We Will Meet Again

Chapter 290 - It was all a lie

Anybody can say such words; they are just words. Many people can words without meaning. How many people has she met who has said these same words to her? Saying things like this that they wouldn't leave her. That they would remain by her, but the moment she confines in them - they all leave. Liar, liar - you said you'd stay. How many times did she have such thoughts when those people left her? At some point, Setsura grew gradually tired. She grew tired of all of this, all the pain and suffering.

It's so painful, it's so suffocating. Is it really that difficult for her to find happiness? Ever since the day her mother died, Setsura felt that the gap in her heart only grew worse. Before then, it was only fleeting and so very small. But, even then, it hurt a great deal.

It's painful. So painful.

She can still hear those words - the words of all those people who left after they became tired.

'You can tell me anything. I promise I won't judge..'

'I will love everything about you, so you can tell me anything.'

It was all a lie; they all left. All of them couldn't bear with the pressure and the burden. All of them said they preferred the strong her, they only went for her or befriended her because they thought she was strong. Everybody saw her problems as minor and superficial.

They all thought she was making it up. 'You have everything, what do you have to complain about?'

Setsura clearly recalled it, one of the short relationsh.i.p.s she was in before. It was before she dated Yang.

Her last ex was the clean-cut- nice and friendly guy type. He was tall, handsome, and smart. But, they argued a lot. One incident, he went overboard, and it led to their break up.

Year 20XX

"Why are you rechecking my phone?" Setsura snapped, she just left the bathroom only to find him checking her phone.

"My friends said they saw you with a guy at lunch."

"Ah," Setsura trailed off, "I was with him; you already know him, right?" She made sure to introduce the two, so there were no misunderstandings. "He's like a brother to me."

"A brother?" Minato growled, "Then why was he touching your hair? Why was he caressing your face?"

Tsk --- what is he on about now? Sure, that did happen, but, "I have a fever." She was sick, so he checked on her, unlike somebody here who did not notice a thing.

Minato sighed, "You still shouldn't let him touch you so easily," he walked over and brushed his hands across her face. "You're burning up, lay down."

Setsura nodded and made her way over to the bed. Minato loosened his tie, and she flinched. What is he doing?


"Didn't you say you haven't done it with anyone before?"

"Yes, but…"

"Let's do it."

Wait what? Just like that? Is this man crazy? But, the two of them have indeed been discussing this for a while now.

The bed produced sounds of shaking, and Setsura shuddered. She just left the bathroom, so she felt very cold. "Do you not want to?" Minato asked. "I mean, we only had that discussion recently, you know?"

Why is he saying this now? Just a few minutes ago, he was acting oppressive and frightening.

"It's okay; I did my research."


"It is my first time," she muttered.

"That's cute. Just follow my lead," Minato kisses her lips passionately before his lips fell on her neck. He's sucking and licking there with so much passion, that she feels her entire body burn up. "Feeling good?"


So, is this how it feels? To feel pleasured? Setsura still isn't sure about this; she feels very strange.

Minato tugged on the bathrobe covering her body and removed it. "So, this is what you look like... So mesmerizing...."

In the next few minutes, Setsura felt slightly uncomfortable. She's never exposed herself like this in front of another person before. This feels good, right? But she still can't.... Just as she thought that Setsura hears the sound of her phone.

Phone: Sh...

When she saw the caller ID, Setsura immediately picked up the phone, "Hello?" Setsura had to hold back her voice since Minato was licking her in unusual areas.

"Hey, where are you? I have something for you. Can you come out now?"

"I'm...I'm not at home," Setsura muttered. She suddenly feels so scared. What if he found out what she was really doing?"

"Ah, you're in the middle of a date. Sorry for disturbing. When will you finish? I will make sure to get you home."


"What are you doing?" Minato angrily looked up. "Who are you calling?"

"I'm just.."

"Damn, it's that bastard again, isn't it? How do you expect me to trust you if you act like this!" Minato exclaimed. "Switch that dammed phone off right now."

Why is he so snappy? It's so frustrating. "Let me at least say goodbye."

"Setsura? Sorry, is this a bad time?" The voice on the other line said.

"It's okay; you can pick me up later. I'll call you."


At that comment, Minato yanked the phone of her and tossed it on the floor. He grabbed hold of her wrist, "What are you doing? Let me go!" Setsura exclaimed.

"Were already like this, and you agreed. Why are you still thinking of other men?"

"Are you crazy? It was just a call..."

"When we're like this.. "

Setsura bit her lip, alright, so maybe she shouldn't have answered. But, what if it was something important? Maybe even something work-related. "How could you do this to me? I love you so much, Setsura. After this, you won't even think of another guy."

She suddenly felt frightened. What is he going to do? This is so scary...she...she doesn't want this after all. "Please stop, I don't want to anymore."

"You can't just change your mind. Shut up, spread your legs and let me do it already."

No, no, she doesn't want to. Setsura tried to push him away, but she couldn't do so. It was difficult, but even then, she mustered whatever strength she had left to shove him off. It worked, and she scrambled out of bed. She picked up the towel on the side and wrapped it around her again. It was quite loose. However, it still covered her perfectly.

Setsura briefly glanced over at him; he remained still on the ground. But Setsura didn't bother checking on him.

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