's shoulders.

The whole body exudes a dense glow of breathing light.

Like an energetic elf.


"Star Spirit Pearl? Demon God Star? Demon God Ritual Slice?"

"It seems very interesting..."

Qin Feng suddenly became more interested.

He searched for the occult knowledge that he had stored in his mind and prepared to slowly absorb. Soon, he found what he wanted to know.

"I see."

Qin Feng touched his chin.

Suddenly said to himself:

"The Star Spirit Layer contains many treasures and good things, and this 'Star Spirit Pearl' is one of the common things. It is transformed from the mysterious energy and special rules in the Star Spirit Layer. There is a certain degree of It's 'alive' and contains some information and knowledge, making it easier for people to read and understand."

"To a certain extent, this thing is a special life form that belongs only to the star spirit layer."

"In the 'Star Spirit Pearl', there will be some 'Star Spirit Projections' from the Star Spirit Layer randomly."

"These 'celestial projections' are strange and weird."

"Some are dangerous, some are mysterious, some are unknown, and some contain strong pollution and curses. Of course, there is also a certain probability that they are some good things with special effects."

"I didn't expect that the projection contained in this 'Star Spirit Pearl' is actually a ritual?"

"Demon God Ceremony..."

"Demon God..."

Qin Feng stared at the strange cocoon of flesh and blood inside the bead, "Could this ugly, fat thing covered with tentacles be the so-called demon god?"

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