We Will Meet Again

Chapter 250 - Promise

After that time went by so quickly, they talked about a lot of mundane topics.

Chatting happily and laughing happily.

Although it seems foolish under these serious circ.u.mstances, for him and for sure, the same went for her. Something like this is exactly what the two of them need right now. Still, when Setsura finds out the truth about him. She will dislike him even if she doesn't fall for him. He needs to find a way to keep her by his side.

Yang sighed, since when did he become so sentimental?

If he had to let her go back, would he?

In the end, the others headed back, whereas the girl remained beside him. Then again, it's not like Setsura could go anywhere else.

"It feels like time passes by quickly."

Setsura nodded, "Really, it has been a while since we laughed like this. I laughed until tears came out."

She's really did. He was surprised, and yet at the same time, he was relieved to hear that gentle and soothing laughter. "The others must have noticed."

"Yeah, I've never seen the others like that before."

Indeed, it was a first for him seeing his team members like that. At first, Yang hesitated about the gathering; however, since Setsura will stay here for a month. She should get to know his allies.

Truly, they're a bunch of fools, and yet they're the only ones with strong faith. During that recent speech - those four were the only ones who didn't get affected. "Say, this is not some hunting ground. It has nothing to do with that person's goal. Everyone is enjoying their life, right? So all the efforts youu put into it until this day did not go to waste absolutely not."

That's right since he came to Japan - since he met her. Although a lot has indeed happened, in the end, they were all still able to laugh and chat away happily. The reason they could still do that during turbulent times is undoubtedly because of her.

Sheepish laughter escaped his lips. "Compared to me. Today's dinner is good proof."

"No.." he suddenly feels the girl rest her head on his shoulder, " If it's you, Yang, to me, you mean the same just as this party."

His whole face goes red in embarrassment. Yang didn't know why he was acting so fl.u.s.tered like a child. However, this girl has always had a huge effect on him." Is that so?"


Dear oh dear, this sort of situation really can make anyone's heartbeat. ' I love you,' huh? ' It's not because of his kindness that I'm slowly starting to like Yang.'

To think he overheard such a conversation. Yang didn't think he could sway and change Setsura's mind. He knew how firm her resolve was. While it's most likely the effect of the medicine, this is still better than he expected. Yang didn't quite understand it, but it made him feel very happy.


"Y--yes?" he stammered. He mentally cursed himself. It's almost as though she caught him thinking of something strange. He was not thinking strange thoughts. Just, being with her like this genuinely made him happy.

"It has been a long time since I last saw you smile like that." The girl who was clinging to his arm suddenly paused. He watched her gaze dims. "I always cause you to have such a gloomy face."

She is far too sharp for her own good. How come she noticed something like that for?

"What are you talking about, idiot?"

That's right, what is she saying now with all of this stuff that has happened. Yang grabbed hold of her shoulders, so they were directly facing each other. "You're the reason that I've changed lately. So please promise me, let's laugh together again after everything's over. We will laugh happily and let me at least say this much. That I'm glad that I fell in love with you."

That's right, he really is glad. Even if the two of them cannot be together. Even if Setsura does love someone else, he's grateful that he fell in love with her.

A light blush appears on her face, "How strange. It's like we are always going around in circles."

[ Let's search together]

"It can't be helped. We don't have such leisure time right now." Yang murmurs, as Setsura wrapped her arms around him and bends over, so her lips were at the nape of his neck. Yang never felt this way before. He does not want to let her go

[ to find the answer that belongs to us]

"So, please promise me."

"Mmm, I promise."

For the sake of a tiny promise.

Even if it is stained in red, the two of them will carry on being close to each other.


December 23rd Meiji 1895 - Bar - 8:00am

A man with red hair sat in the seats at the corner of the room in a small bar, deep in thought. It didn't take long before Setsura's memories of Akito faded. He stopped giving her the medicine, but she took it anyway. Maybe she got used to drinking it. However, Setsura willingly took it herself.

Yang sighs deeply; this is bad, although he focused on the work before. All he's thinking about how beautiful Setsura was just now. The ones in charge of the establishment like it since he is spreading more pheromones or whatever that works with his role. But this is going to become a problem if all he thinks about is Setsura. Well, for him, it isn't an issue, but he would like to refrain from burdening the others as much as possible.

Still, right now, his thoughts are consumed with only her. That bright and vibrant smile and how she says his name so lovingly. It really does feel as though their relationship is back on track now; in contrast to before, it's a lot better, yet he cannot get rid of this uneasy feeling that something will happen.

The military police were supposed to charge at his base. How come they hadn't yet? It worried him more than ever. What are those people thinking? What if they attack when he lets his guard down? Yang understands that there is a strong chance of that happening. That's why he is on the lookout every single day.

Setsura is a mess, an amalgam of contradictions and paradoxes. Even if she destroyed everything around her, Yang still sees her as that clumsy and weak girl he saved. Once in a while, she would trip on her feet and blush whenever he got close to her. Still, sometimes she would look at him with a sharp gaze. Whenever she did that, he learned a different side of her.

"Yang," a familiar voice called out. He glanced up and saw the girl in question. She wore a similar dress to the one she wore on that day, except it was red. She stood in front of him, hands on her h.i.p.s with pouty cheeks.

Yang chuckled, "Sorry, I had work, darling."

Setsura said nothing and glanced down at his drink. "I told you not to drink so much."

"I know, but work is work dear," he wrapped his arms around her waist, forcing her to sit down on his lap.

"Yang, I have a question. Am I really your fiance?"

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