Chapter 1106


Yaoguang’s eyes were cold, and the Buddha’s glory outside was shining.

Even with her Buddha-nature, her face is rarely seen with a murderous intent at this time.

“How many creatures have to be slaughtered to gather such a strong blood?”

Jin Han’eryu lightly pressed her red lips with her hand, and leaned against Ling Xiao in fear, “My son, it’s terrible.”


At this moment, there was another breaking wind resounding in the distant void.

I saw a number of figures appearing in the world, all looking shocked at the gloomy blood mist that filled the top of the mountain.

At this time, everyone could feel that the grievances of creatures hidden in the blood mist were obviously slaughtered by Wuwang and became the souls of this battle.

“It’s the Black Demon Guard of the Primordial Ling Clan!”

“That is… Yaoguang Buddha? And Jin Han’er, the eldest princess of the Golden Crow Dynasty?!”

“That young man… is Young Master Ling Xiao! It’s Young Master Ling Xiao!”

“Could it be that Young Master was also attracted by the evil here?”

“I heard that the four great gods had traces of demons. The young master appeared to kill the demons and took the initiative to protect the evil treasures, and then went all the way to pursue the demons.”

“Yes, yes! Someone saw the legendary weird armor, the one with the blood pupil in the middle!”

“Sky Demon Qin Chen!!”

“Is it possible that what is hidden in this blood formation… is… Qin Chen?!”


Just as everyone exclaimed and pondered, Ling Xiao’s figure had already turned out of shock.

“Kill! One…don’t stay!”

The cold and low voice resounded in the air, and the ten thousand demon guards instantly turned into a black torrent, falling from the sky, besieging the group of Gantian disciples in the mountain.


Linghui’s ups and downs, the killing force shocked the sky.

With the strength of the Black Demon Guard, how can a mere mob of crowds be able to resist.

even! !

Even the Gantian hierarch who stepped into the holy realm fell from the sky at the moment when the two black demons led the divine halberd, life and death unknown.

But at this time, Ling Xiao ignored the killing behind him, standing on the blood formation with his hand.

Half a day ago, he had already reached the outskirts of this barren mountain.

It was just to avoid starting the grass and startling the snake.

The moment the blood formation opened, Ling Xiao immediately sensed, driving the ancient Xuantian ship and descending on the mountain.

Of course, with Chen Qingshan’s luck, Ling Xiao didn’t believe he would fall so easily.

This blood boy, Saint Infant, is a villain in every way, and is a villain related to Chen Qingshan’s Ming body.

Therefore, this ordeal may be an opportunity for Chen Qingshan to grow up again.

It was a dream demon who broke into the formation regardless of life and death, which surprised Ling Xiao.

Chen Qingshan was originally a template for nine days of love, and now the dream demon incarnates Gu Ci’er, which can be regarded as reshaping his Taoist mind.

In case the dream demon falls again, Ling Xiao doesn’t know whether he should sympathize with the young disciple of Xianzong, or congratulate him for having another miserable experience, one step closer to becoming a world sovereign!

“Ah!! Don’t do it! I’m not a demon anymore!”

“Help the leader! Oh, the leader seems to be gone.”

The entire barren mountain was suddenly filled with screams and screams, but the figures of Yaoguang and the three people descended from the sky and landed in front of Ling Xiao.


Ling Xiao turned his head and glanced in surprise at Yaoguang’s white coat, which was stained with blood, and a smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The laws of this world are infinite or infinite.

This Brahma Buddha was compassionate and didn’t like killing, but today, he broke the killing precept.

It is true that this group of Gantian evil creatures are indeed cruel and innocent, and should be condemned.

But what really changed this Buddha’s character was not the blood formation that gathered thousands of creatures in front of him, but… the ugly human nature that Ling Xiao imperceptibly showed her.

At the beginning, Yuan Yao treated the world with benevolence, neither killing nor anger. Ling Xiao encouraged her and convinced her that everything in this world is beautiful. Only in this way, she personally killed the lives of countless followers beside her, and broke her heart in one fell swoop. .

With this experience, Yao Guang will no longer believe in the beauty of human nature, and is always on guard.

Therefore, Ling Xiao simply asked her to see the real gloom of this immortal way.

People are not for themselves, the heavens are destroyed, not to mention the way to go against the heavens.

Whether it was Xiao Yu’er’s end, the turmoil of the Four Dynasties, or the blood formation in front of him, Yao Guang’s compassionate life was shaken.

If the evil demon puts down the butcher knife, he can stand and become a Buddha. If he repents, he should be redeemed.

So, what’s the point of cultivating misery, saving disasters, and traveling thousands of miles in the Buddha’s path?

I should be enchanted, and then put down the butcher knife.

Looking at the gleaming bloody magic lotus between Yaoguang’s eyebrows, Ling Xiao’s smile became more gentle.

The Buddha-nature gradually fades, and the demon-nature has been born.

I’m afraid it won’t be long before this West Ji Buddhazi should completely fall into the magic way.

At that time, he only needs to imprint that glass lotus heart into her chest with his own hands, fearing that the Buddha should become a demon.

The principle of cause and effect is indeed the most mysterious of the three thousand avenues.

This Yaoguang appeared in front of the Heavenly Demon again and again, and he was the same as the Demon Buddha. Could it be that her previous life was related to the Heavenly Demon?


The turmoil in this mountain was completely extinguished until the figure of the leader of Gantian was thrown in front of Ling Xiao by the two leaders of the Black Demon Guards.

I saw that the ancient forest rocks had long been stained red with blood, and the strong bloody breath swelled the sky.

Above the void, many Tianjiao experts from the surrounding forces looked in awe at the 10,000 black armored figure and… the peerless black-clad son in front of everyone.

The demon guard went out without a blade of grass.

Such a general trend of killing is really frightening, and I dare not look directly at it.

“Are you the Gantian leader?”

Ling Xiao lowered his head, looking at the bloodstained leader of Gantian, frowning slightly, “Your master, is here?”

“Huh! When my lord has integrated the spirits and spirits of these thousands of creatures and blood sacrifices, he will surely step on the blue sky and crush you under your feet.”

The leader of Gantian snorted coldly, his neck was stubborn, and he was quite hard.

“What! Blood sacrifice for life? What a cruel method!!”

“It seems that Qin Chen is here!”

Hearing this, everyone suddenly exclaimed, with a trace of trepidation in their eyes.

Heavenly Demon Qin Chen, already able to escape from the hands of the Young Master of the Realm Master Hall and the Young Master of the Ling Clan for many times, he must have an extremely terrifying life-saving trump card.

Some people even guess that it is a treasure of space that can travel through space at will.

That’s right!

Like today, the devil’s wings are not yet abundant, and it is still unable to pose a threat to many forces.

But once he grows up, I am afraid that the entire Qing Cang will bear his anger.


Ling Xiao raised his brows lightly, and his eyes gradually became dignified, “Is there a way to crack this blood formation?”

“The method of cracking? I suspect you look down on our Lord! The blood in this blood formation is all drained by the freshman when it is alive, and it gathers thousands of grievances. Unless the blood sacrifice ends, even if the heaven is here, it is basically… ”


Before the Gantian hierarch could finish speaking, a head suddenly burst open.

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