We Will Meet Again

Chapter 205 - A person's fate is in a constant state of change

Why do these people treat life as a toy? Setsura has met so many people. In her time, there are many twisted individuals. One of her so-called relatives was the same — a twisted and inhumane man. But, even then, those people wouldn't do something like this. When Setsura first saw the traps and the weapons in that house. She felt sick. She only experienced it for one day but living under those circ.u.mstances. It's a wonder that anybody survived. She knew that the incident still traumatized Natasha too. The girl was very brave, but even now, she saw the doctor for check-ups. Once in a while, Natasha would confine in her too.

The reason her friend is seeing her former fiance maybe to avoid those nightmares too. Being plagued with such terrible images every single night, she understood that feeling all too well.

"You can't blame these people," Setsura repeated, "...seeing such terrible events happen right before their eyes. Normally it's unthinkable. They've lived their lives this entire time, thinking such crimes can't happen." Especially in her time, such crimes happening right before anybody is impossible. If Akito lived in her time, she wondered how he would deal with the cases occurring there?



Akito cupped her cheeks, "Ssh, it's alright."

"How can you say that? You know it isn't, so many people keep dying Akito. How many lives do you think that is now?"

When she first read the reports, she was still calm. But the more Setsura read the more she understood. There are no longer any more meanings to such crimes in this town, the future or the past. Since when did crime become like this? Since when did it become something people would manipulate? In the hands of humans - so many lives have ended.

If humans are capable of such brutal deaths, then, how about demons? Setsura was too afraid to find out. She didn't want to see any more than what she already sees now. However, in a book, she once read. The first words on that page were, "A person's fate is in a constant state of change — good or bad changes. We cannot run away from the crimes that are occurring right in front of us. That would be a sin. We have to accept, even if it's painful. This change, who knows what it will bring? We won't know until we accept it.."

"Setsura, you don't have to.."

"No, I understand," Setsura nodded. "Let's think about this more carefully. Why do you think the victims survive? Even if they do, why don't the culprits go after them again? It isn't unusual for them to purposely let the victims go to send a message. Once that the message gets across, they'd usually let them go.." her sentence fell short when Akito suddenly flicked her forehead.

"Ouch, why did you..."

"Alright, my love, no more of this. Let's relax."

"Akito, you can't keep avoiding."

"I'll get them to make you something sweet, let's cuddle and then we can talk okay?"

Why is he treating her like a child? But, maybe she is getting a bit too worked up. Setsura nodded, and Akito called out to the butler. It always surprised her how fast this man appears. Is he always loitering around the corner or something? What a loyal servant. Setsura looked over and noted that Akito was already walking over to the couch. He was rearranging the pillows to make it more comfortable for her.

"You don't have to go overboard," Setsura commented when she saw him change the blanket too.

Akito laughed, "I need you to relax, so your surroundings should be comfortable too."

Well, he does make a point there.

Once Akito finished preparing everything, he beckons her over. Setsura walked over, and he pulled her into his arms, her head rested on his chest. "So, Akito..about.."

"Hey, don't start now. Just calm down for a bit."

"You're so annoying," Setsura murmured. "So many people are dying as we speak. Yet, you want to relax and have snacks?" This isn't the time to act so carefree. Now that Akito is sharing these case files with her willingly. Setsura understands how naive they all have been this entire time.

"There is no point in us analyzing cases if we haven't rested well, or our emotions are a mess."

It felt like he was scolding her, so Setsura looked down. However, Akito cupped her cheeks again. "Hey, give me a kiss."

"Why do I have to?"

"I want one from you."

Just five words - and yet Setsura easily resigned. She bent down and kissed him. Since kissing was the only thing, she ever did with that person. Setsura thought she was quite good at it, but after she met Akito, that changed.

"Nngh, fuhh..."

"Setsura, be careful. You know what happens when you make that noise."

"Quit it, moron," she murmured against his lips. "If you do anything, I won't sleep next to you for a week."

"Hey, why are you acting so harsh?"

"You're the one not listening to me."

"Setsura, why are you rushing so much?"

'She doesn't have enough time.' Now that she has access to the reports, and first-hand information. Setsura understands that the time frame Katakura gave her wasn't enough. In just a year, can she solve a few year's worth of crimes? While the shard case only started this year, Setsura noticed the pattern when she read the reports. The past few year's worth of crimes is all connected to the shard case.

At first, she thought it was a coincidence. But, the more she read, the more she saw - things have changed. There is a connection somewhere. This series of crimes started when Akito's wife first came, and when she disappeared. They slowly escalated into something more.

Nobody, however, would conclude this easily. Akito's gathered a lot of information. Information he did not share with the police.

It seems like, even though Akito stayed on the force. His bitter emotions took over. Akito parted their lips, "Setsura," he mumbled. "You don't have to turn out like me."

"What do you mean?"

"Your sense of justice is similar to the one I had when I first started out as a police officer. I was just like you, with so much conviction, belief, and hope. But the more I stayed on the force, that belief slowly slipped away. Not every police officer is a bad person, and there are some good guys mixed in. However, even those good guys can't do anything if pressured."

Akito's sense of justice is similar to hers? Not that she didn't believe him. But it's a bit surprising now. While he acts indifferent to most things at times, she knew how passionate he was as a person. Setsura wouldn't call her sense of justice passionate. Still, she wonders if that's what it looks like to people.

"So, what are you trying to get at?"

"Well, maybe I want you to stop thinking so highly about me. I'm not exactly a good guy."

Setsura frowned at those words. Well, he understands he isn't a good guy. But, she is no saint either. Besides, if he were a completely bad person, Setsura wouldn't date him. The reason why she is despite his flaws is because even if he is a bad guy, he isn't evil. Anybody can be bad - but being evil? That's a step too far. Akito isn't evil.

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