We were meant to be together

23 Let's destroy him together.

"Dear, why is Melissa not home yet? It's three in the morning." Mrs Cheng asked Mr Chong with a worried face. "I don't know too. The last thing I knew was that she was quarrelling with me, then she just went out. "

Suddenly, someone rang the doorbell. When Mrs Chong opened the door, she saw a man in a white suit, carrying Melissa in his arms. Mrs Chong was shocked. What happened to my daughter? And, who's that guy? "Thank you for sending Melissa home, but may I know who you are? "

Mr Chong was curious about who his wife was talking to. So, he went and have a look. "Mr Wong, may I help you? " Mrs Chong was shocked. "Wait, is this the Mr Wong from the Chong Corps? The one that wanted to destroy the Lims really bad? " Ethan Wong answered her question,"Indeed. "

Melissa woke up and said "Please put me down. " After getting down from Ethan's arms, she looked at her parents and said "Mom and dad, I want to marry him. " Both of them were shocked. But, by having this marriage they'll have the power to destroy the Lims! So, they agreed. "Sure."

"Mr Wong, it's very late. Why not you stop by tomorrow and we will have tea together? " "No problem Mr and Mrs Chong." After finishing his sentence, he left.

Mr and Mrs Chong had a lot of questions for Melissa. When they turnedto ask her about it, they realized that she had sent back to her room to sleep. "Dear, why not we ask tomorrow? " "Ok, fine."

Melissa on the other hand, was actually lying on her bed staring at the ceiling. "What the f*ck actually happened just now? "


"Miss Chia, Mr Lim is here. "

"Hi everyone. "After Derek greeted everyone,he sat down at his place in the conference room.

Emma then stood up and announced, "From today onwards, we will be partnering with The Lim Corps." Everyone in the room clapped their hands. The Lims are one of the tops in the country. Partnering with them sure will bring a lot of benefits to the company.

"So let's start our meeting. Shall we? "

Then, Simon came in and whispered next to Emma's ear. Emma's eyes widened. "Sorry, today's meeting will be cancelled." Then, she left the conference room in a hurry. Derek followed her to check out what's going on.

"What happened,Emma?"

"Someone kidnapped Little Dumpling. "

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