We Live in Dragon's Peak

Let's all get along.

From the square are stretches of paths, each choosing its own path in the direction of its village.

Once we went south, we sewed up between the mountains and walked out to the southwest.

The village of Mistral is in the southwest direction of the south stop from the square. I mean, we were brought to the northeast of Dragon Peak.

According to the story of a man in the same direction, some people come from distant villages, as if they had to take nearly fifty days to get back if they were far away.

Isn't it cruel to take dragon eggs and go home on the same terms for someone like that? Don't think so. That's where this trial is meant to be.

I'm apparently the only one who realizes the sincerity of the trial. Everyone talks to each other about how to take eggs from the dragon's nest and how to escape with eggs to the village.

I wonder if this is a difference in experience. I get a little happy with the feeling of superiority that only I got to the answer.

"Your brother's thinking about Suhei."

"Priscia's in danger."

"Wow, what are you talking about? It's a misunderstanding. So don't look at me like that."

I'll make up my mind in a hurry. 'Cause right now, I can't let Priscia walk down a rugged mountain path, so you're mumbling her. And Priscia is hugging me all the time.

So you mistakenly thought you put Sahei to work, didn't you? So Louiseine, Lyla, and the other accompanying women are looking at me with all their eyes, right?

But it's a misunderstanding. I'm never that kind of hobby. I was just immersed in a feeling of superiority.

"What, Dragon King is such a hobby"

"No, sir."

"Are you a young girl with a fate?"

"No, no, that's why"

"It's floating with me... maybe a spirit. also do you take them with your hobbies"

"While there is a woman named Master Mistral,"

Thank you, men. I think I've caused you a great misunderstanding.

and cheeks, and when she glanced at her shoulders and depressed, she laughed as the women dull.

"Oh, sweetie."

"This tickles my heart."

"Mm-hmm. I won't give it to Master Ernea."

"Wow, Lyla! Chest."


Lyla, who tried to protect me from the tease of a dragon woman, wraps her chest around my face with her hands blocked. But I get embarrassed by the deeds I've done, and I rush over to me.

I broke down and jumped into Louiseine's chest on the other side.

Uhm, compared to Lyla.



Louiseine, who hugged me because of it, picked my butt.

"Ouch. I never thought of that. It's a misunderstanding."

"Is it true"

Gu, you Niemia. Remember that.


Did Niemia feel dangerous, flying from Priscia's head to Lyla's head and moving?

This time, Neemia is just watching us. When Niemia comes out, her overwhelming presence will stop her from being a test.

So Neemia says she enjoys eating and sleeping. It's an envy.

"We talked, sweetie."

"You were such a big dragon, you're amazing with an ancient species of dragon clan"

Adorable figures and dragon tribes fascinated by cute squeals gather together.

Yeah, not if you're having fun, guys. I'm trying to be a warrior now.

I wonder if it's because I just left. I wonder if I should alert the slightly floating dragon tribe people. I thought it was an arrow tip.

"It's a swallowing thing to say that the trials are getting tougher than usual because of this guy."

From behind us, there were sharp signs and words.

"I'm not floating around."

"I'm very concerned about the neighborhood."

"Aren't you the ones who are frightened by the difficulty of the trial?"


The dragon people around me are suddenly provoking me from behind.

Around me, I instantly had a swordswallowing vibe.

Here. This one has a little kid, so if you're fighting, do it elsewhere.

When I got a little worried and looked back at Priscia on my back, I was playing friendly with Ares.

You guys really don't get in the mood.

I wonder if Priscia is actually the biggest of all the lines we're taking this trial and acting together.

Noticed my gaze, Priscia gazed at me and smiled with a full face.

"You can't fight. Big Grandma's gonna piss me off."

I see. Perhaps for Priscia, the sinister atmosphere in this place is an event of unintentional scope. Perhaps the only thing that Priscia fears is the genuine scolding of the Great Elder, Master Yuri, and Mistral.

You're a really fat little girl.

But with Priscia's full smile elsewhere, there was a lot of dangerous atmosphere going on around me.

"People like you in the south are too weak."

"Don't tell me. You guys in the Northwest are so rough, we can't make peace with the Demons."

"You hipsters waving their tails at the Demons."

"What the hell?"

Tough men grab each other by the chest.

Why are we in a fight? The Dragon Nation is better than the People Nation and it must be amazing. Yet I'm with a drunk on the corner who can't believe how trivial things get into fights like this.

