We Will Meet Again

Chapter 238 - It's strange

Akito clenched his fist tightly. He has to calm down. Katakura is provoking him. He knew that better than anyone, however, that did not stop him from feeling bad inside. Katakura is right about him; even now, he has not changed at all. All he does is bring the people he cares about harm. He causes them an endless amount of pain. A person like him doesn't deserve love or happiness. From the very moment, he understood his situation. Akito already concluded that. Even then, perhaps a apart of him expected something to change.

It's normal for anybody to crave happiness and love. Normal for those people to want something to desire. He felt so pathetic and so desperate. He needed her; he needs Setsura. If he saw her, then all these negative emotions will vanish again.

"That's enough!" a voice exclaimed.

Katakura looked up and spotted a woman with pale hair.


The woman's signature blank expression on her face was not there. There was no trace of it whatsoever.

She strolled over and brushed past Katakura. "It's enough," she mumbled. "The two of you need to stop fighting. What happened with her, you two weren't the only ones to blame. So many people were involved in that incident. Whether it happened or not, she would have returned to her time."

"What does that mean?" Akito mumbled.


No, it was a stupid question. He should know better than anyone what that means. His wife choose to leave, choose to return to her time. Ah, hah…

Of course, even if that incident didn't occur where she got injured. Where she got severely injured and ended up being forced to leave. This is why he is so protective towards Setsura. He wonders if she knows yet. There is a chance, being forced back to the future if she experiences a severe enough injury. When he saw the traces of blood, it made him sick. Is she already..

Akito shook his head; he has to stay positive.

"Katakura, can you find her?" Akito asked.

The yellow-haired man blinked surprised but quickly nodded. "Send your people away."


It only took him a few minutes to send his ken away. Everybody appeared puzzled; however, why would anybody fight back? Usually, when there is a case, they end up having to work overtime. They don't get many breaks either. With it being this time, usually, it's a sign for this case will run overnight.

Katakura reentered the room, and Akito watched him cautiously. Even after so long, it was hard to trust the man. However, his gaze darted towards Lyra, who nodded. Since Lyra trusts him, he would too.

One of the main reasons why Akito doubts Katakura is because of something Touma said before. About somebody with abnormal abilities dropping him a tip. It happened during a random conversation before all this mess happened. But Akito couldn't forget those words. After what happened with his wife, those words echoed in his head.

It can't be Katakura. Yet, Oslo wouldn't do something like that. That man always came over to check on Katakura when he passed over the case. Originally, Oslo was the one in charge of Katakura's case. However, at some point, the two had to switch.

Akito disliked this situation a great deal; he could see Katakura struggling when he looked around the room.

"You can't find anything?"

"Be quiet," Katakura snapped. A bright yellow light fills the room. Akito saw a strange circle appear. He doesn't understand things like this. But, it no longer surprises him as much as it did before.

Akito was anxious, what if she bleeds so much due to her injuries? What then? What if she accidentally gets sent back? He doesn't want that. He doesn't want to forget Setsura either. Not like this, he doesn't want things to end like this. It reminds him of what happened with his wife.

Whenever he thought of his wife, Akito felt bitter. He didn't know anything about her, did he? Not even basic things like her favourite colour, or what she loved to eat the most. Or why she couldn't swim, or why she liked art, what clothes she liked. There were so many things he didn't know. Now that he thought about it, Akito never even ask her about her family or friends.

The only things he remembered about his wife was their work together. Was it because she left her mission halfway? But, Akito couldn't even remember her name. It sounds so ridiculous. However, he isn't the only one. The people around him only recall her name. Once Katakura is finished, maybe he can ask about it. His wife's name, if he knows it. Then maybe, he can remember her face again.

The ability to understand others just by touching exists. There might not be any reason to be afraid of touching and being touched by others or hugging and being hugged by others.

There are those people who are born aloof and prefer to stay away from groups. In such a case, others should just leave those people alone.

It's not a matter of sympathy. In his case, nobody gave him much of an option but to accept what was happening around him — an illegal son - somebody who wasn't born from the first wife but the mistress.

Akito never any form of happiness or to get close to anyone. He honestly believed that for the longest time, he would be left all alone. Until she came crashing down on his life like a meteor. Although he was always searching for her, searching for the girl whom he forcibly followed all the way into this life. He didn't think that he would end up meeting her in such an unexpected way.

Before his wife came to the Meiji era, he already had dreams about her. That's why, unexpectedly, he was already looking for her.

Akito felt that he had already known her before and he confirmed his thoughts that time out in the decking,' Ah so it's this girl, she's the one I've been searching for.' Even after he discovered it was, Akito believed that it would be just fine to watch over her from the distance. Because even when they were together, her gaze was always somewhere else.

That's why on that day, even though he had been happy to hear the girl's feelings, he turned her down. Not automatically since he had been taken back…and almost agreed, that was until it struck him that they can't be together. That if he did selfishly accept her feelings, then he would be destroying the life that she's supposed to be leading. After all, had he not followed her all the way over here, then their paths would never have crossed. Remaining by her and yet not trying to destroy her fate was difficult for him.

At that time, he was working in several places and doing random jobs for the owners for a reasonably good price. He didn't have any intention of looking for a stable job, knowing that he would end up caving in to see her eventually. Yet after meeting his wife, seeing her strong persistence. Even he could no longer be stubborn and he had to admit, that from the very beginning other - there was something about it that seemed to stir something inside his heart. That's why he joined the military police properly.

It was because of his wife that things changed. Because of her, that he has a starting point.

"So, you're not going to hit him today? How surprising," Lyra commented.

Akito snapped his attention back to the Lyra sat across him, "I'm …not in the mood today." Actually, it pained him not to hurt Katakura. Whenever Akito recalled their last conversation a few years back, it made him boil in anger. However, what's more, important is Setsura. Her safety is the most important.

He wants to see her, to hold her again. If he knew this would happen, he would have... Again, he has so many regrets.

"Ah," Lyra said, as though she understood. She stood up, "Well, it's true that this weather can dampen people's spirits."

The rain, huh?

That person, whenever she looks at the rain, she seems so lonely. During those times, she actually appears vulnerable. "Even you?" he questioned.

Lyra smiles, "Well, you'll be surprised."

"Is that so?"

"This is strange," Katakura mumbled.


"I can't trace her. Why?"

Can't he trace her?

"Normally, you should…"

Akito only briefly recalled it. But, he knew the Guardians had a method to track their subjects. Using some strange ability, it seems.

Katakura nodded, "Of course, that's why I said it's strange."

What is this situation? Not even Katakura can find her? Then why?

"There's another way, but it's a bit difficult. It requires somebody else with a higher level power," Katakura paused. "Ah, hey, isn't the Princess supposed to be here?"

Isn't that Natasha? But her powers are… 'Lately, it keeps coming back to me.' Akito recalled a conversation they had recently.

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