Chapter 459: My Great Wish

“this is!!!”

Ling Xiao’s eyes suddenly widened, and he watched the magical brilliance bloom on the Primordial Demon Blade, which turned into a ray of sword light out of thin air.

The world collapsed, and the avenue did not exist.

With the force of punishing the sky, destroy all enemies in front of him.


The blade light slashed down, and the entire area trembled for a moment.

Faintly, Ling Xiao seemed to see, in a corner of the sky, it seemed to see the world outside the boundaries.

And the shadows of thousands of gods and demons uttered a whine, and then completely turned into ashes.

“What a terrible sword technique…”

Rao is Ling Xiao, at this moment, he stared at the demon shadow standing proudly in front of him with shocking eyes.

With one knife, the gods will kill the demons.

Heaven and earth, who is it for me?

Worthy of being a Heavenly Demon, worthy of an Primordial Demon Blade, this kind of hegemony really shocked the world.


Until the magic blade fell to the ground and the magic shadow dissipated on its own, Ling Xiao leaned over to pick it up and held it in his hand.

Obviously, this form of Punishing the Heavens only awakened after thousands of blood souls.

The first style is so powerful. I don’t know how awesome the remaining eight styles are?

“Ling Xiao, you are really getting worse and worse.”

Just as Ling Xiao collected his sword and was about to leave the realm, a faint voice of contempt suddenly came from behind him.

“Wind chimes? Are you finally able to give it up?”

Ling Xiao raised his brows lightly and turned to look at the thin black figure.

“Huh! That woman is gone, why can’t I come out?”

Feng Ling’s mouth was pursing slightly, apparently it was also suffocated in the Demon Suppression Tower during this time.

“Why are you so tired of Qingchan?”

Ling Xiao frowned, “Do you know her identity?”

“I’m not tired of her, but the breath of this clan is annoying!”

Feng Ling snorted coldly, raised his head to look at the distant temple, and then raised Qiong’s nose lightly, “Lingxiao, your place is good, the aura is very strong, and…it seems to have a lot of scent of spiritual grass.”

“Wind chimes!! Listen to me…”

Ling Xiao’s eyes condensed slightly, but Feng Ling’s face showed a sly color, and the two small tiger teeth flashed with cold light, and his steps disappeared in an instant.


Ling Xiao gritted his teeth fiercely, but finally sighed lightly.

He couldn’t stop what this little ancestor wanted to do.

But… this family?

What kind of secret is hidden in Ye Qingchan’s body?

The Emperor’s Palace of the Great Zhou, a river of blood.

According to Ling Xiao’s orders, all officials of the Zhou Dynasty will be killed without pardon.

Ning Tiance and others stood under His Royal Highness, looking at the figure of the young man sitting on the throne, with a faint awe in their eyes.

On the way from the Northern Territory to Yunfang City, Ling Xiao had already used means and strength to frighten everyone.

Once the emperor succeeds, all bones are withered.

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers died in one battle, and the dynasty that had been in the West for hundreds of years was wiped out overnight.

This was simply impossible in past history.

As long as the dynasty is already standing at the top of the Western Xinjiang, its inner strength can be called terrifying.

Although Ling Xiao fought in the next Zhou Dynasty, he somewhat borrowed the power of Ning Tiance and Daxia powerhouses, but…

It is undeniable that being able to make them surrender willingly is already a shocking method.

The Manchus of the Great Zhou Dynasty, one hundred and sixty-seven creatures, were all punishable.

The three god emperors of the Zhou clan, and an ancestor near the eighth rank, are all dead today.

The remaining gods, kings and princes, either stay at the border or enjoy the fief, and now they are nothing more than fish on the chopping board, waiting to be slaughtered.

“Big Brother, now Yunfang City has been defeated, but there are bound to be Zhou Dynasty remnants in the Great Zhou area, and you will lead the troops to calm the chaos. As for this imperial city… leave it to the national teacher for the time being.”

