We Will Meet Again

Chapter 266 - I've missed you


"I did, don't nag."

"Hah," Yang's lips curve to a smile. "Aren't you the one who will get in trouble if something happens?"

"Oh hush."

Akito did not interrupt them. Setsura looks so relaxed and she looks healthier than before. One of the things that has changed about her is her completion. The girl's skin was a lot brighter now. She's gotten better. Since they started dating, Akito noticed how Setsura's complexion gradually grew haggard. She always seemed to be stressed around him. But, around Yang she looks relaxed and calm.

He wonders how Yang deals with the girl's sadness. How does Yang respond to her breakdowns? Does she still get them? Or has Yang managed to get rid of that too? Akito shook his head, that's not something that would go away overnight.

Akito sweat dropped, " Is she giving your a hard time?"

"More like, I do get the feeling that you should have just made that girl chief of your squad."

To that extent huh? Then again Akito recalled seeing those case files Setsura was working on. It won't be surprising if that's the case. But come to think of it, "Setsura what's in the basket?"

Setsura turned to the basket on the ground where she had dropped the flowers. Her eyes widened, "Eep! What do I do if its broken?" She rushed over and picked it up from the ground. Setsura frantically examined it.

Her reactions are still the same as ever too.

It really is like nothing has changed at all.

"Few. It's alright," Setsura stood up and made her way over, "Ah actually. I thought that if you did wake up today I'd give you these. I'm glad I was spot on the market with my guessing, "she said with a light laugh. 

Quite some time has passed since he last saw this bright smile.

Yang leaned down and seemed to be examining it carefully. "Food? Cooked by you? Hey is this edible?"

Setsura's eyes twitched in annoyance and hits him in the ribs, causing him to let out a large yelp. "Ite. That hurts since when did you gain this much arm strength?"

"Starting now," Setsura muttered, "Geez...your not getting any now, even though...I made something for you too.

Akito's gaze darkened when he heard the last line, but shook his head. Food cooked by Setsura.

Now that he thought about it, he hasn't had it properly before. Yang clearly has. But that's already expected. This is still annoying though. "She's right you know. You don't deserve it now," Akito said.

Yang looked over at him and sighed, "Your doing that on purpose."

He smiles, "Is that so?"

"Right right. The pest will get out of your way. I'll check up on my rival."

"Don't give Chauncey a hard time," Akito called out.

"I won't."

Setsura reached over and tugged on Yang's arm, het expression changes, "...did you take it of her?"

"Yeah. It's with me now. But really shouldn't we give it back just in case?"

Setsura shook her head, "No its fine. He won't be able to do anything for awhile."

Yang nodded and bent down. The red head's next action surprised him. He lightly kissed Setsura's cheek and behind her ear. "I'll wait for you outside. Were eating lunch together remember?"


With those words said the red haired boy left him alone with Setsura. Just now that expression, he hasn't seen it at all since then. Since the first time he met her. Why has it come back? 

Akito was relieved when Setsura gradually got closer to the others. She no longer had such a dark gaze. That even if she was suffering she could still tolerate it. But now it really does seem to be different.

He didn't want to see such an expression on the girls face anymore. Is she troubled by something again? Still, just now that interaction with Yang. Akito knew something was different. However, he didn't think it was something like this.

"Setsura, come here."

Setsura's face colour goes red when she saw that he was pointing at his lap, "But..."

"Aren't I a sick patient? You can feed me those two. There for me, aren't they?"

"How...unpleasant," Setsura mutters, but regardless she had made her way over. S he seemed to be debating about it for a few more minutes before deciding to sit. His lips curved into a smile, when he how nervous she was. So much time has passed.

Several weeks.

But to him it seemed like forever.

After all during his last three months he was far too busy and barely got time to see her. So to him this really did feel like the first moment he's had with her ever since the selection. Akito buried his head in to the girls hair, " W--what are you doing?" Setsura stammered.

Akito resisted the urge to chuckle. But, he did look carefully at her face. It was bright red. "Just taking a wiff." When was the last time he inhaled her scent like this? When was the last time he held her close?

He's missed her so much. During his kidnap, Akito couldn't focus on the pain. No, he couldn't feel the pain from the torture at all. 'This isn't suffering, she is most likely in more pain.'

"Akito, I didn't know you had a scent fetish."

"Right back at you."

"T--that was an accident," she stuttered. Man she's cute, or rather is it really possible for someone to get even cuter then before in just a short space of time? Or maybe he really has been longing for her too much.

If that's the case then it can't be helped.

"I've missed you," Akito mutters. He's missed her so much. 

Setsura turned herself around slightly, she placed her glasses on his eyes. "Somehow I've missed doing this too."

He chuckles, "Didn't you dislike me with these?"

"I didn't say that..." she trails of, for a few seconds her eyes were shut before she opened them again. "There are more things in heaven that have been dreamt of then that of your Philosophy Horiato."

Akito gaze softens, as he laced their hands together. "I'm not Horaito."

At least not anymore.

Ever since he walked in the door, he too had already noticed the difference. Despite it being a small amount of time period that's passed. But despite that Akito knew his personality very well. He's actually quite stubborn, he wouldn't give up. Even if all the odds are against him. Still, he wonders exactly what happened between them. 

Why did Setsura change her mind? Why is she acting so familiar around Yang? Only a few weeks passed, barely a month. It seems like she has opened up faster to Yang than him.

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