In an atmosphere where distracted men were likely to beat each other up even now, women were also caught and included anger.

I shouldn't do this. Suddenly it's a fight, and I can't have the journey ahead of me swordswallowing. Besides, adult fights don't show little kids or women.

I leave Priscia with Louiseine. [M]

Louiseine had already detected with a dragon's eye what I was about to do.

"We're all supposed to be in the same trial, but it's ridiculous to fight. If you doubt my strength, you can try it here now."

Tell me, I inflate the dragon temper and look to the young Dragon tribe in the rear that has been causing it.

They don't care that I, the dragon king, am being tested by warriors just like the dragon people.

"Focus, everyone, on the trials in front of you. This trial is really hard if you can't help it."

I am distracted by other dragon tribes.

Not if it's floating. If we don't find a breakthrough in this trial soon, it could be annoying not only to ourselves, but to others as well. So while I can afford it, I need to be serious.

If you can't judge this situation, you can't be warriors.

My explosive dragon temper hits me and everyone starts to regain calm.

"We have to find a breakthrough in the trial while we're all acting up, and we'll have to think about it later alone. It's very difficult."

I know the pain of traveling alone on Dragon Peak. I can't think of a good idea for blocking it all by myself. If you have someone to work with, you should work with.

This trial is not uncooperative. And I think that's one of the threads through this trial.

One of the things that surprised me most about my dragon temper was the dragon tribe people who had been causing it. When they butt into my dragon temper and extinguish their anger, the other dragon tribes who were grabbing my chest also let go of their hands and hold their anger.

"Is that the Dragon King? I didn't know you were such a dragon cheer."


Each one of you bows his head to me and apologizes.

Yeah, I didn't mean to intimidate you.

The unexpected made me confused.

"Shit, even if it's just dragon air..."

And while I was foolish, I was surprised that I even bowed my head and apologized to the Dragon Nation that had caused it.

"Elnea, you need to be more aware that your brother is the Dragon King."

I wonder if that means everyone obeyed me because I scolded the Dragon King.

Uhm, it's a complicated mood.

Then I wonder if everyone would have followed me if I had pointed something out, even if I hadn't detonated the dragon air.

"No. Reverse nymph. I knew I was a dragon king because I felt Elnea's dragon temper."

I see. I usually keep dragon qi inside the dragon treasure balls, so was it viewed as low dragon power?

But now you understand my dragon power, right? I hope this fits your troubles. While I was thinking, we resumed our descent. [M]

But my worries did not strike me, and I was able to safely descend to the hemline of the mountain range.

Underneath the mountains is a deep sea of trees, and not long after entering, the dragon tribe that was following us disappears into another branch.

I sighed relieved with no one where their signs had completely disappeared.

"It doesn't feel right. Some of the dragon tribes are like that."

"As the same dragon tribe, I'm sorry"

To Lyla's stupidity, a man walking nearby puts in an apology. Lyla then hurries up and everyone smiles in that hurry.

I haven't had any major problems, but it's been an awkward atmosphere. Lyla's words and deeds finally made the place soothing.

"Mnh-mnh-mnh, I want a drink of water"

Priscia, down from my back, complains of thirst.

Right. I came all the way down from the foothills of the mountains, but can't I help but thirst?

One woman raised her hand as she traced the memory of Sawaka Fountain around here.

"I know. Let me show you around."

Say it. A woman advancing out into the back of the tree sea.

We go after the women. [M]

According to a story I heard a little while down the mountain, all the warrior candidates were confiscated of water and food in the square.

You mean come back to the village while you procure for yourself.

And this is annual, so the warrior candidate seemed to know exactly where the water was on his way to the square.

The footsteps of a woman who did not hesitate to progress through the tree sea were reliable and evidence of a firm grasp of the place.

Now, while you're traveling with these people, it looks good not to be bothered by water. And then, food?

Is there an affordable prey? Ask what's going on around you, widening your mind carefully.

It would be tough in case you offended a belligerent race of territory by distracting yourself here at once.

Carefully and carefully.

And while I'm distracted, I also explore the dragon vein.

If there is a dragon clan or warcraft nearby, there may be some reaction to the dragon pulse.

I'm not as accurate as Mistral or Sleighsta old, but I put in the exploration for once.

Then we realize that there are several dragon tribe nests in the tree sea.

This is dangerous if you're cautious.

When I drew attention around, I was impressed, but everyone showed signs of nervousness.

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