Chapter 498 God’s Apostle Disciple

“Whirring whirring.”

As soon as Wang Tianduo’s voice fell, Xia Feng suddenly made strange noises in front of him.

Everyone followed the sound and saw that at this moment, Xia Feng suddenly stretched out her tongue, pretending to be a dog, vividly.


I’m not targeting anyone!

On pretending to be a dog, who is the enemy of Xia Feng Shengzhou? !


The disciples looked at each other with surprise in their eyes.

It shouldn’t.

They wanted to humiliate Xia Feng for an excuse, force him to take action, and then logically teach him.

But who could have imagined that this is more shameless than not being ashamed, but rather proud, so shameless to such an extent.

“Senior Brother Wang, do I look like now?”

Xia Feng smiled gently, with no shame on his face, but everyone did not know where to start.

“Uh… the talent of Junior Brother Feng really opened my eyes. You are not like you, you are simply the incarnation of a dog!!”

Wang Tianduo sneered. Over the years, he had seen all kinds of strange disciples, but compared with this night, they were all a little bit worse.

“Hehe, thank you brother for your praise!”

Xia Feng nodded and chuckled, her eyes clear.

But Wang Tianduo frowned, and he murmured in his heart, it shouldn’t be.

Junior Sister Qing Qiu has a cold and arrogant personality, and it is absolutely impossible to see such cowards.

Could it be that I…too sensitive?

“Junior Brother Feng, it seems that the Hanyue Immortal Trail is about to be opened soon. Since you and I are the same door, you must help each other to enter it, and don’t let others take the good fortune.”

In the end, Wang Tianduo’s face lifted up with a hearty touch.

Now it seems that Junior Sister Qingqiu has insulted Feng Ye, I am afraid it is not because of ulterior motives, but despising him from the bottom of my heart.

If it were to change to the past, Wang Tianduo would definitely use an excuse to teach him, so as to please Qingqiu.


At first, this Feng Ye Nai was passed down by Master Yue Xiao, and she was her only disciple.

If he provokes and bullies grandiosely, that indifferent master uncle is bound to break his dog’s head.

Secondly, although Feng Ye was timid and weak, his talent was not bad.

Even Wang Tianduo had seen this person make a move with Han Qingqiu.

Geng Jin Dao Ze, unlimited edge.

Rao is Wang Tianduo, in fact, there is not much confidence to crush him.

In this way, when you enter the fairy trail, there is such a dog by your side, it is an extra protection.

If there is something to close the night, nothing is wrong… bullying and bullying him, relieve the boredom of the younger sister, kill two birds with one stone!

“That’s natural. As long as you enter the secret realm, the night will be closed by Senior Brother Wang’s head.”

Xia Feng smiled humblely, and Wang Tianduo’s face also bloomed with brilliance.

Of course, at this time, the former also pondered.

This Wang Tianduo was obviously licking a dog.

Since Lu Yun was lost, he has always regarded himself as Senior Brother Hanyue Immortal Palace, and he often followed a few little licking dogs by his side.

It’s just a trash like him who only cultivated to the sixth rank of a god general at the age of thirty-eight. He didn’t even understand a Dao and wanted to capture Qing Qiu Fang’s heart?


The reason Xia Feng didn’t fight him was not because he was afraid of him.

In this fairy palace, this person does have some power, and it is also personally passed on by the palace owner.

Waiting to be in the fairy trail, it is very useful.

The horror of Ling Xiao, he had seen it in his last life.

Although Xia Feng’s cultivation base has broken through now, Dao is prosperous, more than several times more tyrannical than before.

But who knows whether Ling Xiao has changed in this life?

Doesn’t Wang Tianduo like Han Qingqiu?

With Qingqiu’s feelings for me, now it’s only a step forward.

At that time, I will take her to find a few relics, and get a few treasures, I am afraid she will completely fall to me.

It’s just like dealing with Qiao Shuang.

Do not! !

Different! !

