Chapter 441 Qing Chan’s Life Experience

“no, do not want!!”

To be honest, Han Qingqiu was flustered at this time.

Although she had heard of Ling Xiao’s notoriety a long time ago, she also planned to be bullied by him.

But… She really didn’t expect it to be in such a situation.

only! !

It was very inexplicable. Seeing the shame and contentment on Ye Qingchan’s face, she was a little curious in her heart.

“The son… the son…”

Ye Qingchan buried her head on Ling Xiao’s shoulder and whispered a little shyly.

The latter just smiled and glanced at her, “Qingchan, don’t you mind?”

“No… don’t mind… as long as the son is happy…”


The terrifying spiritual power surging like a sea wave.

In an instant, Han Qingqiu’s coat shattered in an instant.

Compared with Ye Qingchan, although her skin is fair, it reveals a light and moisturizing look.

It seems to glow.

And that uniform and full-bodied body is even more comparable.

Oh, in other words, it is really difficult for people to have such perfect proportions.

Especially the special scent radiating from her body is really…fascinating.


Above the temple, spring is full of spring, and the clouds and rain are beginning to be sudden.

Ice and fire are entwined, two worlds, each with its own mystery.

Although Ye Qingchan’s pretty face was red, but there was a smile, her jade hand stretched out and gently pulled the sweat-drenched blue silk on her forehead behind her ears.

“Girl Qingqiu…in the future…I will work hard for you.”

The three shadows are intertwined in one place, forgotten and joyful.

One day, in the blink of an eye.

Ling Xiao stood in front of the hall with his hands under his shoulder, looking out at the distant sky.

Han Qingqiu and Ye Qingchan stood behind, with a complex shame on Qiao’s face.

Especially Han Qingqiu, although she is different from ordinary people, she is not inconsistent with men and women and has little interest in it.

She simply likes beautiful things.

But… so inexplicably Ling Xiao gave her…break up, it really made her feel a little bit distressed.

It’s just… when she thinks of the kind of happiness she has never had before, she really doesn’t know whether to hate him or… love him.

“Oh, you just rushed over, but something?”

Ling Xiao asked softly without looking back.

“The Hanyue Immortal Palace has replied. My senior brother will come with the treasure and redeem me.”

There was some loss in Han Qingqiu’s eyes. For some reason, she suddenly…don’t want to leave here.

after all!

Here is rich in spiritual energy and full of Taoism, it is really a holy place for cultivation.

“Oh, go down and wait for me.”

Ling Xiao nodded, without the slightest surprise on his face.

Just now, Duan Ying had sent back news, and Palace Master Hanyue asked her through a divine order if she wanted to save Han Qingqiu.

Nonsense, of course, spare no effort to save!

“Yes! Master!”

Hearing this, Han Qingqiu took a deep look at Ye Qingchan, and the corners of his mouth raised a touching arc.

“Miss Qingchan, then we…see you later.”


Ye Qingchan lowered his head, leaned slightly, as he watched the girl go away, his face suddenly raised a touch of coldness.

“Qing Chan, how do you feel?”

Ling Xiao turned his head and looked at Ye Qingchan.

At this time, she had completely stepped into the realm of the god king, and her luck had risen by nearly a thousand, reaching the category of 5,000.

Obviously, the integration of that ancient soul didn’t make her cultivation reach the peak level, but it obviously had an unexpected mystery.

“Thank you, son… Qingchan, I can stay with you at ease in the future.”

A splendor bloomed on Ye Qingchan’s face. He raised his foot and walked in front of Ling Xiao, his beautiful eyes expressing affection.

“Qingchan, although the ghost orb is the most precious treasure, but its power is too fierce and evil, it easily affects the mind. Suppress! I… let me take it out for you. If you like it, I will give it to you when you reach the emperor realm in the future and can suppress its fierceness.”

Ling Xiao stretched out his hand and rubbed Ye Qingchan’s pretty face.

really! !

I said, the son would never use this evil bead to control me!

That ancient soul is just dying and hating, deliberately affecting my Dao Xin! !

Tears overflowed in Ye Qingchan’s eyes, even if Ling Xiao didn’t take the ghost pearl back, she wouldn’t blame the son.

