We Will Meet Again

Chapter 202 - Your sense of justice isn't wrong

"I wonder myself," with so many events going on around her at a rapid speed. It's easy to get lost and caught up in the moment. However, one thing is for sure, "I understand better than anyone. I'm causing a lot of problems just being here."

Setsura already knew without people telling her. Her very presence itself is an eyesore. All she does is interfere with the norm here. But, Setsura didn't want to leave Akito's side, nor does she want to leave here. Akito's presence is so very comforting to her; she can't bear to leave him.

"You already paid for your previous mistake. When you got separated from me that time, it wasn't completely your fault, to begin with."

"I got distracted by something in the middle of an investigation," she shook her head. "It was stupid of me."

Ever since that time, Setsura has wanted to apologize. If only she didn't chase after the victims at that time, then Akito wouldn't have so many problems now. She would still be the same meek her, and her memories wouldn't return so fast to her.

Akito walked over to the bridge ledge and leaned forward. "What you did back then wasn't a mistake."

"So, what do you think it was? The act of a fool."

"No, you followed in your convictions in what you believed in. You rushed off like that because you thought there was a chance those people had connections to the victim. That should be normal for any police officer. However, sadly, when people see something wrong. They don't chase after the source; they wait to discuss it with their superiors. By that time, the victim is usually dead," Akito didn't white coat his words at all.

Then again, this is one of the things she likes about him. He's so honest to the point where he is occasionally cold and blunt.

"So, back then, what you did wasn't wrong. It was something people out to praise you about. Although, I do understand where you're getting at. Some will dismiss your actions as foolish. But, they are the real fools. How can they ignore something that's happening right in front of them?"


"Your sense of justice isn't wrong. No, your convictions and everything you've said until now is all right. We're the ones who need to learn from you, we can't dismiss you just because you look weak. People can learn a lot if you were in the front lines. One day all those who insulted and looked down on, you will understand."

Indeed, this person is so foolish. "One day, huh? When that day happens, can we still stay together?"

"Yeah, we can. But even if we separate, I'll have a lot of stories to tell you when we get back together."

'He can say that with certainty.' But, she can feel his hand that just grabbed hold of hers tremble. Akito is afraid too isn't, he? He's afraid just like her, afraid that one day this will all come to an end. However, that's fine. Right now, the hand she is holding onto with certainty and with these convictions is his.


Two days later - Akito's mansion-

Setsura pondered about several equations in her head before sighing. As she thought, that case is still too much for her. Guess wondering about it by myself won't do much good.

She removed her makeshift headphones and stood up as she left her desk. Setsura spied a few people glancing over at her table, causing her to sigh. It's not like she left anything valuable there anyway, and her gaze lands on the person. With Victor there, it's not like they'll do anything. Even if he is asleep, that guy has pretty good senses, and besides, he can be pretty reliable when he wants to. After what happened the other day, it surprised Setsura when he appeared before her naturally again. Almost like nothing had ever happened.

Still, her main thoughts remained on Akito. Akito hadn't been around for a while since it seemed like he entered in some sort of competition. She really had been surprised when she found out that he was good at art. Rather Natasha told her that he's known as a genius. She has yet to see any of his works, though, despite being here for so long now, though. It was something she figured out before with the way he reacted when she found his wife's art supplies. However, Setsura never personally confirmed it with him.

Even if people consider her a genius in terms of education, there are still some things she can't understand on her own. She sighs, that case is complex.

She wonders if Akito is in his room. Either way, Setsura headed in that direction. Usually, right about now, Akito would be at work. However, lately, he keeps bringing his work here. Well, there is nothing wrong with that. After the conversation, they had not too long ago. Setsura had to admit that she felt more reassured that he was within her sights.

'That sounds so possessive of her.' Akito can go wherever he wants. She can't restrain him. But, even though he understands how selfish she is. He is still going along with her wishes.

Her thoughts broke off when she spotted Akito's office. Well, here it goes. Setsura raised her hand to knock on the door.

No response, she tried again. But still, there was no response at all. "Akito? It's me," Setsura called out. She did tell him not to open the door unless she announces it's her. Setsura did this as a precaution because of that snarky woman. While Setsura did whatever she could to avoid that woman. It was difficult since they lived under the same roof.

She turned the door handle. Oh, it's open.

"Excuse me. Akito?"

Still no response. But his office is small, so Setsura spotted him the moment she entered the room.

He was his desk like usual. But the expression on his face was far from the usual. In fact, it seemed as though he was spacing out. Ah, how rare. But if he like this, she can't tease him. Setsura took a deep breath before she made her way over.

"Akito?" Setsura repeated.

"Mm, Setsura?"

Finally, a response!

"Why are you looking so dazed? It's quite rare to see you like that. Did something happen?"

Akito's gaze darkened, " There's been a contradiction between theory and reality."

Her sweat fell, he's acting so weird. What is she meant to think right now? Setsura sighed, "What's this about? Is it a puzzle?"

"Setsura, people derive most puzzles and answers from providing proof and evidence. But, for different theorems and it is in this, the beauty lies the truth."

She sighs once more; he really is completely out of it.

"However, the average answer is something people would naturally refer to as the ideal truth. And yet, people never reach that conclusion. Why do you think that is?"

Setsura shook her head, "Seriously, what are you on about? You really are acting weird today, aren't you?"

Akito looks up, " I'm weird?"

"Very weird.."

Akito sighs, "Wonder if I should bother with this today. I could just leave it be."

"What's this now..." she trails off. This must be the first time she's ever seen him in such a state. If his fans knew that their calm and collected Akito was like this, then they'd cry. But she doesn't dislike it. After all, it's only natural for people to have a side like this to them. Setsura reaches over and pats his hair, "I don't know what happened. But please cheer up. You're our leader, you know?"

Akito shuts his eyes and keeps his head down, resting on his table. "Setsura, please keep doing that. I'm getting a bit sleepy."


"Akito! What exactly happened to you?"

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