We Will Meet Again

Chapter 236 - On the run

The same person, huh, if that were the case, then by now, would she not have said something? But wait, when Setsura first came here, she lost her memories. Even now, when she has regained them, there are some things she does not remember.

Akito shook his head, what is he thinking? Setsura and his wife can't be the same person. Is he trying to justify the fact that he fell in love with another person? While he did vow to not love anybody else but her. For the past few years, he spent so many lonely days. He's pathetic. He could no longer handle it, the pain, the loneliness. He wanted to forget, he wanted to move on. So many contradictory thoughts. Still, he wonders if it's just a coincidence.

Taking a look at his wife's investigation files. This style of investigating seems very familiar to him. It reminds him of something Setsura does. She likes having all the notes out on the wall; she pins whatever - even the smallest note or article. Apparently, it helps her focus when she can see everything together.

'Even the style of their drawings…' Akito kept shaking his head. Don't do this. He loves Setsura, he went ahead and proposed to her too. Stop looking for similarities for that woman who deserted you. Yet, apart of him knew he wouldn't drop this topic. For the longest time, he suspected Setsura.

He loved his wife so much; he would be a fool not to recognize her. The first time he saved her, it was because he thought she came back to him. Akito quickly took her away and expected her to say something when nobody else was around. However, he quickly learned that she lost her memories. For him, that was fine, 'it's her, isn't it?' Akito purposely dropped such hints to the servants. 'The madam is finally back,' he would tell them such things.

It was a stretch, Akito wasn't sure if Setsura was really her. Yet, he wanted to try it. Indeed, Akito got the results he wanted. Her interest in art and her going to familiar places.

'Setsura, is she his wife?' It seems like from now on, he will have to investigate this more clearly. The foundation evidence is solid. It's more than enough. Now all that's left is bringing her here. If Setsura reacts to this place, then maybe he can get the evidence he needs.

But does he want that? If Setsura is his wife, then their current relationship would change, wouldn't it? He doesn't want that. He doesn't want to know. Finding out that Setsura is the woman who left him. Akito would end up doing something he regrets; he no longer wanted to do that. He just wants to live a peaceful life with her.

Akito didn't know when it started, but he falls in love with Setsura courage long before they started dating. He falls in love before she takes up a weapon before she started going on cases.

He falls in love even before Setsura manages to impress everybody with her ability. He falls in love with her at each of those moments, as well, but they are not the beginning.

It happens in short bursts; each moment was fleeting. Yet, every single time it felt like his senses were slowly fading.

His thoughts broke off when he hears the sound of the phone. Akito reached over and picked it up, "Hello?"

"Sir Akito! Bad news, Miss Setsura.."



Meanwhile, a certain girl found herself on the run.

She breathed heavily as she increased her speed. Her legs began to protest, even if she had always been good in long-distance running. Also, her left arm hurt, Setsura had no time to remove the broken shards from her arm. The glass smashing like that on her way out. It wasn't a coincidence at all.

It was December, and it had yet to snow properly, but the night was unusually cold, and she shivered. Then again, it didn't help how she was only wearing a thin layer of clothing. Setsura didn't get a chance to put anything else on the way out. She didn't have any weapons nor any place to hide.

Even the usual pocket knife she carried was gone.

If the one chasing her friends her, it would mean her end. But she wasn't someone who gave up easily or immediately lost all hope. She was an optimist. As long as she remained calm and didn't panic, Setsura knew she would be just fine. Even then, she felt slightly anxious. It was dark, and the number of lights on this street weren't a lot. She can't keep running; staying outside is dangerous. She has to go indoors.

Returning to Akito's mansion or even either of their apartments wasn't an option. The first one, there is a reason why Akito keeps the mansion a hidden. The apartment she bought? While it's in a good location, it attracts too much attention. If she showed up wearing these clothes, and somebody chasing her. Well, let's just say there are more chances of getting kicked out than anybody helping her. Neither could she go to Natasha's place or Lyra's.

It would bring them both problems. This was her business and only her's. Besides, going to Natasha's place is complicated because of her friend's identity, and her identity too.

Natasha is Chauncey Long's fiance. The Long family work for Touma. Naturally, she can't just show up there without anybody informing Touma. Though she knew Natasha's father wouldn't snitch on her, one of the subordinates could. It's too risky to show up at Lyra's too. There are many workers there, what if Touma slipped a spy there too? Everything is too risky.

Besides, it seems like their side is going all out now. Getting chased now of all times? She would never forgive herself if innocent people got dragged into this. All her other acquaintance's places are most likely being monitored. There is Victor but, that guy is scary in his own way. Until she properly gets to know him, it's better to avoid making contact.

She doesn't know many people in this time. At least the only other people she knew, their identities are too normal. Still, is it just her? Or is it getting harder to breathe here? The more she moved, the harder it seemed to breath.

Running doesn't make it better, so she slowed down slightly. However, even then it feels hard to breathe. She has to survive. Setsura had to find a place to go. Or maybe, 'Where did Akito say he was going again?'

Setsura walked through the dark streets, shivering. She could not put her arms around her; she barely felt her left one being there. Her feet were also cold, and every step on the hard ground hurt her. If she had had the time to change her shoes. However, she didn't. Setsura didn't know how she ended up in this situation. After Akito left, she continued to browse through the files in the archive. She continued reading and copying some things down.

Then - she felt it. Setsura felt somebody was watching her. When she stood up to leave to go to the bathroom, she returned to see that the investigation files were messed up.

Some doc.u.ments were missing too. Thankfully, she kept the notebook with the things she copied inside her jacket. Setsura didn't take it out. But, she knew even without comparing which information was missing.

They found out Akito was investigating, and initially wanted to get him. However, they ended up finding her instead. Their primary purpose was to stop the investigation. Would they have fought with Akito if she weren't there? They might have. But that's all they would have done. Izu said it to her already that her and Akito's situation is different.

Touma wants Akito alive. Yet, it differed for her. Those people, what do they want with her? Judging from the bloodl.u.s.t she felt in the room earlier and this situation. They want her dead, don't they?

A deep sigh passed her lips. Whether she is dead or alive doesn't matter to them. Considering the situation, it seems like they intend to kill her now. This is bad, even though there were plenty of other situations where she could have died. Setsura knew she wouldn't be able to escape this one.

Her feet felt cold due to her shoes; it felt like she was walking on the plain ground.

After she jumped out of the window in the central archive, Setsura sustained only minor injuries. If a bleeding right arm didn't count. Fortunately, she didn't jump from a high floor. Due to the training from all her lessons, she was quite strong. Even though she fell, the impact was not that bad.

'Not that bad, this arm is certainly broken.' Akito will get mad at her for sure.

Setsura hears a loud snapping sound and froze. The sound was quite close, not directly behind her but a few feet away. The attacker is close by; she has to...find a place to escape to. Where could she go? Akito, Akito. Akito, she doesn't want him to get hurt. But, he's her only hope in this place. Where did Akito say he would be? His subordinates house..m

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