Chapter 1025 Supreme Inheritance


Among the barren mountains and ancient forests, Ling Xiao’s figure walked slowly, his eyes seemed to flicker with playfulness.

At this time, he could feel that Yang Yuan’s breath disappeared.

However, Xia Zhimeng deliberately sent out a wave of fluctuations and fled towards the distant mountains.

“Shi Potian, Xiong Huan.”


Two figures suddenly appeared, standing in front of Ling Xiao.

During this period of time, Xiong Huan has been in retreat in the realm to recover his cultivation base, and now he is at the semi-sage level.

Although it is far from the peak time, this magic commander’s method can have the power to fight even against people in the holy realm.


“Xiong Huan, you follow the woman far away, Shi Potian, you hide in the dark, find a chance to capture her.”

Ling Xiao’s voice was calm, even if he dealt with a person of noble state, he didn’t care about it in the slightest.

People of destiny should be more careful after all.

“Yes! Lord!”

The two nodded, and immediately chased after Xia Zhimeng.

Ling Xiao was hiding his breath, quietly falling in the ancient forest, quietly waiting for Yang Yuan’s appearance.

That’s right, this man of Destiny did hide his breath at this time, but as long as he moved, he still couldn’t escape Ling Xiao’s soul perception.

After such a long while, there was a sudden burst of sound from the front, Ling Xiao’s face became gentler and stronger, and his figure also disappeared in place.

Time passed slowly, until two hours later.

Yang Yuan’s figure suddenly fell from the void and stood at the foot of a barren mountain.

At this moment, his face clearly flashed with a touch of excitement, and the dark and ancient stone print in his hand was blooming with great spirit.

He glanced around at his surroundings, and without hesitation, he stepped into a dark cave at the bottom of the mountain.

only! !

As soon as his figure disappeared, another figure in black appeared quietly at the entrance of the cave.

Ling Xiao’s expression was calm, his soul consciousness spread out, but he didn’t notice the slightest strangeness in this cave.

In other words, even if he came here, it would be impossible for him to notice this cave at all.

Not to mention, under normal circumstances, such a supreme secret realm, heavy treasures are often in the deepest place.

No one would have thought that this powerful man in the reincarnation of heaven would leave his inheritance here.

Treasure hunting mouse, as the name implies.


It wasn’t until there was a sudden hum in the distance that Ling Xiao covered her breath again and moved towards the depths of the cave.

At this moment, at that end, Yang Yuan’s figure had already disappeared without a trace.

There is only an ancient formation that glows brightly, portrayed on the mountain wall.

Ling Xiao stretched out his palm and touched it lightly on the ancient formation.

“Sure enough, there are means.”

Ling Xiao snorted coldly. The reason why this destiny is the destiny is precisely because of some good fortune, it is their exclusive use.

Even if someone accidentally crashes into the cave, they will never be able to open this formation and get its inheritance.

It’s a pity that the token Yang Yuan holds is nothing but a mark of reincarnation.

However, Ling Xiao had two such marks in his hands.

Thinking like this, I saw Ling Xiao’s palm suddenly squeezed, and the two marks of reincarnation suddenly appeared, and he was lightly imprinted into the ancient formation.


The splendid splendor is scattered, and the golden sun shines on the whole cave as bright as day.

And the Qinghui that was originally runny on the ancient formation immediately dissipated and turned into a formation portal, standing in front of Ling Xiao.

Seeing this, Ling Xiao didn’t hesitate anymore, stepping out, and her figure suddenly disappeared in place.


There was a vast number of supreme divine might rushing forward, and what appeared in front of Ling Xiao at this time was an underground ancient temple with a thousand feet in length.

At the end of the ancient temple, misty, layers of Taoist rhyme open up and down, evolving into various mysterious scenes.

In the faint, there seems to be a fairy palace standing in the sky, in which Baohui’s eyes are scorching, and the mighty power makes people look forward to.

“Is the Supreme Inheritance?”

Ling Xiao’s eyes were lightly raised. At this moment, he could see that Yang Yuan had been sitting cross-legged under the fairy palace, bathing in Xianhui, obviously ready to accept the inheritance.

only! !

Just when the fairy palace fell and wanted to wrap his figure, the void behind him suddenly appeared a wave of turbulence.

I saw Ling Xiao stepping out and kicking Yang Yuan, who closed his eyes and looked excited, for a distance of tens of feet.

Yang Yuanren was in the air, opening his eyes blankly, his expression dull.

But before his figure fell to the ground, he saw that the scene in front of him suddenly shifted and turned into infinite darkness.

A black moon hung in the sky.

Around him, countless familiar images flickered.

“Yuan’er… why haven’t you come down to accompany us.”

“Yuan’er, my son, my mother thinks so hard for you.”

The corpses covered with scars slowly crawled out of the pitch-black earth, looking hideous, and their skin had long been decayed.

But Yang Yuan’s eyes still condensed fiercely when he saw the few corpse shadows.

“Father…mother…little sister…”

Tears couldn’t stop streaming down, and Yang Yuan had lost all his physical consciousness at this time.

Even though his figure fell to the ground, his face was pressed against the ground and he drew a few feet away, but he never felt the slightest pain.

“Is it an illusion?”

Yang Yuan took a deep breath and looked up at this weird world with bitterness on his face.

From the very beginning, he felt that this supreme inheritance was too easy.

According to Yang Yuan’s thinking, how could such a terrifying good fortune be without some tests?

Look, isn’t this here?

Although with his cultivation level, he can’t detect the flaws in this illusion, but… how could Seniors really hurt me?

Thinking like this, Yang Yuan’s face suddenly grimaced, and he sat down again, allowing the corpses to flood him, and eventually drown him completely.

“Clang clang…”

The rapid ringing of bells resounded loudly, and at this time, in the entire secret realm, the faces of all the Tianjiao enchantments flashed with a strong shock.

Demon! ! It really is here! !

In the ancient palace, Ling Xiao raised his head to look at the fairy palace above, frowning slightly.

I saw that at this moment, the fairy palace suddenly stopped in midair, and did not fall any further.

even! !

Even if Ling Xiao held the Mark of Reincarnation in his hand, he couldn’t even feel it.

“Could it be because of the lack of the mark in Yang Yuan’s hands?”

Ling Xiao raised his foot and walked to the side of the young man who was lying on the ground like a dead dog, bent over to snatch the mark from his hand, and walked back to the center of the ancient temple.

This time, there was a glorious bloom in the fairy palace, but it still never fell.

“Bai Ling.”

Ling Xiao waved his hand and summoned Bai Ling from the realm.

But the moment she saw the girl appear, there was a mighty soul in the fairy palace, and the Taoism was surging.

An ancient vague phantom slowly walked out of the fairy palace and looked at the two of Ling Xiao.

At this moment, although his face was illusory and unclear, his eyes were a strange white color, which seemed to have layers of purple lines spreading, extremely strange.

He was standing there, like a sculpture, but Ling Xiao could clearly feel the surprise and shock in those eyes.

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