We Will Meet Again

Chapter 276 - Clash

Before Setsura could say another word, Akito firmly wrapped his arms around her. She felt a sudden ominous feeling in the air, and she turned to him with a worried look. Surely Akito must have noticed it first. "Akito?" Setsura called out worriedly.

Since they started talking, Setsura tried to avoid looking him in the eyes. However, right now Setsura looked directly at him. He wore such a serious expression on his face, what's more — Setsura felt him trembling. Akito? Is he … actually afraid? What's going on? In all the time since she has met him, she never saw him like this before.

"Touma," Akito muttered.

A single name, and yet Setsura felt the weight behind those words. Is Touma that frightening? Though she only had two brief encounters with him before. Setsura understood, to a certain extent. But even then, she didn't know Akito would tremble this much. Setsura hugged him tightly, "It's okay, I'm here."

She knew what one of Akito's biggest fears towards Touma was. He was afraid of Touma getting her, afraid that something terrible would happen to her. Still, there was one thing that puzzled her. Why is Akito so afraid of Touma?

Sure Touma has a lot of power now. But did he not use underhanded methods to get what he wants? A man like Touma using such means to succeed, surely he is not that strong? In the end, the side of justice always wins. So, why is Akito so afraid right now?

A flash of red whipped past them both. For a moment, it took a while for her eyes to adjust. It happened all too quickly, and everything turned blurry due to the strong gust of wind. After a while, though, she could make out two figures standing opposite each other. One of them had a murderous glare in their eyes. 'So that's Touma's natural look.' Indeed, he certainly looked like a delinquent. No, it wasn't just Touma.

The flash of red she saw belonged to Yang; something differed about him.

Yang also looked dangerous.

It didn't help how ripped his clothes were, deep slashes across his shoulders. 'What happened.. Why is he hurt?' Setsura looked over at him with a concerned look. Those wounds must hurt him.

"Yang?" Setsura whispered. Though she learned of his spilt personality disorder. Quite some time had passed since she actually saw it. So, to once again see the maniac look on his eyes. No, he's hurt!

She has to stop him from fighting. But, Setsura felt her knees turn weak. Akito still trembled, but he ensured that she was securely in his embrace.

Yang briefly turned to her and flashed his usual smile. "Since you don't remember, that's fine. Before you do, I shall deal with him myself."

What does he mean by that? Yang, did he not team up with Touma? Surely, that's what he told her. So, what's with this situation now? He wouldn't say such things just for show. To think she was worried about Akito and Yang fighting - this is a lot worse.

Setsura looked at the scene in front of her. She doesn't understand this situation. Yang's reaction aside, why does it feel like Touma is equally bitter to see Yang? What a puzzling situation.

Akito suddenly tugged on her arm. "Setsura, we have to leave."

She immediately frowned at his words, "Why would I go?" Besides, no matter what happens. She already decided to leave with Yang.

Akito looked at her with a complicated look on his face. He was clearly displeased. No, this is the face he makes when he is thinking of a way to persuade her. However, Setsura would not give him the chance to do so. She continued to watch the fight in front of her. The two were exchanging blows so fast; it was hard to keep up.

Yang is stronger here, 'In the future, he often lost once, but it was when people ambushed him. Still, a loss is a loss.' But, right now, the strength Yang has can outdo thousands of men. However, when with this strength, she knew Touma was strong too. What malice and blood l.u.s.t. The air felt very cold to her.

Setsura shuddered and brought her arms around her body. What is this? It's cold, but that was not the only thing she felt right now. An ominous and eerie presence, it feels like something like this has happened before.

A throbbing pain appeared in her head. But, before Setsura could focus on it - somebody headed towards her. Setsura pulled away from Akito and took out her gun. She fired a few shots before realizing there was no need for a weapon.

As Setsura twisted the person's arm, they hear a screeching sound from him.

Setsura always wondered what it would be like to lead a normal life. The main reason for this thought came from her curse. She would occasionally glance at the bandage wrapped around her wrist, thinking about how absolutely different her life would be if she'd been born into a different family.

She's sure she wouldn't have minded if she'd been born into the perfect, average family. She could walk through the streets, calmly without worrying about people's gazes.

It's funny how people, no society as a whole, strive for perfection while wishing to be above the norm, better than average. Setsura knew she wasn't perfect; she had many flaws in contrast ordinary people. But, there was something she desired more than anything else. She wanted to be normal.

She wanted average life. Occasionally, she needed it. She needed it like the human body needed air. She needed it like the sleep-deprived author or artist.

As time went on and the need grew on. Setsura realized exactly why she craved this. The main reason why she needed anything, it was because of him.

If she will ever reach that goal.

She wants to do so when that guy is smiling.

Setsura her hand on her lips, she can still feel it now. The sensation of their kiss. She loves him, and she's being loved so much back in return. These sorts of feelings, she wants to express them. But every time they get close to each other, she cannot stop that fear.

'I can feel it, how much you love that person. But Setsura can you really have such a pure and beautiful love? Do not forget. We are already one and the same. '

The truth is Setsura understood.

Deep down, a part of her already knew. The chances of Akito and that guy being the same person is very high. It isn't limited to Yang and her alone. There are many people here who have come from her present timeline. According to Izu, one irregularity that occurred during his banishment were several people going missing. It can't be a coincidence that Akito resembles that person too much.

The reason why she could go so far is because Akito and him... Because the resemblance is too much. Still, there was something wrong with her theory. She still couldn't quite put her head around it, though. If Akito and that guy are the same person, then why — why doesn't he recognize told.

After what happened to her, the first thing that would come to mind is amnesia. But, whenever she thought of Katakura's words. It didn't seem right to her.

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