Chapter 421


Just when Yuan Fei and the others showed resentment, in the middle of the city in the distance, a breath of terror came slowly and quickly reached the heads of everyone.

The visitor was dressed in a blue and black official gown, with a haughty look, and a faint sneer on his pale face.

He was also a strong god emperor, the second-rank realm.

“Leader Zhang!”

Yuan Fei and the others bowed, but the indifference in their eyes was not concealed at all.

“General Yuan, why do you always be aspiring to others and destroy yourself? I have a million soldiers in the north, and there are 100,000 elite soldiers in this city alone. Are you afraid that he will be a big summer?”

Zhang Liao sneered, showing insidiously.

He was ordered to come here just to suppress this group of northern soldiers.

The more they die, the more they will understand the mighty emperor’s grace.

As for Daxia, what is there to be afraid of?

“Furthermore, Da Xia took the initiative to commit the crime. If I wait to shrink back, wouldn’t I lose my Da Zhou’s prestige! This commander personally assumes command and fights against the enemy’s court. You will be my lieutenant and follow me out of the city to meet the enemy!”

“Follow… Order!”

Yuan Fei and the others sighed, the military order was like a mountain, and they had to follow.

Moreover, this Liaodu took the initiative to ask for battle, and if they hesitate, it will inevitably affect the morale of the army.

The northern border has reached a dead end.


In Tiance City, there is a large army traveling, hundreds of thousands of people, majestic and majestic.

Although the cultivation bases of these ordinary soldiers are mostly at the level of Taihe and Void Spirits.

But in one place, it still caused the void to tremble, and the world changed color.

The two armies faced each other, under the city wall of Baizhang.

The two leaders stood in front of the army, looking at each other with cold eyes.

Only at this time, the generals of Great Zhou were puzzled that the one standing in front of the Great Xia Army was not the national teacher Qiao Yunli, but a handsome young man in a white robe.

The young man wears a star gown, blooming with brilliance.

Although the aura of the whole body is only at the level of gods and generals, but… but there is a kind of cold arrogance that overlooks sentient beings inexplicably.

And Qiao Yunli, Li Kuo and other Xia Dynasty god emperors respectfully stood three feet behind him, faintly headed by him.

“Who is that boy?”

Zhang Liao frowned slightly, turned his head to look at Yuan Fei, and said in a deep voice.

“I don’t know!”

“Huh! Da Xia actually insulted my court so much and sent a god general to be handsome. It’s just… life and death! In this battle, who can behead the young man, I will do it to court court and ask for credit!”

Zhang Liao gave a soft drink, inexplicably…Looking at the black eyes that fell on the boy, he actually felt an inexplicable panic.

“That person is Zhang Liao?”

Before the Great Xia Army, Ling Xiao stood calmly, his expression always calm.

These are Ning Tiance’s supporters.

It’s a pity that more than a decade of depression has caused this iron-blooded warrior who had been invincible to lose his former prestige.

Especially the person standing in front of the army was a sinister villain at first glance, incompatible with the rest of the generals.

“Yes! My lord, that man is the commander of soldiers and horses sent by the Great Zhou to replace Ning Tiance in the North, Zhang Liao! It is said that this man is the younger brother of Zhou Empress, the second-rank realm of God Emperor, and he is timid and sinister. The war has never come in person.”

Li Kuo whispered, but Ling Xiao nodded and smiled.

Brother Zhou, killing him was enough to arouse Zhou Huang’s anger, right?

“Today, not to siege the city, but to punish this liao.”

When the words fell, Ling Xiao suddenly waved his palm. Behind him, the army rushed, and Qiao Yunli and others, as pioneers, rushed towards that Zhang Liao angrily.

“Hmph! Good coming! You guys… drag me Qiao Yunli and the others, I will find a chance to kill the enemy commander!”

Zhang Liao gave a cold shout, the figure did not advance and retreated, hiding behind everyone.


Yuan Fei and the others screamed, and the whole body was surging, and the iron and blood were turned into a general trend, and they were directly greeted by Qiao Yunli and the others.


The vastness of the spirit transforms the thunder and violent winds.

The rain is about to come, and the whole world is gloomy for no reason.

