We Live in Dragon's Peak

Mistral childhood taming

The tyrant resisted Priscia and Ares' shag only at first, but drooled like he'd given up at the end on Priscia, who didn't mind at all.

Don't be afraid, Priscia.

I didn't expect to subjugate tyrants by crushing their will, not power.

Not only I, but Mistral and the other dragon tribes who were asking how things were going were taken aback.

"Priscia, be on your way."

Mistral puts his hands on his hips and draws attention to sighs.

"Hmm, will you come and see me every day?

A scream comes out of the dragon tribe at Priscia's ramblings that

"Do something about this Ear Elder Little Girl."

Tyrants stare at me.

"That's one of the punishments we've been through."

But I make demands. [M]

Guru, he was a tyrant who would ring his throat if he was dissatisfied, but he showed no resistance.

At the end of the day, even Neemia and Son Dragon join the play of the Priscians, and around the tyrant, which should have been a symbol of fear and despair, becomes an unlikely bustle.

Then something came up and some of the dragon tribes who were still hiding behind the building, still killing signs, to ask how it was going.

And admit what a tyrant looks like, scream and run away and hide in the building again.

How did this happen?

Mistral's holding his head.

"Ko, is this really that tyrant"

A strong middle-aged man has finally approached us.

"Maybe that tyrant"

He turns a surprise gaze at my words. [M]

"When I witnessed it some time ago, there were no scratches on my chest or on my wings"

"I'm the one with the chest wound. The wings… let me elaborate later"

I have to talk to Mistral about the Black Fei Dragon and the Dragon Knight.

Oh, you mean the suspension bridge.

"Scratch the tyrant..."

A man with a surprising look. But I look at the white sword on my left hip, and I nod.

"You're the example of Mistral."

They gave me an ambiguous expression, but maybe that's it.

I snort.

"When I met you, I was going to ask you about Mistral first, but I think it's better with the tyrants first."

"Yes. I'm going to explain it properly"

The man nodded back at my sincere expression.


Priscia responds perfectly to Mistral's voice, which is a little angry.

"Mr. Red Dragon. Little dragon. Come see me again."

Are you the representative of this village?

Priscia waved well at the tyrant and the child dragon and she came back into my arms.

Ares is satisfied with playing with Priscia, or disappears.

The tyrant, freed from Priscia, put the child dragon on his back and flew away in a hurry.

We set foot in a tyrant storm.

When the tyrant took altitude enough, he roared and flew away.

I know you meant to intimidate us, but after Priscia beats us up, then you don't feel majestic or anything.

Tyrants soon enter the shadows of the mountains and disappear from our sight.

Then finally, the dragon tribe people who were hiding began to show up in the middle square of the semi-circular village, making sure that the signs of tyrants disappeared.

"Ah, Louiseine."

I find Luiseine in the shadow of a man coming out of the building in horror, and I wave.

"Luiseine, it's not!


But I got a fist bone of Mistral, held my head in pain, and squatted with Priscia in my arms.

"Not at all. You've done a hell of a job."

Looking up squatted, he looked down at me like Mistral was frightened.

Blonde hair close to silver was dazzling in the light of the sun, and the look on Mistral's face, which was supposed to be a shuddering face, looked beautiful.

"Are you all right?

Luiseine comes and bends over and strokes my head.

Priscia also reached out from inside my arm and gently touched her head.

"Oh man. If you think you've emerged mighty on the back of a tyrant, will you be flattened by women and children"

The first flexing middle-aged man approaching was grinning bitterly.

What the hell is this girl?

"Is it true you came on the back of a tyrant?

"Aren't you the suspicious one?

The dragon tribes gathered in the square pointed at me and turned a surprise gaze.

Mistral looks over at villagers like that.

"Zan, are you there?

And I rang somewhere.

"I'd be here."

Then he separated the hedges and one young man appeared.

Red-colored skin. Long and disappointing physique. Thick chest plate, thick arms, long, successful legs. How warrior and polished signs.

A man called Zan stands by the Mistral.

More than a minute's head is bigger than a taller Mistral than I am.

Shortly pruned silver hair often appeared on red-colored skin.

If you look closely, many of the villagers gathered have various skin colors, but everyone has blonde hair close to silver or silver.

I wonder if the color of this hair is characteristic of the tribe of Mistrals.

"Because it's about you, you've been watching the whole thing, haven't you?


Mistral speaks to Mr. Zan.

"Then explain the upside to everyone."

"Is that what I do?

