We Will Meet Again

Chapter 214 - The Floating city

Anybody who saw that sight would immediately suspect the Long Family. After all, that man was a member of the Long Family. The last person who saw that notorious killer is him. The logic seems so simple. Setsura felt there was more to this than meets the eye. It's not like the Long Family are good people; they are members of the mafia. It's normal for them to interact and make deals with criminals. Still, to walk out like that in broad daylight. It's like they don't have a single care in the world. The more she thought about it, the more her suspicion grew.

Either there is something wrong with that Long Family member. Like, for instance, a dispute or grudge against the way of the main family/superiors. Or, he's just a fool. How can he not realize the consequence of his actions? While Chauncey Long freely walks around. Setsura notices how he avoids certain areas. Areas where the police are most likely to gather.

'A smart man.' Setsura knew, despite his stupid actions. Chauncey Long is very smart and witty. That's why when the police arrested him, they must have been delighted. It's not like him to slip up. When Setsura learned of the arrest, she initially didn't think about it. However, then she overheard Akito's conversation. It seems like Chauncey Long got arrested for Akito's sake.

Complicated feelings would emerge in her heart whenever she heard that. Setsura thought she already built a solid profile regarding him. But, it turns out he has more mysteries up his sleeve. It's too soon for her to conclude things about him.

Akito's other place located in a beautiful area of town. However, with a home in such an elegant and luxurious location. It stood out a great deal. It meant loads of people lived in the area. According to the butler, though, even back then, he did not go there a lot.

She stretched her arms and breathed in deeply. The taste of the fresh air felt great. While the air is chilly due to winter, Setsura could hardly feel it right now. Then again, her gaze fell on her clothing. When Akito saw her shiver and sneeze once, he made them stop by several stores and went all out.

"Didn't you buy a place too, recently?" Akito brought up.

She rolled her eyes when she heard his slightly bitter tone. "Relax, I only use it when I need time alone. Besides, I still return home to you."

Akito sighed, "You know that isn't the problem. But, your place is large and has few people in the area, right?"

Setsura nodded, "It's called the floating city, Aria."

She discovered that many places in this town had different divisions. These divisions were like mini towns in the central town.

"Then, let's go there instead."

Huh? What? But, Setsura didn't get a chance to say anything as Akito dragged her away. It didn't take them long to reach the place. On foot, it was a good half an hour away. However, because of Akito's strange shortcuts. It took them less than fifteen minutes. Setsura felt the beads of sweat trickle down her face and glared at Akito. Why can't he travel like an average person?

Aria was a beautiful city; it wasn't too large. However, it was a beautiful place. Water surrounded the town. A huge white castle stood in the center. Quite a few shops surrounded the area. Since it was right beside a lake, it looked like a fancy harbor town. But the prices here were very expensive. Initially, when Setsura found the place, she hesitated.

In this time, she isn't rich. What if something happens between Akito and her? She can't rely on his kindness and goodwill even if they break up. That's why she went ahead and bought the place.

But, it seems like breaking up is impossible now. The setting sun reflected like a beautiful painting on a canvas. Whenever she saw such a sight before, she would get tempted to paint. Indeed, Setsura felt like doing that right now too. Yet, she glanced around and saw many people by the lakeside. It won't do any good right now, maybe another day. It's rare to see such a beautiful sunset, though. She stared at in awe; the lake had turned several shades of red and orange and combined with the usual blue color. It was undoubtedly beautiful.

Everything here looks so beautiful, so natural. In the future, everything is so superficial with the technology in the future. Creating natural effects like this wouldn't be hard. Still, whenever she saw those things. Setsura immediately knew it was fake. Other people didn't notice; they would all gather around and take pictures of it.

Those lights, everything there seems too extravagant and exaggerated. But, over here, things are different. It's all beautiful. Since everything is in the progress of change, they haven't discovered new technologies that would destroy the natural beauty of the world yet.

"Why don't you live here instead?" Setsura suggested as she noticed Akito looking around with amazement. If he's this amazed, he should move here. Not that Akito's other place wasn't good either.

Living in a forest surrounded by nothing but trees was depressing. While Setsura understood why Akito lived there, it didn't make it any better. Safety aside, it's like being blocked off from the whole world, living like that for so many years, all by himself... She knew the brother hardly appeared in the house, and occasionally he would send the servants away. Akito, during that time, he must have been very lonely. He didn't have anyone else.

Akito chuckled, "Would you believe me if I said I couldn't afford it?"

Actually, she would.

With the way Akito carelessly spends money, it wouldn't surprise her. "You should have told me."

"Indeed, I'll leave these matters to you."

Why does that sound so misleading to her? Then again, it's most likely because he proposed to her. Her gaze flickered towards her hand, dye to the bright sunset - she could see the reflection on the diamond. It's a gorgeous ring, so when he said he's broke. It's because of this, isn't it? What an idiot. It's almost Christmas and new year, but he went ahead and did something like this. Still, Christmas, huh?

Japan's first recorded Christmas in history was around 1552. They canceled it due to the banning of Christianity around 1613. But, during the start of the Meiji restoration era - approximately twenty years ago in 1871, it started up again. So, they do celebrate it here. However, Setsura glanced over at Akito. She can't picture Akito celebrating Christmas with her, or any special events. He isn't the type to do so.

She was never so gung-ho about Christmas before. But, this would be the first Christmas here in the Meiji era and with Akito. A deep sigh crossed her lips. What is she thinking? How can she even think of Christmas, with all the crimes occurring around her? Snap out of it, Setsura.

They walked down the pavements approaching the housing district. When Akito suddenly asked. "Is it really okay?"

"What is?"

"What happened back there," he murmured.

Such vague words, but Setsura immediately understood what he was trying to say.

"Back there ..."

Setsura laughed sheepishly. "Well, I won't deny that I'm a magnet for trouble. A lot of bad things seems to happen whenever I'm around. I know most things occurring now is because of me and my mission. But, even then, I seem to cause a lot of people distress," she glanced over at him. "I cause you a lot of problems because of my bad personality, right?"

Akito nodded, "I won't deny it. But I can handle it."

He can, huh?

"Also, that person seems to be very concerned about my safety. Some bad things indeed happened a couple of times when I was alone. But, isn't he going overboard whenever we meet? He always shouts and yells at me. It's not like we're close enough for such things."

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