But why has he been so relaxed?

Jenos looked at Krieger, his face three times the size of a normal person was full of calmness. This expression shouldn't appear under the meteorite, but only in the quiet afternoon.

The fight between him and the teacher was indeed earth-shattering, but he was still a little short of a meteorite that could destroy a city. Jenos' speed has increased a bit. The teacher's safety needs his protection. Regardless of whether Saitama-teacher needs it or not, this is what he should do as a disciple.

Now it's too late to take refuge, we must stop the meteorite here!

Jenos directly mentioned the highest speed. The air separated like waves in front of him. With a billowing air wave, Jenos disappeared from Krieger's sight within two seconds.

This guy was too anxious, Krieger moved unhurriedly, even if the speed was beyond Banggu's reach. Krieger’s and Janos’ goals are the same, but the starting point is completely different. Janos simply wants to save everyone. The hero’s reputation is just a by-product. Even if no one knows, Janos will do nothing. Do not hesitate to shoot, but Krieger is different, Krieger only needs the follow-up reaction triggered by this incident, saving all talents is a by-product.

Next, Jenos will run into the metal knight. Krieger recalled the plot. He didn’t plan to participate in this plot. No matter how malicious the metal knight was towards Jenos, Krieger helped Jenos pinch to death at most. He is only, he has more important things to solve.

"Kenos, can you hear it?" Krieger fell from the top of the building, lightly like a shadow, and he was already proficient in the pace he learned from Bangu.

"Of course." Kenos' voice came immediately. Kenos, who was in the emergency meeting, stood up, gestured to the host of the meeting twice, and left the conference table immediately after getting a response.

The management sitting next to Kenos was obviously a little unconvinced. He glanced at Kenos walking out disgustingly, and said in a weird manner, "I don’t know what's going on with Mr. Kenos. He has to live and die in Z City. Time to call, could it be a relationship?!"

Without the approval of Belief, some noisy meetings suddenly quieted down, and quite a few people looked at him, "What are you doing?" The management suddenly panicked, "Am I right?"

"This guy is jealous."

"A newcomer does more in a few days than he does in a year. It's normal to be jealous. This guy really thinks he is so good that he can't even compare to a newcomer."

"This kind of person puts the Heroes' Association in a miserable manner. I really don't know why he sits in the same row with Kenos."

"People rely on their skills and qualifications, don't discriminate against waste."

"Hahahahaha, don't tell me, this guy is mad."

In terms of volume, they can only be regarded as whispers, but these words are heard in the ears of the management very real, his face suddenly blue and white, although he wants to attack, but here is undoubtedly a self-determining future. The management named Tomizawa resisted the anger, but in just half a month, half of the people here actually supported the villain Kenos. Are these people all fools?

"Okay, okay," the host of the meeting knocked on the table twice, "The issue we are going to discuss is not Kenos's new life, now we are back to the subject!"

Tomizawa’s face was even more ugly. The host could not have heard these stupid words, but he didn’t say anything. The slanted frame has reached a blatant point. If this continues, the Heroes’ Association next month will only be a colleague of Kenos. , And I don’t have a colleague from Tomizawa.

Damn, I have to fix this problem.

Kenos, who had already walked out the door, didn’t know what happened inside the door, and of course he didn’t care. At this time, Kenos, who was so hated by Tomizawa that he gritted his teeth, was reading out a series of numbers. There will be two or three fragments, which should break a floor or so. The residents here have been evacuated. The head of their household is a well-known reporter who will report on the destruction of the house."

"There are also two largest supermarkets and a number of material storages in the eastern district that will be destroyed. The subsequent fire will continue to burn the materials, which is estimated to account for more than 60% of all living supplies. This part of the city will mobilize materials before entering the eastern district of City Z. The residents of, either choose to go hungry or travel more than 30 kilometers in the ruins to get food. Considering that there are about 50,000 people here, their dissatisfaction will reach its peak."

"The water source in the southern district..."

"Materials in the North District..."

Kenos has only been out of the clone warehouse for a few years, but after inheriting all the memories of the most primitive Kenos, he has a natural sensitivity to mathematics, coupled with his uncomfortable character, sometimes Krieger wondered if this guy was completely anti-human.

If Krieger had not forbidden him to use this disaster to satisfy his perverted mind, it is estimated that his plan would be to simply watch the meteorite drop and blame the Heroes Association for this purpose. In terms of effect, all alive would definitely not be all dead. Well, it’s better to die than to survive only part of it. These survivors are easy to lose their minds, and with intentional encouragement, Kenos is sure that he can disintegrate the Heroes' Association on the spot.