“My son… we…”

Ye Qingchan stood beside Ling Xiao, a little shocked in her beautiful eyes.

Especially the moment the two armies collided, the bloody breath that filled the world made the girl’s heart cold, and her eyes were full of panic.

“If you don’t like it, go back to the realm first.”

Ling Xiao turned his head, his eyes were gentle.

But Ye Qingchan only shook his head and smiled, the last bit of struggle in his eyes gradually dissipated.

Last time, the son killed three thousand Yuanyue disciples, she was just watching.

Now that he finally had the opportunity to accompany him to kill the enemy, how could he easily shrink back?

Moreover, the young master’s move was to rescue Ning Tiance, which can be called righteousness.

If you want to stand shoulder to shoulder with him, who can’t kill in this world?

“Let’s go! Let’s meet the leader Zhang Liao.”

Ling Xiao grinned and stepped forward, and a dragon’s shadow immediately followed him, instantly turning into a hundred feet length.


The harsh roar shocked the world.

The two armies that had been at war turned their heads in fear.

Although the war horse in the army contained many monster veins, in front of a real dragon, all of its hoofs were softened instantly and fell to the ground.

Above the midair, a demon shadow of a demon dragon snaked, and in the middle of its head, the white-clothed young man standing with his hand held up, was like a nine-day god, handsome and handsome, and indestructible.

“Although these people are Ning Tiance’s confidantes, if they don’t kill them, I’m afraid it will be difficult to make Zhou Huang fearful.”

Ling Xiao muttered to himself, the black knife in his hand suddenly burst into a fierce light.

Cut it down with one knife, and eight evolve.

The world seems to be silent at this time.

I saw a hundred-zhang sword light, like the Milky Way outside the sky, instantly falling towards the soldiers of the Great Zhou.

“Do not!!”

Yuan Fei and the others were all cracked, but they were stopped by Qiao Yunli alone at this time. They could only watch the sword pierce through the void and chop thousands of soldiers into pieces.

The strong bloody breath is like the waves rolling, the whole city of Tiance, the blood is flowing into the river, and the limbs are broken everywhere.

But at this time, Ling Xiao’s eyes were still calm, even with a hint of joy.

He could feel that the ripples in the Primordial Demon Blade became clearer.

Obviously, after slaughtering thousands of creatures, this fierce blade that used to slay immortals and punish Buddha is slowly waking up.

On the battlefield, Ye Qingchan waved his hand lightly, and frost seemed to spread all over his body.

In just half of the breath, the area of ​​a hundred meters in radius turned into an ice world, and those Da Zhou soldiers who had no time to react were instantly frozen into ice sculptures, breaking them at the touch of a touch.

Behind the crowd, Zhang Liao looked at the figure of the imperial dragon coming, his face was already pale.

Although he is a god emperor, his realm cultivation is all forcibly improved by pill, his own combat power is extremely low.

Especially at this time, the scene of Ling Xiao slaughtering tens of thousands of people with a knife made him completely devoid of fighting intentions.

“Receive soldiers!!! Receive soldiers!!!”


The sound of Mingjin spread through thousands of miles, Yuan Fei and others’ eyes darkened, but in the end they didn’t dare to stay, turned and swept towards the city.

What surprised everyone was that even though Qiao Yunli and the others were chasing after victory, they did not commit any crimes, but went straight past the soldiers and headed towards Zhang Liao.

“Protect our commander!!!”

Yuan Fei shouted angrily, making seals on his hands.

Under the city wall, the earth suddenly collapsed, and saw a trail of hundred-zhang sacred trees thrust into the sky, blocking Qiao Yunli’s figure.

The vast divine power swept the world, covering all directions.

At this time, Zhang Liao had already fled to the city wall, turning his head in shock.

“Damn, are these Daxia people crazy? They want to kill this handsome!!”

“The commander can rest assured, General Yuan Fei’s Shenmu Tian is very powerful. I have never seen anyone able to break it open.”

Beside him, a northern general bowed and smiled.

only! !

At the moment when his voice fell, he saw that the Baizhang Demon Dragon in the distance suddenly opened his bloody mouth in anger, and bit down the Qianzhang Shenmu fiercely.

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