We Will Meet Again

Chapter 292 - Should I Let You Go?


Setsura decided to head of to the scene of the crime, while she had the chance to do so. She isn't surprised that Akito followed her either, nor is she angry at him. It's better to have somebody along during these times.

This investigation is supposed to be easy, and yet Setsura understood already. 'The normal cases in this time frame can be brutal.'

Nobody could determine the success rate; This outcome is unpredictable. Setsura clenched her hands tightly, as she looked at the mission statements she held in her hands. She wouldn't let her hands tremble, or rather she isn't alone. What does she have to be afraid of? Besides, it's not like she is alone here. She isn't alone, she was never by herself.



Chauncey Long...and Victor. 



She's met so many people since she came to the Meiji Era, everything has changed so drastically for her. However, no matter how many things change. 'Akito is the first one that comes to mind.' Is it because she met him first? Setsura didn't quite understand it, but there is no doubt that there is an unbreakable bond between them. If only Akito was the same as her lousy ex boyfriends. If he were the same as them, the oppressive, the type she disliked - then..it would be easier for her. But, unfortunately Akito is genuinely a good guy. He cares a lot for her.

She isn't embarrassed that she cried.

After all Akito has already seen many sides of herself that she has not shown to anyone else. Her eyes were still slightly puffy from crying but her usual expression was on her face, as she brewed Akito some coffee. In the end she and Akito stopped by her apartment.

"That mission, take Chauncey Long with you."

Akito laughs,  "My death rate will increase there won't it?"

Setsura shook her head,  "I'm serious."

If it's Chauncey Long, even if he hates Akito; Setsura knew that he would at least ensure he gets to safety even if she ends up injured herself. Chaunceu probably won't sacrifice his life for Hamano. But he would at least ensure he gets out of the way before anything serious happens.

"Yeah I get it. But you know Asuka-chan I'm more worried about Arashi."

"The begeratt case?"

Yang nodded, "No matter what their actions have been to date, I do believe that this case is more complicated than one seems . The whole aiming at those who are close to him first pattern isn't new already. But recently I've seen a pattern in this trend."

"Aiming for you, are they idiots? "

Laughter escaped his lips as he takes the coffee from her hands, "Indeed it's not wise with yoi the way you are is.  Even now I'm important to you right?"

Setsura looked away, "Well, in a sense."

"It's not as obvious as it was before since Yang showed up. But I understand you very well you know."


Three hours later

Yang thought Akito wouldn't appear before Setsura again after what happened. But, it seems like he was wrong. That guy dislikes Chauncey Long too, yet he came here with him. So that means Akito would use any means to see Setsura huh? The meeting with Chauncey Long took him far longer than he thought it would be. It was already morning when he stepped out of that stuffy room. He needed a smoke. 

He thought he would encounter Setsura along the way, but unfortunately he couldn't find the girl. At least for the first three hours he couldn't find a single trace of her. During lunch however, Yang found her. The girl was fast asleep on the couch and Akito too was fast asleep beside her. Setsura stirred awake and glanced over at Akito. A tender expression appeared on her face.

"Come with me outside," Natasha said.

Despite his confusion the red head follows her outside. It's better than staying in there and watching those two; yet as he turned to leave he spotted the girls happy expression. 

As long as Setsura is smiling that has always been enough for him. As long as she happy, as long as your living your life peacefully in a place without fetters then he doesn't have to worry. He may have followed her to this life but he's never once thought of getting together with her; never once has he ever thought of her confessing her feelings to him. 

That's why that day, when she said that, ' I love you. ' Yang couldn't help but restrain himself from holding her in to his arms. Just because"that guy went abroad for awhile didn't mean the two had broke up. Although they girl didn't mention anything at all about Shinji, she couldn't fool him. She didn't ask to go out with him either and merely said those three words. So the 'love' she confessed that day had nothing to do with affections.

Sura. He really loves so very deeply and even now that's the case. He even fell in love with her present self; but once again it appears as though destiny is going to separate us from each other. Once again, we will have no such future together.

For Yang, Kaname Setsura is like a goddess for him.  She not only shone the light in his dark world but she also showed him exactly how beautiful and kind the world actually was. Despite the darkness and corruption of the world; she showed him exactly how beautiful the place was. She showed him that no matter how corrupted the world is there is always a place filled with light. That there is such gentleness and kindness in this world.

His deep thoughts broke of when he spotted Setsura leaving through the doors. Huh?  "And here's your princess."

"Hold on?"

"I'd like to have a proper talk with you one day. But until I've sorted things out with those two properly, it isn't going to happen. That's why until then I'll do what I can to help you out." With those words said the caramel coloured haired girl left the two of them alone.

It's clear that Setsura is nervous, however that's even more so the reason why. He shouldn't let her go now, "Sura."


"That really took me by surprise. I didn't think you'd call me that ever again," the two of them left the hallway and decided to go to the garden.

It was quiet 

Even though she was so nervous just now, she's able to act calm now. Truly in contrast to before, something has changed between them hasn't it? Although he hasn't had many moments with her  "Yang, you told me not too long ago right? To tell you if I end up falling for anyone else."

He did say that. But hold on, is she going to break that sort of news to him now? Can't be, after she and Akito just now seemed so very happy with each other.

"I did."

Don't tell him it's Chauncey Long? She acted strangely when she saw him. Rumor has it that Chauncey Long likes Setsura too.

"But you see, that's impossible after all. Because even if I do fall for him like you say, I'll always love that person more."

Should he be relieved that her feelings towards that guy aren't that strong enough to break her relationship with that person? He is relieved; and yet, "What does that have to do with me?" Yang muttered. Why is she telling him all these things?

"Don't misunderstand my next words okay? I do care a lot about Akito and treasure him a lot. But once I thought about it carefully. Back then and perhaps even now, I care a lot about you also." At that his eyes went wide,  "I slept with you back then due to the contrast yes but thinking about it carefully, contract or not. I wouldn't have been able to do so if I didn't like you at all. So I've been thinking, that perhaps it's the same this time round too and that's why I shouldn't jump into anything."

"My proposal, have you really been thinking about it?"

The others told him; but he can't help but feel uneasy about it.

"Yes. Despite what it seems, maybe it's because of what my brother told me. But either way I've always cared about you and you know that I like you Yang."

He should be happy that she's saying that she likes him. However he knows her better than anyone, his eyes twitched in annoyance,  "You say that to everyone don't you?"

"Of course I do,  I don't have anyone I particularly dislike after all."

Crap, that part of her really does scream her old self.

But that's even more so the reason, Yang reached over and brushed his finger tips over her lips. How many times has he kissed her since they started going out? He's only done it with her twice though. Or is it three times already? Either way, it's still so little.


"Would you prefer it if I gave up on you Sura?"

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