We Will Meet Again

Chapter 304 - For You


XX Manor - 3:00PM

Even when Victor and Katakura appeared. Setsura couldn't help but stare at Akito. She knew she was making it obvious, but she wanted to look at him.

Her attitude or rather her mind set to Akito has changed recently.

Although she argues with him like before something is indeed different now.

Closer, closer. For some reason she wants to get even more closer to this person. Setsura recalled the passionate make out session from earlier and paused. She must be crazy, why did she allow him to do something like that?

Setsura shook the thought out of her mind. No no Setsura snap out of it, she has to focus on work. But still, it was hard not to gazing over at the golden haired boy whom was engaged in conversation with Victor. She can't help but notice him recently, even though Victor is right there. The one she looks at is Akito.

"Setsura-chan, are you listening?" Katakura asked.

"Ah um...."

Katakura chuckles, "Staring at Akito?"

By that point her whole face was completely beat red, "N- No that's not it," Setsura stammered, " I-- just happened to glance over. B--esides Victor in that direction too."

Setsura knew how much of an idiot she sounded right now.

"Is that so?"


Yet the blonde hair boy's expression in front of her didn't waver at a all. A small smile on his face, "Setsura-chan, your too obvious."



She can't say anything against that, since she really was staring at him. She knew her whole face was bright red and she averted her gaze, " Don't tell him I was stating okay?"


Setsura bites her lip, "Because I don't understand it. Recently, since he came back things have been a bit different between us two." That's right, since he got back there was indeed something different. Arguing with him and him laughing away and cracking jokes like before. Yet once in awhile he would get that look on his face; and say strange things. Whenever he does her chest begins to hurt and she finds herself being unable to breathe properly. That sort of feeling really doesn't make sense to her.

"I see now. And do you know why that is?"

Whenever Katakura gets like this, there is no way she could convince him that he's wrong. Yet, easily admitting something like this isn't something she can do. To her surprise the blonde hair boy reached over and pats her hair, " It's alright Setsura-san, to be confused. Setsura, you have always been good looking but right now you look the cutest. Did you know, a girl whose confused on love can truly make the most interesting expressions. The Miya-san right now is very cute. Even if you cannot hope to understand it right away. When you go on your journey you'll be able to figure it out."


On the way back, Setsura's thoughts remained distracted. Thankfully Akito remained behind, it looked to her

Just because it is illogical does not make it wrong, indeed just because it is something that does not make sense does not mean it is wrong. Although society would think so otherwise.

The law has never once protected the people, it was always the other way around. People protect the law. People have always detested evil and sought out a righteous way of living. However, this is according to their beliefs. There are many people who stick with terrible values. Many whose righteous way of living ends up hurting another person.

Their feelings… The acc.u.mulation of those people's feelings are the law. They're neither the provisions nor the system. They are fragile and irreplaceable feelings that everyone carries in their hearts. But, that's what makes everybody human.

The of anger, hatred and jealousy, they are something that can quite easily break down. People have prayed for a better world throughout time. For those prayers to continue to hold meaning, they have to try their best to protect it to the very end. They just can't give up on it. But because there are things that are illogical their are individuals whom do not see the need to pray for a better world. If things are ' perfect' then for sure the world would be a rather dull place.

Still, there are certain limits to everything. Setsura understood that the current situation was not ideal. The events occurring around her, and the decisions she is force to make...

She will find it with her very own hands.

Those words you told her then, even now they remain at the fore front of her heart.

'Staying at that position may mean a lot of hardship... The second I ended up in the top, I realised how different it was . I realised that I couldn't stop for a single moment, that I had to keep on aiming higher and higher. I came to think that it was my duty to bring others together, by remaining at the top. And by the time I came to my senses. It was already too late to back down. But thanks to you I have finally been reminded of my free self.'

'Kaname, I'm sure you can take that dream further then before.'

Why did that person have so much faith in her? Setsura didn't quite understand why. Sighing, Setsura returned back to the room. She didn't want to return back and head home, however Setsura wanted to spend some more time with Akito. Besides, she recalled the conversation she had with Lyra after Katakura told her to run some errands. It seems like everybody is watching over Akito and her right now. They must all be worried.

"I'm back, sorry I'm late. I got dragged around by Lyra--" Setsura said as she opened the room to the meeting room.

When she saw how dark it was already, Setsura up on seeing Akito at all. After all she was to prioritise the council work, it was disappointing. But at least they managed to see each other earlier. Setsura glanced around the room though and was surprised to only find black hair there, " Just you Akito? Where's Katakura?"

Setsura placed her bag down on the side.

He went to a meeting."

"A meeting huh, he's probably patrolling around the grounds. There has been rather disturbing rumours recently. Setsura made her way over to the table, "Really now? So have you thought of anything? "

"Well we got a general idea. But were still stuck on the finer points. I wanted to create a special event like when the others were still here. But somehow I just find it hard to concentrate," Akito said with a sheepish laugh.

"Is something bothering you?"she trails of realising the context of what he just said, " Ah! I know it must be something to do with Katakura isn't it?"

Even though he gave her advice earlier, he still broke it of with a joke that clearly wasn't amusing to her.

"No well. I suppose that's the most logical guess. Well you'll find out soon."

When she heard two rings on the door, Akito stood up, "I'll go get it."

She blinked when she saw how quickly Akito bolted out of the door. He was downstairs in no time, she felt the sound of the door shut.

Setsura had made her way over to the window and spotted brown hair outside. That's Victor isn't it? Since the window was open she could over hear their conversation.

"Thank you for choosing sushikatsu. Here's your order."


"Thanks. Sorry for making you get it for me. They said it would take at least an hour to finish."

"No sweat, I was just scared that we were gonna get caught," Victor said.

Did he order food or something? Still, it's slightly surprising. Akito's behaviour these days is beyond strange. Or maybe this is simply another side of him that

Setsura positioned herself back where she was standing before to make it look like she hadn't been listening in. When the doors opened revealing Akito, "Welcome back, what's in the box?"

"Oh you'll see," he said placing it down on the table.

She raised her eyebrows, 'He's acting so mysterious about it.' Akito's behaviour only made her more suspicious about the contents.

"Can I open it?"she asked, Akito nodded. As she carefully lifted the lid over. If it is food she doesn't want to ruin it, "Let's see..."

To her surprise though, she saw several coloured flowers in an arrangement. Her chocolate brown orbs brightened at the sight, " It's so fragrant. Are we decorating the room with this?"

"No, these are for you miss."

"Eh...?" Setsura looked at him with a confused look in her eyes.

"It's a present for you."

Setsura became even more confused then. Why did he suddenly get her a present? She doesn't understand what is happening at all? Whenever people give her gifts randomly, she ends up questioning their motives. This time around was no exception either. What is Akito trying to right now? But then again, he isn't the type to have ulterior motives when it comes to a gift.

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