Without him, she is still afraid that she will still be in the lower realm and live a mediocre life.

But in my heart, there will be a trace of loss after all.

Fortunately… Young Master, I’m sorry, Qing Chan shouldn’t have such thoughts at all!

From now on, Qing Chan would never dare anymore!

“Dip! The Lady of Destiny was touched, congratulations to the host for getting a thousand luck and a reward of 10,000 villains.”

“The Lady of Destiny is completely surrendered. Congratulations to the host for triggering additional rewards. The forged value of the Destiny Body is increased by 2%. The superb Taoist artifact: Shenlong Dao armor.”

Ling Xiao’s eyes condensed when he heard the system notification sound coming from his ears, but he let out a sigh of relief in the bottom of his heart.

Finally! !

The two souls merged, even if they were swallowed by the bloodthirsty ghost beads, but in the final analysis, Ye Qingchan and the ancient soul are essentially one person, and the latter will eventually affect Ye Qingchan’s Dao Heart.

This is why Ye Qingchan will love him deeply tomorrow morning, but he has never been recognized by the system.

Although Ye Qingchan surrendered a little inexplicably at this time, but…whatever he did.

In short, this little green plum is completely mine.

“Qing Chan, you can bear it, I will help you take out the ghost beads.”

Ling Xiao’s face gradually became solemn, her eyes gleaming with soul.

But Ye Qingchan didn’t hesitate at all, she directly opened her heart, deepened Ling Xiao’s soul, wrapped the ghost beads and refined it, and took it out of her soul sea.


The light of blood flickered, and the ghost beads rose into the sky, turning into a blood moon across the sky.

“Qing Chan… You merged with the ancient soul, have you ever known your true identity?”

This is what Ling Xiao cares most about.

It is certainly not an ordinary god emperor who can make Shengjiao send a divine envoy to the four borders to find it.

And Ye Qingchan was from the lower realm, but how did he get involved with the holy religion?

“The son…Although the ancient soul was swallowed by the ghost beads, at the last moment, she broke the soul…I only merged part of her memory…”

Ye Qingchan’s expression turned dark, and she faintly felt that the answer she wanted was in the center of Shengzhou.

In other words, in the body of the holy religion.

Although she also feels that these memories will wake up sooner or later, but there are still some opportunities missing.

“Oh? What did you see?”

Ling Xiao raised his brows lightly.

Sure enough, it’s not time yet.

Often the memory awakening of such strong Suhui people will be at the most critical moment.

The plot is such a plot, but…


Author Gou, you can’t reveal your identity all at once. Are everyone happy?

Have to peel it layer by layer!

You peel the onion!

“I seem to come from a very old family in the upper realm. The land of the Holy State is a prison, or… a forbidden place to suppress demons.”

Ye Qingchan looked confused, and suddenly a touch of determination flashed in his eyes, “My son, I want to… leave you for a while.”


“There is something in my soul sea, which seems to be calling me… the son… I want to find it.”

Ye Qingchan raised his head and looked at Ling Xiao with scorching eyes.

Although she has broken through the realm of the god king now, to Ling Xiao, she can’t be called the strength of the card.

After all, in this area, there are only three god emperors, not to mention Ning Tiance and others.

Ye Qingchan had a hunch, as long as she could find something like that, her cultivation level would definitely have a breakthrough.

At that time, you can really help the son.

“But… Qingchan, I don’t worry about you going out alone.”

Ling Xiao shook his head. Since the Holy Cult is looking for Ye Qingchan, it is too risky to let her out now.

Although with her luck, she would never fall away easily.

But I’m afraid…there is someone who is stronger than her luck in the sacred religion.

“My son, don’t worry, I’m in the realm of the god king now. As long as I’m careful, nothing will happen. Qingchan will accompany my son to stand on the top of heaven and earth.”

Ye Qingchan smiled gently, and for the first time a touch of determination appeared on Qiao’s face.

Since the ancient soul hadn’t killed her, then in this life, she must accompany the son on a long, long journey.

And, most importantly, she could feel that that thing might be of great help to the son to dominate the entire Holy State!

This feeling was too ethereal, so she didn’t dare to say it.

But… the son.

For you, how could Qingchan hesitate after going through the fire and water?

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