We Live in Dragon's Peak

Witch's Magic


I scream and take Lyla out of the pillars of light with a spatial leap.

I was selfless obsessed. I've never flown with someone else in my own space leap. But we have to get Lyla out of the pillar of light, and both demon swordsmen and all of them will die.

I did not think about the consequences, but acted only with a proud judgment. But that was good.

Lila, who rescued one hair at a time, was in a situation where her whole body was burned. And in the abdomen, the Devil's Sword remains stabbed.

I can lie Lyla at the end of a spatial leap. [M]

Kafu, and Lyla overflowed one breath.

"Lyla, stay with me"

Lila responds slightly to my call by moving her fingertips.

How impotent. It's too much to go through enough moves to get yourself involved.

"How can I help you?"

Lila opens her eyes thinly and looks at me.

"That was an amazing move. The Devil Swordsman has been defeated."

Only decaying pieces of iron and slight chunks of meat remained in the marks of the disappearance of the pillars of light.

It's absurd to say in this situation that you didn't have to take it down. Honest praise for Lyla's hard work should be best for her now.

"Well done."

Mistral also rushes to the side and takes Lyla's hand.

"Oh. I'm so happy to be complimented."

Lyla smiles in tears. But that smile is too weak, and I can see the signs of her life lights fading.

"Elnea, pour in your dragon chi"

Mistral instructs me to put my hand on Lila's chest and pour dragon air into her. I didn't know what this act meant at first, but gradually I understood Mistral's intentions, and I kept pumping dragon chi in my arms with Lyla.

Lila's vitality fades zero through the Devil's Sword stabbed in her abdomen. Dragon Qi had the role of replenishing the lost fire of life, instead.

While I'm sending the dragon chi, Mistral paints herself and the panacea in the tiny pot I have all over Lyla's body.

The panacea works quickly to heal Lyla's wounds, but the amount in the small pot is not enough at all.

I also see a rush on Mistral. Trembling hands dropped a small pot several times and the motion to apply a panacea is rough.

Mistral's impatience was telling the story of the dangers of Lyla.


I asked Niemia how she was worried. [M]

"Give me Lyla. Take us to Louiseine in a hurry."

If you're Louiseine. If you're Louiseine the Witch, you can use recovery magic.

If Niemia's flight speed is in time for our battle with the Demons, it won't take long to get to Luiseine's location.


Neemia reads my mind and makes it huge.

I jump on Niemia's back with Lyla in my arms. Mistral also continued later.

And when he confirmed he was on his back, Niemia flew to the back of the Mountains of Dragon Peak at full speed.

Neemia rushes through the sky at a speed that even tyrants can't compare. With that back, I keep pouring dragon air into Lyla. Mistral also touches Lyla and sends dragon qi in the same way.

So finally, Lyla was barely able to sustain her life.

"Not at all. You also want to be Elnea's daughter-in-law. Then hold on a little tighter."

Mistral gently strokes Lyla's head.

"Yes, I'm sorry."

Lila's healthy smile made me feel like I could tighten my chest.

Me and Mistral should have understood her darkness better.

I don't know what the past was, but Lyla was always trying to help someone. I tried to help right away with even trivial things, and I kept constantly paying attention to my surroundings.

And this time. The feeling of trying to be useful has gone wild.

Withdraw from the opponent once opposed. That may have seemed like a loss to Lyla. So when the knight showed up in front of me again, I did everything I could to challenge him.

If only we were discussing it more with Lyla. If only I'd let my mind go through more lila. If you know her darkness, or it could be the result you could have prevented.

I knew it was irresponsible not to ask what I didn't want to say. If we were living together and supporting each other, we needed to understand each other.

This time it's not just Lyla's fault. It's our responsibility to turn our backs from her darkness.

So I want to make amends. I want you to give us a chance to cover Lila's darkness together.

Please don't die. I embraced Lyla and wished for the goddess.


Niemia is doing everything she can to fly me.

The scenery flows at a speed beyond the eye's reach.

And instantly, Niemia reached one village in the middle of the mountains.

Neemia landing rough. Me and Mistral hold Lyla and get off the ground.

Not if you're paying attention to what this village looks like or to the dragon people.


There was a girl rushing over to my scream.

That was, of course, Louiseine.

"What the hell happened to this?"

Me and Mistral stuffed with cut feathers. And Louiseine is surprised to see Lyla, who suffered a wound like a general burn.

"More explanations later. Can you help me with your spell?

To Mistral's words, Luiseine instantly checks Lyla's situation.

