Although Yongdu only left Xingjue because he was short and thin when he was a child and suitable for stealing, objectively speaking, this did save Xingjue's life and gave Yigo's plan hope. According to common sense, Yigo’s genetic resurrection is not a coincidence. It’s just that among these heirs, only Star Lord has grown up, and only adult Yigo children will awaken as a demigod. In other words, Yigo is just impatient, not him. There is a problem with his children, but they have not reached adulthood.

Because of his cruelty and ruthlessness, Igo got the same cruel result. His plan could be realized long ago, as long as he was a little patient and waited until the children grew up.

Yigo's punishment has not arrived, but Yongdu's punishment has arrived.

The predators have already discovered what he did. Although the predators have changed their names to interstellar pirates, they never predatory children. The bravery who violated the ban was humiliated by other captains, and his men Also because of Yongdu’s anger and powerlessness, the hearts of the people became floating. Those bizarre humanoid creatures laughed at Yongdu secretly. The scene of his humiliation activated his dissatisfaction with him, but also because of the fear of Yongdu’s majesty, Yongdu’s The crew only dared to speak behind their backs, and they only had the opportunity to overthrow Yongdu's current rule.

Yongdu, who was abandoned by the looters, knew what these people were talking about, but he just stood in the snow and stared at the distant companions. His former companions were deprived of his honor.

While the supporters of Yongdu and the crew members opposed to Yongdu were facing each other silently, with the pure white carpet that was continuously extended manually, the bodies of the Supreme Stars who seemed to be covered in gold and powder came over, and their queen walked in the center, toe Looking at Yongdu proudly, this appearance in the red light district itself was quite exciting, but unfortunately when the white carpet stretched in the last quarter, because the maid’s mistake was stuck on the snow, the maids who rolled the carpet pulled hard. Pulling, there is no way to pull again, the Supreme Star Queen, who feels very embarrassed, just sighed slightly, and looked at Yongdu with no expression on her face.

"Yongdu Youdongta, I have a proposal." The queen simply stopped.

"What suggestion?" Yongdu, who was about to be frozen, turned around, with raised blood vessels under his blue skin. "Also, can anyone order me?"

"We need you to pursue a familiar person. They stole our treasure. In return, I will give you a great price."

Yongdu laughed twice, spread his hands and swayed around, "What can you give me?" He pointed his hand to the Queen of the Supreme Star, "What price can you give me?"

The maids behind the queen struggled to lift a box, while the guards also raised their weapons.

Under the offensive of huge amounts of money, Yongdu quickly succumbed.

In the space of the universe.

During Krieger’s silence, Eagle finally caught up with the Star Lord, and Star Lord’s spacecraft was forced to land on a planet due to damage. Eagle then followed and showed him his identity. As the two people continued to communicate, Xing Jue slowly admitted the father, and Yi Ge was also very satisfied. He realized that this son had potential that other heirs did not have.

Soon because the spacecraft could not be repaired, Igo extended an invitation to them. And when they were about to leave, there was a great dispute between a few people. For Rocket Raccoon and Groot, the existence of Ego is very suspicious. They think this guy is not a good person, even if Kamora is Igo had deep doubts. But Xingjue thought that it was not easy for him to recognize his father. In any case, he had to leave with his father and return to the place where his father lived to see his life.

After the dispute, Rocket Raccoon and Groot stayed on the side of the spacecraft and repaired the takeoff ship alone, while Xingjue and the others chose to follow Yigo to leave.

Krieger expressed satisfaction with this. Their fierce quarrel increased his emotions a little bit, so he put the seeds in the consciousness of these people, and at the same time let his breath entangle Groot's body, which can be Act as a radar to remind Krieger where the plot is going. Because Groot's body is extremely small, Krieger's mark only darkened its wood a little, it was just a small branch, and no one would notice his abnormality.

Yi Ge took the Star Lord and the others, and returned to his own planet.

And the Rocket Raccoon, who remained at the crash landing site trying to repair the spacecraft, and Groot ushered in the first danger they encountered.

Yongdu and his predators have come to hunt them down!

After killing a small part of the predators with the help of explosives, the Rocket Raccoon's confidence increased. He could still easily knock over everything. The predators who dared to appear in front of him were simply giving food, but he soon couldn't laugh. Yongdu's flying arrows didn't take much effort to drive him to a desperate situation.

In the Marvel branch that involves Yongdu, Yongdu’s whistle arrow is also called the "Yaka Arrow". In the official Marvel setting, it originated from the first planetary colony outside the solar system, Centaur IV. It is made of special sound-sensitive metal Aka, which is the specialty metal of Yongdu's hometown. In the movie version, the Yongdu whistle arrow is a single one, which is controlled by the special tone of the Yongdu, but in the original Marvel setting, the Yongdu whistle arrow can actually fly 20 arrows at a time.

Imagine that you have to suffer from the adaptation of the film version experience. Otherwise, 20 such whistles will fly out at once. Basically, the courage can carry an army by one person. It can be called the Marvel single weapon, the Qingbing series is the most The weapon is coming soon. However, it is different from the whistle arrow in the shadow version. The whistle arrow in the original setting of Marvel is not as convenient as the control of Yongdu in the shadow version. You need to use a bow to shoot the whistle arrow before attacking. , And during the flight of the sentry arrow, it can only maintain the initial speed of Yongdu shooting out with the bow, and cannot accelerate midway like the shadow version.

Unfortunately, this time Yongdu used twenty arrows, and he was holding the struggling little tree man in his hand.

The plot has long since disappeared, and Krieger didn't know about it, so in the intense fear of the Rocket Raccoon and the emotion of guarding Groot, the seeds he left germinated ahead of time.

