We Will Meet Again

Chapter 219 - Partner

It was easy making what she had in mind for breakfast. A mix of western and eastern food breakfast. It crossed her mind that she was going a bit overboard, however, isn't good food the best medicine after working hard? Besides, it felt like Akito needed it. He hides it very well, however, Setsura knew he had a bad habit of skipping meals when he is concentrating on something. He was the same type as her after all. After eating, Setsura shooed Akito away. Akito who kept insisting that he would wash the dishes. It's not like she is fragile; she can do this much herself.

One memory that remains clear to her even now is the memory of that person returning home late one night after a severe case. While she was a member of the force than too, he ensured that she did not work long shift hours, if there is a severe case, he would send her home. Setsura always disliked that part about him. It felt like he was treating her like a child. How many fights did they get into because of it? But, those fights stopped, after he returned home with such severe injuries.

Setsura recalled calling his team members over and demanding an explanation. When she saw how they were not as injured as him, she already knew what he did. What use is their playing hero, and risking your life for? When your life ends, it's all over. All your hopes, dreams, and convictions. All of it becomes meaningless.

But, he would always smile at her and tell her it was worth it. Saying nonsense things like one day she would understand. This came from the same guy who kept referring to himself as a dirty fugitive. Whenever she heard him say such things before, she would scold him. Those words suit her more than they do him.

Even when he took her in, Setsura lived a blood-stained life; she joined the force before he did. Before he joined, she was getting sent out nearly every day. People made use of her because of her family name. Some were bitter and purposely sent her out on harsh missions. Setsura did not mind it. Those harsh weather conditions and missions. It did not matter to her, as long as she could fight on the field. Anything, any job - as long as she could continue investigating that incidence. Anything that would bring her closer to the truth.

When he joined the force, Setsura sat down in a room and questioned what else she could do in the force. No matter how serious the case, she still could not find a clue to what happened back then. She had access to unlimited resources, but even then, it was not enough for her. The system had expanded across Japan and headed towards a truly modern technology age. It made her feel strange when she saw the news announcement about it. She was very young when the government first introduced the system to everybody.

Setsuras thoughts broke off when she cut her finger, "Ah," she turned to search for some bandages when somebody grabbed her hand. "Did you not want to sleep more," she questioned Akito.

Akito pointed towards a few files on the counter, "You were taking too long, I wanted to discuss those with you."

Setsura nodded, "I keep bandages in the second draw. Get some for me."

He pulled something out of his pocket, and Setsura blinked when she saw what it was. A roll of bandages, after the initial shock, wore off. Setsura asked, "When did you start keeping these with you?"

"Shortly after the haunted house incident."

"Why?" she questioned. But Setsura knew how pointless that question was. It's because of her, isn't it? Since she can't stand the sight of blood. It really does feel ironic — a police officer who can't stand the sight of blood.

Akito raised her hand up, "Normally, I would just bandage this after putting water on it. But, the cut aside. Your hands are covered in bruises," his tone seemed like he was scolding a little child. "Your too careless, Setsura."

"I do not want to hear that from you. How many times have you caused me problems?"

"Far too many times, that's why I do not want you following my bad example."

Setsura says nothing to that. What could she say? She did not think he would repent. Why now of all times? If Akito continues acting this way, Setsura knew she could not argue or make a witty remark like she normally would. She remained completely still, while Akito disinfected her hands with some medication. Setsura did not know when he brought her over to the table, when did she sit down? She is completely distracted by Akito.

The more time Setsura spent with him, the more she is starting to understand Oslos words. She already guessed that her meeting with Akito was not normal, and when Setsura learned of Izu's existence. It made more sense to her. It was all a set-up. The main reason why Katakura is not doing his job as a Guardian properly is because of Akito. The internal conflict between them aside, its because they understand Akito is enough. If it is him, she can figure out exactly what she is missing.

Setsura flinched when she felt a sudden pain on her palm, "Hey.."

Akito laughed, "Sorry, but your hand wounds are deep."

Geez, she supposes there is no avoiding it. Still, Setsura's gaze fell on her hand. When did she get these injuries? They weren't there when she fell asleep last night. It can't be when they were following the culprit. It's not like she brushed against any buildings or items. How puzzling, 'Still, maybe this is a good thing.' This is the first time she saw Akito act so attentive. Usually, he's an idiot who is clumsy with most things regarding women.

At least he isn't experienced like Chauncey Long. But, still, he could learn a thing or two. "If you're like this all the time, I'd scold you less."

"Yes, yes, I know," Akito trailed off. "Hey, Setsura. Can I ask you something?"


"The police force in the future. What is it like there? I can tell from looking at you, but do people there share the same type of justice?"

Setsura looked at him with wide eyes. This guy, what does he intend to do? Catch her completely off guard today. The questions he is asking are things he would normally avoid. Normally, Akito would avoid speaking about the police force as much as possible. So strange, Setsura extended her free hand and caressed his cheeks. "Hm, what's wrong, my love?"

It never crossed her mind that what she was missing was a partner.

Yes, the one thing she lacked during the first couple of years was a partner. Somebody who could watch her back, somebody who she could rely on.

In the future, its that person. The one she promised to spend the rest of her life with. But here in the Meiji era, its Akito. The two have yet to fight side by side together properly. However, Setsura felt that they would be fine.

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