Chapter 45 It feels so familiar


Gu Sheng wiped his hands and signaled to Chu Qingzhou that there was no problem.

Just in time.

Even if Xiao Nezha didn't come to see him today, he was still going to talk to Xiao Nezha about the future development direction.

These days, he has been thinking about the question raised at the exchange meeting - why horror games and somatosensory cabin equipment are so compatible, but in today's somatosensory cabin market, there is no place for horror games.

So, Gu Sheng first asked Lu Bian and Da Jiang to find out more, and then combined it with the information he collected on the Internet, and finally understood everything.

It turns out that the somatosensory cabin had just been put into mass production and was moving from the high-end market to the mid-to-low-end market.

Horror games were once very popular.

For example, the well-known domestic Langya Games and the well-established foreign company Comella Games have both produced somatosensory cabin horror games.

Moreover, it caused a sensation in the somatosensory cabin market once it was launched.

People were surprised by the expressiveness of horror games in the somatosensory cabin, and were even more frightened by the unexpected Jumpscare.

However, the so-called success is also Xiaohe, failure is also Xiaohe.

After tasting the benefits of Jumpscare, major manufacturers continued to exert their efforts. At the same time, manufacturers who followed the trend were all immersed in the production idea of ​​​​Jumpscare.

After all, this thing requires no design costs at all, and it doesn’t even require any brainpower.

Open the door, a ghost is coming.

Come around the corner, here comes a ghost.

Look up, here comes a ghost.

Turn around, come on.

Monsters of different shapes are created to scare people. Sometimes they will even squat at a corner without any logic, just to wait for players to pounce when they pass by.

As time goes by, the shortcomings of homogeneity become apparent——

Players have developed antibodies and feel aesthetic fatigue.

Although, the forms of ghosts are still changing, from the scary masked man at the beginning, to skeletons and even zombies in China, there are endless ones.

But it never changes from its roots.

The imprint of Jumpscare has been deeply imprinted on the soul of every game producer.

Just like Spongebob who is used to making delicious crab burgers, but if a pickle is missing from the burger, he will be at a loss and even forget how to cook it completely.

As a result, the market for somatosensory cabin horror games has become increasingly sluggish.

Finally, on a certain day, it was finally completely eliminated by the three major categories of gun, car and ball, and became an abandoned child of the somatosensory cabin era.

Not only has it lost its former glory.

Even board and card games cannot be played, and they are almost completely extinct in the somatosensory cabin.

After understanding the situation, Gu Sheng was very emotional.

In fact, according to a time traveler's thinking, he should be surprised.

Could it be said that there are so many game practitioners, game developers, and game designers around the world.

Didn't anyone have the bright idea to think of a way to scare people other than Jumpscare?

But in fact, there really isn't.

It's like there is a person in this world who, like Gu Sheng, has traveled through his previous life.

Then this person will be surprised - obviously the somatosensory cabin technology has begun to become popular in my world, why is there no prototype in this world?

Is this thing so difficult?

Isn't this thing developed based on computer technology?

The principles are the same.

Therefore, after Gu Sheng learned about the situation, he was not too surprised, but just a little emotional.

God treated him well.

Not only does it allow him to continue his beloved gaming career in this world.

I also hope that he will become a beacon in the gaming industry in this world.

Contribute to the game industry in this world and make the games in this world more colorful.

Following Chu Qingzhou to the door of Shen Miaomiao's office, Gu Sheng nodded to Chu Qingzhou to express his gratitude.

Then, he raised his hand and knocked on the door.


"Please come in." Little Nezha's voice came from the door.

Gu Sheng pushed the door open and walked in: "Mr. Shen, did you call me?"

"Ah, yes! Come on, come on!"

When Shen Miaomiao saw Gu Sheng coming, she hurriedly stood up and greeted Gu Sheng to come in.

Following Chu Qingzhou into the office, Gu Sheng immediately saw the framed fifty yuan note on Shen Miaomiao's desk.

He raised his eyebrows: "What a unique ornament."

Shen Miaomiao's smile froze.

Grandma, it’s not thanks to you.

However, Shen Miaomiao's face turned dark only briefly.

Shen Miao Miao casually put fifty yuan on the table and forced a smile: "Sit down and talk..."

As Gu Sheng and Chu Qingzhou sat down, Shen Miaomiao said:

"Director Gu, now we see that our profits are gradually stabilizing,"

"I asked Sister Chu Chu to come to you today just to discuss with you the development plan for our next work,"

"Do you have any ideas?"

Of course Gu Sheng has an idea.

He wants to build a somatosensory cabin.

However, he was a little hesitant.

To know!

The somatosensory cabin is very expensive.

I heard this from a representative of a friendly businessman at an exchange meeting before - in just half a year, their company spent more than three million yuan researching somatosensory cabin games.

And this, in the eyes of the big manufacturers, is just a small fuss.

But it seems that a project of this level is not something they can covet now.

Gu Sheng is a veteran in the gaming industry.

Logically speaking, any CEO would probably not agree to the proposal to enter the somatosensory cabin at this time.

The risk is too great.

If you are not careful, the car will overturn.

Thinking of this, Gu Sheng hesitated and said: "Uh... Yes, there is, but it's not mature yet."

"It's okay, you say."

Shen Miaomiao indicated that it was okay.

I just like to hear some immature advice.


Gu Sheng groaned:

"I intend to move closer to the somatosensory cabin market."


Say it.

Shen Miaomiao had no reaction yet, but Chu Qingzhou took a breath of cold air first.

What immature advice!

To know!

The somatosensory cabin game is recognized as the most expensive project in the gaming circle today!


Nowadays, their golden style relies on three hit games, which can be regarded as a foothold in the domestic game circle.

The company's revenue is also developing steadily and steadily.

But it can’t stand the torment of the somatosensory cabin!

If they are not careful, the initial capital they have worked so hard to accumulate may be wasted, and they may not even make a sound!

Thinking of this, Chu Qingzhou thought about it and said:

"Director Gu, is it too early for us to consider this matter now?"

In fact, Chu Qingzhou's attitude towards Gu Sheng has greatly changed now.

From contempt and distrust at the beginning, to admiration and respect now.

You can tell it from the tone of voice.

but now.

Faced with such an aggressive development plan, Chu Qingzhou couldn't help but raise objections.

After all, with the current capital of Golden Wind, if you step into the somatosensory cabin rashly, you are likely to lose everything, or even endanger the company's survival.

It's really immature to just want to play in the somatosensory cabin with a salary of 1.8 million.

We have to wait until our capital reaches tens of millions before we consider it.


Before she could finish her words!

Then Shen Miaomiao, who was sitting on the boss's chair, spoke:

"I think Director Gu's proposal——"

"very nice!"

In an instant, Chu Qingzhou felt like he was in a trance!


Wait a moment?

Such a familiar feeling?

Have I seen this scene before?

(End of chapter)

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