I have no feelings for Qiao Shuang.

But Qingqiu!

I am willing to share good luck with you.

As long as Han Qingqiu is moved by him, Xia Feng has a hundred ways to play with Wang Tianduo and the crowds of dogs beside him.

There are demons in this immortal ruin, brother, sister Han hates demons the most in her life, why don’t we go and punish him?

The head is sent, and Ling Xiao’s strength can be tested by the way. This is two birds with one stone.

It was very inexplicable. At this moment, the two people who were standing opposite each other, with the same smile, cursed at the same time, silly wave one.

“Look at it!!! It’s Junior Sister Han!!!”

And just as everyone secretly pondered, a white figure came from the cloud on the top of the mountain in the distance.

A picturesque fairy face contains indifference, especially those clear eyes, like a spring in the mountains, touching the heart.

But at this time, Han Qingqiu didn’t even look at Xia Feng and the others. Lianbu moved lightly and headed towards the top of the mountain.

Early this morning, Young Master Ling Xiao sent a letter, and soon he will arrive at the Hanyue Immortal Palace.

In addition to the identity of Great Xia Shengzu, Great Qin Dragon Lord, and the new emperor of Ling Dynasty, this young man also has a more important name: the spokesperson of the Holy Religion and Divine Envoy in Xijiang.

In other words, this position in Xijiang is much higher than that of Palace Master Hanyue.


Master, come out to pick up the guests!

Daqin, imperial palace.

Ling Xiao stood with his hands behind, looking at the blue clouds in the distance, there was a touch of indifferent expression on his face.

Beside him, Qin Wushuang’s pretty face was indifferent and reluctant to give up.

Behind the two, Xiao Beifa, Yan Zheng, and thousands of guards from the imperial army were standing in front of each other, waiting to be transferred.

According to Qin Wushuang, there have always been ten people in the Great Qin Dynasty who can enter the Hanyue Immortal Relics.

Coupled with the Great Xia and Great Zhou dynasties, Ling Xiao could take thirty people there.

During the journey, there are two god emperors Xiao Beifan and Yan Zheng for protection, and there should be nothing wrong.

It’s just that Ling Xiao smiled and did not answer.

With his current methods, who can threaten the entire Western Xinjiang?

The only eighth rank god emperor is still wailing in his soul sea.

Even if the Shengjiao sends the strong to come, he can hide in the realm.

Besides, now he is a righteous way and a great light, a disciple of God’s apostle, ask the world, who dares to move him?

“I don’t know how long I can return from this trip. Until I return, you must not act rashly.”

Ling Xiao turned his head and glanced at Xiao Beifa.

Now that there are not many Great Qin Emperors, and there are not many strong ones, Xiao Beifan stays here, and he can always feel more at ease.

As for the entourage brought into the fairy trail?

I’m gumpy.

You will not forget, there are 10,000 blood guards equipped with artifacts in my domain, right?

“Yes! Lord!”

Xiao Beifa bowed and bowed, but Qin Wushuang’s eyes were suddenly red, and he whispered softly, “Be careful of everything.”

“Don’t worry, when I return, I will send you to Xijiang.”

Ling Xiao smiled gently and stepped forward, as if there was a dragon’s shadow under him.

Hearing only a loud dragon roar resounding through the world, everyone was stunned to see that a hundred-meter dragon snaking across the sky, carrying the tall young man, swept towards the sky.

There is a fishy wind everywhere in the world.

The boundless demon qi swept across the sky, raising thousands of winds and clouds.

All the people of Daqin imperial city are kneeling on the ground by themselves, showing devotion.

The dragon is a symbol of national fortune.

They never dreamed that they would be lucky enough to see this miracle today.

God bless Da Qin, God bless Da Qin.

But, who is the boy of Yulong?

Could it be… a fairy?

“Meet the fairy!!”

“The fairy shelter!”

“Pray for immortals, let me get rich, live a long life, and have a good family!!”

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