Bluffy, sticky language, but not uncomfortable. The two of them were close and didn't need to be concerned, it seemed to me to be such an exchange.

"I have to hear all sorts of things from Ernea. That's why I want to leave this to you."

In Mistral's words, Mr. Zan glances at me.

"Is this man your opponent?

"That's right."

In the short words of Mr. Zan and Mistral, a twist spreads among those gathered in the square.

"Right. Then let's share the work. You tell this man what's going on. I'll explain to everyone what's going on."

When I attach Mr. Zan's consent, Mistral stands me up and leaves the square behind.

Luiseine and Priscia followed us silently.

Mistral invites us to a painting of a long building that separates the semi-circular village from the fountain.

As I entered the building as I was told, I looked back towards the square.

The people who gathered in the square were still concerned about me and were briefed by Mr. Zan.

I wonder what he is like.

Even a brief exchange with Mistral in this way felt signs of her trust.

I had never seen Mistral close to a man other than me before, and I was not less upset.

This is a Mistral village, even though it's only natural for people to be close to her.

I know Mistral is popular because she's a dragon princess and even if she isn't, she's a beauty.

But I saw a mistral I had never seen before, and my heart was shaking anxiously.

I wonder why. I asked about Zan. [M]


"Ugh, yeah. I wonder what he's like."

To my question, Mistral told me while encouraging me to sit in the building.

"Zan is in charge of guarding this village. Even when the tyrant came down to the village earlier, he didn't feel any signs, but he must have been watching from somewhere."

"Can't even Mistral read the signs?

"Yeah. If he's serious, he can erase the signs perfectly. Maybe even the tyrants didn't notice."

I can't believe Princess Dragon's Mistral, and even a tyrant can't detect signs. I was surprised.

The Dragon Nation is amazing after all. Some people like that.

And I shouldn't have asked, I regretted it.

"I'm childhood friendly with him. Because Zan is the closest age in this village. We've done a lot of things together for a long time."

Hehe, and a mistral smiling with pleasure.

I know she meant to talk casually, but I was in pain like a nail in my heart.

Mistral and Mr. Zan are childhood friendly.

Mr. Zan knows a lot about Mistral's past that I don't know and has spent more time with Mistral than I have.

Mistral cares a lot about me. But Zan and I have a relationship of trust that we can put our minds together without having to worry about it.

What I don't have. Something I don't know. I felt like Mr. Zan had it all, and my heart was twirling like a stormy river.

"What's going on? Come on, sit here."

Mistral urges me to sit in one of the rooms in the long house again.

I hid the upset of my heart and lowered my back to the recommended chair.

Louiseine makes me a warm cup of tea, and I try to calm my mind with a bite of it.

Priscia came on my lap as a matter of course.

Then Mistral sits down opposite him across the desk, and Luiseine also sits in an empty place.

Have another sip of tea.

Priscia feels the right weight on her feet, and the feeling of warm tea coming through her throat begins to calm me down.

At last, I could see around. [M]

The long house was a brand new wooden building.

New building with bright wood floating as well as walls and ceilings. Both the chair we were sitting on and the desk in front of us were woodworking, new to other shelves and decorative figurines.

I think I can stay in the room for about ten people. It's a simple creation, but I was surprised to find it unimaginably rich from Mr. Anemone's village and the easternmost village I've ever seen.

I guess it's because it's small right on the side but there's a forest.

Made of luxurious wood, the village may be filled with warm woodworking.

A deep breath filled my nose with a good scent when I cut out the tree.

I guess this building was recently built.

Mistral watched me quietly as I looked over the room and took a slow, deep breath.

Louiseine also moistens her lips with tea while waiting for me to cut out the story.

Outside by now, I guess Mr. Zan is giving a lot of explanations. But without my specifics, I find it difficult to explain enough. [M]

Because Zan doesn't know why I showed up on the back of a tyrant.

But even in that state, Mr. Zan can explain and convince the villagers, and Mistral must have trusted him to leave that place to them.

I desperately restrained my mind from coming up with another relationship with Zan and Mistral and starting to get upset.

I am jealous.

And I'm afraid.

Unlike me, Zan is well-dressed, trustworthy, and trustworthy.

But now, my personal thoughts have to be second to none.

I have to leave the capital and explain to Mistral what my journey has been like.

And I have to report about the tyrants, about the Black Fei Dragon and the Dragon Knight, and about the Suspension Bridge.

And finally, you need to apologize.


When I only put tea in my mouth one more time, I began to talk about my journey in turn.

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