We Will Meet Again

Chapter 288 - The Difference Part 6

But once again, Yang doesn't say a word to her. He pulled her back down onto the bed and started kissing her heavily. A heavy make-out session with a lot of touching. She's nineteen, and he's twenty-two. In terms of age, they are both a.d.u.l.ts. Yet, Setsura still feels very strange about this type of thing. Why does it feel so wrong to her? It feels so wrong, even though they are dating one another.

Something is wrong here. Is it because it's Yang and not Akito? Lately, she keeps comparing the two in her head. Yang is different, broader shoulders, a bit more muscular - but physical appearance aside. Setsura can't differentiate between the love the two have for her. Setsura knew it was cruel to think this way, but she did.

The difference between the two is something she can't dismiss. Or maybe she's just — Setsura shuddered when she felt Yang slowly remove her shirt. "Yang?"

"Setsura, one day, you'll understand why I go this far. When you do, it will all make sense."

One day? Why does he talk this way? Why does he speak like eventually, they will have to say goodbye? "Wait, can't we..take a bath first?" Setsura asked. She knew what he wanted, of course.

"Too bad for you. But I'm not so classy."

Her gaze softens, as several memories appeared in her head. "When I was young, I often ran away because I hated staying at home," Setsura muttered.

She disliked it. Despite having siblings, despite having her father, she would never see them around. It was always her all alone.

Those two had their own responsibilities, so they couldn't be with her always. Yet...back then, wasn't so lonely. Because that person had appeared before her. Her deep thoughts broke when Yang wrapped his cloak around her. Setsura blinked at the action, huh?

Setsura turned to him; he really is acting differently today, and yet there's something about it that seems normal and warm to her.

"To go to the moon, you'll need a lot of research and time."

"Are you doing that sort of research?" Setsura questioned. According to what she remembers about Yang, she got to know. While he was a member of the entertainment industry, he was very clever. He liked sciences and technology.

"Defeating all your enemies is my top priority."

Setsura averted her gaze, that's right. He said it himself, the reason why he connected their fates together in the first place. To get rid of the harm that passed on from that time. Even so, "Researching other things sound better than fighting and creating weapons. Aren't you just wasting your life?"

"Perhaps I am, perhaps I'm not. Nobody can give us that answer."


That expression...

"But, about going to the moon and inventing those things. It will take a long time. I don't know how much things have changed since I last left that place. However, I know technology still has a long way to go. Discovery is thrilling, and the thrill is what motivates individuals. That's how people make their dreams come true," Yang brought his lips on her b.r.e.a.s.ts, "Did you think you could distract me with this talk?"

"I wasn't trying to distract you," Setsura muttered. But Yang didn't believe her. He reassumed his advances on her neck and caressed her b.r.e.a.s.ts.

"Uhh .. Yang."

Whenever they are like this, he doesn't like to talk much. Then again, is there any need for them to talk when they are both a mess? A mess of contradictions in love and these l.u.s.tful actions as a couple. Setsura allowed Yang to do whatever he wanted. Occasionally she would reach out and play with his hair.

After a few minutes, though, the doors slammed open, and one of Yang's subordinates entered. He wore a frantic look on his face. "Boss, uhh. "

"Hah...Setsura," Yang purposely grunted loudly.

She kicked him and pushed him away, Setsura quickly covers herself up with the blanket. "T--they have business with you."

He's so unreasonable; she hates this about him. Why leave the doors unlocked? Yang covered herself up with his robes. "Haven't you heard of knocking?"

"Sorry, boss, but you have a visitor.."

"Who is it?"

"Uhh, it's Chauncey Long."

At that comment, Setsura's eyes widened. That guy? Why would he of all people come this way? Yang wrapped his arms around her waist, "Come with me."

Huh? Yang will take her with him to meet with Chauncey Long? She gave him a blank look, but Yang was already fixing her clothes up. Is this going to be okay? For the two to meet one another? What's more, Chauncey Long is bold, isn't he? How can he casually march up to enemy headquarters like this?

Yang led her outside and was silent for a while. Setsura wondered what he was thinking.

So Setsura broke the silence, "What about my phone?"

"Oh, that's right."

He forgot she was there it? She hears shuffling and assumes he was searching for her phone. " Here's the text message you received then."

Casually going through her messages, well, she supposed she has her hands full over here too check anyway.

"To think such a pointless message disrupted us that time..."

(Hey, it's been a while.

I kept thinking that I should contact you.

But I didn't get round to it until today lol.

I just wanted to ask you if you had any plans for tonight.

- Oslo)

Her eyes widened when she read the contents of the message.

Unbelievable, he hasn't contacted her in such a long time, and she was getting worried about him. But, look how casual his tone is. Oslo told her she could contact him whenever she wanted. However, during the time she was in danger. Setsura didn't hear back from him at all.

"That guy," Yang muttered. "He's the leader, right? The guiding oracle?"

"Apparently so."

"Are you close? He seems dangerous."

Setsura blinked at his words. "Yang?"

"I mean, isn't he the one making things like our phones and other future devices working here? Think for a moment Setsura, why does your phone work here?"

"That's because uh," Setsura didn't have an explanation for it.

"That guys trouble Setsura. He knows too much. Even Cynthia, who calls the guy her master knows better than to cross him. It's strange how Katakura got captured and ended up hurt, causing a delay."

So, he's already met with Katakura and heard the explanation from him. Indeed, if Katakura didn't get hurt and guided her from the beginning. No, even before then - her losing her memories was very suspicious. Her gaze fell back onto the message on her phone. Is he a bad person?

"Setsura, heed my warning," Yang muttered. "Don't contact him again."

"But," Setsura trailed off. "He's the reason.."

"Just don't," Yang snapped. His gaze darkened. "I really do get a bad feeling about him. "What will you do if something bad happens to you?"

'He's so picky and sensitive lately.' Setsura debated about it for a few minutes, before she stood on her tiptoe and kissed him.

"I have you by my side. Can he harm me?" she muttered. "You'll protect me, won't you?"

Yang looked at her with wide eyes before nodding, "I will, you," he trailed off. "...don't usually take the initiative."

Setsura sighed, "I realized something when it comes to men like you."

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