We Will Meet Again

Chapter 279 - Warning

11:30 PM - Manor -

Getting Setsura to sleep after what happened was awfully difficult, even for him. She cried so much; it's the first time seeing her that way. So for her, Akito, is that important? Yang shook the troublesome thoughts out of his mind. Forget it; focus on the events right now.

Tired of thinking about all that nonsense, Yang threw the book to the floor and laid back on the bed. Setsura immediately snuggled into his arms, and his lips curved to a smile. Somebody has become more honest, it seems.

When he spots white hair at the entranceway from his window, Yang immediately shot up.

It was one of his old companions, Shirya. Quite some time has passed since he last saw her, however. Yang opens the window noticing that the person who was with her was Hae-Rin. "Hae-Rin, let her in. She's a guest of mine and a friend."

Hae-Rin nodded, "Alright then this way....." she trails off.

The white hair girl smiles, "I'm Shiryayuki, "she calls out to him, "Yang-sama, I'm back!"

My my, she really doesn't change.

The silver hair boy makes his way inside his room and shut the window as he stands up and makes his way to the door. When Yang passed the bookshelf, he recalls the book. Guess he should just leave it be for later. What could possibly be written in that book? Cynthia gave it to him and said it was his and Setsura's story, a book about past and future events. Their tale told as a novel.

Yang shook his head; it couldn't be. Quit thinking about such stupid things. He just couldn't. Yet he was, and the more he thought, the more his inner voice would scream him to read the story already.

No, no, he would never read such a thing. After he speaks with Shiryayuiki, he's burning the book to shreds.

Yang made way downstairs; he spots the white hair girl sitting on the red velvet couch that had a golden outline. He tossed his hair; there's something about this scene that's familiar. She really does look like she belongs in this kind of place.

"Thank you," Shiryayuki thanked the girl who offered her tea.

At least Hae-Rin knows how to act politely. Luckily he saw what happened just now though; otherwise, it could have ended up badly. He was well aware of how the girl got around strangers. Especially since the last attack, she's even more cautious than before. Even to the extent that she carefully observes the delivery guy and follows him till he's in his van. He sighs, they are all getting scared away because of her.


The white hair girl's eyes lit up upon when she saw him, "Yang-sama!" she immediately stands up and runs up to him. As she embraced him, he was a bit taken back.

Yang blinked, "Hey Shirya, what the..."

"I've really missed you."

Yang felt the temperature in the room drop. His sweat fell when he saw Hae-Rin's expression. But, he shrugged it off and led the girl onto the couch. Yang was distracted, however, and only half paid attention to her words.

Yang, more or less, suspected that to be the case. But to think it was happening only after a few meetings. Akito too, who would have thought of all people he would end up with such a troublesome opponent.

Now Yang regretted being curious about the girl's uneven eye color. He, too, had uneven eye color, but his was mere contacts. However, Setsura, he stumbled upon the idea when he saw her fight and had been curious about it for the longest time, which is why he asked the one person who would know about it.

Only one person could know the reason why,

'Haha, you suspect me? I see, I see. Well, it's only natural, you would if you saw the color of the other pupil. Turquoise it's my color. Your suspicions are right. I'm the cause of that side. I did it so she could forget it. Forget about that person. You know Yang, that girl got herself involved in a somewhat troublesome mess with the Yakuza. She rescued someone she should have just left be.

That person was also one of her rivals, someone who wants to take her down from her position. Yet she still helped that person. I erased it from her mind and made sure she forgot. After all, when she came back, she was saying things like protecting that person. I simply couldn't let her get involved with a matter like that.'

Protect, huh?

It was exactly like her and yet---

"I went all this way to see you. But I see your thoughts are elsewhere as usual, eh? Thinking about Miss Setsura when I'm here, your cold, as usual, Yang-sama."

"Uh...right, sorry," Yang awkwardly replied.

Shiryayuki chuckles, "But that's the expression of yours that I quite like."

"What brings you here today?"

This person in front of him is Konohara Shiryayuki. She arrived here from a different time frame. But, quite close to this era. A westerner from the 1920s.

The girl's gaze darkened, and she placed a tape on the table, "I received something rather disturbing the other day and knew I should discuss it with you all as soon as possible."

'As soon as possible,' yet it seems like she just arrived.

Disturbing? "Hae-Rin."

The dark brunette hair girl got up her seat, took the tape from the table, and placed it inside the recorder. Soon images floated on to the projector but not just any typical pictures, dozens of photos of Setsura. This was....

"It seems like they are severely targeting her. Rather look closely at the footage."

Yang turned his attention to the screen indeed to see what the white-haired girl was concerned about. Even at the girl's work... And room in Akito's place? That can't be possible unless the one who took this is a worker at the mansion? Not even he knew where Akito lived, so it's impossible for his enemies. There is a spy in that mansion.

"Where was she most the past month?"

The most last ---- he thinks back. Of course, he really didn't need to think about it. It's a place he knew all too well because the same had been for him. "2S, office building," he mutters.

Yang observed the girl from her workplace.

Shiryayuki nods, "I thought the same too."

That place? But there's no way they wouldn't have noticed someone suspicious. It can't be -- he feels a bead of sweat fall from his cheeks when he realized something. There was one person, one person who Setsura spoke to quite a bit that wasn't him and the others. Only one other person since the others weren't brave enough to do that with all of them around.

"Shirya, think you can get a copy of the new rooster this year?"

"It shouldn't be a problem if I call her, she's in the main office this year. Ah, you could probably ask your junior."

Yang flinched when Shiryayuki mentioned the pianist after what he read earlier. Even though he had yet to read anything concrete, it didn't stop him from feeling uncomfortable about it.

"That guy probably busy. Just call your sister," he turned to the dark-haired girl. "Hae-rin, your skipping tomorrow, aren't you?"

Hae-rin nodded, "I am. Should I monitor the grounds?"

She catches on quick, "Yeah, do that."

At that comment, the white-haired girl grabs on to his arm, "...you aren't going to do anything dangerous, are you? Because even if it is for her, I won't let you."

Yang eyes and opens them. Dangerous, huh? He reaches over and flicks the girl's forehead, " Don't worry. Not even I'm that foolish."

He isn't that foolish, at least the past him, anyway. It seems like he has become a foolish man.

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