We Will Meet Again

Chapter 241 - Strange

Reluctantly Setsura edged closer and allowed the man to feed her. Up close, she could get a closer look at him. He resembles Akito so much right now. It's hard to believe this man is the one who caused Akito to make that face. Setsura couldn't forget that look when she browsed through those files. Akito, what kind of past does he have with this person? The more Setsura observed him, the more she started to see little details.

'A scar,' on his stomach. A well-defined chest, the guy, clearly worked out. Considering how he beat that attacker in one go, it seems like he is stronger. It was vague for her, but Setsura remembered it clearly. When he was fighting, it felt like he was a completely different person. Her thoughts broke off when she spotted somebody entering the room. A tall man wearing Chinese garments. Is that a theme here or something?

"Sir, we just received word about the weather the next few days. There will be a huge storm, so we have to bring the ship to the island. It seems like the remains of those men from before are chasing after us."


Yang turned to her, "Did you hear that?"

Setsura nodded. "Yes, that's right."

"It won't be easy for you to stay with us. But, try to bear with it. I'll secure a path for Akito as quickly as possible."

'He seems sincere, but what is this strange feeling..' Setsura shook her head. Don't think of him as a bad person. The moment she does that, Setsura knew she won't be able to remain here peacefully. So far, he is treating her kindly, but she doesn't know this man.


Three days later

How can he still do this to her?

' Goodbye.'

How could he say goodbye? How could he leave her behind in this cruel and vile world?

"No," Setsura repeated as she placed her hand on the wound across as her chest. A large slice wound like a sword. It burned so badly like it was on fire. Even though she was stronger now, right at this moment, she felt so fragile, so powerless. No, Setsura shook her head. She is no longer weak; she was not weak. She repeated those words constantly in her head.

However, no matter how many times she repeated it in her head. It doesn't stop, the pain - the voices. Her surroundings, everything around her is falling apart.

"Make it stop!" Setsura screamed. Her voice echoed everywhere as the tears spilled down her face. She didn't know what was happening anymore, no that's what she is trying to convince herself — this situation, what is happening right now. Setsura knows nothing.

Her entire body felt tense, and the floorboards felt like it was rising. The room was about to cave her in; she was about to get crushed. However, before this could happen, somebody grabbed hold of her arms, hoisting her up.


The images swayed back and forth in her mind. Nothing was clear to her - it was all so blurry. But, one thing was clear to her. This was the same as that day. That day where somebody tried to kill her, where they were so close to succeeding. Setsura tried to forget; she wanted to forget

Blurred images swim in her vision, and her mind launches back to that day of being held in her partner's arms, moments before he tried to murder her. She twists and flails, her arms pushing and writhing wildly away from the person holding her up.

"No!" Setsura wailed, "Not again.. Why is this happening again?" She moved away from the person, only to slam against a wall. The impact was not large. But, due to her weak body. It hurt a lot more than it would originally. Her breathing was unsteady and erratic - she wrapped her arms securely around herself. She held herself so tightly, to stop herself from falling back into that hell.

"Setsura…" a familiar voice said gently. She flinches nonetheless. "Setsura, look at me."

She slowly regained her vision when she spotted red hair. Setsura almost murmured out Akito but stopped midway.


His lips curve to a smile, "That's right."

"Forgive me," Setsura mumbled. "You look like Akito, so I..."

'So, is that why she naturally feels comfortable around him?' It sounds so stupid. Yes, he looks like Akito.


Yang pulled her into his arms. "Alright, silly girl, just go back to sleep. It's still early."


"Do you need anything? I shall fetch it for you."


Yang nodded and stood up. The moment he left her, Setsura felt a bit strange. Since she came here, her head hurts a lot. She knew her head injury had yet to heal, but something felt weird. Her thoughts broke of when Yang returned, he gulped the water down and cupped her cheeks.

He claims it's faster for her to drink this way, but she suspected he had hidden intentions.


Why does it feel like he's kissing her? This feels wrong... Setsura quickly felt the room temperature turn hotter and hotter. She knew she had to pull away. But her body felt so weak. He grunted against her lips. One of his hands were on her thighs, the other gripping her arm to prevent her from escaping. It felt so surreal, so strange.

Why can this person get close to her?


Yang, however, didn't let her go and continued. After she drank down the water, he stopped. "What is it?"

"A word, please."

Yang frowned, "Setsura, will you be okay?"

"I will, I'll go back to sleep."

"Alright," Yang brushed away the remaining droplets from her mouth and stood up. When he left the room, a relieved sigh passed her lips.

Just now...just now, what was he trying to do? Setsura knew he wasn't a chivalrous guy. She heard what all the other people said about him, how he is waiting for the right chance to do it with her. It made her skin crawl, but - he looks so much like Akito. Is this the main reason why she can't push him away?

Still, another man is another man. If her current state wasn't so bad, she would have pushed him away. She isn't an easy girl, after all. Setsura didn't want anybody thinking they could do that to her without facing any consequences.

Setsura extended her hand out and pulled out her medication. It was a liquid drink, so all she had to do was drink it. Yang referred to himself as an uncertified doctor; Victor did the same too. It's most likely because of the underground factor.

Yes, that's all.

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