Ling Xiao glanced at Qiao Yunli, the latter’s expression suddenly condensed, and he hurriedly bowed down.

Ling Xiao didn’t care about the dynasty or something.

A search of the treasury, a capture of the dragon vein, the so-called dynasty is nothing but an empty shell.

It’s the ten thousand blood dragon guards, it’s worth training.

In Daqin, Xiao Beifa was in charge, and he was followed by two four-rank god emperors Xing Shen and Huo Heng.

Even if Qin Wushuang has some secrets, it doesn’t seem to be too threatening right now.

“As for the throne of the Great Zhou…Cousin, are you interested?”

Ling Xiao suddenly looked at Qin Wushuang, with a gentle smile rising from the corner of his mouth.


With Qin Wushuang’s indifferent temperament, Rao couldn’t help but trembled in his heart, looking at Ling Xiao inconceivably.

What does he mean?

The country you have worked so hard to lay down, just…give it to me?

Suddenly, Qin Wushuang felt that he underestimated this young man.

Originally, she was still thinking about how to keep the Great Qin Jiangshan in her hands.

But at the moment, what kind of emperor’s honor does not seem to be worth mentioning in the eyes of this young man?

Especially the clarity in Ling Xiao’s eyes at this time made Qin Wushuang’s heart quietly give birth to a different kind of shock.

“Reactive…not subject to statutes…”

Only in the end, Qin Wushuang shook his head, and did not accept Ling Xiao’s kindness.

She wanted the eight dynasties to submit, but Ling Xiao always gave her a very dangerous feeling.

This benefit comes too easily, but it makes people uneasy.

“Oh, elder brother, do you want this emperor to give you?”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, as if in his eyes, the emperor’s position was nothing but a hot potato, whoever liked to sit.

The whole hall was quiet in an instant.

Everyone looked at the young man sitting on the golden chair, with mixed emotions in his eyes.

If in the past, the emperor won the country, the first thing is to kill the hero.


Master Ling Xiao, you are righteous, loyal, and admirable! !

“Brother Xiao!! My generals in the northern realm, I just want to conquer the world with you, not for fame and fortune, just to…realize your great aspiration!!”

Ning Tiance suddenly bowed and bowed deeply to Ling Xiao.

At this time he believed that the ambition of this young man was never to fight for his fame!

Before Shuangshan Pass, Ling Xiao’s words were still in his ears.

Xijiang is unified, and there is no war in the world!

“Hey, it’s all for the people of the world…”

Ling Xiao sighed, his face gradually becoming serious.

“Daqin, this is where my foundation lies. I still have something to find out, eldest brother, national teacher, Da Zhou will leave it to you for the time being.”

“Only the order of Brother Xiao’s life, my million soldiers in the north will arrive with a sword.”

Ning Tiance was straight and shouted.

Seeing this scene, Qin Wushuang frowned slightly, but his heart became more and more afraid of this cousin…

The dignified northern god of war, undefeated in a hundred battles, is now so desperate to follow a young man?

Although the two are commensurate as brothers, they are obviously in a master-servant relationship.

But he didn’t care about the throne, but what did he do in Daqin?

Find out clearly? Check…who?

“Cousin, rest for a few days, let’s go on the road.”

In the end, Ling Xiao nodded and smiled, then turned and walked towards the depths of Zhou Palace.

This trip has twists and turns, but the ending is considered satisfactory.

Now that all the chess pieces in Xijiang have fallen, it’s time for a good harvest.

Both the dragon veins and the spirit treasure are obtained, and then the blood dragon guard will be transformed into an iron-blooded army.

At that time, with the power of the three dynasties, the Western Xinjiang will be unified.

This land should be renamed Lingjiang!

As for the Hanyue Immortal Palace…

It is said that the secret realm of becoming a fairy will appear in less than a year, and then the evildoers will be full of Xijiang.

Eat enough leeks, and then it’s time to change the taste, go to the southern waters to eat fish, gnaw crabs and so on.

But to be honest, I heard that oysters are also very good?

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