"All body injuries, demon swords, and their curses"

Louiseine touches Lila in my arm.

"My life is fading."

Say it and stare at me and Mistral dazzling.

"Do you still have dragon chi?"

Me and Mistral snort to confirm Luiseine.

"Then I'll go in order. Please keep sending Ryla dragon chi."

And Luiseine quickly turns herself right, gives her congratulations, and at the same time moves her right hand. Fingertips glow pale, strange letters and characters appear in the air.

While Priscia, who rushed late, was holding Lyla's hand and cheering her up, Luiseine first activated the first spell.

Luiseine's hands wrapped in light. And a cylindrical glowing column that appeared in front of the body to be restored.

"First we seal the Devil's Sword"

Even though we knew the Devil's Sword and its curse were sucking Lila's life away, the reason we couldn't handle it. Because if you touch the Devil's Sword, those other than the Devil's will be cursed.

There was only Louiseine among us who could handle the Devil's Sword.

Luiseine slowly pulls herself out of Lyla's abdomen, grabbing the Devil's Sword with her hands wrapped in light.

Lyla cramps in the pain and grabs me hard. But I never screamed. Lyla had bitten her lips and was desperately swallowing screams.

Having slowly unplugged himself, Luiseine inserts the Devil's Sword into the barrel of light. Then the cylinder of light wrapped around the demonic sword, and it glowed hard for a moment to bounce.

"I've temporarily sealed it, but nobody touches it,"

Dragon people from gradually gathered villages are drawn to their attention, and Luiseine moves on to the next spell.

Mouth a different eulogy than before, and touch Lila's abdomen with her right hand, the wound where the Devil's Sword was stabbed until now. And now he was writing out letters and characters that glow in the air with his left hand.

The spell celebrates, writing and exercising complex letters and likenesses in the air.

It was a ritual to glorify the goddess and perform miracles with the power given to her by the goddess.

Louiseine's chant continues. Then the blackening, discolored curse around the wound where the Devil's Sword was stabbing gradually fades.

At the same time, the fire of Lila's life stabilizes, which kept falling zero.

But the danger to my life has not passed.

Even if the curse fades, blood runs from the wound, and severe pain in the wound all over his body is trying to prune Lyla's consciousness.

Me and Mistral kept the dragon air flowing after the curse disappeared.

And when the curse disappears and the darkening discolored part of his abdomen disappears, Luiseine continues to move on to the next spell.

I'm letting Louiseine force me.

A large grain of sweat runs off his forehead, and Louiseine's complexion is poor.

But Luiseine didn't stop the spell.

Enter Lila's wound healing with all your might.

Extremely slowly, but the abdominal wounds become blocked and the wounds like burns all over his body are pulled away.

Wow. So this is the power of restorative magic.

The only miracle technique that can heal the wounds of a living being within the numerous procedures for each race.

Recovery magic is the supreme miracle given by the goddess.

Me and Mistral send dragon air to keep lighting the fire of life, and Luiseine heals the wounds. And Priscia and Niemia cheered up Lyla.

It's been a long time.

Luiseine continues to celebrate without rest, healing her wounds.

More and more, now Luiseine's complexion gets worse, but her left hand doesn't stop moving either.

I wonder if Louiseine's desperation has been conveyed. The dragon tribes, with no one, approach us and wipe the sweat of the great grain that continues to flow down Luiseine's forehead. And many people breathed dragon air into Lyla.

Lyla, who had barely lost consciousness, was wrapped in everyone's warm dragon chi and was weeping.

And. When the abdominal wounds are blocked.

Luiseine ran out of power and fell.

"I'm sorry. That's the limit in my power."

"No, you did well. I'll take care of it later."

Mistral lies gently Luiseine.

"Luiseine, thank you so much"

"Dear Luiseine, what a thank you..."

Before I finished listening to Lyla and I, Louiseine lost consciousness to sleep.

Thanks to Louiseine's desperate spell, Lila took her life.

We'll just do our best later.

"I'll go and get the panacea."

Say, Mistral, ride on Niemia's back and leave the village behind.

Lyla's abdominal wounds were blocked, but her general injuries have not completely healed. But Lyla's life is weak, but now that she's stable, even panacea can cure her injuries.

Mistral went to Old Sleighsta to get the required amount of panacea.

After Mistral disappears, I rent a room from the village and bring Lyla and Louiseine in. When I was carrying Lyla, the villagers carried Luiseine.

Lyla and Louiseine lay on the bedside of the room, and I continued to send dragon chi to Lyla afterwards.

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