It's a pity that the boss wouldn't let him. Kenos felt very sad. Who made him the boss?

"So, I'm going to hit the fourth crater of the meteorite at a distance of three kilometers from the ground, right?"

Krieger and Kenos confirmed the plan, "Yes the boss." Kenos thought that the people here would lose the wealth that they had accumulated in the last half of their lives, and his face was full of smiles. They were still alive anyway, if not Boss, you have lost your life. It's normal to pay a small price for this.

Life is precious, friends I have never met.

Chapter 189: Lao Tzu is the Protagonist

"It's really a difficult target." Krieger moved his hands and feet, and there was a faint fluorescence on the retina. The huge meteorite was dismembered and shattered under computer speculation, and the green 3D simulation image repeated the trajectory of the meteorite after it was broken.

"I may not be so precise."

When the matter came, Krieger was a little uncertain. It was completely inexperienced for him to smash a meteorite. Even though he had made great efforts to familiarize himself with the power of the Asura unicorn, he could really Can it be done?

"Don't worry about the boss." Kenos said in a pleasant tone, "For this meteorite, the boss, you would rather do nothing, and don't do more. Human beings are so fragile. It doesn't matter if you die one or two more. Anyway, if the boss doesn't shoot the meteorite, it will hit it completely. On the ground, these people should be grateful."

No, even without me, Saitama could solve this meteorite, Krieger shook his head in his heart, but Kenos didn't know the information of this man.

But even with Saitama, the meteorite after he attacked still destroyed a large part of the city. Krieger didn't believe that there was no injured person, and the worst result was only half a catty.

Go ahead!

Krieger continued to run forward. Kenos shared Krieger’s sight. No matter what the boss did, it was a novel experience for him. It was because he didn’t care that Kenos could take all of his Things are installed on the balance, and on Kenos’ balance, life?

What it is?

It's nothing more than peristalsis in the culture tank.

There is not only Krieg who has doubts about himself, but also Jenos. Krieger only doubts whether the result is perfect, but Jenos is not even sure whether he can stop the meteorite a little bit.

Can the meteorite be stopped with the full power of the incinerator?

Janos raised his head. The suitcase in his hand is an external device that fully exerts the power of the incinerator. With a special power ball, Janos can raise the power of the incinerator by several levels again, but he thinks of Saitama. The duel between the teacher and Krieger, Jenos felt that there was no hope.

No matter how strong the incinerator is, there is no way it can compare to those two people.

Jenos was a little frustrated. No matter how strong the two people were, the oppression they gave him was not as strong as a meteorite. A huge celestial body shining with light and heat is under the atmosphere, and you can see its changes every minute and every second. But you just can't help it, death is so determined, Jenos obviously has no breathing organs, but he still repeats the exhalation and inhalation movements.

This is the only way he can relieve his tension.

The teacher is still in this city, I can't run away alone!

Thinking of Mr. Saitama, Jenos' actions became resolute. If he leaves here, who will protect his teacher!

"What?" Jenos suddenly raised his head, and a metal robot swiftly approached in the distance. Within a second of when Jenos raised his head, he leaped half of his line of sight. The brilliant blue flame divided the sky, and then billowed white smoke. Fill the air gap.

That is?

Jenos' electronic eye began to analyze at a high speed, and the structure of the metal creation was resolved and disassembled. It was a metal robot with three red dot observers on its head!

"You are Beauvoir", Janos's voice came from behind, the robot with a well-fitting overall shape turned its head, dozens of missile launchers behind it made Janos' eyes condensed, and then the cold and deep synthetic sound sounded. "You are the rookie Janos, are you here to stop the meteorite?"

"Yeah," Janos responded briefly to him, Bofoy, the seventh-ranked S-class hero who destroyed the enemy and surrounding buildings with high-fire weapons. Does this guy also live in City Z? Or is he willing to come forward?

"Bofoi, please help me," Genos didn't know whether it was a request or an order. For people other than Saitama, he has always had this unruly attitude.

"I reject!"

"Why?" Janos was puzzled.

"I'm just here to test the new weapon. The meteorite came just right, so don't intervene." Pofoy's temper was really good, and he really answered him.

"Test?" Jenos's face fell low, "You will die if the meteorite really falls."

"I won't die."

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