Chapter 410

Xia Feng is Gou, after all, the last life was too short.

Now that he is reborn at the age of ten, he certainly cherishes the second chance God has given him.

Qiao Shuang’s dance, as that adult, is really not a humiliation.

Even in Xia Feng’s opinion, it was her honor.

Once the lord is happy, he will reward her with some gods from the upper realm. Isn’t it a great fortune?


What happened to Sikonghui?

He even repeatedly confronted the adults, and… openly holding Qiao Shuang’s jade hand, talking about eachother! !

Did I… read him wrong?

In fact, he really loves Qiao Shuang from the bottom of his heart? Calling yourself a brother is just to get close to the water and get your sister-in-law first?

For Qiao Shuang, to be honest, Xia Feng has never cared much.

Even Sikonghui, he just used it.

However, the woman he doesn’t care about now is not worthy of his own woman in his eyes, but he uses a chess piece with him.

If this can be tolerated, then he is not stubborn, it is a silly wave! It’s a joke! It’s the talk of the world’s population! !

“Dip! The Son of Destiny is grieving. Congratulations to the host for plundering luck for 500 points and the villain for 5,000 points.”


Until Qiao Shuang put the wine jar on the table, a beautiful face had completely turned red.

It’s just inexplicable, with a touch of seductive charm.

“My son, I have finished drinking.”

“Start your performance.”

Ling Xiao nodded and turned to look at the big summer arrogances on the side, causing everyone to tremble in an instant, with some urge to urinate.


Although at this time, they still don’t know who Ling Xiao is!

But can this delay their admiration for the latter?

The prince with the palm fan, the feet guess the loyal uncle’s son, the daughter of the national teacher, and the first beauty in China, Qiao Shuang, dance!

What a heavenly might this is, what a hegemony! !

even! !

Looking at the face of the eldest prince, there was no grief in the slightest, as if he was still…excited?


“Does anyone know an instrument? Give this beauty a accompaniment?”

Ling Xiao smiled gently, and he was completely different from the fierceness of just now.

“My son, I will!!”

“My son, I will too!!”


Soon, in the restaurant, there were bursts of string music.

It is a lively scene with the son playing the piano, the proud girl playing the flute, and the prince holding the flute.

Before everyone else, Qiao Shuang danced lightly, like a fairy.

Even Xia Feng was looking at the beautiful shadow with intoxicated expression at this time, very addicted.

Only Sikonghui, sitting alone in the corner, and no one else around, was completely different from when he first entered the restaurant.

Ha ha, what general, what loyal uncle.

Compared with the boy in front of him, what kind of thing is it?

What? We licked so hard just now?

Please, can that be called a lick? Greetings, greetings, don’t you understand?

The monks of my generation, who are focused on the Tao and have no distractions, how can they do such shameless things!

If I want to lick, I choose… lick this young man who may come from Saint State! !

“Come, raise your hands and shake it for me!!”

Ling Xiao stretched out his hand, beat the beat, watched the so-called big summer arrogance twisting his body in front of him, and the corners of his mouth raised a smile.

This is life, you see, how happy everyone is.

Life is short, so why always figure it out? Of course, happiness is the most important thing.

It wasn’t until late at night that the heavenly arrogants were panting, sweating, and each with their gazes lying or sitting at the table. Ling Xiao just took out a fairy grass with aura from his arms and threw it on the ground.

“You dance well.”

When the words fall, go away.

Qiao Shuang stood there, the ruddy face on Qiao’s face was tired or ashamed, and her eyes were empty and lonely.

At this time, Xia Feng immediately walked to her side and gently touched her arm, “Shuang’er, quickly put away the spirit grass, the son gave it, it may not be a thing in this world!”


Qiao Shuang sighed slightly, his tone seemed to be sarcasm, “Isn’t it a thing in this world? Is it the upper world?”

“Hush, no one knows about this except my Daxia royal family! Before, the adults gave me a spiritual grass, which is a thing of the upper realm, and can protect my own principles!!”

Xia Feng winked at Qiao Shuang.

Not far away, Sikonghui suddenly raised his foot and walked to his side, pushing him aside fiercely.

“Shuang’er, Lingbao is not rare for us. I’ll take you home. It may be raining outside.”


Qiao Shuang took a deep look at Xia Feng, and was guarded by Sikong Hun before walking towards the outside of Xianlou.

Even when he walked to the spiritual grass, Sikong Hun smashed it with a single kick.

“It’s raining?”

Xia Feng’s eyes were gloomy, and he watched the two leave before walking to the spirit grass and picked it up from the ground.


Still too young.

Impulse can’t solve anything. If you want to be respected, you have to… recklessly become stronger.

“One day you will understand that everything you have now is nothing but a passing, flashy dream. Only strength is the foundation of life.”

“Crack, click.”

When the words were over, Xia Feng directly stuffed the broken spirit grass into his mouth.

A strong spiritual power spread in an instant, and even the second-rank realm of his god general showed some signs of loosening.

Worthy of being a spiritual treasure from an adult!

One plant means ten years of hard work.


laugh at?

What is it?

As long as you stand on top of the sky and hold the stars in your hand, you can have everything you want.

Remember, people, the higher you stand, the better talent you will meet.

Try to climb up, don’t care about whose eyesight.

You see, the young girls in this restaurant are all powerful and proud in the eyes of the world.

But how are they different from pigs and dogs in front of adults?

After all, those who have died once will understand what is most important.

“The prince… ate the spirit grass?”

“It seems to have eaten…”

“It’s all stepped on like that… This big prince is really…”

All the arrogances showed their sarcasm, especially Xia Cheng and Xia Li, who even sneered and said, “Big Brother deserves to be my Da Xia proud!!”



Xia Feng did not refute, or he was too lazy to refute.


One day, you will not even have a chance to cry.

It’s just… Sikonghui, you make me very dissatisfied today.

Longyun City, on the ancient street.

Sikonghui’s expression was gloomy, and he didn’t say a word.

And Qiao Shuang was silent, with a sad face.

The two walked along the long street.

There is no star tonight, the cool breeze is bitter, and there is indeed a downpour.

“When did it start?”

When the two walked to the west of the city, on an unmanned stone bridge, Sikonghui said softly.

“Brother Hui, what are you talking about?”

“I said!! When did that bastard Xia Feng start to violate you!!!”

Sikong Hun hissed and roared, and his words were passionate.

But Qiao Shuang directly stretched out his hand to cover his mouth, “Brother Hun! You are crazy!! Xia Feng…No matter what, he is also Daxia’s prince! If this is heard by others…”

“What about hearing? Without our Sikong family, without your Qiao family, he Xia Sheng can sit on the seat of God? You and my clan can help them up, you can drag them down!!!”

Sikonghui’s eyes seemed to flicker, and the whole person became a little cold and terrifying.

“Brother Hui…”

Qiao Shuang was holding Zhu’s mouth, her beautiful eyes were surprised, you and he…floating…

The master just accepted Emperor Xia as a slave, you actually want to pull him down?

I don’t think you are looking for death at all, you are on the way to death… you run wildly naked!

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