Chapter 561 Subspace Corruption

"Little mouse, there is a shining golden woman who entrusted me to come to you, asking me to say that it is too easy to find you."

Yongdu mocked the Rocket Raccoon, "During the Sandal battle, I put a tracker on your spacecraft."

"Don't hurt Groot." Rocket's eyes seemed pleading at this moment. He looked at Groot who was caught by Yongdu. "You promise this, and I'll tell you where the battery is."

"Ha", the corners of Yongdu's mouth twitched a little, "I'm lucky, I don't count", his eyebrows are raised, and the sharp teeth in his mouth are also exposed.

"I'm telling you, we will take away the battery and we can sell 250,000 in the market!"

"Wait for the boss!" A predator with protruding cheekbones stepped forward. "That woman promised to give us one million, and 250,000 is one-third."

"250,000 is not a third", Yongdu's mathematics is very speechless.

"250,000 is 250,000, you idiot, but 250,000 can't even buy a boot!"

"That is, we want to take 1 million!"

The predators became angry because of Yongdu's statement. Although they have no culture, they are still sensitive to money.

"Shut up, that's enough!" Yongdu roared, "The point is that we are not that stupid and will help kill the Guardians of the Galaxy, otherwise the Nova Legion will not let us go."

"Wait", another lanky predator stood up, "I'll just say this time! Captain! No matter how many times Quill betrays you, it seems that you will protect him, as if the rest of us are not important! "

"We are the ones who will support you!"

"I'm right, buddy, his heart is softened!"

More and more predators were dissatisfied with Yongdu's behavior. They were so large in number. Soon those opposed suggestions disappeared completely, leaving only the anger at Yongdu, "Maybe it's time to change the leader!"

"What are you going to do!" Yongdu waved Yaka Arrow, but this time Yaka Arrow's opponent was a group of energy rifles, and Yongdu didn't even have time to draw the bow at this distance.

"I said, we need to change the leader!" Among the predators behind Yongdu, the biggest one slammed his head, causing Yongdu to fall into the snow in two seconds, and he was caught in his hand. Groot in here yelled and fell from Yongdu's hands, and the predator stepped on the sole of his shoe.

"Weird creatures may be a little valuable." The predator's behavior and language are extremely vulgar, and the bloodshot eyes of the rocket raccoon are denser.

"Let go of him, hey, I said let go of him!"

"What's the matter, you weird little monster", the predator shook Groot, this little tree man fought back angrily, trying to control the actions of the predator with the ever-extending branches, but unfortunately the size between the two The difference made his actions useless. The predator cut off the vines and laughed at Groot's struggle. "A plant and an animal, the two of you are really a perfect match."

Regardless of Krieger’s own will, the power of subspace does not belong to this universe, not to mention the power of emotions and the ability to distort reality. This is a threat to any different universe, while the will of the universe is suppressed. , For any non-subspace creature, it has a strong corrosive effect, it will force all power into subspace attributes, while supplying energy to Kriging, it also deeply bury the attributes of the subspace itself In their hearts.

Krieger’s existence is like insurance. When the subspace is rooted in the will of different intelligent beings, the emotions of these creatures will also affect the subspace. If they are positive, the subspace power is positive, and corruption is just Natural phenomena caused by different power rules, but if they are full of negative emotions, the subspace itself will become turbulent and weird. Obviously, in the will of most intelligent lives, happiness is always short-lived, and painful feelings dominate.

Life will never wait for a certain point to get better, because any joy of success is temporary, and the problem is the theme of life. Acknowledging that life is a process of constant problem-solving can make people feel calm.

Yongdu didn't know anything about subspace, Rocket Raccoon didn't know the truth, but this didn't prevent his emotions from activating Krieger's seeds.

The predator shook Groot. He himself wanted to hear the Rocket Raccoon's begging for mercy, but after a while, there was no response. Instead, the surrounding sounds disappeared. It was so quiet that the sound of the dew falling on the ground was so clear, plundering. The person looked back, only to see that his companions were putting their fingers to their mouths, while beckoning him to be quiet, while pointing their energy rifles at the top of his head.

The predator tilted his head, then raised his head and looked up.

He saw the ominous itself.

He saw a giant bear that was magnified many times, with a long tail behind it, with red lines surrounding its whole body like solidified flames. Compared with the teeth sticking out of the mouth, the pair of green and purple separated The eyes are more eye-catching, especially the purple part is like a gleaming gem, so the will can't help but indulge in it.

If Krieger is here, I will explain the role of the emotional power that represents hope. Even if the Rocket Raccoon will not use this power, Krieger does not have the authority to open the purple light, but the simple increase in size is enough. . When the predator recovered from the rapid breathing of the rocket, and when he pulled the trigger in a panic, the Rocket Raccoon also noticed his intention and directly slapped his head with his hand!

"Roar!" The wild primitive roar echoed in the deep forest.

Energy weapons and primitive gunpowder weapons are constantly inspiring. In the constantly splashing mud in the woods, the rocket raccoon doesn’t even need to dodge. The angry red on the surface of his body automatically matches his emotions, making his movements more rapid, just a sprint. Several predators disappeared.

Although the effect of the movie is very warm, the Rocket Raccoon has used explosives to solve many predators before. For the predators, this is the spokesperson of death. The increase in size will stimulate their bloodliness and they will not keep their hands. But the enhanced Rocket Raccoon doesn't need them to be merciful.

In just two minutes, courage came quickly and went quickly. After half of the predators died, their will finally collapsed, rushing to the place where the spacecraft landed, leaving behind an incomplete body.


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