Chapter 1032

“Are the remains of Tianzhizun?”

Ling Xiao stepped forward and walked to the black coffin.

I saw countless ancient and complicated inscriptions around the coffin.

The four arm-thick iron chains bound and imprisoned the coffin, seemingly afraid of the corpse in it escaping.

“Interestingly, it seems that the supreme of the reincarnation Tianfu was probably seriously injured in the hands of this demon, and then fell.”

In ancient times, thousands of people conquered.

The fall of Tian Zhizun is not as rare as it is today.

Judging from the arrangement in this ruin, this may be where a sect is located.

And the supreme powerhouse of the Reincarnation Heavenly House sealed this demon demon here, mostly for the purpose of attracting the attention of the world, so that he can pass on himself and hand it over to someone who is destined.

It’s a pity that now it seems that the plan of the Heavenly Supreme Powerhouse seems to have failed.

The reincarnation is true, and the Shenyin reincarnation scripture has been obtained by Ling Xiao. If it were not for Yang Yuan’s mission, he would be just a dead person now.

As for the good fortune in this ancient temple…

In Ling Xiao’s hand, a black magic blade suddenly appeared, and then he severely chopped it down at the iron lock.

But after endless years of erosion, the power in this chain has long since disappeared.

Therefore, Ling Xiao didn’t expend too much effort to smash all the four iron chains.

Then, I saw him insert the magic blade of reincarnation into the lid of the coffin and pick it hard.


The vast corpse energy spewed out in an instant, and Ling Xiao felt surprised that at this time, the corpse energy in the coffin was inexplicably mixed with an extremely terrifying vitality fluctuation.

Ling Xiao frowned slightly, and raised his foot to walk to the black coffin, only to see that there were no bones in the coffin, only two beads of the same size but different colors were left.

One of the beads, crystal clear, gleaming like a jade glow, is the source of vitality.

And the remaining one pearl is completely dark, and it stretches endlessly with corpse energy, which is the source of death.

In this way, the two beads each occupy a corner, alternating life and death, evolving into infinite mystery.

“This day, the supreme body and blood soul actually condensed into a corpse bead?”

Ling Xiao’s eyes were astonished, but he heard a sudden rush of footsteps in the distance, his eyes condensed immediately, and he waved his hand to put all the two orbs into his pocket, and a smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Seeing his thoughts moved, the corpse puppet refined by the Ye Clan ancestor suddenly appeared in the black coffin.

At this time, the Ye clan ancestor had already been meticulously transformed by Feng Ruge, and there seemed to be no trace at all on the outside.

Ling Xiao waved his palm lightly, put the corpse bead in the mouth of the corpse puppet, and closed the lid of the coffin again, before turning his head and looking at Cang Ning.


The black moon dissipated, and a touch of clarity suddenly appeared between the world and the earth.

only! !

Before a smile appeared on Cang Ning’s face, he was shocked to see that the stone gate in front of him opened by itself.

And as soon as he stepped into the ancient temple, he clearly saw Ling Xiao waved his hand to push the lid of the coffin away, and his figure suddenly withdrew from the ground several feet away.

“Huh? Ling Xiao!!!”

Above the void, there was a sudden wave of fluctuation, but it quickly dissipated without a trace.

But even so, there was still a trace of coldness in Ling Xiao’s eyes.

Obviously, another uninvited guest has arrived in this ancient temple.

Even if this vitality was hidden by a spiritual object, Ling Xiao still felt a hint of throbbing from the spiritual fire.

However, looking at the entire secret realm, it is impossible for a person who understands the principle of flame or fusion of spirit fire to escape the perception of Lingxiao.

Who is this guy?

“You… how did you find this place?”

Cang Ning’s face was already gloomy as water.

At this moment, he could feel that there seemed to be an extremely terrifying fluctuation in the black sarcophagus.

“Cang Ning, I see where you run this time!”

Ling Xiao sneered, and his figure suddenly flew out, holding the ancient blade horizontally in his hand, trying to punish the young Sirius Lord before his eyes.

“Do not!”

Cang Ning’s expression changed, and his steps staggered back. A bloody demon spirit roared all over his body.

But even so, in front of Ling Xiao, he no longer had the courage to resist.

Seeing the ancient sword slashed down, Cang Ning’s eyes were full of unwilling despair at this time.


Just now! !

In the black coffin far away, there was a loud hum.

Immediately afterwards, the entire black coffin burst open suddenly, and a demon shadow full of corpse energy stepped on it, standing in front of Cang Ning, with his palm protruding out, directly crushing the sky full of sword light.


At this moment, not only Cang Ning, but also Ling Xiao’s face quietly solidified.

“what is this?”

“This is… Ancestor?!”

Cang Ning swallowed. Although he only saw one back at this moment, the excitement in his eyes could no longer be concealed.

Could it be that the remnant soul of the ancestor sensed the bloodline induction and took the initiative to shelter?

However, it seems that the father did not say that there was a black blade in the hands of the ancestors?

Being able to crush Ling Xiao’s sword intent at will, the realm of the corpse in front of him must have reached an extremely terrifying level during his lifetime.

So, besides the ancestors, who else? !

Although Cang Ning didn’t know what had happened just now.

It was as if his physical body and soul were pulled into a mysterious space by an inexplicable general trend.

But leave it alone.

With the protection of ancestors, who else can be enemy in this secret realm?

“This breath… Supreme Demon Corpse?!”

Ling Xiao’s expression was shocked, and he didn’t hesitate at all before turning around and rushing away from the hall.

At this time, he could feel that the Tianjiao of countless ancient immortal sects had arrived not far away.

The game officially begins.

“First… Ancestor… Can you kill this person for me?”

Cang Ning tentatively communicated with the demon corpse in front of him, but saw that the corpse shadow stepped out and really chased it towards Ling Xiao.

Damn it! !

Niubi! !

I said that I am Cangning, it is the fate of heaven!

Otherwise, how could it be possible that every time when it is desperate, there will be a turning point!

“Haha! Hahahahaha! God helps me too!! Ling Xiao, today I will let you die!!”

Cang Ning laughed wildly, just about to lift her heels, as if suddenly thinking of something, she walked to the place where the black coffin was broken, searched for a while but found nothing.

“Damn it! Could it be that Ling Xiao took it away?!”

Cang Ning shouted angrily, and immediately stopped hesitating, and followed Ling Xiao.

until! !

There was no more movement in the hall, and a figure slowly emerged above the void.

I saw a young girl in a golden feather coat appeared out of thin air, her eyebrows clustered lightly.

“Could it be that the good fortune in this temple was taken away by the young master of the Ling clan? Otherwise, why is Cang Ning so angrily?”

The girl pondered for a moment, but suddenly sighed slightly.

As Ling Xiao, even if she gave her 10,000 courage, she would never dare to take treasure from him.

However, the news she got was definitely not wrong, that sacred object must be in this secret realm.

So, it can only be one step at a time.

If Cang Ning can kill Ling Xiao, maybe she can take advantage of the chaos to plot something.

She was always hidden in the dark, no one noticed.

But if Ling Xiao escaped here, she could only…make a deal with the young master of the Ling clan.

It is said that although the young master of the Ling clan is infatuated with the female emperor, he is also accompanied by beauty when he travels?

Man, huh~ push! push!

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