We Will Meet Again

Chapter 270 - Is that what people think?

Yang's thoughts broke off when he spotted somebody familiar. It was one of his subordinates. "Boss! We have a problem."

"Problem?" Yang said casually as he pulled out his lighter. He knew his men were following him, but who would have thought that they'd all come? Yang spotted not only his usual assistant but a crowd from the other halls. They were all whispering and gathering together. Yang focused on his lighter. Since he came here, he would use a pipe, but this time he took out a western-style lighter. "Tsk," he was getting frustrated.

'Stupid thing isn't working.' He needed this smoke, though. So many things happened just then. Unlike Setsura, he has no insecurities. However, many things trouble him. Why is he so surprised that things ended up this way? Stop Akito? Forget it; he would be lucky if he could ever see Setsura again. Coming here was already risky enough.

Hearing his subordinate's words. Yang immediately understood what the situation was. They must have surrounded the place already, those people. He is a fugitive on the run after all. Normally, those after him would appear once he comes out of hiding. It's not unusual. Still, with this timing, it's obvious, huh?

His thoughts broke off when somebody took the lighter and cigarette. "Hae-rin."

"Master Yang, we need to leave immediately."

Yang knew what she was talking about. They've probably secured an escape route. His subordinates are very efficient. However, "Let me go and get Setsura."

"We have no time, sir."

Yang frowned, "Do you think I'd leave her behind?"

"But sir, you were only pretending anyway.."

His frown deepened when he hears those words. Is that what people think? Pretending? If he was only pretending, would he really go that far? Are these people idiots or something? If he was only pretending, he wouldn't have paid Setsura that much attention.

Once he got what he wanted, he would treat her like the others. Yang saw Hae-Rin's expression growing dim, and a knowing 'ah' escaped his lips. So, it was her? She must have said something. His other subordinates aren't that stupid.

They already know how much he cares for Setsura. So, it was this woman. Yang walked over until he stood directly in front of her. He brushed his hands on her cheeks and traced her lips. Hae-Rin's cheeks turned red. "M—Master Yan…"

"So, it was you?" He didn't sound angry, but he didn't sound happy either. Still, regardless the girl seemed delighted.

"Yes, sir, it was me..That girl was seducing you from the very first day. Her attitude changed when she learned who you were too."

'Her attitude changed because she realized his real identity.' Yang thought. It had nothing to do with his current status here. Then again, he can't expect Hae-Rin and the others to know that. To them, Setsura changed her attitude because of his status. How annoying and frustrating.

"Sir, it's Chauncey Long. He's here."

Of course, they sent the most annoying person after him. Guess he has to resort to other means, "Hae-Rin, do me a favor."

"I'll do whatever you want, sir… So, so could you kiss me?"

'Annoying woman.' Yang pushed her against the wall and kissed her. It was only a brief kiss, and he pulled away immediately. However, an odd look appeared on her face. She brought his fingers and placed it inside her mouth. Light m.o.a.ns escaped her lips.

His other subordinates, however, didn't bat an eyelid. All of them were used to the way women flung themselves at him. They all know about him and Hae-Rin too. Why did he even bother sleeping around with this pathetic woman? What was he thinking, look at her?

She's nothing but a s.l.u.t who wants attention. Yang didn't think much of the girl's clothes before. But, now that he looked at this woman properly. She's wearing such a high cut dress.

All those jeers whenever he walked around with her, suddenly made sense. To think he kept a woman like this by his side this whole time. The one he needs by his side is her, and not this.

Whenever he was around Setsura, he always felt a sense of ease. All the troubling thoughts he ha would dissolve in one go. They would often spend a lot of time with each other for a long time. Discussing music solely, but even so, he felt as though the connection he has with her was still stronger than the rest. Clearly, he hadn't been the only one who thought so too. ' I'll make sure to write good lyrics for you. Because whenever I see your melody, I m always constantly inspired.'

Yang always that was his line. The first time he stumbled on her lyrics, they had yet to be introduced to each other. She was sitting in the seat by the window when he was lining up for his order, and after receiving a phone call, she bolted out the door in an instance — leaving behind the piece of paper she had been scribbling on moments before.

As he lined up, he found himself unconsciously looking at her. His gaze was already following her then. Even if they didn't know each other, and there were many other females in the surrounding area. Atsuro had found himself drawn to her. That's why when she left the sheet behind; he picked it up.

The first time he set his eyes on those lyrics, was something he would never forget. The melody instantly floated in his head and the troubles he had. Everything he was thinking suddenly made so much more sense. Writing a theme about loneliness, it screamed out to him. For the first time, he could genuinely love music.

He once suggested she joined the entertainment industry with him. Rather than continue with pursuing art. Rather than staying as a police officer. However, Setsura told him she wouldn't give those two things up for the world. He understood her feelings towards being a police officer. She wants to find out the truth, what really happened that night? Yet, why was she so focused on art?

It's a career that does not guarantee success. Setsura is rich and doesn't lack money. But, even Yang knew that she never cared for such things. 'I only need enough money to survive. I don't care for an extravagant lifestyle.' He knew that Setsura never used the money her father gave her. Why would she use it? Setsura despised everything about the Kaname family.

Yang had repeatedly come back to that cafe hoping to see her. Yet she never came back. The redhead was on the verge of giving up when Shinji called him, saying he wanted to introduce someone to him.

It wasn't anything new, and Yang had heard a few rumors about the introduction of a new member. ' This girl's amazing Yang. She's practically like kami-Sama. Her strength knows no limits', which is what he heard from his cousin. A girl, huh? He wasn't expecting much. Besides, the only thing that had been on his mind was seeing that girl again. He didn't want to meet any others. So it really came as a surprise to him, when he saw that she was the new member.

From the moment they met, was everything not spiraling out of control already?

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